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Artificial Olfactory Brain for Mixture Identification

Mehmet K. Muezzinoglu, Alexander Vergara, Ramón Huerta, Thomas Nowotny, Nikolai F. Rulkov, Henry D. I. Abarbanel, Allen I. Selverston, Mikhail I. Rabinovich
2008 Neural Information Processing Systems  
Therefore, the olfactory code at the sensor/receptor level is in general a slow and highly variable indicator of the input odor in both natural and artificial situations.  ...  Among them, we consider here the discrimination of odor mixtures from pure odors.  ...  For the mixture identification problem of this study, we consider a network with N E = N I = 75 and g E inp = g I inp = 10 −2 .  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/MuezzinogluVHNRASR08 fatcat:ypf4azv3ybh3zjivb5l7v7fuxq


Dewanand A. Meshram, Dipti D. Patil
2021 Information Technology in Industry  
This paper focuses on the behavior of odors and its digital representation techniques for olfactory features.  ...  Artificial intelligence is used to predict the molecule of smell by applying neural network.  ...  [3, 7, 12] VOC: volatile organic compound is a mixture of gases interacts with olfactory epithelium with the intention of stimulate the mammalian brains of smell.  ... 
doi:10.17762/itii.v9i1.131 fatcat:nzchuvivgbdafjhorzzivvaqky

Quality Control of Coffee Using an Electronic Nose System

Nidal F. Shilbayeh, Mahmoud Z. Iskandara
2004 American Journal of Applied Sciences  
An electronic nose system for quality control of coffee is designed and tested. The system uses the Figaro TGS800 series sensors with an integrated heating element.  ...  olfactory cortex in the brain [8, 9] .  ...  There are no individual olfactory receptors or portions of the brain that recognize specific odors. It is the brain that associates the collection of olfactory signals with the odor.  ... 
doi:10.3844/ajassp.2004.129.135 fatcat:xk5hdkl4xbabxefuvqkb3k3roe

An Artificial Neural Networks-Based on-Line Monitoring Odor Sensing System

Yousif Al-Bastaki
2009 Journal of Computer Science  
Problem statement: There have been many works for odor recognition using different sensor arrays and pattern recognition techniques in last decades.  ...  Approach: Although an odor is usually recorded utilizing language expression, it is too difficult for laymen to associate actual odor with that expression.  ...  The olfactory information is processed in both the olfactory bulb and in the olfactory cortex. Figure 1 shows the main information processing structures within the brain.  ... 
doi:10.3844/jcssp.2009.878.882 fatcat:evtvcdzta5bm3eby4zc2q2m2je

Characteristic component odors emerge from mixtures after selective adaptation

Holly F. Goyert, Marion E. Frank, Janneane F. Gent, Thomas P. Hettinger
2007 Brain Research Bulletin  
Characteristic component odors, lost in mixtures, were identifiable after presenting other mixture constituents for a few seconds.  ...  In the present study we demonstrate that selective adaptation can improve component identification.  ...  Bartoshuk We presented a poster on this work at the Association for Chemoreception Sciences Meeting in Sarasota FL on April 16, 2005.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.brainresbull.2006.12.010 pmid:17303501 pmcid:PMC1913636 fatcat:vrv4asfzuffupb7brkyd66ojdi

Bio-inspired approaches for explosives detection

Tomasz Wasilewski, Jacek Gębicki, Wojciech Kamysz
2021 TrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry  
A summary of the strategies inspired by biological olfactory systems should facilitate the approach to the problem of artificial instruments design and to development of the strategy aimed at analysis  ...  Presented review is focused on the biomimetic devices, which mimic the sense of smell in a direct way and which are the inspiration to design the devices used for detection of the explosives.  ...  Identification of particular components of the mixture by humans is very troublesome and calls for a time-consuming training.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.trac.2021.116330 fatcat:idpgeccwungp7gjxbakmwf3tc4

Integration of olfactory information in the Colorado potato beetle brain

R. De Jong, J.H. Visser
1988 Brain Research  
Their different responses to a potato leaf extract suggest two channels for the processing of olfactory information in the antennai lobe: one channel for the detection ¢f the presence of green leaf odour  ...  The processing of olfactory information in the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, was studied by recording responses of olfactory neurones intracellularly in the deutocerebrum.  ...  This part of the insect brain is the first relay station in the olfactory pathway.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0006-8993(88)90960-2 pmid:3382944 fatcat:sqrw3tock5dzhl7f4dms7hhema

Toward Nanometer-Scale Sensing Systems: Natural and Artificial Noses as Models for Ultra-Small, Ultra-Dense Sensing Systems [chapter]

Brigitte M. Rolfe
2007 Advances in Computers  
This paper concludes by presenting for consideration a proposal for an electronic nose composed of nanowire sensors. v  ...  The sensory signals so generated are identified by the brain using a spatio-temporal coding scheme.  ...  Carl Picconatto of the MITRE Nanosystems Group for their technical guidance and helpful comments, as well as their encouragement during the writing of this report.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0065-2458(06)71003-8 fatcat:qno7eyo3o5em5iun6nwfiejzsi

