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Association rule hiding

V.S. Verykios, A.K. Elmagarmid, E. Bertino, Y. Saygin, E. Dasseni
2004 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
Index Terms-Privacy preserving data mining, association rule mining, sensitive rule hiding. ae 434  ...  In particular, we present three strategies and five algorithms for hiding a group of association rules, which is characterized as sensitive.  ...  We hide only rules that are supported by disjoint large itemsets. 2. We hide association rules by decreasing either their support or their confidence. 3.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tkde.2004.1269668 fatcat:6fqipaa535dnriilo7ugy6vide

Association Rule Hiding using Hash Tree

Garvit Khurana
2019 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
As extensive chronicles of information contain classified rules that must be protected before distributed, association rule hiding winds up one of basic privacy preserving data mining issues.  ...  Information sharing between two associations is ordinary in various application zones for instance business planning or marketing.  ...  AGARWAL spoke to interested association rules among the diverse datasets.  ... 
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd23037 fatcat:h24puehtyjd67ifpxh7x3de5v4

K-anonymous association rule hiding

Zutao Zhu, Wenliang Du
2010 Proceedings of the 5th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security - ASIACCS '10  
We give a detailed analysis of the attack and propose a novel association rule hiding metric, K-anonymous.  ...  Based on the K-anonymous metric, we present a framework to hide a group of sensitive association rules while it is guaranteed that the hidden rules are mixed with at least other K-1 rules in the specific  ...  [5] first studied the problem of hiding association rules.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1755688.1755726 dblp:conf/ccs/ZhuD10 fatcat:llyzzq3mhbghxno7ijglpnywke

Hiding Sensitive Association Rules on Stars

Shyue-Liang Wang, Tzung-Pei Hong, Yu-Chuan Tsai, Hung-Yu Kao
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing  
This work presents a novel algorithm for hiding sensitive association rules in data warehouses.  ...  Current technology for association rules hiding mostly applies to data stored in a single transaction table.  ...  A classic example of such technique is association rule hiding, in which some of the association rules are suppressed in order to preserve privacy.  ... 
doi:10.1109/grc.2010.123 dblp:conf/grc/WangHTK10 fatcat:weazepp5pjblrexm4k7uxs4whu

Efficient Association Rules Hiding Using Genetic Algorithms

Naadiya Khuda Bux, Mingming Lu, Jianxin Wang, Saajid Hussain, Yazan Aljeroudi
2018 Symmetry  
Sensitive association rules hiding (SARH) is an important goal of privacy protection algorithms.  ...  Various approaches and algorithms have been developed for sensitive association rules hiding, differentiated according to their hiding performance through utility preservation, prevention of ghost rules  ...  Association rule hiding (ARH) is a data mining technique used to preserve sensitive association rules.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym10110576 fatcat:e4fl6x5m6fd2lhp2jl4bihj2na

A Survey on Association Rule Hiding Methods

Khyati B.Jadav, Jignesh Vania, Dhiren R. Patel
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
To address this problem, Privacy Preservation Data Mining (PPDM) include association rule hiding method to protect privacy of sensitive data against association rule mining.  ...  In this paper, we survey existing approaches to association rule hiding, along with some open challenges. We have also summarized few of the recent evolution.  ...  ASSOCIATION RULE HIDING APPROACHES Sensitive association rule hiding is a subfield of Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM).  ... 
doi:10.5120/14177-2357 fatcat:n4wm4rofpzcuhl4sdm3uhbtdbi

Association Rule Hiding Based on Intersection Lattice

Hai Quoc Le, Somjit Arch-int, Ngamnij Arch-int
2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
The aim of association rule hiding is to remove sensitive association rules from the released database such that side effects are reduced as low as possible.  ...  Association rule hiding has been playing a vital role in sensitive knowledge preservation when sharing data between enterprises.  ...  Association rule hiding is an efficient solution that removes the sensitive association rules from the released database.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/210405 fatcat:eiiaxcez5vcrdn4wxkuo4jludu

Hide Association Rules with Fewer Side Effects

Peng CHENG, Ivan LEE, Jeng-Shyang PAN, Chun-Wei LIN, John F. RODDICK
2015 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
Association rule hiding refers to sanitize a database so that certain sensitive association rules cannot be mined out in the released database.  ...  In this study, we proposed a new method which hides sensitive rules by removing some items in a database to reduce the support or confidence levels of sensitive rules below specified thresholds.  ...  The transformation process from the original database into a released one to hide sensitive rules is termed as association rule hiding or data sanitization.  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.2014edp7345 fatcat:s3hg4nhi5becrpycvsipwlwtdq

