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Artificial Intelligence Technology Assisted Music Teaching Design

Dan Dan Dai, Baiyuan Ding
2021 Scientific Programming  
The online learning and education platform based on big data intelligence provides teachers with rich teaching methods, provides personalized evaluation and adaptive learning services for students' learning  ...  This study uses new generation information technologies such as big data, Internet of things, mobile Internet, and artificial intelligence to build a complete set of scientific intelligent music teaching  ...  Intelligent music teaching empowered by artificial intelligence technology is the key goal of educational research in the new era, which is the organic integration of high technology and educational science  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/9141339 fatcat:vbgw7bcva5cytlyhxv4nuzevz4

Reviewing Researches on Artificial Intelligence—Driven Education and Teaching from 2014 to 2023: A CiteSpace-based Visual Analysis

2024 Frontiers in Educational Research  
Artificial Intelligence (AI), as a revolutionary technology, has demonstrated its unique advantages in various fields such as healthcare, finance, and manufacturing.  ...  Employing bibliometrics and knowledge mapping methods, we established a detailed view of the development trends and research hotspots in AI-driven education and teaching research.  ...  education and teaching driven by artificial intelligence have primarily focused on using AI and big data technologies to optimize higher education teaching models and talent cultivation mechanisms.  ... 
doi:10.25236/fer.2024.070102 fatcat:kjaltossyzbebacxnesk6fzipa

The Application Trend of Digital Finance and Technological Innovation in the Development of Green Economy

Ya Zhou, Ping Gao
2022 Journal of Environmental and Public Health  
With the continuous development of technological economy, methods such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing become increasingly mature.  ...  education, three hot topics of technology intersection and integration.  ...  Driven by big data in education, new digital technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence are becoming a subversive force to promote innovation and reform the education system.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/1064558 pmid:35865872 pmcid:PMC9296319 fatcat:6gmqkjhq4zgeziahkqhxnka2cu

Artificial Intelligence Driven Resiliency with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Components

Bahman Zohuri, Farhang Mossavar Rahmani
2019 Journal of Communication and Computer  
We believe that Big Data infrastructure is the key to successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) deployments and accurate, unbiased real-time insights.  ...  Big data solutions have a direct impact and changing the way the organization needs to work with help from AI and its components ML and DL. In this article, we discuss these topics.  ...  The sweeping changes in big data Artificial Intelligence Driven Resiliency with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Components 6 technologies and management approaches need to be accompanied by similarly  ... 
doi:10.17265/1548-7709/2019.01.001 fatcat:q74wfcm6n5e4dbo4o6fkxt3m3u

Immersive Learning Method of Ideological and Political Education under Big Data and Artificial Intelligence

Yan Yu, Arpit Bhardwaj
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
The study aims to explore the influence of big data on college students' learning methods of ideological and political education (IPE) under artificial intelligence.  ...  First, the characteristics of big data are analyzed. Second, big data is introduced into IPE's classroom teaching, and its influence on students' learning methods is discussed.  ...  Park puts big data technology and digital technology into use in students' teaching. e results show that the introduction of this technology can adjust the focus of educational institutions to better meet  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/4176595 pmid:35755742 pmcid:PMC9217559 fatcat:rkor7m4om5hablhs4ct76clz5q

Big Data Analysis and Modeling of Higher Education Reform Based on Cloud Computing Technology

Ziye Tang, Hangjun Che
2022 Security and Communication Networks  
In order to quantify the application effects of different cloud computing technologies, the paper introduces three typical cloud computing technologies to analyze the research data and establish related  ...  The era of big data has had various impacts on higher education and accelerated the development of higher education.  ...  Exploration of Higher Education under Cloud Computing and Big Data Analysis Higher education in the era of big data and artificial intelligence should use the analysis function of big data and pay more  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/4926636 fatcat:rebesas6ynao3ovontagzfs3dy

Current and future of technologies and services in smart e-learning

Feng Tian, Qinghua Zheng, Kuo-Ming Chao
2020 Service Oriented Computing and Applications  
Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.  ...  intelligence and big data.  ...  Introduction Advance personalized learning is one of seventeen Grand Challenges in the twenty-first century [1] . e-Learning is a key, popular, and supportive way to achieve this task.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11761-020-00288-9 fatcat:sjj7zrhczfdfdjxgq6bobvgfwi

Machine Learning Driven an E-Commerce

Farahnaz Behgounia, Bahman Zohuri
2020 Zenodo  
deep learning into the e-commerce site of today which is in demand and very much becomes mandatory in order to be most effective and money maker for the owners of these sites.  ...  Abstract: With the renascence of traditional technology to more modern technology and utilization of digital technology, where most of e-commerce are now built on back of such revolution and innovative  ...  We believe that Big Data infrastructure is the key to successful Artificial Intelligence (AI) deployments and accurate, unbiased real-time insights.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4252455 fatcat:dkguosykyjaotmg5o6di6hxk4u

