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Surface Function Actives

Qi Duan, Elsa D. Angelini, Andrew F. Laine
2009 Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation  
SFA has great advantages in terms of potential efficiency, based on its dimensionality reduction for the surface representation.  ...  Utilizing implicit representations with variational framework also provides flexibility and benefits currently shared by level set frameworks.  ...  Guy Shechter, and Dr. Luis F. Gutiérrez from Philips Research North America to provide the streaming ultrasound data in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jvcir.2009.06.002 fatcat:zn6cn65lfzhopfcr5f6xamhqtm

Enhancement of theColor Image Compression Using a New Algorithm based on Discrete Hermite Wavelet Transform [article]

Hassan Mohamed Muhi-Aldeen, Asma A. Abdulrahman, Jabbar Abed Eleiwy, Fouad S. Tahir, Yurii Khlaponin
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we propose a new algorithm based on discrete Hermite wavelets transformation (DHWT) that shows the efficiency and quality of the color images.  ...  Nevertheless, image compression is an important application for transferring large files and images.  ...  obtain an orthonormals set.  ... 
arXiv:2303.13175v1 fatcat:dlomcl32g5c25ithhstyzh6lyq

Brain Tumor Segmentation Based on Bendlet Transform and Improved Chan-Vese Model

Kexin Meng, Piercarlo Cattani, Francesco Villecco
2022 Entropy  
In this study, we propose an automated model based on Bendlet transform and improved Chan-Vese (CV) model for brain tumor segmentation.  ...  Since the Bendlet system is based on the principle of sparse approximation, Bendlet transform is applied to describe the images and map images to the feature space and, thereby, first obtain the feature  ...  Brain tumor segmentation methods mainly include segmentation methods based on supervised learning, semi-supervised segmentation methods, and unsupervised segmentation methods. Xu et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/e24091199 pmid:36141085 pmcid:PMC9497468 fatcat:n35mczkrtvbrrfaazlfi6dwjgu

Waterline Extraction for Artificial Coast With Vision Transformers

Le Yang, Xing Wang, Jingsheng Zhai
2022 Frontiers in Environmental Science  
To estimate the effects of the two methods, we collect the high-resolution images from the web map services, and the annotations are created manually for training and test.  ...  To fulfill the task, two types of vision transformers, segmentation transformers (SETR) and semantic segmentation transformers (SegFormer), are introduced as an early exploration of the potential of transformers  ...  Ge et al. (2014) presented an object-oriented multi-scale segmentation method using interpretation rule sets for automated waterline extraction from remote sensing imagery.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fenvs.2022.799250 fatcat:ap2j2vighjg6pkpfsrt4hda2fa

Blood vessel segmentation methodologies in retinal images – A survey

M.M. Fraz, P. Remagnino, A. Hoppe, B. Uyyanonvara, A.R. Rudnicka, C.G. Owen, S.A. Barman
2012 Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine  
The performance of algorithms is compared and analyzed on two publicly available databases (DRIVE and STARE) of retinal images using a number of measures which include accuracy, true positive rate, false  ...  positive rate, sensitivity, specificity and area under receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve.  ...  The line-operator-filtered images on the coarser scales of the pyramid were mapped to the original (finest) level of scale by using a cubic spline.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2012.03.009 pmid:22525589 fatcat:t6cjgne6rbckjlj7w7r4ptx6ui

Resolution learning in deep convolutional networks using scale-space theory [article]

Silvia L.Pintea and Nergis Tomen and Stanley F. Goes and Marco Loog and Jan C. van Gemert
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We evaluate our N-Jet layer on both classification and segmentation, and we show that learning sigma is especially beneficial for inputs at multiple sizes.  ...  We use scale-space theory to obtain a self-similar parametrization of filters and make use of the N-Jet: a truncated Taylor series to approximate a filter by a learned combination of Gaussian derivative  ...  We can find at every layer the appropriate subsampling level. Experiment 1 ( 1 B). Segmentation with U-Net Experiment 1.1(B): Segmentation of multi-scale inputs.  ... 
arXiv:2106.03412v2 fatcat:aspdfa57cneo3oskotq3jpdsoe

Extended Hermite Radial Basis Functions for Sparse Contours Interpolation

Deyun Zhong, Liguan Wang, Lin Bi
2020 IEEE Access  
Based on the theory of Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation, to construct more flexible geometry constraints, we incorporate the differential operator and difference operator to construct interpolation conditions  ...  Similar to the differential operator, the difference operator is used to construct gradient constraint and tangent constraint.  ...  [24] improved the previous estimation method, and proposed a novel contour-based volume image segmentation technique using Bilateral Hermite Radial Basis Functions (B-HRBF).  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2982802 fatcat:regq2ds6gzbmjold7sr7qw5m5i

Multi-scale segmentation of neurons based on one-class classification

Paul Hernandez-Herrera, Manos Papadakis, Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
2016 Journal of Neuroscience Methods  
Our segmentation method is based on one-class classification where the 3D image stack is analyzed at different scales.  ...  First, a multi-scale approach is proposed to compute the Laplacian of the 3D image stack. The Laplacian is used to select a training set consisting of background points.  ...  Recently, our team [12] proposed a semi-automatic method based on one-class classification for the segmentation of neurons.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jneumeth.2016.03.019 pmid:27038663 fatcat:udbiph5qardo7fj5a2j6qcm64i

