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Spatially-Distributed Missions with Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teams

Eduardo Feo-Flushing, Luca Maria Gambardella, Gianni A. Di Caro
2021 IEEE Access  
To support performance scalability and to allow the effective use of the model when online continual replanning is required, a decentralized and fully distributed architecture is defined top-down from  ...  Both combine a generic MILP solver and a genetic algorithm, resulting in efficient anytime algorithms.  ...  In this section we describe the case of using a centralized architecture.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3076919 fatcat:f5kfgsr3uzamhe7ptdojng4ldq

Expansion-based Service Workflow Replanning with Limited Change

Jian Feng Zhang, Ryszard Kowalczyk, Boris Wu
2006 Grid Services Engineering and Management  
In this paper,weconsider an expansion-based replanningalgorithm with the use of alimited change strategy.Itaddresses the problem of least affecting the original service workfl ow structure whilesthe service  ...  We will showsimulation results of the proposed replanning strategy based on experiments with service workfl ow replanning.  ...  Service Pool planner AI planner Abbildung 2: the multi-agent based replanning architecture The replanning architectureusing Multi-Agents Figure 2shows agraphic viewofthe multi-agentsbased architecture  ... 
dblp:conf/gsem/ZhangKW06 fatcat:5w4sevmh65ecrnc4jwq6z7efsq

Operational Rationality through Compilation of Anytime Algorithms

Shlomo Zilberstein
1995 The AI Magazine  
In particular, its metalevel reasoning component optimizes resource allocation to the base-level performance components. The resulting agent is said to be an operationally rational agent.  ...  number of metalevel architectures to control the cost of base-level reasoning. The model that I developed for this dissertation belongs to this class of solutions.  ...  This research was supported in part by the National Science Foundation and in part by the Malcolm R. Stacey Fellowship.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aimag.v16i2.1136 dblp:journals/aim/Zilberstein95 fatcat:6lzxt3im3vb6fhqwwltxmoqv7a

Abstract Architecture for Task-oriented Multi-agent Problem Solving

Jiri Vokrinek, Antonin Komenda, Michal Pechoucek
2011 IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews)  
Various features of the abstract architecture, such as computational complexity or admissibility of the underlying optimization heuristics, are analyzed in the paper.  ...  Four instances of the abstract architecture implementations are given to demonstrate the applicability of the abstract solver in a wide variety of real-problem domains.  ...  The first goal (convoy nonstoping movement toward a target) is secured using the incremental replanning algorithm for convoy path planning based on anytime planning algorithm D-star [23] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmcc.2010.2073465 fatcat:lj6qiqqlq5badeabyex2u6r6ly

Heuristics and Rescheduling in Prioritised Multi-Robot Path Planning: A Literature Review

James R. Heselden, Gautham P. Das
2023 Machines  
The benefits of multi-robot systems are substantial, bringing gains in efficiency, quality, and cost, and they are useful in a wide range of environments from warehouse automation, to agriculture and even  ...  In multi-robot system research, the main focus is on ensuring efficient coordination in the operation of the robots, both in task allocation and navigation.  ...  Replanning Anytime Algorithms The replanning algorithm anytime dynamic A* (AD*) [49] was developed to use the section reuse component within ARA* and the invalidated-section-repairing component within  ... 
doi:10.3390/machines11111033 fatcat:nibivx5vwfhyxc7lkbl3yzg74y

On responsiveness, safety, and completeness in real-time motion planning

Kris Hauser
2011 Autonomous Robots  
This paper presents an adaptive time-stepping architecture for real-time planning with several advantageous properties.  ...  The technique is proven to be safe and asymptotically complete in a deterministic environment and a static objective.  ...  Real-Time Replanning Architecture In real-time replanning the robot interleaves threads of replanning and execution, in which the robot executes a partial trajectory (possibly using a high rate feedback  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-011-9254-z fatcat:jmtzj6dplze3pgjn3ayvhtez4q

AMPLE: an anytime planning and execution framework for dynamic and uncertain problems in robotics

Caroline Ponzoni Carvalho Chanel, Alexandre Albore, Jorrit T'Hooft, Charles Lesire, Florent Teichteil-Königsbuch
2018 Autonomous Robots  
Our framework, named AMPLE, is oriented towards robotic modular architectures in the sense that it turns planning algorithms into services that must be generic, reactive, and valuable.  ...  Acting in robotics is driven by reactive and deliberative reasonings which take place in the competition between execution and planning processes.  ...  In a more classical plan-replan approach, even using an anytime algorithm for replanning, there is no guarantee that the replanning episode will end before the given deadline is reached.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-018-9703-z fatcat:k2mubpgetfdklpxdbgeaqqvgwi

A simulation approach based on negotiation and cooperation between agents: a case study

