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Intelligent Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks through Bio-Inspired Computing: Survey and Future Directions

Sohail Jabbar, Rabia Iram, Abid Ali Minhas, Imran Shafi, Shehzad Khalid, Muqeet Ahmad
2013 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
is survey article is a comprehensive discussion on Intelligent Optimization of Wireless Sensor Networks through Bio-Inspired Computing.  ...  In the current research inclination, hiring of biological solutions to solve and optimize different aspects of arti�cial systems' problems has been shaped into an important �eld with the name of bio-inspired  ...  Sania Tariq, and Mr. Muhammad Irfan for their useful discussion on this research work.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/421084 fatcat:auqe54x6fjauddvdcktouyukae

Guest editorial bio-inspired networking

Falko Dressler, Tatsuya Suda, Iacopo Carreras, Jon Crowcroft, Masayuki Murata
2010 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
We are content that the selected papers highlight some of the best and most innovative ideas in the upcoming field of bio-inspired networking.  ...  They can be seen as excellent starting points for future research in this emerging area in networking.  ...  His research activities are focused on self-organizing networks addressing issues in wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, inter-vehicular communication systems, bio-inspired networking, and adaptive network  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsac.2010.100501 fatcat:n6cipu2ed5aghlvzm7ju7uyzcu

On Swarm Intelligence Inspired Self-Organized Networking: Its Bionic Mechanisms, Designing Principles and Optimization Approaches

Zhongshan Zhang, Keping Long, Jianping Wang, Falko Dressler
2014 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
The existing well-known bio-inspired algorithms such as pulse-coupled oscillators (PCO)based synchronization, ant-and/or bee-inspired cooperation and division of labor, immune systems inspired network  ...  Self-organized networks with swarm intelligence as one possible solution have attracted a lot of attention from both academia and industry.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the editor and anonymous reviewers for their critical comments, which greatly improved this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/surv.2013.062613.00014 fatcat:gil3a5vbm5abzbrnbsyfagosr4

Cross layer based biological inspired self-organized routing protocol for wireless sensor network

Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah, Sharifah Kamilah, Rozeha Rashid, Yakubu Baguda
2009 TENCON 2009 - 2009 IEEE Region 10 Conference  
This paper introduces a biological inspired self-organized secure autonomous routing protocol (BIOSARP). Our proposed protocol is based on ANT Colony System (ACS) for an optimal route decision.  ...  In multihop wireless sensor networks users or nodes are constantly entering and leaving the network.  ...  Acknowledgment I wish to express my sincere appreciation, sincerest gratitude to University Technology Malaysia for their support and special thanks to researchers in Telematic Research Group.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tencon.2009.5395945 fatcat:wlyojygs6fcijl2jh7d7pzamhy

Ant based Self-organized Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah Syed Ariffin, Sharifah Kamilah Syed Yusof, Rozeha A. Rashid
2009 International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security  
The proposed bio-inspired self-organized algorithm will also meet the enhanced sensor network requirements, including energy consumption, success rate and time.  ...  Therefore, biologically inspired algorithms are reviewed and enhanced to tackle problems arise in WSN. Ant routing has shown an excellent performance for sensor networks.  ...  As an example pheromone table at node 0 is shown in Table 4 . Conclusion In this paper, we have proposed an enhanced ant colony inspired self-organized routing mechanism for WSNs.  ... 
dblp:journals/ijcnis/SaleemFAYR09 fatcat:i2inolxglbdzrhsac64as4um44

A survey on bio-inspired networking

Falko Dressler, Ozgur B. Akan
2010 Computer Networks  
in-body molecular communication networks [5] , unattended ground, air, and underwater sensor networks [6], self-organizing sensor and actor networks [7, 8] and locally intelligent and self-cognitive devices  ...  are presented along with open research issues for the bio-inspired networking.  ...  as an inspiration to develop scalable and self-organizing technical systems, in particular computer networks.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2009.10.024 fatcat:hkc3vn42pfdfddkwxff7ojwrzu

A Comprehensive Review on Network Protocol Design for Autonomic Internet of Things

Riri Fitri Sari, Lukman Rosyidi, Bambang Susilo, Muhamad Asvial
2021 Information  
Many of the studies come from the research and development in Wireless Sensor Network protocols, as it becomes one of the key technologies for the Internet of Things.  ...  The identified autonomic properties are self-organization, self-optimization, and self-protection.  ...  The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to the reviewers for their valuable suggestions and important comments that have greatly helped to improve the presentation of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info12080292 fatcat:zr6j3tpannbxpjk6ohf2b63z6e

Bio-Inspired Networking — Self-Organizing Networked Embedded Systems [chapter]

Falko Dressler
2009 Understanding Complex Systems  
Application examples include wireless sensor networks and sensor/actuator networks.  ...  In particular, we study the behavior and the challenges in networked embedded systems that are meant to self-organize in large groups of nodes.  ...  The benefit lies in a better system efficiency and reliability, explicitly in unreliable multihop ad hoc wireless sensor networks.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77657-4_13 fatcat:b5itvfopuvdbpcaxw663bzwv7m

