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An algebra of product families

Peter Höfner, Ridha Khedri, Bernhard Möller
2009 Journal of Software and Systems Modeling  
Our approach is illustrated with a Haskell prototype implementation of one particular model of product family algebra.  ...  We use the well established mathematical structure of idempotent semirings as the basis for a product family algebra that allows a formal treatment of the above notions.  ...  of an automated theorem prover in the context of product family algebra.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10270-009-0127-2 fatcat:xyfxwwiklfahzbrdjfy2477nou

A Tool for Formal Feature Modeling Based on BDDs and Product Families Algebra

Fadil Alturki, Ridha Khédri
2010 Workshop em Engenharia de Requisitos  
We propose a tool based on Product Families Algebra (PFA) and on Binary Decision Diagrams (BDD).  ...  Feature models are commonly used to capture the commonality and the variability of product families.  ...  A collection of products (an element of P(IP)) is called product family.  ... 
dblp:conf/wer/AlturkiK10 fatcat:62ynpjrlungzjed3qmh5vgeywe

An Aspect-Oriented Language for Product Family Specification

Qinglei Zhang, Ridha Khedri, Jason Jaskolka
2012 Procedia Computer Science  
Based on the specification language of PFA (Product Family Algebra), we present a language AO-PFA (Aspect-Oriented Product Family Algebra) that extends the aspect-oriented paradigm to feature modeling.  ...  This paper proposes an aspect-oriented approach at the feature-modeling level to better handle crosscutting concerns in the modeling of product families of ambient systems.  ...  Each product family is defined as an equation with a product families label at the left side and a product family algebra term at the right side.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2012.06.062 fatcat:4vnpzjm35nesfc7taichwwdm7y

Algebraic View Reconciliation

Peter Höfner, Ridha Khedri, Bernhard Möller
2008 2008 Sixth IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods  
This paper proposes an algebraic solution. It uses sets of integration constraints that link (families of) system features in one view to other (families of) features in the same or a different view.  ...  Both, families and constraints, are formalised using a feature algebra.  ...  Definition 2.2 A feature algebra is an idempotent and commutative semiring. Its elements are called product families.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sefm.2008.36 dblp:conf/sefm/HofnerKM08 fatcat:rlndklunajayxlon6hlznpwzue

On the Directly and Subdirectly Irreducible Many-Sorted Algebras

J. Climent Vidal, J. Soliveres Tur
2015 Demonstratio Mathematica  
AbstractA theorem of single-sorted universal algebra asserts that every finite algebra can be represented as a product of a finite family of finite directly irreducible algebras.  ...  Moreover, we show that the theorem of Birkhoff, according to which every single-sorted algebra is isomorphic to a subdirect product of subdirectly irreducible algebras, is also true in the field of many-sorted  ...  finite many-sorted algebra can also be represented as a product of a finite family of finite directly irreducible manysorted algebras.  ... 
doi:10.1515/dema-2015-0001 fatcat:gd7rguxeujhubeiquoa6i6a5ke

Page 604 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. 39, Issue 3 [page]

1970 Mathematical Reviews  
This defines an equivalence relation on the class of such families, families sharing the same tensor product being equivalent.  ...  By means of an ingenious | construction in C° the author produces a set S, an algebra | A of functions on S such that ®,=S, and a related algebra | B.  ... 

The Countable Chain Condition for C*-Algebras [article]

Shuhei Masumoto
2014 arXiv   pre-print
We show independence from ZFC of the statement that this condition is preserved under the tensor products of C*-algebras.  ...  In this paper, we introduce the countable chain condition for C*-algebras and study its fundamental properties.  ...  The minimal tensor product of a family of unital CCC C*-algebras has CCC if for every finite subfamily, its minimal tensor product has CCC. Theorem 1.2.  ... 
arXiv:1405.1100v1 fatcat:t74kp5mfengkxbbgnkhmt6kesy

Cup product on A_∞-cohomology and deformations [article]

Alexey A. Sharapov, Evgeny D. Skvortsov
2021 arXiv   pre-print
As an example, we construct a minimal A_∞-algebra from the Weyl-Moyal ∗-product algebra of polynomial functions.  ...  We propose a simple method for constructing formal deformations of differential graded algebras in the category of minimal A_∞-algebras.  ...  In order to make the DGA A t into a family of A ∞ -algebras, we define the tensor product algebra A t ⊗ k[[u]], where u is an auxiliary formal variable of degree 2.  ... 
arXiv:1901.07872v3 fatcat:6skel4zn75a7xmxwvzzsif6aum

