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7,213 Hits in 5.7 sec

Are interventional radiology and allied specialities neglected in undergraduate medical education? A systematic review

Elif Iliria Emin, Zeinab Ruhomauly, Iakovos Theodoulou, John Gerrard Hanrahan, Nikolaos Staikoglou, Marios Nicolaides, Narayanan Thulasidasan, Apostolos Papalois, Michail Sideris
2019 Annals of Medicine and Surgery  
Standardisation of such efforts via a suggested framework, Strategy Development Framework for Interventional Radiology, can further optimise such outcomes.  ...  We also propose a standardised framework for relevant modules.  ...  In our previous study we proposed an SDF framework for the development of SBL courses in undergraduate surgical education [34] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.amsu.2019.03.004 pmid:30962927 pmcid:PMC6429536 fatcat:g47mwxwdurecpi3lu5egref2bq

Collective intelligence in medical decision-making: a systematic scoping review

Kate Radcliffe, Helena C. Lyson, Jill Barr-Walker, Urmimala Sarkar
2019 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
We aim to characterize the current state of research with respect to collective intelligence in medical decision-making and describe a framework for diverse studies in this topic.  ...  Collective intelligence, facilitated by information technology or manual techniques, refers to the collective insight of groups working on a task and has the potential to generate more accurate information  ...  US resolved differences in data abstraction and contributed to the manuscript's framework. All authors have reviewed and approved this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12911-019-0882-0 pmid:31399099 pmcid:PMC6688241 fatcat:nujynrgtk5ewnfkzmr32akuy6u

An Iterative Optimizing Framework for Radiology Report Summarization with ChatGPT

Chong Ma, Zihao Wu, Jiaqi Wang, Shaochen Xu, Yaonai Wei, Zhengliang Liu, Fang Zeng, Xi Jiang, Lei Guo, Xiaoyan Cai, Shu Zhang, Tuo Zhang (+4 others)
2024 IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence  
The 'Impression' section of a radiology report is a critical basis for communication between radiologists and other physicians, and it is typically written by radiologists based on the 'Findings' section  ...  Additionally, we design an iterative optimization algorithm that performs automatic evaluation on the generated impression results and composes the corresponding instruction prompts to further optimize  ...  Compared with general NLP tasks, radiology report summarization has its own unique challenges.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tai.2024.3364586 fatcat:azua4zhchjgy5pba3tfcmrdmbq

Radiology Environmental Impact: What Is Known and How Can We Improve?

Sean A. Woolen, Christine J. Kim, Andrew M. Hernandez, Amy Becker, Alastair J. Martin, Edward Kuoy, William C. Pevec, Sean Tutton
2022 Academic Radiology  
In this article, we provide a background on Radiology's environmental impact, describe why hospitals should add sustainability as a quality measure, and give a framework for radiologists to reduce the  ...  The healthcare sector generates approximately 10% of the total carbon emissions in the United States.  ...  The American Board of Radiology and the ACR define quality based on the IOM aims, which provide the current framework for radiologists to measure and evaluate the quality of medical care.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.acra.2022.10.021 pmid:36400705 fatcat:bhrinqgjhrhytpknyaxutkqdba

Deep learning applications in visual data for benign and malignant hematological conditions: a systematic review and visual glossary

Andrew Srisuwananukorn, Mohamed E Salama, Alexander T Pearson
2023 Haematologica  
Because of its capabilities to analyze medical imaging such as radiology scans and digitized pathology specimens, DL has significant clinical potential as a diagnostic or prognostic tool.  ...  subdomain of artificial intelligence algorithms capable of automatically evaluating subtle graphical features to make highly accurate predictions, which was recently popularized in multiple imaging related tasks  ...  to be aware of the opportunities that DL may provide.  ... 
doi:10.3324/haematol.2021.280209 pmid:36700396 pmcid:PMC10388280 fatcat:jter3z47bfa45fre2rt6rqkpoq

BI-RADS BERT and Using Section Segmentation to Understand Radiology Reports

Grey Kuling, Belinda Curpen, Anne L. Martel
2022 Journal of Imaging  
Using the BERT model pre-trained on breast radiology reports, combined with section segmentation, resulted in an overall accuracy of 95.9% in the field extraction tasks.  ...  Radiology reports are one of the main forms of communication between radiologists and other clinicians, and contain important information for patient care.  ...  We want to thank the Ontario Breast Screening Program (OBSP) for being our primary research data source.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jimaging8050131 pmid:35621895 pmcid:PMC9148091 fatcat:kz64ch4l6vgtnk74as574tqvhe

Capturing the Essence of Developing Endovascular Expertise for the Construction of a Global Assessment Instrument

B. Bech, L. Lönn, T.V. Schroeder, S.B.E.W. Räder, C. Ringsted
2010 European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery  
Design: Literature review and an experimental study.  ...  Materials and methods: The literature was searched for information regarding available global rating scales (GRSs); scientific societies' official statements on endovascular competence; and task analyses  ...  The Centre for Clinical Education, Rigshospitalet, contributed with financial support to the study.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ejvs.2010.04.022 pmid:20807686 fatcat:sti4onrhyna5lh5yj6kkdb5sfm

