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Performance limits in subband beamforming

S.E. Nordholm, I. Claesson, N. Grbic
2003 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
A hands-free communication set-up includes at least one loudspeaker and one microphone in the same environment. This means that the microphone(s) are subject to several near-end disturbances.  ...  This paper analyses subband beamforming schemes mainly aimed at speech enhancement and acoustic echo suppression applications such as hands-free telephony for both mobile and office environments, internet  ...  In all calculations it is assumed that one desired source and one interfering source, corresponding to a hands-free loudspeaker, are present.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsa.2003.811543 fatcat:zh22ihyj5zebjijsypjxakmau4

Optimal and Adaptive Microphone Arrays for Speech Input in Automobiles [chapter]

Sven Nordholm, Ingvar Claesson, Nedelko Grbić
2001 Digital Signal Processing  
In this chapter, speech enhancement and echo cancellation for hands-free mobile telephony is discussed.  ...  A number of microphone array methods have been tested and results from car measurements are given.  ...  Introduction, Hands-free Telephony in Cars Increased use of mobile telephones in cars has created a greater demand for hands-free in-car installations.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-04619-7_14 fatcat:dxowntitcfftna2oi7z4moqxme

Near-field broadband beamformer design via multidimensional semi-infinite linear programming techniques

Ka Fai Cedric Yiu, Xiaoqi Yang, S. Nordholm, Kok Lay Teo
2003 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
Broadband microphone arrays has important applications such as hands-free mobile telephony, voice interface to personal computers and video conference equipment.  ...  The method can be applied to the design of multidimensional digital finite-impulse response (FIR) filters with arbitrarily specified amplitude and phase. speech enhancement, adaptive and optimum microphone  ...  INTRODUCTION H ANDS-FREE audio devices are popular for video conferences, mobile telephony and computer applications.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsa.2003.815527 fatcat:doreep6ykffhjasbwpoib2egni

Adaptive microphone array employing calibration signals: an analytical evaluation

S. Nordholm, I. Claesson, M. Dahl
1999 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
This report evaluates an adaptive microphone array which facilitates a simple builtin calibration to the environment and instrumentation.  ...  The method has been suggested for use in hands-free mobile telephones for both speech enhancement and acoustic echo-cancellation as well as speech recognition.  ...  In car applications it is necessary to consider the near field in an enclosure, and the use of low cost, low precision, microphones and equipment.  ... 
doi:10.1109/89.759030 fatcat:6cybh4pqc5ho7gfjqjnzcjsrwi

Speech enhancement for mobile telephony

M.M. Goulding, J.S. Bird
1990 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
The delay-equalized array holds great potential for speech enhancement for mobile telephony, but a couple of implementition details remain to be studied.  ...  SPEECH ENHANCEMENT FOR MOBILE TELEPHONY Martie Meryle Goulding B.A.Sc. (Elec.  ... 
doi:10.1109/25.61353 fatcat:juzt3iaz5jbytm2efyexya2az4

Adsorption and diffusion on a stepped surface: Atomic hydrogen on Pt(211)

R. A. Olsen, Ş. C. Bădescu, S. C. Ying, E. J. Baerends
2004 Journal of Chemical Physics  
Reverberation may seriously deteriorate the signal characteristics, thus damaging the quality of such applications as hands-free telephony or automatic speech recognition.  ...  VAD ͑voice activity detection͒ is necessary for recognizing hands-free speech.  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.1755664 pmid:15268219 fatcat:qgbl7hbggvan7eyuyiow2d4yhy

A transparency model and its applications for simulation of reflector arrays and sound transmission

Claus Lynge Christensen, Jens Holger Rindel
2006 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Reverberation may seriously deteriorate the signal characteristics, thus damaging the quality of such applications as hands-free telephony or automatic speech recognition.  ...  VAD ͑voice activity detection͒ is necessary for recognizing hands-free speech.  ...  Acoustic sensors on mobile platforms will enable basic research topics on temporal and spatial coherence and the description of ambient noise, with direct impact on the applicability of coherent processing  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4786982 fatcat:uh2zucni3zaa5nnkivc5sh5tpq

Acoustic concerns related to multi cultural societies

Anders Chr. Gade
2001 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
However, the feasibility of scaling the current technology to multiple arrays with large numbers of microphones is limited by the cost per channel, array mobility, and data handling efficiency.  ...  Talkers were positioned at the center of the two arcs of the microphone arrays and rotated through six positions at 15°increments to survey the whole sound field.  ...  The next application of a matched filter occurs in plane wave beam forming where the signals ͕F j ͖ of an array are matched with signals ͕G j ()͖, which are expected if the incident signal is a plane wave  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4777092 fatcat:mu53dmjeund3zg5guqdnjpl2bm

