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An evolutionary autonomous agents approach to image feature extraction

Jiming Liu, Y.Y. Tang, Y.C. Cao
1997 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation  
This paper presents a new approach to image feature extraction which utilizes evolutionary autonomous agents.  ...  Here the fitness of a parent agent is defined according to the steps that the agent takes to locate an image feature pixel.  ...  In addition, special thanks should be given to Dr. H. Zhou for his involvement in some of the preliminary experiments and to H. Qin for his help in producing two of the graphical illustrations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/4235.687881 fatcat:t7abyqkgxbdczkpiqgtc2ycthu

Modified Evolutionary Autonomous Agents Approach to Image Feature Extraction

Nalin Goel, K. K. Shukla
2013 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, we present a modified evolutionary autonomous agents method for extracting features from a grey scale image.  ...  Features can be extracted on the basis of differences in intensity values of the target pixel with the neighboring pixels.  ...  The authors would also like to thank fellow colleagues and the anonymous reviewers. A special thanks to MIAS database for providing precious medical data.  ... 
doi:10.5120/12222-8371 fatcat:penpnhix7jfurp5afhrkf4kqhu

Self Training Autonomous Driving Agent [article]

Shashank Kotyan, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas, Venkanna U
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This novel involvement of difference images in the auto-encoder gives better representation of the latent space with respect to the motion of vehicle and helps an autonomous agent to learn more efficiently  ...  We use the concept of reinforcement learning and evolutionary strategies to train our agent in a 2D simulation environment.  ...  We also use the convolution layers to extract the features from the image.  ... 
arXiv:1904.12738v1 fatcat:djwv3rnyobgzxe4nijntwblkqy

Autonomous learning of features for control: Experiments with embodied and situated agents

Nicola Milano, Stefano Nolfi, Josh Bongard
2021 PLoS ONE  
The efficacy of evolutionary or reinforcement learning algorithms for continuous control optimization can be enhanced by including an additional neural network dedicated to features extraction trained  ...  We demonstrate that the parallel training of the two networks is crucial in the case of agents that operate on the basis of egocentric observations and that the extraction of features provides an advantage  ...  A similar approach has been used to train an agent to swing a pendulum on the basis of visual information collected from a side view [14] .  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0250040 pmid:33857220 pmcid:PMC8049238 fatcat:hl6j7guzobd6rmhy2tjiukb37e

On the development of evolutionary artificial artists

Penousal Machado, Juan Romero, Antonino Santos, Amílcar Cardoso, Alejandro Pazos
2007 Computers & graphics  
The creation and the evaluation of aesthetic artifacts are tasks related to design, music and art, which are highly interesting from the computational point of view.  ...  The present paper introduces an architecture which is capable of evaluating aesthetic characteristics of artifacts and of creating artifacts that obey certain aesthetic properties.  ...  Dwight Krehbiel, Dallas Vaughn, Luca Pellicoro and Marisa Santos made relevant contributions to previous projects upon which the present work is based, and to related ones.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cag.2007.08.010 fatcat:yxu5bzpatvdfpgdnwj23jyzmju

New machine behavior's evolutionary approaches between AI learning, control and ethics promoting cooperative Human-Machine Intelligence

2022 European Journal of Privacy Law & Technologies  
Combining AI and behavioral science is then seen in its true potential, as an ethical way to improve people's lives, where end users can feel safe when sharing personal data for transparent and relevant  ...  agents in our everyday environments.  ...  which determines the extracted features) continues throughout the evolutionary process.  ... 
doi:10.57230/ejplt221sg fatcat:o2kvhzg72zax7firtyr3zbw64q

Autonomous Learning of Features for Control: Experiments with Embodied and Situated Agents [article]

Nicola Milano, Stefano Nolfi
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a method that permits to continue the training of the feature-extraction module during the training of the policy network and that increases the efficacy of feature extraction.  ...  As discussed in previous studies, the efficacy of evolutionary or reinforcement learning algorithms for continuous control optimization can be enhanced by including a neural module dedicated to feature  ...  an evolutionary algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:2009.07132v1 fatcat:jxjw63v4qrdwtkeoe7liqobsoi

Introduction to the special issue on evolutionary computer vision and image understanding