K. Fischer, B. Chaib-draa, J.P. Muller, M. Pischel, C. Gerber
1999 IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews)  
The architecture level describes a methodology for designing software agents by providing several important functionalities an agent should have.  ...  This evaluation shows that: 1) AGENDA is suitable for the realistic application of the transportation domain; 2) mechanisms used for the vertical negotiation (between trucks considered as agents) and for  ...  Fortunately, this situation can be handled nicely in our framework. We distinguish two cases. Firstly, there are disturbances that can be resolved using local replanning.  ... 
doi:10.1109/5326.798767 fatcat:gtcuou6wmfgoxje7rgjm3pmjuq

Shard Systems: Scalable, Robust and Persistent Multi-Agent Path Finding with Performance Guarantees

Christopher Leet, Jiaoyang Li, Sven Koenig
Its scalability allows it to plan paths for 1000s of agents in seconds. If any of their goals change or move actions fails, a shard system can replan in under a second.  ...  Agents are routed optimally within a shard by a local controller to local goals set by a global controller.  ...  The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the sponsoring organizations  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v36i9.21170 fatcat:qbnz5pb6tnbqdd7wnjlkosbslu

Future Internet Perspectives on an Operational Transport Planning ICT Tool

Marianne Hagaseth, Åsmund Tjora, Kay Endre Fjørtoft
2014 Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering  
Senior Research Scientist at MARINTEK since 1995, and is currently Research Manager at the department of Maritime Transport Systems, where he is leading an RTD team of about 15 researchers specialized in  ...  Kay has published several papers and articles mainly focusing maritime communications, software architecture and logistics challenges, and he is currently also heading the recently established Maritime  ...  This is done by providing availability of operations and data at anytime, anywhere, according to the goal of Future Internet.  ... 
doi:10.12720/jtle.2.1.59-65 fatcat:mflodzmbkrdkhmfmna66j4gcbi

Cooperative transportation scheduling: An application domain for dai

Klaus Fischer, Jo¨RG P. Mu¨ller, Markus Pischel
1996 Applied Artificial Intelligence  
We demonstrate that the auction mechanism used for schedule optimisation can also be used for implementing dynamic replanning.  ...  We present three important instances for DAI techniques that proved useful in the transportation application: cooperation among the agents, task decomposition and task allocation, and decentralised planning  ...  Martin Malich (University of Cologne) helped us obtaining the benchmark data and was very cooperative in all matters concerning Simulated Trading.  ... 
doi:10.1080/088395196118669 fatcat:fkfkr2mn4jf7bcfpmwb6kpyiq4

Multiagent Approach for Real-Time Collision Avoidance and Path Replanning for Cranes

Cheng Zhang, Amin Hammad
2012 Journal of computing in civil engineering  
By using this real-time updated information, agents can detect potential collisions and replan the path for the cranes for collision avoidance.  ...  multiple agents, which results in safer and more productive work environment.  ...  The suggestions on the agent framework from Dr. Jamal Bentahar at Concordia Institute of Information Systems Engineering were also appreciated.  ... 
doi:10.1061/(asce)cp.1943-5487.0000181 fatcat:wi3kzuz4xzd4vap3fcimi3b6uu

Adaptive Time Stepping in Real-Time Motion Planning [chapter]

Kris Hauser
2010 Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics  
We present a real-time replanning technique that uses adaptive time stepping to learn the amount of time needed for a sample-based motion planner to make monotonic progress toward the goal.  ...  robot arm in a cluttered environment.  ...  Related Work Bounded Rationality in Real-Time Agents.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17452-0_9 fatcat:5tahaaxi4jgf3cjwlol4ewekfi

The Role of Human-Automation Consensus in Multiple Unmanned Vehicle Scheduling

M.L. Cummings, Andrew Clare, Christin Hart
2010 Human Factors  
Results: Rapid replanning can cause high operator workload, ultimately resulting in poorer overall system performance.  ...  Conclusion: In decentralized unmanned vehicle networks, operators who ignore the automation"s requests for new plan consideration and impose rapid replans both increase their own workload and reduce the  ...  Ian Davies and Pierre Maere assisted in data analysis, and Professor John How and the MIT Aerospace Controls Laboratory provided test bed support.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0018720810368674 pmid:20653222 fatcat:ojewuauef5ejheyfytvtobcom4

iADA*-RL: Anytime Graph-Based Path Planning with Deep Reinforcement Learning for an Autonomous UAV

Aye Aye Maw, Maxim Tyan, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Jae-Woo Lee
2021 Applied Sciences  
In this paper, we propose a hybrid path planning algorithm that uses an anytime graph-based path planning algorithm for global planning and deep reinforcement learning for local planning which applied  ...  The global path planning problem is solved in the first stage using a novel anytime incremental search algorithm called improved Anytime Dynamic A* (iADA*).  ...  RL Agent Training The network architecture for the DRL agent, for both DQN and DDPG, used in this experiment is shown in Figure 6 .  ... 
doi:10.3390/app11093948 doaj:f82b365632e24676928f5fe2276dbbc0 fatcat:u4i72ga6lzg2hdozphbx5zqkda
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