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Data Reduction in Low Powered Wireless Sensor Networks [chapter]

Qutub Ali, Kia Makki, Niki Pissinou
2012 Wireless Sensor Networks - Technology and Applications  
Approximate replication of data Chris Olston in his PhD dissertation [17] proposed a data reduction method that operates on approximations of the sensor data distributions.  ...  Conclusion This Chapter provides an overview of the data reduction systems that have been proposed in the last decade for Wireless Sensor Networks.  ... 
doi:10.5772/50178 fatcat:6fkriiahqvct7oheihk6mf2qvm

Distributed Database Management Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks

Ousmane Diallo, Joel Jose P. C. Rodrigues, Mbaye Sene, Jaime Lloret
2015 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
This paper surveys the state of the art of the techniques used to manage data and queries in wireless sensor networks based on the distributed paradigm.  ...  In sensor networks, the large amount of data nsor re Wireless Se composed of a large nu activities are sometimes not negligible in energy consumption generated by sensors greatly influences the lifetime  ...  In [89] the authors perform a distributed data processing by adapting artificial neural-networks algorithms for wireless sensor networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2013.207 fatcat:jnuoflwt2zhntcylijjryh4v2m

Data Structures and Algorithms for Packet Forwarding and Classification

Sartaj Sahni
2009 2009 10th International Symposium on Pervasive Systems, Algorithms, and Networks  
cross-layering designs in wireless sensor networks p. 757 A clustering mechanism with various cluster sizes for the sensor network p. 769 Percentage coverage configuration in wireless sensor networks  ...  of Zipf's law on Web cache p. 845 An adaptive Web caching method based on the heterogeneity of Web object p. 853 Supporting wireless Web page access in mobile environments using mobile agents p  ... 
doi:10.1109/i-span.2009.122 dblp:conf/ispan/Sahni09 fatcat:p44oexvkrzbobdwhmrc4lkpglu

Special issue on wireless sensor networks: from theory to practice

2011 Journal of Control Theory and Applications  
Juo-Yu Lee et al. study novel approximate maximum likelihood (AML) algorithm for multisource direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation using 3D acoustic sensor array.  ...  Editorial Special issue on wireless sensor networks: from theory to practice Wireless sensor network (WSN) is characterized by the dense deployment of sensor nodes that continuously observe physical phenomenon  ...  The third category consists of 6 papers and is devoted to the networking protocols in WSNs.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11768-011-1029-8 fatcat:s35km6btd5cslawec2cjoovkoe

Design of a Robust, High-rate Wireless Sensor Network for Static and Dynamic Structural Monitoring

Matthew J. Whelan, Kerop D. Janoyan
2008 Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures  
Over recent years, there has been much interest in the use of low-cost wireless transceivers for communication of sensor data to alleviate the expense of widely-distributed cablebased sensors in structural  ...  However, while the number of unique wireless sensor platforms has continued to expand rapidly, the lack of success in replicating the number of deployed sensors and sampling rates utilized in previous  ...  The use of a bidirectional, adaptive, and coordinated radio transmission protocol to govern network communications is essential for reliable data reception in a large sensor array operating with high data  ... 
doi:10.1177/1045389x08098768 fatcat:uw3bjb2juvdp3gmsnsvztdaavq


A. Sheth, K. Toyama, K. Tejaswi, P. Mehta, C. Parekh, R. Bansal, S. Merchant, T. Singh, U. B. Desai, C. A. Thekkath
2005 Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems - SenSys '05  
FILTERING OF LOCAL SENSOR DATA The inaccurate calibration of the cheap strain gauges result in noisy sensor data.  ...  In contrast to the existing approaches, we propose using a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) of 2-axis strain gauges to predict landslides.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1098918.1098954 dblp:conf/sensys/ShethTMPBMSDTT05 fatcat:igu5k6wr6jhkjob4xmabff5ooq

Quality-aware data abstraction layer for collaborative 2-tier sensor network applications

Woochul Kang, Sang H. Son, John A. Stankovic
2012 Real-time systems  
sensor network applications.  ...  This paper presents PRIDE, a novel data abstraction layer for collaborative 2-tier sensor network applications.  ...  Data reduction using models and filters The problem of data reduction using predictive modeling techniques in sensor networks has received a great deal of attention from the research community (Goel and  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11241-012-9154-0 fatcat:e4hmexmttja33htvvhg5le7vya

ADAGA - ADaptive AGgregation Algorithm for Sensor Networks

Angelo Brayner, Aretusa Lopes, Diorgens Meira, Ricardo Vasconcelos, Ronaldo Menezes
2006 Brazilian Symposium on Databases  
In this paper, we propose an adaptive algorithm for processing in-network aggregation in sensor nodes of a WSN, called ADAGA (ADaptive AGgregation Algorithm for sensor networks).  ...  Algorithms for query processing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) should be able to handle resource limitations such as memory and battery life.  ...  We propose an approach for query processing in wireless sensor networks consisting of a query language, called SNQL, and an adaptive algorithm, ADAGA.  ... 
dblp:conf/sbbd/BraynerLMVM06 fatcat:mwrelhtloreirlfhhyrwutyjui

