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68,771 Hits in 3.9 sec

An Optimization for Hybrid Semantic Similarity Computation

Zhixiao Wang, Xiaofang Ding, Ying Huang
2015 International Journal of Hybrid Information Technology  
Generally speaking, ontology concepts semantic similarity computation is tedious and time-consuming. This paper puts forward an optimization algorithm to simplify semantic similarity computation.  ...  Simulation experiments showed the optimization algorithm could make similarity computation simple and convenient, and similarity computation speed was improved by one time.  ...  Based on the semantic similarity of one concept pair, the optimization algorithm can give semantic similarity of arbitrary concept pair in the ontology.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijhit.2015.8.10.19 fatcat:pgmqrqe5frbt3fh7rnl3te4lay

New-Fangled Alignment of Ontologies for Content Based Semantic Image Retrieval

Anuja khodaskar, Siddarth Ladhake
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
This paper highlights content based image retrieval system using alignment of ontologies. The traditional contents-based image retrieval systems using single ontology retrieve imprecise images.  ...  To overcome this weakness, proposed image retrieval system designed using core semantic multiple ontology which merges feature ontology, semantic feature ontology, user ontology and metadata ontology.  ...  Fundamental of ontology In Computer Science, ontology is an explicit specification of the conceptualisation of the domain.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.04.185 fatcat:zxe7fjinmbeo3ptokasdqkftoa

Agricultural Library Information Retrieval Based on Improved Semantic Algorithm [chapter]

Xie Meiling
2015 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
The traditional semantic similarity algorithm was improved according to its shortages. An algorithm based on semantic distance was designed and tested.  ...  The results can improve the recall ratio and precision of information retrieval, improving information retrieval performance.  ...  How to build the information query model based on semantic technology was a subject to be solved in which the most key problem was the semantic similarity computation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19620-6_65 fatcat:hfu6cd3pe5fxrjq7ay6g3f5cr4

Ontology and Clustering Based Heterogeneous Data Sources Integration

Abrar Omar Alkhamisi
2020 International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering  
Thus, this work presents heterogeneous data source integration model based on novel semantic ontology.  ...  Secondly, it applies the kernel-based similarity learning to compute the similarity between the heterogeneous data sources.  ...  Figure 1 shows the proposed integration model based on the semantic ontology.  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijatcse/2020/79942020 fatcat:eqg4nhf3azfwjh4noal3dn6sly

COGOM: Cognitive Theory Based Ontology Matching System

K. Saruladha, S. Ranjini
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
This paper focuses on designing an ontology matching system in which concepts are modeled based on cognitive units of knowledge comprising of objects, attributes and relationships.  ...  The similarity computation is adapted from the Tversky psychological model of similarity.  ...  of Bayesian decision Alignments based on background knowledge produces unsatisfactory results FalconAO++:An Improved Ontology Alignment System 8 -2014 OAEI conference track data set 1.Divide  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.237 fatcat:njhrngian5acrdrrdhzj254aoe

A Semantic Vector Retrieval Model for Desktop Documents

Li Sheng
2008 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering  
weight computing based on statistical method, the expression of semantic relations between different keywords, the description of document semantic vectors and the similarity calculating, etc.  ...  The paper provides a semantic vector retrieval model for desktop documents based on the ontology.  ...  The Features of New Model Though the semantic vector space model draws on some thinking of traditional vector space model, it make some useful improvements based on the specific features of semantic information  ... 
doi:10.1109/csse.2008.421 dblp:conf/csse/Sheng08 fatcat:ldsxy4sghbcbhbsz3pndycltuy

A Semantic Vector Retrieval Model for Desktop Documents

Sheng Li
2009 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications  
weight computing based on statistical method, the expression of semantic relations between different keywords, the description of document semantic vectors and the similarity calculating, etc.  ...  The paper provides a semantic vector retrieval model for desktop documents based on the ontology.  ...  The Features of New Model Though the semantic vector space model draws on some thinking of traditional vector space model, it make some useful improvements based on the specific features of semantic information  ... 
doi:10.4236/jsea.2009.21009 fatcat:c533wrur2bcprgjudk5gjyrseu

A Novel Optimization Model Based on the Unification of Proximity and Semantic Similarity in Grid Computing

