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Seeing the futures

James Swaine, Burke Fetscher, Vincent St-Amour, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt
2012 Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Functional high-performance computing - FHPC '12  
That is, Racket programmers are guaranteed that every Racket primitive (and thus all functions built using Racket primitives) will either behave properly, or it will signal an error explaining what went  ...  Overall, our experience with parallelism in Racket is that we can achieve reasonable parallel performance in Racket without sacrificing the most important property of functional programming language implementations  ...  Thanks to Sam Tobin-Hochstadt and the anonymous FHPC 2012 reviewers for their feedback on the paper. This work was partially supported by the NSF.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2364474.2364485 dblp:conf/icfp/SwaineFSFF12 fatcat:fkyuby6fzjfc7dsjfxkc3kibxm

Multiparadigm distributed computing with TPVM

1998 Concurrency Practice and Experience  
The TPVM framework, based on the notion of 'exportable services', is an extension to the PVM message-passing system, but uses threads as units of computing, scheduling, and parallelism.  ...  System implementation as well as applications experiences have been very encouraging, indicating the viability of the proposed models, the feasibility of portable and efficient threads systems for distributed  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported in part by NASA, DoE and NSF under grants NAG 2-828, DE-FG05-91ER25105 and ASC-9214149.  ... 
doi:10.1002/(sici)1096-9128(199803)10:3<199::aid-cpe295>3.0.co;2-h fatcat:ntqxo24w45b27b2apocdc6edzm

Multiparadigm distributed computing with TPVM

1998 Concurrency Practice and Experience  
The TPVM framework, based on the notion of 'exportable services', is an extension to the PVM message-passing system, but uses threads as units of computing, scheduling, and parallelism.  ...  System implementation as well as applications experiences have been very encouraging, indicating the viability of the proposed models, the feasibility of portable and efficient threads systems for distributed  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported in part by NASA, DoE and NSF under grants NAG 2-828, DE-FG05-91ER25105 and ASC-9214149.  ... 
doi:10.1002/(sici)1096-9128(199803)10:3<199::aid-cpe295>3.3.co;2-8 fatcat:v5iuv2iotzfypb2sj26porvugi

SuperGlue: A Shared Memory Framework Using Data Versioning for Dependency-Aware Task-Based Parallelization

Martin Tillenius
2015 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  
This requires communication between cores to be avoided, and that no central information is needed for scheduling. Scheduling decisions should as far as possible be made locally on each thread.  ...  To be practically useful and easy to incorporate in existing solutions, the runtime system is provided as a header-only C++ library and is able to both run on top of OpenMP or to use POSIX threads (Pthreads  ...  Except for that, communication between threads only happens when load balancing is needed (stealing), when tasks on different threads access the same data, or when there is a global barrier.  ... 
doi:10.1137/140989716 fatcat:7cbmoq67rffxbge5ibtygzdv64

An approach for non-intrusively adding malleable fork/join parallelism into ordinary JavaBean compliant applications

Cristian Mateos, Alejandro Zunino, Marcelo Campo
2010 Computer languages, systems & structures  
Motivated by the advent of powerful hardware such as SMP machines and execution environments such as Grids, research in parallel programming has gained much attention within the Distributed Computing community  ...  Experiments performed with several classic CPU-intensive benchmarks and a real-world application confirm that EasyFJP effectively addresses these problems while delivers very competitive performance.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Cristian Clasadonte for his good predisposition and valuable help managing the computing infrastructure used for conducting the experiments described in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cl.2009.12.003 fatcat:235q7ihgpnbdph7ggx4gihgray

Parallel genetic algorithms: advances, computing trends, applications and perspectives

Z. Konfrist
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004. Proceedings.  
As there is no such an overview of the recent period of parallel genetic algorithms, we find our investigation to be important in many aspects. 0-7695-2132-0/04/$17.00 (C) 2004 IEEE  ...  The information is segregated into two periods before and after the year 2000 and in all chapters.  ...  The concept of thread was extended to distributed-memory machines with tools such as Cilk, Charm++/Converse [47] , Athapascan, PM2 or Java threads.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ipdps.2004.1303155 dblp:conf/ipps/Konfrst04 fatcat:x3b5uc2eevbz3mivzb5vprdebm

Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithms [chapter]

Teodor Gabriel Crainic, Bertrand Le Cun, Catherine Roucairol
Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing  
The implementation is based on using a light-weight process (thread) and one-side communication (active message). In the context of B&B, an Athapascan task is a subproblem.  ...  For example, Bob has been ported on PVM (29), MPI, PM 2 (30), Charm++ (31), Athapascan (32), POSIX threads, using shared memory machines, and then using distributed machines.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9780470053928.ch1 fatcat:7fg7r5rifrhbflvio76qid3u5a