Fundus Image Analysis to Detect Abnormalities in Diabetic Retinopathy using Computer Aided Design Tools - A Review

2020 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Filtering and morphological operators enhance image contrast and interested region can be extracted using segmentation techniques from the fundus image of the retina.  ...  Many researchers are working to develop early detection techniques, which may reduce the risk of vision loss using image-processing techniques like image enhancement and segmentation.  ...  A new automated method developed to detect blood vessels, which uses directional differential operators to extract the skeleton of main vessel and vessel direction is emphasized using multi directional  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.c6366.089620 fatcat:vm775vmscfaz5j4a2kwm4ylbt4

Optimization Techniques Are Best Choice to Segment Blood Vessels from Retinal Fundus Images

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Blood vessel segmentation in retinal fundus images is an adequate way and takes a critical role in medication and diagnosis of distinct retinal-related diseases and disorders.  ...  In this paper, a comprehensive review of various categories of segmentation techniques is presented with main focus on proving the magnificence of optimization techniques as the right choice in the process  ...  OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN SEGMENTATION To find an optimum or unconstrained solution of differentiable functions, optimization methods are used and the purpose of optimization is to achieve the efficient  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f9234.109119 fatcat:cicjakgsybhs3hwtjsjpytejtq

Hermite Interpolation of Implicit Surfaces with Radial Basis Functions

Ives Macêdo, João Paulo Gois, Luiz Velho
2009 2009 XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing  
with previous efforts based on statistical learning theory.  ...  We present the Hermite radial basis function (HRBF) implicits method to compute a global implicit function which interpolates scattered multivariate Hermite data (unstructured points and their corresponding  ...  Silva for participating in fruitful and insightful discussions and also for kindly providing computational resources.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sibgrapi.2009.11 dblp:conf/sibgrapi/MacedoGV09 fatcat:n5wefq342zds3lgehy6asukf7u

Curvelets based feature extraction of handwritten shapes for ancient manuscripts classification

Guillaume Joutel, Véronique Eglin, Stéphane Bres, Hubert Emptoz, Xiaofan Lin, Berrin A. Yanikoglu
2007 Document Recognition and Retrieval XIV  
The relevance of the signature is quantified with a CBIR (content based image retrieval) system that compares request images and database images candidates.  ...  We propose a global approach of writers' classification based on Curvelets based features in relation with two discriminative shapes properties, the curvature and the orientation.  ...  from the CERPI of the ENS-Lettres of Lyon to have helped us to understand the genesis of the Montesquieu's corpus and to have guided to us towards the definition of robust criteria for styles differentiation  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.704450 dblp:conf/drr/JoutelEBE07 fatcat:ifftqvsqffch7oe4piriha3zcm

What Can Machine Vision Do for Lymphatic Histopathology Image Analysis: A Comprehensive Review [article]

Xiaoqi Li, Haoyuan Chen, Chen Li, Md Mamunur Rahaman, Xintong Li, Jian Wu, Xiaoyan Li, Hongzan Sun, Marcin Grzegorzek
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This paper reviews the applications of image processing technology based on MV in lymphoma histopathological images in recent years, including segmentation, classification and detection.  ...  Finally, the current methods are analyzed, some more potential methods are proposed, and further prospects are made.  ...  We also thank Miss Zixian Li and Mr. Guoxian Li for their important discussion.  ... 
arXiv:2201.08550v2 fatcat:tzc4oiurzngkrlke4w4zt4f26u

Local Jet Pattern: A Robust Descriptor for Texture Classification [article]

Swalpa Kumar Roy, Bhabatosh Chanda, Bidyut B. Chaudhuri, Dipak Kumar Ghosh, Shiv Ram Dubey
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Methods based on local image features have recently shown promise for texture classification tasks, especially in the presence of large intra-class variation due to illumination, scale, and viewpoint changes  ...  All DtGs responses up to second order together preserves the intrinsic local image structure, and achieves invariance to scale, rotation, and reflection.  ...  Chaudhuri and Sarkar proposed a technique for texture recognition based on differential box-counting (DBC) [7] based algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:1711.10921v3 fatcat:k445joqrozfgfpggtfrxqxysh4

Lane-Level Road Network Generation Techniques for Lane-Level Maps of Autonomous Vehicles: A Survey

Ling Zheng, Bijun Li, Bo Yang, Huashan Song, Zhi Lu
2019 Sustainability  
Then, an overview of the lane-level road geometry extraction methods and mathematical modeling of a lane-level road network is presented.  ...  A large amount of research has been performed on lane-level road network generation based on various on-board systems.  ...  Higher detection rate • Labels the training set manually • Time-consuming GRF Images, Hough Transform [59] • Based on the strength of reflections of GRF images • Computation efficiency  ... 
doi:10.3390/su11164511 fatcat:zvovv5wnhndehlxi5hgou75cie
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