Abdul Khalique Shaikh, Saadat Alhashmi, Rajendran Parthiban
2015 Journal of Software & Systems Development  
To overcome the issue and enhance the Grid performance, we propose a novel optimization model based on Unification of Proximity and Semantic similarity in Grid Computing.  ...  The reason for poor selection is because of the allocation of Grid resources based on First Come First Serve (FCFS) scheme, which reduces the utilization of a domain-based semantic ontology Grid system  ...  The model optimizes the selection of an appropriate resource for current job requirements based on node proximity and semantic similarity factors.  ... 
doi:10.5171/2015.926190 fatcat:wgj3i5zfmjb7dmidjkkvdx3v4e

A density compensation-based path computing model for measuring semantic similarity [article]

Xinhua Zhu, Fei Li, Hongchao Chen, Qi Peng
2015 arXiv   pre-print
Therefore, in order to solve the problem of non-uniformity of concept density in a large taxonomic ontology, we propose a new path computing model based on the compensation of local area density of concepts  ...  The shortest path between two concepts in a taxonomic ontology is commonly used to represent the semantic distance between concepts in the edge-based semantic similarity measures.  ...  Edge is an important component of the hierarchical structure of a taxonomic ontology, so the edge-based semantic similarity metric is intuitive, easy to understand and has low computational complexity.  ... 
arXiv:1506.01245v1 fatcat:6y3lpzzohrdyjghrmbj6gckjee

Web Service Discovery Methods and Techniques: A Review

Soodeh Pakari, Esmaeel Kheirkhah, Mehrdad Jalali
2014 International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
We focus on the latter, which is further divided into semantic-based, syntax-based and context-aware.  ...  We focus on the matchmaking view which is further divided into semantic-based, syntax-based and context-aware.  ...  This similarity is based on an accurate concept semantic similarity of the domain ontology. A domain ontology hierarchy is defined to describe the concept semantic information.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcseit.2014.4101 fatcat:oo2oig5eybhqnipc27mjk4qfke

Calculating Semantic Similarity between Academic Articles using Topic Event and Ontology [article]

Ming Liu, Bo Lang, Zepeng Gu
2017 arXiv   pre-print
the similarity between topic events based on the domain ontology to acquire the semantic similarity between articles.  ...  In this paper, we focus on the document-level semantic similarity issue for academic literatures with a novel method.  ...  We thank the reviewers for their valuable feedback, which help to improve the paper.  ... 
arXiv:1711.11508v1 fatcat:5b4elb2b7fcrvkoxqgpa25hkqa

A Novel Comprehensive Approach for Estimating Concept Semantic Similarity in WordNet [article]

Xiao-gang Zhang, Shou-qian Sun, Ke-jun Zhang
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Computation of semantic similarity between concepts is an important foundation for many research works.  ...  Based on analyzing representative IC computing methods and typical semantic similarity measures, we propose a new hybrid IC computing method.  ...  Acknowledgments The work in this paper was supported by Chinese National Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 61562072).  ... 
arXiv:1703.01726v1 fatcat:su2tafqvvjam7eazoepav4ew74

Emerging Trends in Reducing Semantic Gap towards Multimedia Access: A Comprehensive Survey

Aijazahamed Qazi, R. H. Goudar
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Application/Improvement: Use of Description logics increases the efficiency of semantic retrieval.  ...  Findings: This paper provides an overview of contemporary challenges and open research issues in reducing the Semantic gap.  ...  In order to improve the human computer communication interface, understanding semantic concepts of images based on linguistic descriptions is necessary.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i30/99072 fatcat:asnamx3urveabjyritsri3guuy

A semantic similarity method based on information content exploiting multiple ontologies

David Sánchez, Montserrat Batet
2013 Expert systems with applications  
Results show an improvement in the similarity assessment accuracy when multiple ontologies are considered.  ...  The quantification of the semantic similarity between terms is an important research area that configures a valuable tool for text understanding.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was partly funded by the Spanish Government through the projects CONSOLIDER  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2012.08.049 fatcat:dk4dvnaysfhtvf3l62f4ztw2fa

Ontology based Similarity Measure in Document Ranking

U.K Sridevi., N Nagaveni.
2010 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The retrieval model is based on the importance factors of the structural elements, which are used to re-rank the documents retrieval by the ontology based distance measure.  ...  This paper presents a methodology for the ontology based semantic annotation of web pages with annotation weighting scheme that takes advantage of the different relevance of structured document fields.  ...  The authors express their sincere thanks to the Management and Principal for their encouragement and support.  ... 
doi:10.5120/469-774 fatcat:fvggphmzlrcwpehjttce3opzhy
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