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An Overview of Terminological Resources available for French bioNLP

Aurélie Névéol, Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann, Pierre Zweigenbaum
2013 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum  
Herein, we review the extent of this coverage as well as the sources and methods for additional material available for French.  ...  Terminological resources in languages other than English are playing a critical role in all kinds of medical administrative solutions in countries where English is not an official language, or not the  ...  authors acknowledge travel funding from the EU STREP project grant 296410 ("Mantra") under the 7th EU Framework Programme within Theme "Intelligent Content and Semantics", "Challenge 4: Technologies for  ... 
dblp:conf/clef/NeveolRZ13 fatcat:vu24vgo5xzei3pr2rhf4fquwuu

BioNLP shared Task 2013 - An Overview of the Bacteria Biotope Task

Robert Bossy, Wiktoria Golik, Zorana Ratkovic, Philippe Bessières, Claire Nédellec
2013 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing  
This paper presents the Bacteria Biotope task of the BioNLP Shared Task 2013, which follows BioNLP-ST-11.  ...  Bacteria locations are crucial knowledge in biology for phenotype studies. The paper details the corpus specifications, the evaluation metrics, and it summarizes and discusses the participant results.  ...  Acknowledgments This work has been partially supported by the Quaero program, funded by OSEO, the French state agency for innovation and the INRA OntoBiotope Network.  ... 
dblp:conf/bionlp/BossyGRBN13 fatcat:xr76d7vwlvbidjzpvksfihmzzy

First Steps towards Building a Medical Lexicon for Spanish with Linguistic and Semantic Information

Leonardo Campillos-Llanos
2019 Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task  
We greatly thank the institutions who gave permission to include their data in MedLexSp, and also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.  ...  We provide a resource to be distributed for research purposes in the BioNLP community.  ...  Graeco-Latin components are very productive for coining medical terms; thus, several BioNLP systems integrate morphology-based lexical resources.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/w19-5017 dblp:conf/bionlp/Llanos19 fatcat:4eo6tyrkvzf5djuxx6vfknrxty

Medical information retrieval: introduction to the special issue

Lorraine Goeuriot, Gareth J. F. Jones, Liadh Kelly, Henning Müller, Justin Zobel
2016 Information retrieval (Boston)  
Acknowledgments We thank the co-editors of the journal Charles Clarke, Tetsuya Sakai and Arjen de Vries for their guidance during the editing of this special issue.  ...  This workshop gave an overview of the current research directions taken in the medical IR domain.  ...  • Roberts et al. (2016) present an overview of the TREC Clinical Decision Support (CDS) track.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10791-015-9277-8 fatcat:vup6o3ddcfhynap2wi7smikwfm

Overview of the gene regulation network and the bacteria biotope tasks in BioNLP'13 shared task

Robert Bossy, Wiktoria Golik, Zorana Ratkovic, Dialekti Valsamou, Philippe Bessières, Claire Nédellec
2015 BMC Bioinformatics  
The Bacteria Track tasks remain publicly open; the BioNLP-ST website provides an online evaluation service, the reference corpora and the evaluation tools.  ...  The Bacteria Track was motivated by a need to develop specific BioNLP tools for fine-grained event extraction in bacteria biology.  ...  Acknowledgements This work has been partially supported by the Quaero program funded by OSEO, the French state agency for innovation, the Program Investing in the Future, Grant n°ANR-10-IDEX-0003-02» funded  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-16-s10-s1 pmid:26202448 pmcid:PMC4511173 fatcat:keakzqti2bftpdbtaoi6nhv2pu

CODER: Knowledge infused cross-lingual medical term embedding for term normalization [article]

Zheng Yuan and Zhengyun Zhao and Haixia Sun and Jiao Li and Fei Wang and Sheng Yu
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Our codes and models are available at https://github.com/GanjinZero/CODER.  ...  CODER is designed for medical term normalization by providing close vector representations for different terms that represent the same or similar medical concepts with cross-lingual support.  ...  an existing terminology system, such as the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) [5] or SNOMED Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT) [13] .  ... 
arXiv:2011.02947v3 fatcat:lyecgcxewzghhgsm3ujsy74o3u

Semantic annotation in biomedicine: the current landscape

Jelena Jovanović, Ebrahim Bagheri
2017 Journal of Biomedical Semantics  
As a result, the meaning of those mentions is unambiguously and explicitly defined, and thus made readily available for automated processing.  ...  We also examine potential directions for further improvements of today's annotators which could make them even more capable of meeting the needs of real-world applications.  ...  Availability of data and materials Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13326-017-0153-x pmid:28938912 pmcid:PMC5610427 fatcat:jby2gq576vfdfmf4lsusahjrrm

The Recent Advances in Automatic Term Extraction: A survey [article]

Hanh Thi Hong Tran, Matej Martinc, Jaya Caporusso, Antoine Doucet, Senja Pollak
2023 arXiv   pre-print
As units of knowledge in a specific field of expertise, extracted terms are not only beneficial for several terminographical tasks, but also support and improve several complex downstream tasks, e.g.,  ...  ATE systems, along with annotated datasets, have been studied and developed widely for decades, but recently we observed a surge in novel neural systems for the task at hand.  ...  The overview of different evaluation metrics in ATE task.  ... 
arXiv:2301.06767v1 fatcat:aof447u2bzantl3omjhr7nbsn4

