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An Innovative Clustering Hierarchical Protocol for Data Collection from Remote Wireless Sensor Networks Based Internet of Things Applications

Syed Luqman Shah, Ziaul Haq Abbas, Ghulam Abbas, Fazal Muhammad, Aseel Hussien, Thar Baker
This paper proposes a reliable and an energy-efficient UAV-assisted clustering hierarchical (EEUCH) protocol designed for remote wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based IoT applications.  ...  Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have emerged as a viable solution for data collection from remote Internet of Things (IoT) applications.  ...  Introduction Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become a crucial technology in the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) use cases and application scenarios across a wide range of fields.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s23125728 pmid:37420893 pmcid:PMC10305020 fatcat:gpqv4ekxjjcg5f7lujjj7huzte

Healthcare Systems: Wireless Sensor Networks Using Recent Advances on Energy Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocols

Dr.Kathir. Viswalingam, G.Ayya ppan
2014 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering  
The studies focus on different cluster-based routing protocols which are used in increasing energy efficiency of WSN for healthcare application and to point out important issues in cluster-based routing  ...  Sensed data by accessing infrastructure networks as shown in A number of hospitals and medical centers are exploring applications of wireless sensor network (WSN) technology to a wide range of medical  ...  in the sensed data, data collection in the sensor network is based on location, and sensor nodes are not mobile.  ... 
doi:10.15680/ijircce.2014.0212009 fatcat:uubabc2a5vdbza5ekzoqtkibje

Energy Efficient Hierarchical Routing Protocols for IoT

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
IoT (Internet of Thing) is a wireless network in which smart objects communicate and interact with each other through internet, it also remotely control and monitor the objects within network.  ...  In this paper introduction to IoT its layered architecture, applications and various cluster based routing protocols has been introduced.  ...  INTRODUCTION The Internet of Things is an upcoming research area in recent days.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f8485.088619 fatcat:lpg6joo7qva7jdxea522ck5piu

Comprehensive Review of Routing Protocol in a Wireless Sensor Network for an IOT Applications

A. Geetha, S. Karthigai Lakshmi
2023 International journal of advanced scientific research and management  
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are a fundamental component of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, enabling the collection and transmission of data from various sensors in real-time.  ...  of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has enabled the proliferation of interconnected smart devices that gather and exchange vast amounts of data.  ...  the Internet of Things (IoT) by acting as the underlying infrastructure for data collection and transmission.  ... 
doi:10.36282/ijasrm/8.9.2023.1902 fatcat:egtnnijqzjcsfo2fvcsseeb6ii

Analysis of Energy in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Assessment

Anupam Jain, Prof. Madhuvan Dixit
2019 International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development  
The latest protocol for achieving the mobility and decreasing the delay in transmission of data is VELCT.  ...  VELCT construct the DCT based on cluster head location which helps in reducing the end to end delay of network.  ...  In data-centric routing, the BS sends queries to certain regions and waits for data from deployed sensors, hence data is collected through queries.  ... 
doi:10.31142/ijtsrd22789 fatcat:4m6cfbe7hzazxa2vqs6ofdxylu

A Review of Data Gathering Algorithms for Real-Time Processing in Internet of Things Environment

Atheer A. Kadhim, Norfaradilla Wahid
2020 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Today, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) has become an enabler technology for the Internet of Things (IoT) applications.  ...  The emergence of various applications has then enabled the need for robust and efficient data collection and transfer algorithms.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia for supporting this research through Tier 1 Grant H108.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2020.0110278 fatcat:zma4ykg2brffbg5trtixsfixoi


Savitha. M, Dr. B. Jayanthi
2022 Zenodo  
With the rapid advancement of Internet of Things innovation, there have been numerous applications connected with the Internet of Things.  ...  WSN is an assortment of exceptionally minuscule nodes which has acquired a high consideration of the scientists because of its different applications in various areas.  ...  Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) become an infrastructure for IoT applications.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6984249 fatcat:js4jtwzlubh3jiyunrtiaaq2hy

Wireless Sensor Network Technology and Networking Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Network Applications: A Survey

S. V. Chavan
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The distributed sensor nodes must be routed in the network to ensure cooperative collection of the data. Different routing protocols have been studied for their suitability to use in the WSN.  ...  Therefore, in present paper wireless sensor network technology and networking algorithms used in wireless sensor network for diverse applications are discussed.  ...  It is expected that, within few years the world may be connected with wireless sensor network and provides accession with the internet, to realize the concept of Internet of Things (IOT) [13] [14] [15  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.1100 fatcat:k7og7dfvrraz3blbhe3opbxb6u

Current Progress on Passion Efficient Cluster Based Routing Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks for Medicine Systems

