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Fire Monitoring Algorithm and Its Application on the Geo-Kompsat-2A Geostationary Meteorological Satellite

Jie Chen, Zheng Wei, Shuang Wu, Cheng Liu, Hua Yan
2022 Remote Sensing  
The nadir point positioning and satellite channel parameters of the GK-2A are better than those of the Himawari-8 and FY-4A, which are more conducive to fire monitoring in China.  ...  Geo-Kompsat-2A (GK-2A) is the third new-generation geostationary meteorological satellite that orbits Asia and monitors China and its surrounding areas, following the Himawari-8 and Fengyun-4A satellites  ...  With the application of geostationary meteorological satellites in fire monitoring, some approaches had been performed to solve the above problems.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs14112655 fatcat:vrqilsbzwbbfrdondi5fbictym

Estimation of Land Surface Albedo from MODIS and VIIRS Data: A Multi-Sensor Strategy Based on the Direct Estimation Algorithm and Statistical-Based Temporal Filter

Mengsi Wang, Xianlei Fan, Xijia Li, Qiang Liu, Ying Qu
2020 Remote Sensing  
The MCD43A3 product and in situ measurements from the Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) and FLUXNET sites were employed for validation and comparison.  ...  Over the past decades, many surface albedo products have been derived from a variety of remote sensing data.  ...  in situ measured data.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs12244131 fatcat:z4syodwyfzg5zagija7fphve2q

NDVI Differencing and Post-classification to Detect Vegetation Changes in Halabja City, Iraq

Jwan Al-doski
2013 IOSR Journal of Applied Geology and Geophysic  
This paper highlights the applications of this technology for detecting war impacts.  ...  Landsat satellite imagery National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched the first Landsat satellite in 1972 and the most recent one, Landsat 7, in 1999.  ...  Shanthi, Scientist, Metallurgical Laboratory, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and Chennai-36 for carrying out microprobe analyses.  ... 
doi:10.9790/0990-0120110 fatcat:ahkwk7nkorcwfhgsno3wokyxem

Establishing common standards and requirements for Earth Observation management, access and sharing:

Αβραάμ Π. Μαυρίδης
It also assessed many web-GIS applications in combination with satellite data.  ...  approach to the implementation and development of integrated applications in environmental observation and management issues for the Balkan countries.  ...  of operational meteorological satellites.  ... 
doi:10.26262/heal.auth.ir.128230 fatcat:dd4msztzdfaevh6vu3to5wevoe

Geological factors influencing dryland salinity risk [article]

Geoffrey William Tassell, University, The Australian National, University, The Australian National
Given appropriate conditions of land management and clin1ate, salinisation follows the advent of discharge areas which arise through rises in groundwater level and/or impediments to groundwater flow.  ...  Dryland salinity has become a major environmental problem in Australia through changes in land management incurred since European settlement.  ...  For example, an NDVI of 0.5 may represent an LAI of 3.0 in a forest but only 2.0 in a grassland. (Running 1989) .  ... 
doi:10.25911/5d78d80d27fef fatcat:lb5kc2ufnnd7lmvkahwr7ysrt4