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Don't stop me now: Managed fence gaps could allow migratory ungulates to track dynamic resources and reduce fence related energy loss

Robert Hering, Morgan Hauptfleisch, Mark Jago, Taylor Smith, Stephanie Kramer-Schadt, Jonas Stiegler, Niels Blaum
2022 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution  
Consequently, wildlife-fence interactions are frequent and often result in perforations of the fence, mainly caused by elephants.  ...  Yet, we lack knowledge about at which times fences act as barriers, how fences directly alter the energy expenditure of native herbivores, and what the consequences of impermeability are.  ...  McInturff who provided us with further information on his fence ecology paper.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.907079 fatcat:atqdpb4ngrc6hayffpzra7flzq

Reading the Entrails: The Extractive Work of a Fence

Sue Hall Pyke
2021 Genealogy  
In all this, there is me, telling tales, like settler writers before me, caught in the writing act, exposed as a fence, dealing in stolen goods, part of the ongoing posts of making up and wires of making  ...  I trace my family's part in the cattle industry imposed upon Jiman Country and Wulli Wulli Country, drawing on stories populated with the hooves of cattle, the flight of emus, and the stare of a goanna  ...  the writing of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.3390/genealogy5040087 fatcat:j6n4uxaq5rc3zlhoazawwnpr34

An ecology of difference: fence-line contrast photographs as scientific models in ecology

Eirin Hongslo
2015 Journal of Political Ecology  
This article is a study of the use of photographs in scientific articles on dryland ecology, and investigates the functions of photographs.  ...  Contrary to the straightforward manner in which they are presented, photographs are not value-free documentary proofs of 'how things are.' Rather, photographs constitute arguments in their own right.  ...  Rather, it is at a connotative level that the meaning of a photograph is most significant: the areas are different because the area on one side of the fence is mismanaged, while the area on the other side  ... 
doi:10.2458/v22i1.21112 fatcat:33xhfxw35fhmfcvjn62xpneyfi

Economics of Variable Renewable Sources for Electric Power Production

Mohamed EL-Shimy
2018 Figshare  
Economics of Variable Renewable Sources for Electric Power Production  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) for providing solar datasets on public domains which made this solar energy assessment possible.  ...  Accessibility to urban green spaces are more related to ease of access by proximity and no physical barriers, transportation, open fences an early hour, accessibility to disable people, information on  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6168899 fatcat:cqvt4mtr3vdt5joqxdqu7wryk4

Study of microClimate Characteristic in Tamansari Yogyakarta as a Heritage Tourism Area

Christian Nindyaputra Octarino, Patricia Pahlevi Noviandri
2021 Jurnal arsitektur dan perencanaan  
One of the uniqueness of the city of Yogyakarta is the royal system that has been part of the government until this day.  ...  As one of the main destinations for tourists, it is important to note how the performance of the space formed in providing comfort for visitors.  ...  Zone 3 does not have trees as big as the trees of zone 1, only medium-sized trees and some potted plants. However, this area feels greener because of the grass as surface material.  ... 
doi:10.31101/juara.v4i1.1470 fatcat:4duzn2vaabfrvoyxr5pogrvjre

The Lake Regions of Central Equatorial Africa, with Notices of the Lunar Mountains and the Sources of the White Nile; Being the Results of an Expedition Undertaken under the Patronage of Her Majesty's Government and the Royal Geographical Society of London, in the Years 1857-1859

Richard F. Burton
1859 Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London  
, whose only varieties are green, greener, and greenest.  ...  not built round, is completely closed by a liwan a fence of small tree-trunks or reeds.  ...  The central space upon which the boothies operl is occupied by one or more huts preserved for the chieS of the party; and the outer circle is a loose fence of thorn oranches, flimsy, yet impassable to  ... 
doi:10.2307/1798278 fatcat:2xkufpulw5crdkzdfhseghn2cq


2014 Oryx  
Contributions from authoritative published sources (including web sites) are always welcome.  ...  They plant dried-out tree limbs of African myrrh, which come into leaf when the rains come and are then joined together by a chain-link fence to form a barrier.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0030605314000660 fatcat:3ynzzgivdnd6tfq4tjavikp72i

Fodder bank establishment and management for dry season maintenance of small scale livestock industry: A review