Radiology residency training in China: results from the first retrospective nationwide survey

Jingfeng Zhang, Xinxin Han, Zhenghan Yang, Zhenchang Wang, Jianjun Zheng, Zimo Yang, Jiming Zhu
2021 Insights into Imaging  
Respondents trained in the northeast and the west were more likely to report, for instance, radiological examination recommendation (OR = 1.91, 95%CI = 1.27-2.88), as "very frequent."  ...  and reporting) was consistent.  ...  The authors would like to thank the Chinese Association of Radiologists for their support. The authors are deeply indebted to all these organizations for the generous help.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13244-021-00970-2 pmid:33595737 fatcat:rdowr6ft4zejzfsc5kjjynhyty

Page 3065 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 75, Issue 11 [page]

1988 Psychological Abstracts  
—Observers with four different levels of radiological experience performed a recognition memory task on slides of faces and chest X-ray films.  ...  Memory for abnormal X-ray films increased with radiological experience and, for the most experienced radiologists, was equivalent to memory for faces.  ... 

A Web-Based Flexible Communication System in Radiology

Alexander Valentine Rybkin, Mark Wilson
2010 Journal of digital imaging  
We report a successful radiology communication system based on the principles of flexibility and inclusiveness of users inside and outside the radiology department.  ...  A web-based system for rapid multidirectional communication has been created in the Radiology department at San Francisco General Hospital.  ...  The Radiologue system is our first attempt at creation of such an inclusive, pleuripotent system.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10278-010-9351-0 pmid:21152949 pmcid:PMC3180535 fatcat:6osgjdgylngenjklwrg7qgsery

Machine learning in cardiovascular radiology: ESCR position statement on design requirements, quality assessment, current applications, opportunities, and challenges

Thomas Weikert, Marco Francone, Suhny Abbara, Bettina Baessler, Byoung Wook Choi, Matthias Gutberlet, Elizabeth M. Hecht, Christian Loewe, Elie Mousseaux, Luigi Natale, Konstantin Nikolaou, Karen G. Ordovas (+7 others)
2020 European Radiology  
. • Based on existing study quality standard frameworks such as SPIRIT and STARD, we propose a list of quality criteria for ML studies in radiology. • The cardiovascular imaging research community should  ...  While the focus of this position statement is ML development in cardiovascular imaging, most considerations are relevant to ML in radiology in general.  ...  They report an F1 score of 0.89 for calcium scoring of coronaries on soft kernel reconstructions • ML algorithms provide opportunities along the whole task-pipeline of cardiovascular radiology.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00330-020-07417-0 pmid:33211147 fatcat:lwd7uxms7vh4lkiteiajjuziw4

Infection prevention and control in medical imaging surveys: The need to map to guidelines to address systemic issues?

Yobelli A. Jimenez, Suzanne Hill, Sarah J. Lewis
2023 Infection Disease & Health  
Existing topics within IPC surveys in MI are tailored to individual studies and locales, with lack of consistency to national frameworks.  ...  Infection prevention and control (IPC) in the medical imaging (MI) setting is recognised as an important factor in providing high-quality patient care and safe working conditions.  ...  in Healthcare', [1] , which is an example of a national framework across many health settings.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.idh.2023.01.001 pmid:36707351 fatcat:onw75chyobdwzhbb6i6hro2soq

BI-RADS BERT Using Section Segmentation to Understand Radiology Reports [article]

Grey Kuling, Dr. Belinda Curpen, Anne L. Martel
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Using the BERT model pre-trained on breast radiology reports combined with section segmentation resulted in an overall accuracy of 95.9% in the field extraction tasks.  ...  Radiology reports are one of the main forms of communication between radiologists and other clinicians and contain important information for patient care.  ...  Martin Yaffe and his research team for assistance in obtaining data.  ... 
arXiv:2110.07552v2 fatcat:knhasjoudzconjigxqx6mwgb7m

Exploring the Nontechnical Competencies for On-scene Public Health Responders in Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Emergencies: A Qualitative Study

Xuejun Hu, Huoliang Chen, Min Yu
2020 Public Health  
Eight domains of non-technical core competencies were identified: (1) situation awareness, (2) communication skills, (3) collaboration, (4) resource management, (5) task management, (6) cultural competency  ...  The purpose of this study was to define and delineate specific non-technical competencies for first-line public health responders in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) emergencies in  ...  Although inclusion criteria for subjects were based on their experience in the field of CBRN responses and their varying backgrounds, it is possible that a potential source of bias exists in respondents  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.puhe.2020.04.015 pmid:32413805 pmcid:PMC7167558 fatcat:t4yb2nnccra7tfrnos2w7v2xti

Explicability of artificial intelligence in radiology: Is a fifth bioethical principle conceptually necessary?

Frank Ursin, Cristian Timmermann, Florian Steger
2021 Bioethics  
What are the reasons for such inclusion? Which ethical concepts are referred to?  ...  General guidelines for ethical AI consider a varying number of principles important.  ...  concept in radiological white papers and general guidelines for ethical AI.  ... 
doi:10.1111/bioe.12918 pmid:34251687 fatcat:hke7xlc32jh5tau5lz4ums2yxi
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