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6,724 Hits in 3.9 sec

New development thoughts on the bio-inspired intelligence based control for unmanned combat aerial vehicle

HaiBin Duan, Shan Shao, BingWei Su, Lei Zhang
2010 Science China Technological Sciences  
With the stealthy rise of bio-inspired intelligence era, which is characterized by the simulation of natural and biological mechanisms, a number of bio-inspired intelligence technologies have demonstrated  ...  At present, almost all bio-inspired hardware uses an evolutionary algorithm (EA) as the main adaptive mechanism.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11431-010-3160-z fatcat:km7txrofhrcw5mmdafw5e4dci4

Neuroendocrine-Based Cooperative Intelligent Control System for Multiobjective Integrated Control of a Parallel Manipulator

Chongbin Guo, Kuangrong Hao, Yongsheng Ding
2012 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This paper presents a novel multiloop and Multi-objective cooperative intelligent control system (MMCICS) used to improve the performance of position, velocity and acceleration integrated control on a  ...  Based on regulation mechanism of the neuroendocrine system (NES), a bioinspired motion control approach has been used in the MMCICS which includes four cooperative units.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the Key Project of the National Natural Science Foun-  ... 
doi:10.1155/2012/467402 fatcat:x7ocfosbizfz3iqbmkxvgfb73i

A Novel Multi-layered Immune Network Intrusion Detection Defense Model: MINID

Xufei Zheng, Yonghui Fang, Yanhui Zhou, Jing Zhang
2013 Journal of Networks  
Inspired by the many excellent characteristics of biological immune System (BIS), the network intrusion detection system (NIDS) which based on artificial immune system (AIS) has become one of the focus  ...  Currently, the AIS-based NIDS mainly learn from the adaptive immune mechanism of BIS, but ignoring the rapid response and co-stimulatory mechanism of the innate immune of BIS, thus cause these problems  ...  In this paper, we combine the innate and adaptive immune mechanisms in BIS and map them to AIS, and propose a novel multi-layered immune defense architecture based on PRR theory, and build an intelligent  ... 
doi:10.4304/jnw.8.3.636-644 fatcat:4b2d74lrdvaodo5vhqsivszhpm

Semantic Business Intelligence - a New Generation of Business Intelligence

2012 Informatică economică  
This invariably leads appearance of new BI solution, called Semantic Business Intelligence.  ...  Business Intelligence Solutions represents applications used by companies to manage process and analyze data to provide substantiated decision.  ...  We are currently witnessing the appearance of a new generation of BI inspired by the Semantic Web. In Figure 2 we tried to plot the relationship between the two concepts. Fig. 1.  ... 
doaj:00010a0cecb14838a58b2692b51c67bf fatcat:2ezrgm4renhahnt6mn23yrql64

A Review of Cooperative Actuator and Sensor Systems Based on Dielectric Elastomer Transducers

Gianluca Rizzello
2023 Actuators  
If several DEs are arranged in an array-like configuration, new concepts of cooperative actuator/sensor systems can be enabled, in which novel applications and features are made possible by the synergistic  ...  This paper presents an overview of cooperative actuator and sensor systems based on dielectric elastomer (DE) transducers.  ...  , such as intelligent wearables, smart skins, and bio-inspired soft robots.  ... 
doi:10.3390/act12020046 fatcat:hbn5ju4iqzcxzfouudnnawkzwu

Immuno-inspired robotic applications: a review [article]

Ali Raza, Benito R. Fernandez
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Authors, therefore, present a comprehensive review of immuno-inspired robotic applications in an attempt to categorize them according to underlying immune definitions.  ...  It is observed that researchers, in an attempt to solve the problem in hand, do not try to replicate the biological immunity but select necessary immune functions instead, resulting in an ad-hoc manner  ...  Adaptive part of BIS handles the invading bacterium or viruses by adapting to varying pathogens, in an antigen-specific manner.  ... 
arXiv:1202.4261v1 fatcat:axbafthptnb2hcb52idx722dny


Xu Meng
2018 Business & IT  
anti-dumping in the context of WTO, developing international economic and technological cooperation and exchanges, paying attention to structuring the exchange platform of industry-university-research  ...  And the chamber of commerce organizations can provide a sort of mechanism to reduce transaction costs.  ...  In the following, we use the organization mechanism of the chamber of commerce as an example to illustrate how establishment of an auxiliary market mechanism reduces the search, negotiation, and supervision  ... 
doi:10.14311/bit.2018.01.03 fatcat:4lxsvikjp5a4bkehsafcbjmp4q

Recent progress of biomimetic motions—from microscopic micro/nanomotors to macroscopic actuators and soft robotics

Hongbo Zeng, Yu Wang, Tao Jiang, Hongqin Xia, Xue Gu, Hongxu Chen
2021 RSC Advances  
wall, and the stable and fast climbing movement of the robot is realized by the cooperative control of the dielectricelastomer articial muscles and the electrostatic adsorption feet.  ...  Sitti et al. 138 proposed an untethered jellysh-inspired so millirobot that could realize multiple functionalities in moderate Reynolds number by producing diverse controlled uidic ows around its  ... 
doi:10.1039/d1ra05021d pmid:35480677 pmcid:PMC9037800 fatcat:dg43a4mmebhbfcb2shnxeunnxq