Bio-Inspired Network Security for 5G-enabled IoT Applications

Kashif Saleem, Ghadah Alabduljabbar, Nouf Alrowais, Jalal Al-Muhtadi, Muhammad Imran, Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues
2020 IEEE Access  
In [60] , authors developed a distributed, self-organized, honeybee-inspired algorithm for early anomaly detection in a connected system over a wireless network.  ...  The authors in [63] , propose Swarm Intelligence for Wireless Sensors Networks Cybersecurity,(SIWC) which is a generic bio-inspired model.  ...  He is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal on Ehealth and Medical Communications and editorial board member of several high-reputed journals.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3046325 fatcat:54fatt743vbcnnw3br6bjanwdi

Efficient Fault-Tolerant Protocol for Cognitive Radio Sensor Network using Ant Colony Optimization

Amit N. Thakare
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
There is need to divert towards the next generation communication network. All the users are depends on cognitive technology because of self-organization technology as an autonomous system.  ...  We try to develop the efficient fault-tolerant protocol for cognitive radio sensor networks motivated from the ant colony optimization.  ...  We try to design the routing protocols for solving the issues as self-organization, fault-tolerance and scalability as major issues in wireless sensor networks.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.1085 fatcat:c5qgyx2vq5gljkjjhk4qgfyhiy

Security Analysis with respect to Wireless Sensor Network – Review

K.Sethu Selvam, Dr.S.P. Rajagopalan
2017 International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science  
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is operated remotely and can be used in various fields like military surveillance, environmental monitoring, traffic monitoring, health monitoring and etc.  ...  Security or Privacy is the most important challenges in network. These challenges and issues are mostly affected in Wireless than Wired network because medium is open and less limited resources.  ...  [12] implemented technique as Enhanced biology-inspired self-organized secure autonomous routing protocol (E-BIOSARP).  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijecs/v6i4.46 fatcat:6qzcuk6efzdddfvt2xi4wnx2ey

A New Algorithm of Self Organization in Wireless Sensor Network

Hemanta Kumar KALITA, Avijit KAR
2010 Wireless Sensor Network  
In this paper, we discuss a new algorithm for self organization of sensors deployed in a geographical area.  ...  Self organization is one of the most important characteristics in an Ad-hoc Sensor Network. Thousands of Sensors are deployed in a geographical area randomly without considering the location factor.  ...  energy-aware self organized routing algorithm for the networking of simple battery powered wireless micro-sensors (as found, for example, in security or environmental monitoring applications).  ... 
doi:10.4236/wsn.2010.21006 fatcat:tggew5wdnvcnjkvafo7qnailly

Bio-inspired networking: from theory to practice

Falko Dressler, Ozgur Akan
2010 IEEE Communications Magazine  
This article aims to give an overview to the general field of bio-inspired networking, introducing the key concepts and methodologies.  ...  The presented examples outline the activities of a new community working on bio-inspired networking solutions, which is converging and becomes visible in term of the provided astonishingly efficient solutions  ...  • Bio-inspired networking is a class of strategies for efficient and scalable networking under uncertain conditions, e.g., for autonomic organization in largely distributed systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2010.5621985 fatcat:jg54t7k3vzdd5fadu4gmn42nli

Critical analysis of swarm intelligence based routing protocols in adhoc and sensor wireless networks

Zulfiqar Ali, Waseem Shahzad
2011 International Conference on Computer Networks and Information Technology  
Th is survey provides collection of Swarm Intelligence based algorithms for mobile ad hoc an d sensor networks and their critical analysis.  ...  There are various bio inspired and evolutionary approaches including genetic programming (GP), Neural Network, Evo lutionary programming (EP) exp loited for routing optimizat ion in MANETs and WSNs.  ...  Bio inspired, Swarm Intelligence approaches are more pro mising for ad hoc and wireless sensor networks due to the following pro minent aspects i.e.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccnit.2011.6020945 fatcat:4vscn74lrzc43mdb4grhsehr64

Implementation of Bio Inspired Algorithm in Identification of Best Route via Ant Colony Optimization Energy Level and Throughput with Encryption

Monica Kumari
2015 International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication  
Emmet Colony optimisation is most popular idle supported secretion worth within the network or SRTLD is employed once secretion Substance isn\'t gift supported Power, Location, and Routing & Security.  ...  We tend to write the Packets throughout Transmission for Secured Communication.  ...  this paper we tend to propose the look, implementation, simulation studies, and real testbed experimentation of the Biological-inspired Self-Organized Secure Autonomous Routing Protocol (BIOSARP). the  ... 
doi:10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.1503177 fatcat:n3hnj7nxlrdc5fxx7onlhsn34u
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