Hiding Sensitive Association Rule Using Heuristic Approach

Kasthuri S, Meyyappan T
2013 International Journal of Data Mining & Knowledge Management Process  
Association rule hiding is one of the techniques of privacy preserving data mining to protect the sensitive association rules generated by association rule mining.  ...  This paper adopts heuristic approach for hiding sensitive association rules. The proposed technique makes the representative rules and hides the sensitive rules.  ...  Association rule hiding is one of the privacy preserving techniques to hide sensitive association rules.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijdkp.2013.3105 fatcat:4ya34gm5tfcobk3upkxgala72q

A Novel Algorithm for Association Rule Hiding

T.Satyanarayana Murthy, N.P. Gopalan
2018 International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business  
Association rule hiding is a solution to these privacy issue, which focuses on hiding the sensitive information produces from online departmental stores ,face book datasets etc..These techniques are used  ...  This paper propose two novel algorithm that uses the properties from genetic algorithm and water marking algorithm for better way of hiding the sensitive association rules.  ...  Instead of Aprior Algorithm using the Association rule hiding algorithm generates a Sanitized Dataset. DSRRC approach cannot handle ,hiding association rules with multiple items in.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijieeb.2018.03.06 fatcat:7d3iwesrb5elnazcqvst45go7i

Association rule hiding using cuckoo optimization algorithm

Mahtab Hossein Afshari, Mohammad Naderi Dehkordi, Mehdi Akbari
2016 Expert systems with applications  
One of the techniques in this field is the Privacy Preserving Association Rule Mining which aims to hide sensitive association rules.  ...  In this paper, a new and efficient approach has been introduced which benefits from the cuckoo optimization algorithm for the sensitive association rules hiding (COA4ARH).  ...  In Section 3 , the problem of hiding sensitive association rules are clearly explained.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2016.08.005 fatcat:gtsmwfu6cfeitgllm5engbc5rm

Association rule hiding using integer linear programming

Suma B., Shobha G.
2021 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)  
Hence, association rule hiding emerged as one of the powerful techniques for hiding sensitive knowledge that exists in data before it is published.  ...  In this paper, we present a constraint-based optimization approach for hiding a set of sensitive association rules, using a well-structured integer linear program formulation.  ...  Sensitive rules are strong association rules that the data owner wants to hide. The association rule hiding problem aims to restrict theses sensitive rules from being disclosed.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v11i4.pp3451-3458 fatcat:onlp2lj375gsphdcgrzr32xx2m

Distortion Technique for Hiding Sensitive Association Rules

K. Srinivasa Rao, CH. Suresh Babu, A. Damodaram, Tai-hoon Kim
2014 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering  
Association rule hiding is one of the techniques of privacy preserving data mining to protect the association rules generated by association rule mining.  ...  This paper adopts data distortion technique for hiding sensitive association rules.  ...  Hiding of association rules that expose the sensitive part of the data, researchers are bound to modify the data value(s) and relationships (Association Rules) because association amongst the data is what  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijmue.2014.9.10.06 fatcat:yyqnjxnlsveundojergqhhzhta

A Hybrid Algorithm for Association Rule Hiding using Representative Rule

Vikram Garg, Anju Singh, Divakar Singh
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Association rule hiding is one of the PPDM techniques to protect the sensitive association rule generated by Association rule mining (ARM).  ...  The proposed approach uses the concept of Representative Rule (RR) which is used to prune the number of association rule.  ...  Association rule hiding (ARH) is the PPDM technique used for hiding the sensitive association rule.  ... 
doi:10.5120/17033-7334 fatcat:tnnp4xrltjf4pcopax2q3b5u6i

A new approach for sensitive association rules hiding

Mohammad Naderi Dehkordi, Kambiz Badie, Ahmad Khadem Zadeh
2009 International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing  
Efforts have been made for efficient hiding of sensitive association rules, but these techniques do not consider the consequences such as loss of information, lost rules and increase in ghost rules production  ...  In this paper, we propose improved genetic algorithm architecture with a new fitness function for hiding sensitive rules by reducing loss of information, lost rules and generation of ghost rules.  ...  [16] proposed a novel algorithm called removing) for hiding sensitive association rules. FHSAR, for fast hiding sensitive association rules.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijrapidm.2009.029379 fatcat:nq2hbj7utzffxl5ktk4zncd3zq
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