A Data Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks using Deep Learning-based RSA Algorithm

In wireless sensor networks (WSN) data collection and gathering data from surroundings and removing the redundancy, process the appropriate data is a challenging task, in spite of low battery, less memory  ...  In this paper proposed deep learning-based RSA algorithm to provide security and efficiently handle the data by using a feed-forward filter to remove the aggregated data, Least Mean Square (LMS) variable  ...  Stojkoska (2012) [13] Data prediction in wireless sensor networks solved by using variable step size LMS algorithm, but not used updated descriptions.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.i7135.079920 fatcat:mf2of6clofdsfe374qxlowvof4

Securing data provenance in body area networks using lightweight wireless link fingerprints

Syed Taha Ali, Vijay Sivaraman, Diethelm Ostry, Sanjay Jha
2013 Proceedings of the 11th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems - SenSys '13  
We believe this is a promising first step towards using wireless-link characteristics for data provenance in body area networks.  ...  In this paper, we propose a mechanism to secure data provenance for these devices by exploiting symmetric spatio-temporal characteristics of the wireless link between two communicating parties.  ...  Identifying the links the data traverses in a wireless network is examined in [17] , a provenance mechanism in which intermediate nodes in a multi-hop sensor network use Bloom filters to imprint path  ... 
doi:10.1145/2517351.2517432 dblp:conf/sensys/AliSOJ13 fatcat:sot2ufiukjd6hh6iqs6r3qoowq

Securing data provenance in body area networks using lightweight wireless link fingerprints

Syed Taha Ali, Vijay Sivaraman, Diethelm Ostry, Sanjay Jha
2013 Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Trustworthy embedded devices - TrustED '13  
We believe this is a promising first step towards using wireless-link characteristics for data provenance in body area networks.  ...  In this paper, we propose a mechanism to secure data provenance for these devices by exploiting symmetric spatio-temporal characteristics of the wireless link between two communicating parties.  ...  Identifying the links the data traverses in a wireless network is examined in [17] , a provenance mechanism in which intermediate nodes in a multi-hop sensor network use Bloom filters to imprint path  ... 
doi:10.1145/2517300.2517303 dblp:conf/ccs/AliSOJ13 fatcat:vbdjvarj3zhpvipezuu3qdulsu

Learning In Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring

Dr M. Dash, Mrs. M. Balabantaray, Mr. D. P. Moharana, Mrs. R. Mohanty
2014 IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering  
This paper brings two main contributions to the use of learning techniques in a sensor network.  ...  A typical scenario for a sensor network consists in placing a set of wireless sensors in an environment, such as a field, a forest or a town, and to use the collected measurements to monitor, detect, or  ...  Wireless Sensor Networks A Wireless Sensor Network is a collection of densely deployed autonomous devices, called sensor nodes, that gather environmental data with the help of sensors.  ... 
doi:10.9790/1676-09421925 fatcat:yddojh763bbabfn3lhlptheurq

PRIDE: A Data Abstraction Layer for Large-Scale 2-tier Sensor Networks

Woochul Kang, Sang H. Son, John A. Stankovic
2009 2009 6th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks  
It is a challenging task to provide timely access to global data from sensors in large-scale sensor network applications.  ...  PRIDE is a data abstraction layer for 2-tier sensor networks, which enables timely access to global data from the sensor tier to all participating nodes in the upper storage tier.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was supported, in part, by KOSEF WCU Project R33-2008-000-10110-0 and US National Science Foundation grant CNS-0614886, CNS-0614870, and CNS-0626616.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sahcn.2009.5168963 dblp:conf/secon/KangSS09 fatcat:fm5l7nmbarb2rb5iqtziyrg32q

Variational Inference of Kalman Filter and Its Application in Wireless Sensor Networks

Zijian Dong, Tiecheng Song
2013 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
To verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, VIKF is applied to the state estimation of discrete linear state space and the tracking problems in wireless sensor networks.  ...  An improved Kalman filter algorithm by using variational inference (VIKF) is proposed.  ...  We also applied these three algorithms to the tracking problems in the wireless sensor networks.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/106434 fatcat:tyw4chi5drazpgyah26zquif6e

Dependability Considerations in Wireless Sensor Networks Applications

Amirhosein Taherkordi, Majid Alkaee Taleghan, Mohsen Sharifi
2006 Journal of Networks  
Recently, the use of wireless sensor networks has spread to applications areas that are not viable or costefficient to be run on other types of networks.  ...  We propose an event-based middleware service that is specifically designed for wireless sensor networks in which a group of sensor nodes forms a cluster and a replicated service is run on each cluster  ...  A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is composed of a large number of integrated sensor nodes that are densely deployed either inside the phenomenon or very close to it, and collaborate through a wireless network  ... 
doi:10.4304/jnw.1.6.28-35 fatcat:4jgyuvs5mvf4jazl2tkes2aooe
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