On some structural properties of evolution algebras [article]

Yolanda Cabrera Casado, Dolores Martín Barquero, Cándido Martín González, Alicia Tocino
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We consider the intersection 𝔐(A) of all maximal ideals of an evolution algebra A and study the structure of the quotient A/(A).  ...  We investigate the superfluous members both in the family of maximal ideals and also in the set of hereditary subsets of the associated graphs.  ...  As an immediate consequence of the definition of subdirect product, if {I α } α∈Λ is a family of ideals of A and S := ∩ α I α then A/S ∼ = α∈Λ s A/I α .  ... 
arXiv:2311.00102v2 fatcat:udmky3js6jhbvh7btvh7r6fv4m

Certain free products of graph operator algebras [article]

Benton L. Duncan
2008 arXiv   pre-print
Using the free product description of these algebras we investigate the K-theory of these algebras.  ...  These algebras arise as free products of directed graph algebras with amalgamation. We then determine the C^*-envelopes for a large class of the non-selfadjoint algebras.  ...  Notice that if V (G) = 1 and f (e) = f (g) implies e = g, then the algebra A(G, f ) is an example of the semicrossed products for multivariable dynamics of [4] , whose free product description motivated  ... 
arXiv:0809.0848v1 fatcat:2nccmknq6bfcnjcdqqrii7exhy

A class of unbounded operator algebras, IV

Atsushi Inoue
1978 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications  
TENSOR PRODUCTS OF UNBOUNDED HILBERT ALGEBRAS Let Qr (resp. g2) be an unbounded Hilbert algebra over (2@r),, (resp. (B&J. Let .C?i @ ga be the algebraic tensor product of gr and ga .  ...  An EW#-algebra 2l is called weakly unbounded if there exists a family {21z,},,, of von Neumann algebras 211, such that g is a *-subalgebra of nAEn 21A and K = enEn 21c, .  ... 
doi:10.1016/0022-247x(78)90041-0 fatcat:dxkjhps2kzg4lhaemqwm3ohco4

Finiteness of semigroups of operators in universal algebra

Evelyn Nelson
1967 Canadian Journal of Mathematics - Journal Canadien de Mathematiques  
A universal algebra U is a subdirect product of the family (A t ) iei of universal algebras if it is a subalgebra of the direct product Yl^ t (i £ -0 an d if, for each i, the restriction to U of the natural  ...  The quotient algebra Yl^ */3 °f Yl^ t modulo this congruence relation is called a filter product of the family (Ai) iei . If 5 is an ultrafilter, IJ^U/S * s called an ultraproduct; see (1) .  ... 
doi:10.4153/cjm-1967-070-8 fatcat:u5aimuyy2bcr3owrgyrk2okg6i

Certain free products of graph operator algebras

Benton L. Duncan
2010 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications  
We associate to these generalized Cuntz-Krieger families a directed graph, with a coloring function on the edge set. We call such a directed graph an edge-colored directed graph.  ...  Using the free product description of these algebras we investigate the K -theory of these algebras. The operator algebras of directed graphs are important for two reasons.  ...  A further consequence of this free product construction is the following result which applies to graph algebras and hence allows graph algebras to be written as free products of simpler algebras.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2009.11.023 fatcat:kbd2gqhhdjep3hi2sthfp5xjwq

Generalized free products of boolean algebras with an amalgamated subalgebra

P.H. Dwinger, F.M. Yaqub
1963 Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings)  
The definition of the generalized free product of a family of Boolean algebras with an amalgamated subalgebra will be given in a way which is analogous to the definition of free products (cf. [6] ).  ...  The generalized free product of a family of Boolean algebras with an amalgamated subalgebra exists and is unique (up to jsomorphisms). Proof. We use the notation of section 1.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s1385-7258(63)50024-9 fatcat:ff6n46sq7nht7ixy4m5zwcn5ty

Algebra objects and algebra families for finite limit theories

Michael Johnson, R.F.C. Walters
1992 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra  
An afgebra family for T in %' is an (ordinary) algebra for T in Fam % and a co-algebra family for T in (e is a T-algebra in Fam (cop.  ...  The free product completion of % is the category (Fam %Op)Op and a representing object is then a family of objects of %.  ...  We have also had the benefit of helpful advice from an anonymous referee. The work was supported financially by the ARC. References  ... 
doi:10.1016/0022-4049(92)90047-j fatcat:bxe6koxmezhirhcfw4u3rx3igm
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