Design and Implementation of IoT Data-Driven Intelligent Law Classroom Teaching System

Gaoyan Shi, Akshi Kumar
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
In this paper, we conduct in-depth research and analysis by building an IoT data-driven intelligent law classroom teaching system and implementing it in the actual teaching process.  ...  Use data to conduct an in-depth analysis of learning situations and learning process analysis, optimize the reasonable construction of a personalized learning environment, serve personalized learning,  ...  Acknowledgments is article was supported by the Shijiazhuang Vocational and Technical College.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/8003909 pmid:35371242 pmcid:PMC8975672 fatcat:jn7ilo7wgfanlmvixy474bhvpe

Beyond STEM, How Can Women Engage Big Data, Analytics, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence? An Exploratory Analysis of Confidence and Educational Factors in the Emerging Technology Waves Influencing the Role of, and Impact Upon, Women [article]

Yana Samuel, Jean George, Jim Samuel
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Key Words- Women's Education, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Knowing, Confidence, Self-Efficacy, Learning.  ...  In spite of the rapidly advancing global technological environment, the professional participation of women in technology, big data, analytics, artificial intelligence and information systems related domains  ...  to do their bidding (Hill, C., It is critical to note the characteristics of the present technological wave that has begun to emerge: 'Big Data, Analytics, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence'.  ... 
arXiv:2003.11746v1 fatcat:iuz6hwdkn5a4lnmoiokrfiorya


2020 Issues in Information Systems  
The student-oriented higher education is traditionally still focused on face-to-face and/or online teaching and learning, mainly in the blended learning mode.  ...  IoT in higher education enables quick access to course videos and performs interactive responses in classrooms or anywhere, which will provide a multimedia learning environment, strengthen students' learning  ...  IoT can enhance data-driven decision-making in the teaching and learning process in higher education.  ... 
doi:10.48009/2_iis_2020_75-84 fatcat:o47aggos4bbrzpa74y5c5dhjii

Blended Teaching Design of College Students' Mental Health Education Course Based on Artificial Intelligence Flipped Class

Shan Shan, Yu Liu
2021 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
The main purpose of this thesis is to combine artificial intelligence and flipped classroom psychology.  ...  The current education methods are mostly based on test-oriented education and rarely really care about the content of students' concerns, and flipped psychological education methods have appeared in some  ...  structure system. e key to the implementation of the technological innovation-driven development strategy lies in talents.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6679732 doaj:e1f3284215e04875b752e158f4bdb345 fatcat:o5rzxyx5bncfrmjkrilbcuw3jy

Distributed Intelligent Learning and Decision Model Based on Logic Predictive Control

Yucheng Zhou, Wen Lu, Yingqiu Zhang, Ning Cao
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
From the perspective of psychological development and education, the key problems to be solved in the integration of artificial intelligence and physical education are examined.  ...  By the method of documentation and logical analysis, based on the data, based on logic and based on the knowledge of three kinds of artificial intelligence in the sports education, the intelligent learning  ...  of big data mining and analysis, analysis of learning preferences, and learning strategies, to achieve personalized physical education.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/6431776 pmid:36082343 pmcid:PMC9448558 fatcat:dhcfajsiqrekdbwrvg52exeaem

Artificial Intelligence in Education: AIEd for Personalised Learning Pathways

Olga Tapalova, Nadezhda Zhiyenbayeva, Dmitry Gura
2022 Electronic Journal of e-Learning  
The research identified key advantages to creating personalised learning pathways such as access to training in 24/7 mode, training in virtual contexts, adaptation of educational content to personal needs  ...  The proposed education paradigm reflects the increasing role of artificial intelligence in socio-economic life, the social and ethical concerns artificial intelligence may pose to humanity and its role  ...  In recent years, advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data analytics have opened up new opportunities for personalised learning.  ... 
doi:10.34190/ejel.20.5.2597 fatcat:vna5knjrnvguxj2hxht37x6tma

Using Artificial Intelligence for the Construction of University Physical Training and Teaching Systems

Liang Li, Lu Zhang, Su Zhang, Fazlullah Khan
2021 Journal of Healthcare Engineering  
In this paper, the knowledge of artificial intelligence is combined with the physical training and teaching in colleges and universities, and an educational system is developed to guide teachers' and students  ...  The research points out the reality that artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in sports and analyzes the specific application of artificial intelligence in sports.  ...  Artificial intelligence combined with core technologies such as machine learning, image recognition, and big data analysis could (i) give full play to the advantages of data acquisition and analysis technology  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/3479208 pmid:34630981 pmcid:PMC8494554 fatcat:m3zvhrgdrbabbnhza54t5mw4nm
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