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Analysis of Slotted Aloha with multipacket messages in clustered surveillance networks

Soumya Sen, David J. Dorsey, Roch Guerin, Mung Chiang
2012 MILCOM 2012 - 2012 IEEE Military Communications Conference  
This work presents an analysis of a cluster of finite population of low cost sensor nodes operating in a ppersistent S-Aloha framework with multipacket messages.  ...  Abstract-This work presents an analysis of a cluster of finite population of low cost sensor nodes operating in a ppersistent S-Aloha framework with multipacket messages.  ...  [7] considers the performance of S-Aloha system with multipacket buffers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/milcom.2012.6415679 dblp:conf/milcom/SenDGC12 fatcat:gmyheopkqjds5pplgfoiuhjc3e

6G Technology Overview - One6G White Paper [article]

One6G Association
2022 Zenodo  
6G is supposed to address the demands for consumption of mobile networking services in 2030 and beyond.  ...  communicating latency, the flexibility of extension, etc., to non-technical ones such as enabling sustainable growth of the society as a whole, e.g., through the energy efficiency of deployed networks  ...  For instance, the access mechanisms in NB-IoT are based on transmitting consecutive repetitions of the packets in multichannel slotted ALOHA channel.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6630705 fatcat:rghtxgovubc5zartbe2qx4ekvm