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Are all the frames equally important? [article]

Oleksii Sidorov, Marius Pedersen, Nam Wook Kim, Sumit Shekhar
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Unlike the conventional spatial saliency which defines the location of the salient regions within a frame (as it is done for still images), temporal saliency considers importance of a frame as a whole  ...  As a result, we show that qualitatively, the produced scores have very explicit meaning of the semantic changes in a frame, while quantitatively being highly correlated between all the observers.  ...  Observers deblur the frames they are interested in the most, whereas the total amount of clicks defines the saliency score of a frame. • Type B, "spatial information only" (Fig. 1b) : all frames are blurred  ... 
arXiv:1905.07984v1 fatcat:4r6sctoepzez5ln23ft2tslkim

All Frames Created Equal Are Not Identical: On the Structure of Kahneman and Tversky's Framing Effects

Dorian Jullien
2016 Œconomia  
In all of their lotteries, all gains and losses are so with respect to zero, regardless of the framings.  ...  Levin et al. (1998) distinguished three main types of framing effects within the broad class of "valence framing" inspired by Kahneman and Tversky to argue that "All frames are not created equal" (their  ... 
doi:10.4000/oeconomia.2364 fatcat:4xf22mdkdba4nbzcpl6nayidqe


1920 Medical Journal of Australia  
Computation of many indices shows that for all values ordinarily met with, the actual converging power in degrees equals the convergence index plus 3°.  ...  ., equals the distance of the convergence near points from the in- ter-central base line—that is, the line joining the centres of relation of the two eyes.  ... 
doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1920.tb52652.x fatcat:tgyfk425ybaytmthazxqazrw4e

Important Notice

1856 Scientific American  
Remember that all business committed to our care, and all consultations are kept by us secret and strictly confidentiaL Parties writing to apply for patents are informed ,that they can have the necessary  ...  Our patent3 are scattered all over the country, and in this respect they speak for themselves.  ...  .: I do not claim a circle dress or curved fur· rows. the radii of which are equal to the radius of the stone or thereabouts. nor yet the straight tangential fur· rows. of themselves or apart from their  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican10181856-42 fatcat:qsoitnp2jrccdi7vc6oqb4ojxi

Important Invention

1847 Scientific American  
of air"and at the same time causes it to be dif fused equally and regularly over the inner sur lace of the flame; and the outer current is ad justed by means of a coni�al glass chimney.  ...  going and the safety val ve constantly upon the wear, or have a person to watch it all the tim e. been on horizontal motions, while the vertical motion,-which is in most general use,-has been comp aratively  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican05151847-268f fatcat:kod34dudmrewbkfeeemuxomaou

Important to Inventors

1853 Scientific American  
Important to Inventors. supposed to be oscillating in the direction of In consequence of the cramped condition of the arrow, fig. 3 , the piston having just arrived the Patent Office, the Commissioner  ...  brush, preserves enters the groove or guide, it thus transmits and beautifi es the teeth; it extirpates all tarta motion to the valve, as the cylinder oscillates. rous adhesion, arrests decay, induces  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican11191853-73a fatcat:7gsayyun5vhezbblgv3ew52b6y

Important Notice

1856 Scientific American  
OWIl l g to the fact that the amount of busineS>1 done by us equals. if it does not exceed. that of all other profel;sional patent agents in the United States combined.  ...  Reme, mbe)' that all business committed to our care, and all "ollSultariom are kept by us secret and strictly confi dential.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican12271856-122 fatcat:l4xo3nn3vzf2jgz2lmrswdvzhq


1919 Medical Journal of Australia  
The recognition of paranoia of persecutory type is important, not from its frequency, but from the fact that such persons arc often very dangerous, homici- dal in facet ; and they are the more dangerous  ...  The actions of a person in a frame of mind as is here indicated are a surer guide than his conversation as to mental unsoundness, for he usually, at this time, keeps a check on his words.  ... 
doi:10.5694/j.1326-5377.1919.tb52413.x fatcat:ftiqpaxc3nhwragmevncahomgy

Important Items

1855 Scientific American  
IMPORTANT TO I EN'r RS.-MESSRS.  ...  A new work pre senting all the terms used in science and art. The terms are first given in French, then in English and German.  ...  The Engine may be moved by a team on any road. Made only by the inventor, S.-E. Corner of 15th and Hamilton streets, Philadelphia. Pa.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01131855-143 fatcat:4qktbiy5rfgp3nuxyb3xurlx64

Important Notice

1857 Scientific American  
he endsof the saWJ are a�tached t) pa. alld leverJ, the axtu of which ar� placed in an oscillating frame. the journals of it being fitted in a swingin;r frame. and the levers are so arranged ar.id combined  ...  , E E, when the axej o{ 8:.dd jever.� are fitted. in alJ o, .. rillating frame,V. thH jt)urLaJs of wUch are fit ed ill !'  ...  operationi'l . while, at the S30me time, parts are few. and not liable to get out of order] COUNTING MAC HUEs-James A.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01031857-130 fatcat:hdtkbsvz7jej3j6n4y7e5kiov4

Important Items

1855 Scientific American  
[It is important that all who reside out of the States should remember to send 25 cents additional to the published rates for eaC'. h yearly subscriber-that amount we are obliged to pre-pay onpostage.]  ...  These Tools are of l'l llperior quality. and are fhr sale low Co.'� New Haven. Conn. 40 tf II AR1H!ii ON'S GRAIN MILLS-I.ate,t Patent. $1000 rcward offered by the patentee for their equal.  ...  :e� 0� g � n p����i worked well & did not interfere with the uperation of the the,pa � �ntability of inventions placed before us for ex-200 6th Avenue. Profesmlr Vergnes discovered. llome Ca!les.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican09011855-407a fatcat:2xi4zve4dvf3viembezgbf7swu

Important Items

1857 Scientific American  
All the back num bers previous to N q. 27 are entirely exhausted.  ...  Nitrate of copper and muriate ofiron, in equal quantities. are sometimes em· ployed in place of the dilute nitric acid. ..  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican05301857-303a fatcat:rzvf265zbraapntjkjrg245p6u

Important Items

1857 Scientific American  
[It is important that all who reside out of the States should remember to send 25 cents additional to the published rates fer each yearly subscriber -that amount we are obliged to pre· pay on postage.]  ...  , they are inlormed that all inventions pat ented through our establishment. are noticed, at the prop " h7M, in the SC1ENTIJ"IC AMERICAN.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01171857-151a fatcat:z3ucswy3snci7nqnvsysyatgke

Important Items

1855 Scientific American  
tinue to offer their services to all who may desire to se ing the North Pole. As we are not acquainted with your cure Patents at home or abroad. H. S., of Pa.  ...  -We are obliged to you for the interest you are continually manifesting towards the SCIENTIFIO AMERICAN.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican07211855-359a fatcat:qr2xabyn3zeutnfhlta33n37bq

Important Items

1856 Scientific American  
A. & Co .. have on sale all the important EnglishEngineer· ing Work.. � 3t IMPORTANT TO INVENT· ORS. An able corps of li�ngineers. Examiners.  ...  \vhose papers were prepared at this Olfice, and on an average fifteen, or oue.thi,·d of all the Patents issued each week. are on cases which are prepared at our Agency. office. from 9 A.  ... 
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican01261856-159a fatcat:x5zjwpfjxrcitd7mejx4dlr63m
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