Spiking Neural Networks for Computational Intelligence: An Overview

Shirin Dora, Nikola Kasabov
2021 Big Data and Cognitive Computing  
This review aims to provide an overview of the current real-world applications of SNNs and identifies steps to accelerate research involving SNNs in the future.  ...  In [29] , STDP is combined with the Bienenstock-Cooper-Munro learning rule to modulate the height of the plasticity window associated with STDP.  ...  Future Trends: Brain-Inspired SNN Architectures One aspect of brain-inspired SNN (BI-SNN) architectures is the use of a brain template to structure a 3D SNN structure that is trained on spike sequence  ... 
doi:10.3390/bdcc5040067 fatcat:5liaeyuytjejlpzprnclwteiuq

Behavior-based robotics as a tool for synthesis of artificial behavior and analysis of natural behavior

Maja J Matarić
1998 Trends in Cognitive Sciences  
Consequently, a behavior-based robot is controlled by a structured network of interacting behaviors.  ...  Thi s article is an overview of behavior-based robotics, a field of robotics that is guided by principles from nature and aims to develop methods for synthesizing artificial systems, ranging from physical  ...  The author is grateful to Paolo Gaudiano for his extensive insightful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s1364-6613(98)01141-3 pmid:21227083 fatcat:sd3gf4aj2zbvrlzte4i7mcwg5e

Bi-directioal Motion Detection: A Neural Intelligent Model For Perception of Cognitive Robots [article]

Matin Macktoobian
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Capability of our new approach in bi-directional movement detection is beholden to its symmetric configuration of the proposed circuit.  ...  Different types of vehicles which were introduced by Braitenberg could be considered as an unique strategy to depict an artificial concept of different operations of the animal brain, an imitation of rudimentary  ...  Application of genetic algorithms and adaptive fuzzy-neural networks cooperated with fuzzy logic were studied by Pratihar in [5] and Wang et al in [6] , respectively.  ... 
arXiv:1407.1460v1 fatcat:si2qwv3yardzpkxjbot4tfu3ya

Trust Modeling in Wireless Sensor Networks: State of the Art

Mohammed M. Alqhatani, Mostafa G. M. Mostafa
2018 Journal of Information Security and Cybercrimes Research  
The second module is called reputation system to control the sensor reputational.  ...  After computing the trust based on these components for each node in the WSN, an intelligence mechanism is utilized to remove malicious nodes with low trust to stabilize the network.  ... 
doi:10.26735/16587790.2018.007 fatcat:7qarns4nsfccfl7t6u7ufp3l3a

An Intelligent Distributed System for Environmental Management [chapter]

Benedita Malheiro, Eugénio Oliveira
1995 Environmental Informatics  
By choosing a distributed architecture such as a Multi-Agent System, where each agent is a semi-autonomous Expert System with the necessary skills to cooperate with the others in order to solve a given  ...  Our aim is to present and discuss an intelligent environmental management system capable of suggesting the more appropriate land-use actions based on the existing spatial and non-spatial constraints.  ...  Self Model Acquaintance Model Communication Module Cooperation Module Cooperation Layer Figure 4 -Cooperation Layer Architecture The Cooperation Module is responsible for determining when cooperation  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-017-1443-3_20 fatcat:37j7uyncc5hbpdghdi43obal7q

Neural Information Processing in Cognition: We Start to Understand the Orchestra, but Where is the Conductor?

Günther Palm
2016 Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience  
Many new concepts in the areas of control, pattern recognition, sensory and motor physiology, neurology, and brain research in general were invented, and it often remains obscure whether the first inspiration  ...  Of course, the realization of serious cognitive abilities or of artificial intelligence, with brain-like neural networks is a hard task, since it requires an understanding and design of networks at the  ...  This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncom.2016.00003 pmid:26858632 pmcid:PMC4726796 fatcat:5ybl5gs2d5ga3igbwapqgpjb5i

Embedded distributed vision system for humanoid soccer robot

Francisco Blanes Noguera, P. Muñoz, Manuel Muñoz Alcobendas, José Enrique Simó Ten, Javier Osvaldo Coronel Parada, Miguel Albero
2011 Journal of Physical Agents (JoPha)  
In this work a distributed architecture for humanoid visual control is presented using specific nodes for vision processing cooperating with the main CPU to coordinate the movements of the exploring behaviours  ...  The information is exchanged allowing to linking control loops between both nodes. Index Terms-Humanoid robots, visual servoing control, distributed system, embedded computing.  ...  The vision subsystem is an intelligent sensor capable of interpreting the environment and generate information to share with the rest of the control subsystems.  ... 
doi:10.14198/jopha.2011.5.1.07 fatcat:52dlbeuwnnhhtdzmbqwrqngg2e
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