Neural network modeling of a dolphin's sonar discrimination capabilities

Lars N. Andersen, A. René Rasmussen, Whitlow W. L. Au, Paul E. Nachtigall, Herbert Roitblat
1994 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
The sound field scattered by a smooth thin elastic shell immersed in fluid arises largely from specular reflection and acoustic-membrane coupling, unless both source and observer are located near or on  ...  To study the fluctuations due to turbulence, the sound field is measured simultaneously at a large number of points using a microphone array.  ...  Free-field calibration and characterization of microphone systems. Victor Nedzelnitsky (Natl. Inst. of Stds. and Technol., Sound Building 233, Rm.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.410770 fatcat:ioiiov6bmjdi7kiflait5dhdfe

Auralization of an orchestra using multichannel and multisource technique

Michelle C. Vigeant, Lily M. Wang, Jens Holger Rindel
2006 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Reverberation may seriously deteriorate the signal characteristics, thus damaging the quality of such applications as hands-free telephony or automatic speech recognition.  ...  VAD ͑voice activity detection͒ is necessary for recognizing hands-free speech.  ...  Acoustic sensors on mobile platforms will enable basic research topics on temporal and spatial coherence and the description of ambient noise, with direct impact on the applicability of coherent processing  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4787034 fatcat:brilcvuxpbgdvpdfzwovehoary

Neural network modeling of a dolphin's sonar discrimination capabilities

Whitlow W. L. Au, Lars N. Andersen, A. René Rasmussen, Herbert L. Roitblat, Paul E. Nachtigall
1995 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
The sound field scattered by a smooth thin elastic shell immersed in fluid arises largely from specular reflection and acoustic-membrane coupling, unless both source and observer are located near or on  ...  To study the fluctuations due to turbulence, the sound field is measured simultaneously at a large number of points using a microphone array.  ...  Free-field calibration and characterization of microphone systems. Victor Nedzelnitsky (Natl. Inst. of Stds. and Technol., Sound Building 233, Rm.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.413700 pmid:7608403 fatcat:m3nunzs4wfflhfl27n4shdn2n4

Influence of statistical surface models on dynamic scattering of high‐frequency signals from the ocean surface

Christian Bjerrum‐Niese, Leif Bjo/rno/
1994 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
The sound field scattered by a smooth thin elastic shell immersed in fluid arises largely from specular reflection and acoustic-membrane coupling, unless both source and observer are located near or on  ...  To study the fluctuations due to turbulence, the sound field is measured simultaneously at a large number of points using a microphone array.  ...  Free-field calibration and characterization of microphone systems. Victor Nedzelnitsky (Natl. Inst. of Stds. and Technol., Sound Building 233, Rm.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.411137 fatcat:ajwj7bozxzg6fd27v4xe57drgm

Free‐field reciprocity calibration of laboratory standard (LS) microphones using a time selective technique

Knud Rasmussen, Salvador Barrera‐Figueroa
2006 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Acknowledgment of Honolulu Local Meeting Organizing Committees Presentation of Fellowship Certificates  ...  The principle of free-field calibration techniques is introduced in this presentation. Type WS3 microphones ͑B&K 4939͒ were calibrated in the system to examine the calibration ability to be achieved.  ...  Univ., Bldg. 307, 2800 Kgs., Lyngby, Denmark͒ Although the basic principle of reciprocity calibration of microphones in a free field is simple, the practical problems are complicated due to the low signal-to-noise  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4788231 fatcat:o5zthkauwvddtjcer4wralkeja

Ultra‐high‐speed imaging of bubbles interacting with cells and tissue

Michel Versluis, Philippe Marmottant, Sascha Hilgenfeldt, Claus‐Dieter Ohl, Chien T. Chin, Annemieke van Wamel, Nico de Jong, Detlef Lohse
2006 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Acknowledgment of Honolulu Local Meeting Organizing Committees Presentation of Fellowship Certificates  ...  The principle of free-field calibration techniques is introduced in this presentation. Type WS3 microphones ͑B&K 4939͒ were calibrated in the system to examine the calibration ability to be achieved.  ...  Univ., Bldg. 307, 2800 Kgs., Lyngby, Denmark͒ Although the basic principle of reciprocity calibration of microphones in a free field is simple, the practical problems are complicated due to the low signal-to-noise  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4788217 fatcat:5drbrqyk65cqzff2cmj5ne6n5e

Acoustic GIS‐based monitoring of Atlantic cod ecosystems in coastal Newfoundland

George A. Rose
2008 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
International technical standard for field measurements of DL2 integrates new descriptive models for open plan office acoustics, taking into account geometric proportions, presence of screens and furniture  ...  Typical illustrations of the CAA approach will then be presented and applications for transportation systems will be discussed. 1a MON. AM 2969 2969 Invited Papers 1:00 1pAAa1.  ...  The dual co-centred spherical microphone array has 64 microphones, with 32 microphones on the open spherical microphone array of radius 6.30 cm and 32 microphones on the rigid spherical microphone array  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.2932540 fatcat:v6w3j7upx5duhkunch6oai5jve
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