S. SriGowthem, Et. al.
2021 Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education  
Detected modified works by getting to cellar organizes as clear in A measure of doctor's facilities and therapeutic focuses are investigating utilizations of remote sensor course of action (WSN) innovation  ...  Today, Wireless Sensor Networks are adequate acknowledged and flourishing securing conventions acknowledge been proposed in theory with an attention on the various leveled directing.  ...  An aggregation of spatially communicate sensor hubs, which are committal after the utilization of any wires, establishes a remote sensor game plan (Wireless Sensor Networks) [1, 2] .A Wireless Sensor  ... 
doi:10.17762/turcomat.v12i1s.1930 fatcat:6yg55qzi4rh6llb7cjcqvubmgq

The Supply Chain Financial Supervision Mechanism of the Internet of Things Based on the Integration of RFID and Wireless Sensor Network

Qingyun Zhu, Ying Cai, Guolong Shi
2021 Journal of Sensors  
It provides a theoretical basis and operation method for measuring the impact of RFID on the performance of the financial supervision process based on the Internet of Things supply chain in practical applications  ...  Based on the fusion of wireless sensor modules and UHF RFID readers, this paper develops a UHF RFID reading and writing system based on wireless sensing technology and designs a communication interface  ...  Starting from the performance characteristics of wireless sensor network and RFID technology, it provides new ideas for optimizing the collection of sensing layer information for the Internet of Things  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/4680049 fatcat:qiwnpayhbvfvjmjzi3p6z3ns6a

MANET Network in Internet of Things System [chapter]

Rasa Bruzgiene, Lina Narbutaite, Tomas Adomkus
2017 Ad Hoc Networks  
Interaction between wireless sensor and mobile ad-hoc networks with the Internet of Things allows the creation of a new MANET-IoT systems and IT-based networks.  ...  That is why the Internet of Things,an innovative technology and a good solution which allows the connection of the physical things with the digital world through the use of heterogeneous networks and communication  ...  Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the ICT COST Action IC1304-Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS), November 14, 2013-November 13, 2017, funded by European  ... 
doi:10.5772/66408 fatcat:bbclvj3rirc23mer2o6jb36jae

Internet of Things and Heterogeneous Networks Technologies: Concepts, Challenges and Perspectives

Chirihane Gherbi
2021 Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information  
Routing is a necessary process in the Internet of Things because it enables the interchange of data between Things by quickly guiding and reliably delivering data through the network from its origins to  ...  The Internet of Things is enabled by key pillars: radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs) (IoT), NFC (Near Field Communication), BLE (Bluetooth Low-Energy technology),  ...  The authors [8] have proposed a new (Distributed Energy efficient Adaptive Clustering Protocol): hierarchical approach for sensor networks with energy consumption.  ... 
doi:10.18280/isi.260408 fatcat:4fqrpp7gefawtc6xzpajoycgle

MANETS and Internet of Things: The Development of a Data Routing Algorithm

I. A. Alameri
2018 Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research  
Interaction between wireless sensor and mobile ad‐hoc networks with the internet of things allows the creation of a new MANET‐IoT systems and IT‐based networks.  ...  Internet of things (IoT), is an innovative technology which allows the connection of physical things with the digital world through the use of heterogeneous networks and communication technologies.  ...  In an IoT system, a major role is played by the wireless sensor network (WSN) as its components comprise: sensing, data acquiring, heterogeneous connectivity and data processing.  ... 
doi:10.48084/etasr.1810 fatcat:7d3tgj5bv5alrlttl4pzhwrsjy

Energy Efficient Cross Layer MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks in Remote Area Monitoring Applications

R Rathna, L Mary Gladence, J Sybi Cynthia, V Maria Anu
2021 Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication  
WSN is used in combination with Internet of Things and in many Big Data applications, it is used in the lower layer for data collection. It is deployed in combination with several high end networks.  ...  General Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are designed with electromechanical sensors through wireless data communication. Nowadays the WSN has become ubiquitous.  ...  S i S i E S i L    (1) Forwarding of data from nodes to the base station happens in an order based on the value of alpha.  ... 
doi:10.52547/jist.9.35.207 fatcat:nnjtwgex6vd2ln6g3ncbgxgpfe

SD-NFV as an Energy Efficient Approach for M2M Networks Using Cloud-Based 6LoWPAN Testbed

Bilal R. Al-Kaseem, Hamed S. Al-Raweshidyhamed
2017 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication is the leading technology for realising the Internet-of-Things (IoT).  ...  IPv6 over low power wireless personal area network (6LoWPAN) is the first protocol that provides IPv6 connectivity to the wireless M2M sensor nodes.  ...  The simple node is composed of a temperature sensor (TMP36) attached directly to the XBee module, and an LED used as an indicator for receiving the control signal from the cluster head in hierarchical  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2017.2704921 fatcat:ljirsy7gznefjhm5dvf6r4axny
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