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The affective development of biology students in further education. The construction and evaluation of a test related to O- and A-level courses in biology, with particular reference to the affective domain. Use of the test to obtain diagnostic and predictive information

Gerald Ian Bentley
The thesis is divided into three parts. In Part One, the literature relating to affective characteristics and science education is reviewed.  ...  'Affective Profiles' can provide a useful graphic representation of the level of affective development reached by individual students and such profiles can, in conjunction with cognitive data, aid in the  ...  One of the roles of the school should be to strengthen desirable attitudes, reduce the strength of undesirable attitudes and provide an appropriate environment for the development of new, positive attitudes  ... 
doi:10.21954/ou.ro.0000f746 fatcat:j4rouegrefesdi5z7ypgygqbuq