Olfactory bulb volume and cortical thickness evolve during sommelier training

Gözde Filiz, Daphnée Poupon, Sarah Banks, Pauline Fernandez, Johannes Frasnelli
2022 Human Brain Mapping  
Brain plasticity is essential for experts to acquire the abilities they need.  ...  Sommeliers are olfaction experts who display differences in olfactory regions in the brain that correlate with greater olfactory abilities.  ...  We have shown that other tasks may be better suited to distinguish between individuals with normal olfactory function and olfactory specialists, for example, the identification of components within a mixture  ... 
doi:10.1002/hbm.25809 pmid:35218277 pmcid:PMC9057095 fatcat:5m43qvezlnenzjtmn2razi4gw4

The perception of odor objects in everyday life: a review on the processing of odor mixtures

Thierry Thomas-Danguin, Charlotte Sinding, Sébastien Romagny, Fouzia El Mountassir, Boriana Atanasova, Elodie Le Berre, Anne-Marie Le Bon, Gérard Coureaud
2014 Frontiers in Psychology  
Finally, this review highlights that the study of odor mixtures is an original window allowing for the investigation of daily olfaction and emphasizes the need for knowledge about the underlying biological  ...  Such processing allows for the instantaneous recognition and categorization of smells and also for the discrimination of odors among others to extract relevant information and to adapt efficiently in different  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to acknowledge support from the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA); the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS); the Burgundy Regional council; the  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00504 pmid:24917831 pmcid:PMC4040494 fatcat:3uzshgz67vdgrchg2tthhjom3a

Representation of Odor Information in the Olfactory System: From Biology to an Artificial Nose [chapter]

John S. Kauer, Joel White
2003 Sensors and Sensing in Biology and Engineering  
The response matrix for each odorant or mixture of odorants is then stored in memory. - Figure 6 near here -As used for a real-world odor detection/identification task, the device is 'trained' by storing  ...  We thus had the basis for a simple 'artificial olfactory system'.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-6025-1_22 fatcat:beadxhtsinhfhdsii4mwgt6xdq

Receptor arrays optimized for natural odor statistics

David Zwicker, Arvind Murugan, Michael P. Brenner
2016 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
It is unclear how the numerous odorant molecules and their possible mixtures are discriminated by relatively few olfactory receptors.  ...  Our work can thus be used to better understand natural olfaction and it also suggests ways to improve artificial sensor arrays.  ...  Murthy, and Michael Tikhonov for helpful discussions and a critical reading of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.1600357113 pmid:27102871 pmcid:PMC4878513 fatcat:zzwtvbxegjaeforumwahu6robi

Mimicking Biological Design and Computing Principles in Artificial Olfaction

Baranidharan Raman, Mark Stopfer, Steve Semancik
2011 ACS Chemical Neuroscience  
This suggests that the iterative process of evolution converged to a common set of design and computing rules for the purpose of odor recognition. 2 Artificial systems for noninvasive chemical sensing,  ...  the purpose of artificial olfaction.  ...  Building blocks for a biologically-inspired architecture for artificial machine olfaction.  ... 
doi:10.1021/cn200027r pmid:22081790 pmcid:PMC3212736 fatcat:ir7rrhmp6ff4jhfeuy5aklzk5u

Chemical Senses- Smell and Olfaction

Mioara Decusara, Aureliana Caraiane, Luana Andreea Macovei, Mariana Ilie, Sergiu Ciprian Focsaneanu, Antonela Magdalena Covaci, Magdalena Rusu Negraia, Gheorghe Raftu
2018 Revista de Chimie  
The mucosa of most of the nasal cavity has no olfactory function.  ...  The olfactory receptors are found in the nasal mucosa in a reduced region - the olfactory area, represented by the walls of a narrow niche formed by the upper nasal cornet, the upper septum and the roof  ...  The substance is dangerous for aquatic organisms. Avoid product spreading in water, in sewage systems. Vapors are lighter than air and may form explosive mixtures with it.  ... 
doi:10.37358/rc.18.4.6254 fatcat:r46r5ke6njga3nkbouxnn23lau

Learning from spiny lobsters about chemosensory coding of mixtures

Charles D. Derby
2000 Physiology and Behavior  
Analysis of distributed codes for a series of blend ratios of binary mixtures reveals that the qualities of individual compounds are probably not lost when mixed.  ...  The RNs probably encode information about the quality of mixtures as a distributed or population code, providing a basis for behavioral discrimination of natural food stimuli.  ...  Acknowledgments I thank the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, The Whitehall Foundation, and the Georgia Research Alliance for grant support for this work, especially my current  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0031-9384(00)00202-x pmid:10854930 fatcat:j7rrctjt4nhcljb5bm32nm6km4
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