Gustavo Olague, Stefano Cagnoni, Evelyne Lutton
2006 Pattern Recognition Letters  
Acknowledgements The guest editors would like to thank the authors who submitted and contributed their work to this special issue, working under a tight schedule.  ...  We thank the referees who have generously devoted their time to help ensure the highest possible quality for the papers in this volume.  ...  The first paper entitled An agent based evolutionary approach to path detection for off-road vehicle guidance, by Broggi and Cattani describes an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm used to detect  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.07.013 fatcat:dm4s7rmifraelm755rxsy4ysjm

Virtual and intelligent traffic signs in rescue simulation system: Imitation of human society in agent society

Mostafa Asghari, Behrooz Masoumi, Mohammad Reza Meybodi
2009 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation - (CIRA)  
Visual perception is very important to realize the feature extraction from the time series of images, but it is very difficult to perform the object tracking.  ...  This project aims to apply image processing techniques in computer vision featuring an omnidirectional vision system to agricultural mobile robots (AMR) used for trajectory navigation problems, as well  ...  paper describes range image registration to fuse three-dimensional surfaces of range images taken from around an object.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cira.2009.5423206 dblp:conf/cira/AsghariMM09 fatcat:r5aq3mrpuvd7zdnf3ju7rflzrq

A Medical Images Based Retrieval System Using Soft Computing Techniques

Pardeep Singh, Sanjay Sharma
2010 Zenodo  
This paper gives an overview of soft computing techniques. New research directions are being defined that can prove to be useful.  ...  Answers to many questions with respect to speed, semantic descriptors or objective image interpretations are still unanswered.  ...  It functions autonomously in an environment in which other processes take place and other agents possibly exist [20] .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1079569 fatcat:7xldz4bul5dsfeysevvyoenm3e


2004 International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence  
The CellNet software system is introduced, an evolutionary system that optimizes a set of pattern-recognizing agents relative to a provided set of features and a given pattern database.  ...  We describe the desire for a black box approach to pattern classification: a generic Autonomous Pattern Recognizer, which is capable of self-adapting to specific alphabets without human intervention.  ...  F X refers to a specific feature extraction function, drawn from the finite feature list.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218001404003587 fatcat:odsa24aqgffmjmpnrhyqxxk2jm

On the Development of Critics in Evolutionary Computation Artists [chapter]

Juan Romero, Penousal Machado, Antonio Santos, Amilcar Cardoso
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
analyser, classifies the artwork according to a certain criteria.  ...  One of the problems in the use of evolutionary computer systems in artistic tasks is the lack of artificial models of human critics.  ...  Considering a multi-agent architecture, one can view the evolutionary process as an interplay between two types of agents, creators and critics.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-36605-9_51 fatcat:yuvja2gduja7fe5b6b3vv5z7ia

A Comprehensive Overview of the Applications of Artificial Life

Kyung-Joong Kim, Sung-Bae Cho
2006 Artificial Life  
Evolutionary computation is the most popular method for designing such applications, but recently swarm intelligence, artificial immune network, and agent-based modeling have also produced results.  ...  In order to show the status of ALife application research, this review primarily features a survey of about 180 ALife application articles rather than a selected representation of a few articles.  ...  Gentropy uses an unsupervised approach, where one or more target texture images are supplied to the system.  ... 
doi:10.1162/106454606775186455 pmid:16393455 fatcat:mecyoromlvbitjxotdorzldiii


2005 International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications  
Application to the CEDAR database of handwritten characters shows an increase in the reliability of the evolution of recognisers, as well as in the elimination of over-fitting, relative to the original  ...  Patterns evolve through the application of camouflage functions, which are used to obscure the data naturally found in the database.  ...  applications, multi-agent approaches are too slow for our present purposes.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s1469026805001441 fatcat:uajisz2s75gbbgxta6kc2yr6h4

An evolutionary approach to road following: a simulated case study

Sebastian Clarke, Frederic Labrosse, Vito Trianni, Elio Tuci
2013 Advances in Artificial Life, ECAL 2013  
This work shows a novel approach to the problem, using the methodology of Evolutionary Robotics to facilitate the autonomous emergence of flexible, robust and general behaviours.  ...  The results described herein demonstrate the capability of this methodology to produce controllers capable of generalising across a broad range of road shapes to which the agents have not been previously  ...  or reflections) so as to allow extraction of the features relevant to the problem, and to show clear contrast between the features to be extracted.  ... 
doi:10.7551/978-0-262-31709-2-ch152 dblp:conf/ecal/ClarkeLTT13 fatcat:qrntgew6uzbgfljdogqxfgibjy
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