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A Genetic-LVQ neural networks approach for handwritten Arabic character recognition

Abir Alharbi
2018 Artificial intelligence research  
Each character dataset contains 28 letters written twice with 15 distinct shaped alphabets, and each handwritten Arabic letter is represented by a binary matrix that is used as an input to a genetic algorithm  ...  system with an accuracy of 95.4%, hence, showing a promising potential for improving future handwritten Arabic recognition devices in the market.  ...  In Alimi [42] an evolutionary neuro-fuzzy approach was used for a recognition system that classified letters from different hand-writing styles. In Hussein et al.  ... 
doi:10.5430/air.v7n2p43 fatcat:6pyc77bmfncfpgctzyrwseu45u

Urdu Ligature Recognition System: An Evolutionary Approach

Naila Habib Khan, Awais Adnan, Abdul Waheed, Mahdi Zareei, Abdallah Aldosary, Ehab Mahmoud Mohamed
2021 Computers Materials & Continua  
Cursive text recognition of Arabic script-based languages like Urdu is extremely complicated due to its diverse and complex characteristics.  ...  Evolutionary approaches like genetic algorithms have been used in the past for various optimization as well as pattern recognition tasks, reporting exceptional results.  ...  The authors in [58] , proposed a system for recognizing online cursive Arabic handwriting.  ... 
doi:10.32604/cmc.2020.013715 fatcat:w7bgzlatbjeu3efblcn2wiyoea

Proceeding of the 2nd Deep Learning Indaba-X Ethiopia Conference 2021

ejssd journal
2022 Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development  
As one of the universities mandate to spearhead the transformation process, Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) is looking forward to excel in science and technology.  ...  To showcase its all-round efforts, ASTU has organized the 2nd Deep Learning Indaba-X Ethiopia Conference 2021 on "Strengthening Awareness and Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence  ...  To do this, we have implemented the XGboost algorithm with GirdSearchCV on the dataset. A similar predictive algorithm was made by other scholars from India [1], and had an accuracy rating of 80.05%.  ... 
doi:10.20372/ejssdastu:v0.i0.2022.412 doaj:6184f6f09a8e4521a49a11b6b41cd433 fatcat:jflueovu45aindmlhhvfv7xigy

Symmetry based indexing of diatoms in an image database

S. Fischer, M. Binkert, H. Bunke
Proceedings 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition. ICPR-2000  
Ensemble methods to improve the performance of an English handwritten text line recognizer. In D. Doerman and S.  ...  A novel approach to on-line handwriting recognition based on bidirectional long short-term memory networks. In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Document Analysis and Recognition, pages 367-371, 2007. 79. B.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpr.2000.906218 dblp:conf/icpr/FischerBB00 fatcat:3f6jpko2pzd7bnpbu2gbusr5oe

International Union of History and Philosophy of Science Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science Bulletin no. 11

Risto Hilpinen
1987 Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic  
The second section is based on Kepler's 'New stereometry'.  ...  Our concepts about nature and our relationships to it draw very much on the ideas and norms of society in which we are born, socialized, and educated. And the other way round.  ...  Nohda was expected to play an important role in calendar reform. In September of 1940, Nohda was invited to attend the calendar compilation meeting held in Nanjing.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf00396908 fatcat:mgrd45qn4zfd3nystwqf34jv6m

Political spiritualities: the Pentecostal revolution in Nigeria - By Ruth Marshall

2012 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute  
an architectural and an anthropological approach to this subject.  ...  but indirectly; and community is a strategically fuzzy concept.  ...  Contrasting such approaches, the essays aim -as editor Rebecca Biron states -to present the cities foremost as 'sites of creativity' (p. 2), thereby allowing an 'affective understanding of the lived city  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9655.2012.01754_29.x fatcat:zarop2vihvbdvp7tnn26ue4tda

COGNITIVE 2014 Committee COGNITIVE Advisory Chairs

Hakim Lounis, Canada, Hermann Kaindl, Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer, Malaysia, Jose Alfredo, F Costa, Hakim Lounis, Canada, Om Rishi, Hermann Kaindl, Narayanan Kulathuramaiyer (+78 others)
The advances in applying ontology and semantics concepts, web-oriented agents, ambient intelligence, and coordination between autonomous entities led to different solutions on knowledge discovery, learning  ...  We also kindly thank all the authors who dedicated much of their time and efforts to contribute to COGNITIVE 2014.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors want to acknowledge the Hospital Central de Asturias (Oviedo, Spain) for providing all the facilities to acquire and treat the TBNC samples.  ... 

Motion planning by genetic algorithm for a redundant manipulator using an evaluation function based on criteria of skilled operators

T. Shibata, T. Abe, K. Tanie, M. Nose
Proceedings of 1995 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
record handwriting on any surface.  ...  Artificial Intelligence in Mechatronics Neuro-Fuzzy Control in Mechatronics 09:30-09:48 Using Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System in Developing an Electrical Arc Furnace Simulator F.  ... 
doi:10.1109/robot.1995.525631 dblp:conf/icra/ShibataATN95 fatcat:vzk3brbh3rh7xaln5vowvqxnue

Abstracts Presented at the Thirtieth Annual International Neuropsychological Society Conference, February 13???16, 2002 Toronto, Canada

2002 Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society  
Names were presented as part of an f MRI scanning protocol at the rate of 4 sec0name, at which time participants indicated by button press if they recognized the name as famous or not.  ...  , but not the elderly, maintained an active state of inhibition on this task.  ...  Malingering on the WAIS: Validation of Mittenberg's Approach to Detection.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s1355617702822019 fatcat:3oxum6t47jhxdkyttu2aqc2mwi

The Written Utterance as a Core Concept in Grapholinguistics

Martin Neef
Grapholinguistics in the 21st Century, Part I   unpublished
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank for their precious help (in alphabeti cal order): PierrePaul Durastanti, Aimee Johansen, Gerolf Kotte, Dim itrios Meletis, Nina Nørgaard, Bruno Para, Erwann  ...  Perchoc, Roswitha Quadflieg, Irmi Wachendorff, Acknowledgments Many thanks are tendered to many members of the Library Service of Parkland College, Champaign, IL (USA) for their serenity and profes  ...  nonRoman scripts, and ones that occur in handwriting.  ... 
doi:10.36824/2020-graf-neef fatcat:quimxdtq6zal5pzycpndobpk7m

The bilingual imagination

Anna Kager
Yet for all three authors a multilingual background is indissolubly connected to the writing, both on the formal level of the text (the use of foreign words, multilingual puns, a play with accent and pronunciation  ...  A deeper awareness of the material way in which bilingual writing diverges from the writing of monolingual authors may not only shed new light on these three authors and their writings but on the workings  ...  At first, I approached the problem pragmatically and on the page of the texts.  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3pv6hnx fatcat:4b2lbkdtpnh5poqe3dwsmiltsa