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An ideal observer model of infant object perception

Charles Kemp, Fei Xu
2008 Neural Information Processing Systems  
To illustrate this idea we develop an ideal observer model that incorporates probabilistic principles of rigidity and inertia.  ...  Before the age of 4 months, infants make inductive inferences about the motions of physical objects.  ...  An ideal observer approach An ideal observer approach to object perception can be formulated in terms of a generative model for scenes. Scenes can be generated in three steps.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/KempX08 fatcat:avxgzqrl6rh6tlhw2ouf4nfsny

An ideal observer model of infant object perception

Charles Kemp, Fei Xu
To illustrate this idea we develop an ideal observer model that incorporates probabilistic principles of rigidity and inertia.  ...  Before the age of 4 months, infants make inductive inference s about the motions of physical objects.  ...  An ideal observer approach An ideal observer approach to object perception can be formulated in terms of a generative model for scenes. Scenes can be generated in three steps.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6613454.v1 fatcat:4bodbxyugvauxkj5lzf6nvfwkq

Page 745 of Contemporary Psychology Vol. 39, Issue 7 [page]

1994 Contemporary Psychology  
In three, including the commentary by Dobson, the simu- lations ofideal observer analysis’’ pro- vide an important method to probe al- ternative models of development.  ...  Early examples include Walk and Gibson’s (1961) studies of depth perception through observations of crawling on the visual cliff, Bower’s (1966) studies of object perception through observations of looking  ... 

How Infants Make Sense of What They See

John J. Rieser, Daniel H. Ashmead
1994 Contemporary Psychology  
In three, including the commentary by Dobson, the simu- lations ofideal observer analysis’’ pro- vide an important method to probe al- ternative models of development.  ...  Early examples include Walk and Gibson’s (1961) studies of depth perception through observations of crawling on the visual cliff, Bower’s (1966) studies of object perception through observations of looking  ... 
doi:10.1037/034513 fatcat:wucmrfg6onbmno25t3ub4edhm4

How Infants Learn About the Visual World

Scott P. Johnson
2010 Cognitive Science  
Infants acquire knowledge by observing objects move in and out of sight, forming associations of these different views.  ...  Evidence from computational modeling and from experiments with human infants highlights three kinds of learning that contribute to infants' knowledge of the visual world: learning via association, learning  ...  Acknowledgments Preparation of this article was supported by NIH grants R01-HD40432 and R01-HD48733.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1551-6709.2010.01127.x pmid:21116440 pmcid:PMC2992385 fatcat:oots3kx45bbohbibuwbltyuq7a

Development of Visual Motion Perception for Prospective Control: Brain and Behavioral Studies in Infants

Seth B. Agyei, F. R. (Ruud) van der Weel, Audrey L. H. van der Meer
2016 Frontiers in Psychology  
As a function of perception of visual motion, this paper will describe behavioral and brain studies with young infants investigating the development of visual perception for prospective control.  ...  During infancy, smart perceptual mechanisms develop allowing infants to judge timespace motion dynamics more efficiently with age and locomotor experience.  ...  During visually guided actions, an observer reaches an ideal state when he acts to produce a certain pattern of visual flow.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00100 pmid:26903908 pmcid:PMC4746292 fatcat:tvb6j45wqncrvcxsefxoo4t7ki

Network analysis of perception-action coupling in infants

Naama Rotem-Kohavi, Courtney G. E. Hilderman, Aiping Liu, Nadia Makan, Jane Z. Wang, Naznin Virji-Babul
2014 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  
In this study, we recorded electroencephalography (EEG) from infants (ages 4-11 months of age) and adults while they observed three types of actions: (a) reaching for an object; (b) walking; and (c) object  ...  There were no group differences in global metric measures for observation of object motion or for observation of actions that are within the repertoire of infants (i.e., reaching).  ...  We recently examined the EEG response of young infants while observing three types of actions: (a) reaching for an object; (b) independent walking; and (c) object motion.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00209 pmid:24778612 pmcid:PMC3986511 fatcat:hpsyn6qvnfb5jh3arq256cqyrm