Text mining resources for the life sciences

Piotr Przybyła, Matthew Shardlow, Sophie Aubin, Robert Bossy, Richard Eckart de Castilho, Stelios Piperidis, John McNaught, Sophia Ananiadou
2016 Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation  
In this survey, we give an overview of the text mining resources that exist in the life sciences to help researchers, especially those employed in biocuration, to engage with text mining in their own work  ...  Text mining resources for the life sciences. Abstract Text mining is a powerful technology for quickly distilling key information from vast quantities of biomedical literature.  ...  Funding This work is jointly supported by the EC/H2020 project: an Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data (OpenMinTeD) Grant ID: 654021 and the BBSRC project: Enriching Metabolic PATHwaY models with  ... 
doi:10.1093/database/baw145 pmid:27888231 pmcid:PMC5199186 fatcat:nb5eby565jdcrho63yporkcjaa

Biomedical term extraction: overview and a new methodology

Juan Antonio Lossio-Ventura, Clement Jonquet, Mathieu Roche, Maguelonne Teisseire
2015 Information retrieval (Boston)  
Terminology extraction is an essential task in domain knowledge acquisition, as well as for Information Retrieval (IR).  ...  languages (English, French, and Spanish).  ...  Keywords Automatic Term Extraction · Biomedical Terminology Extraction · Natural Language Processing · BioNLP · Text Mining · Web Mining · Graphs Introduction The huge amount of biomedical data available  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10791-015-9262-2 fatcat:eccc224wqjbv5bsr46b7pgypue

NeuroElectro: a window to the world's neuron electrophysiology data

Shreejoy J. Tripathy, Judith Savitskaya, Shawn D. Burton, Nathaniel N. Urban, Richard C. Gerkin
2014 Frontiers in Neuroinformatics  
NeuroElectro is a valuable resource for experimental physiologists attempting to supplement their own data, for computational modelers looking to constrain their model parameters, and for theoreticians  ...  The behavior of neural circuits is determined largely by the electrophysiological properties of the neurons they contain.  ...  When manually curating the text-mined content for some of the most commonly reported electrophysiological properties, we accounted for an investigator's calculation of an electrophysiological measurement  ... 
doi:10.3389/fninf.2014.00040 pmid:24808858 pmcid:PMC4010726 fatcat:wnnfyv7brnb4lpnbhtv76lo2oq

Can reproducibility be improved in clinical natural language processing? A study of 7 clinical NLP suites

William Digan, Aurélie Névéol, Antoine Neuraz, Maxime Wack, David Baudoin, Anita Burgun, Bastien Rance
2020 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
Frameworks based on WMS match more than 50% of features (26 features for LAPPS Grid, 22 features for OpenMinted) compared to 18 features for current clinical NLP framework (cTakes, CLAMP) and 17 features  ...  Clinical natural language processing (NLP) pipelines are routinely leveraged for the secondary use of data.  ...  While resources for languages other than English are available in spaCy, ScispaCy does not offer resources outside of English.  ... 
doi:10.1093/jamia/ocaa261 pmid:33319904 pmcid:PMC7936396 fatcat:63l3hlzuvnar5nbhdeqowck6t4

Pre-trained Language Models in Biomedical Domain: A Systematic Survey [article]

Benyou Wang, Qianqian Xie, Jiahuan Pei, Zhihong Chen, Prayag Tiwari, Zhao Li, Jie fu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
It expects a survey that not only systematically reviews recent advances of biomedical PLMs and their applications but also standardizes terminology and benchmarks.  ...  At last, we illustrate various limitations and future trends, which we hope can provide inspiration for the future research of the research community.  ...  We draw an overview for these models in Fig. 1 .  ... 
arXiv:2110.05006v4 fatcat:tgz5zgzmizasphlgsxur3kereu

Making UIMA Truly Interoperable with SPARQL

Rafal Rak, Sophia Ananiadou
2013 Linguistic Annotation Workshop  
We alleviate this problem by introducing a conversion mechanism based on SPARQL, a query language for the data retrieval and manipulation of RDF graphs.  ...  Commonly, this problem has been solved programmatically by implementing UIMA components that perform the alignment of two type systems, an arduous task that is impractical with a growing number of type  ...  The triples are composed of resources and/or literals with the latter available only as objects.  ... 
dblp:conf/acllaw/RakA13 fatcat:cgvpvhj5ibcsff5ngma3h6hioi

Information Extraction from Electronic Medical Records using Natural Language Processing Techniques

E. Ogbuju, G.N. Obunadike
2020 Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management  
The system promises to assist health organizations in making informed decisions with the flood of key information data available in their domain.  ...  The cross-industry standard process for data mining methodology was applied in an experiment with an EMR dataset from PubMed todemonstrate the framework.  ...  Acknowledgement: The authors appreciate the contributions of Dr. Magnus Ogaraku of the Federal University Lokoja Health Services for providing some expert validation functions for this research.  ... 
doi:10.4314/jasem.v24i6.13 fatcat:u6hgdntpezdktfdcj7arbpb7lu
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