H. I. Kubkomawa, A. M. Kenneth–Chukwu, J. L. Krumah, I. N. Yerima, Z. Audu, W. D. Nafarnda
2020 Nigerian Journal of Animal Production  
Fodder banking involves fencing, planting, concentrating, storing and reserving of forage legumes in hays and silos to which concentrates, mineral and vitamin premixes are added.  ...  The objective of this study therefore, was to review fodder bank establishment and management for dry season supplementary feeding of livestock.  ...  Producers' decisions on how much labour and capital to allocate to fodder banks will determine the area of land that can be used, the method of land preparation and other inputs affecting the productivity  ... 
doi:10.51791/njap.v46i4.293 fatcat:rhi5bxo4o5dite3l6z72yoawm4

Lines across the landscape: history, impact and heritage of Australian rural fences

John Pickard
Rabbit-proof fences and government-funded barrier fences in Victoria and NSW are documented in detail. Fences both impact on the environment and indicate environmental change.  ...  The history of technological changes from shepherding to modern fences is described with many examples including railway and vermin fences.  ...  I examined fences in south-west USA in 1993 during a sabbatical from the Graduate School of the Environment, Macquarie University.  ... 
doi:10.25949/19432097.v1 fatcat:ypex6rnczbfydbfjasebycyvm4

How Well Do Change Sequences Predict Defects? Sequence Learning from Software Changes

Ming Wen, Rongxin Wu, S.C. Cheung
2018 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering  
Our evaluations on 10 open source projects show that FENCES can predict defects with high performance.  ...  The improvements vary from 31.6% to 46.8% on average. In terms of AUC, FENCES achieves an average value of 0.892, and the improvements over baselines vary from 4.2% to 16.1%.  ...  ., Naive Bayes, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression and so on), which assume features are characterized by vectors of the same length.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tse.2018.2876256 fatcat:of7fmj7565fctldzykcv242ezq

Sustainable intensification in agricultural systems

Jules Pretty, Zareen Pervez Bharucha
2014 Annals of Botany  
Emergent criticisms are highlighted, and the positive impacts of SI on food outputs and renewable capital assets detailed.  ...  It concludes with observations on policies and incentives necessary for the wider adoption of SI, and indicates how SI could both promote transitions towards greener economies as well as benefit from progress  ...  However, even the openness of SI throws some difficult questions into relief. Defining 'sustainability' has always been hard.  ... 
doi:10.1093/aob/mcu205 pmid:25351192 pmcid:PMC4649696 fatcat:xik2ar4jefbbxj3oraihvr5eua

Behavior and color changes of tree frogs

Charles W. Hargitt
1912 Journal of Animal Behavior  
Of three specimens two were in open sunlight, and one in shade under large tree, and all very light whitish in color, with the pigment pattern sharply defined.  ...  Of course, tree frogs as affording some of the best illustrations of this phenomenon are no exception to this matter.  ... 
doi:10.1037/h0075772 fatcat:rlkdrvnjnrgidmkekts5bev4za

Nature-based solutions [chapter]

Jakub Kronenberg
2016 EkoMiasto#Środowisko. Zrównoważony, inteligentny i partycypacyjny rozwój miasta  
Apart from the above essential dependence, nature has always served as a source of inspiration and ideas which were then used by people for their benefit.  ...  One of the side effects of developing grey infrastructure is sealing of urban surfaces, which affects microclimate and especially temperatures, leading to the so-called urban heat island effect.  ... 
doi:10.18778/7969-576-8.11 fatcat:tddunkjsdbdjrmlgotj3fbkeja

Restoration Ecology in an Urbanizing World [chapter]

Steven N. Handel, Osamu Saito, Kazuhiko Takeuchi
2013 Urbanization, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Challenges and Opportunities  
This fragmentation constrains the quality of natural communities that are pragmatic ecological targets.  ...  Urban sites available for restoration ecology progress are usually small, surrounded by urban infrastructure, and isolated one from another.  ...  the original author(s) and source are credited.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-007-7088-1_31 fatcat:zkptc6pqzncpjjw27wiic2owie

The development of the building envelope using Welsh-grown timber: a study through prototyping

Steven Coombs
2018 Journal of Architecture  
Acknowledgements This research would not have been possible without the support, guidance and assistance of others.  ...  Openings for windows and doors are integrated into the panels allowing quick and easy erection on site. 33 • Open panel -skeletal frame enclosed on one side, produced in a factory in panels and delivered  ...  Trees towards the edge of a forest, or isolated, are likely to be vulnerable to exposure and will typically be shorter with curved trunks and/ or with the majority of branches on one side leading to eccentric  ... 
doi:10.1080/13602365.2018.1424394 fatcat:nfdfojuztzfdlcsxlox7wm6lqm
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