"Categorical Perception" and Linguistic Categorization of Color

Radek Ocelák
2015 Review of Philosophy and Psychology  
Such conclusions rest on an unjustied interpretation of the infant categorical perception ndings in terms of adult linguistic categorical boundaries.  ...  The observed categorical perception eects should be conceived independently of the perceptual color space.  ...  The conclusion of Davido et al. (2009) is similar, but based on contradicting experimental results, rather than on a general objection as the above.3.3 Infant categorical perception in the modeling of  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13164-015-0237-4 fatcat:5bt5svfxyvg4vlkxa7fyijflm4

Prediction-learning in infants as a mechanism for gaze control during object exploration

Matthew Schlesinger, Scott P. Johnson, Dima Amso
2014 Frontiers in Psychology  
First, as predicted, infants' COG samples from the occluded-object task are learned by a pool of simple recurrent networks faster than the samples produced by the yoked, artificial-observer models.  ...  We conclude by relating our findings to the role of image-saliency and prediction-learning during the development of object perception.  ...  designed to study object perception in young infants.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00441 pmid:24904460 pmcid:PMC4033257 fatcat:rcq3jrw52bb3ldtdreln3cd7tq

Pure Reasoning in 12-Month-Old Infants as Probabilistic Inference

E. Teglas, E. Vul, V. Girotto, M. Gonzalez, J. B. Tenenbaum, L. L. Bonatti
2011 Science  
The rich literature on infants' object perception suggests a need for more sophisticated ideal-observer models, with a more detailed specification of how infants represent the physical properties of objects  ...  Lastly, an ideal-observer model, even with resource and processing constraints, provides only a coarse approximation to the psychological mechanisms of infant cognition.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.1196404 pmid:21617069 fatcat:hgwlvpqsh5dnhazk4ucxl7mt3u

Learning meaningful units from multimodal input

Louis ten Bosch, Lou Boves, Okko Räsänen
2009 Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Child, Computer and Interaction - WOCCI '09  
This paper describes a computational model of language acquisition based on meaningful interaction between an infant and its caregivers.  ...  In this work, the model is used to study the effects of different attentional factors in learning of word-object paring during learner-caregiver interaction.  ...  For example, an infant might hear an utterance from the caregiver, while at the same time not paying attention to exactly those objects referred to in that utterance.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1640377.1640392 fatcat:f363f2at6ncmhmjepffaep5osm

Infants' grip strength predicts mu rhythm attenuation during observation of lifting actions with weighted blocks

Michaela B. Upshaw, Raphael A. Bernier, Jessica A. Sommerville
2015 Developmental Science  
We measured grip strength in 12-month-old infants and investigated relations with mu rhythm attenuation, an electroencephalographic correlate of the neural system underlying action perception, during observation  ...  observation, and bodily characteristics influence perception of the spatial environment.  ...  Acknowledgments This research was supported in part by grants from NIH (award #: K18OD008069) and from the University of Washington Bridge Funds.  ... 
doi:10.1111/desc.12308 pmid:25939632 pmcid:PMC5839743 fatcat:ac3o22chvrbc7gwqu6tuvgqmmu

Page 3227 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 91, Issue 9 [page]

2004 Psychological Abstracts  
The model shows a behavioral shift in featural to relational processing consistent with similar results observed in the infant categorization experiments of Younger (1985) and Younger and Cohen (1986).  ...  We evaluate this hypothesis with a connectionist model of infant perceptual categorization.  ... 

Page 1578 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 72, Issue 6 [page]

1985 Psychological Abstracts  
—A frame-by-frame analysis of film was used to study an example of “control” in a mother with 3-mo-old twins (Fred and Mark) who were observed until 15 mo of age.  ...  Results provide some objective support for the hypothesis of systematic, age-related 14308. ee ee de fTinteraction mére-nourrisson. [ mother-infant interaction.]  ... 

Young infants' eye movements over "natural" scenes and "experimental" scenes

Marc H. Bornstein, Clay Mash, Martha E. Arterberry
2011 Infant Behavior and Development  
Eye movements of 30 4-month-olds were tracked as infants viewed animals and vehicles in "natural" scenes and, for comparison, in homogeneous "experimental" scenes.  ...  Infants showed equivalent looking time preferences for natural and experimental scenes overall, but fixated natural scenes and objects in natural scenes more than experimental scenes and objects in experimental  ...  This research was supported by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, NICHD.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.12.010 pmid:21195480 pmcid:PMC3423891 fatcat:ivs2dznh55ea3p7wcfcei7d6hu
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