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Inter-Organizational Fault Management: Functional and Organizational Core Aspects of Management Architectures

Patricia Marcu, Wolfgang Hommel
2011 International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications  
In this article we present the results of a thorough use case based requirements analysis for an architecture for inter-organizational fault management (ioFMA).  ...  One key aspect of such inter-organizational cooperation is fault management, because it is crucial to locate and solve problems, which reduce the quality of service, quickly and reliably.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank their colleagues at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities (see http://www.lrz.de/) for helpful discussions  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcnc.2011.3107 fatcat:5fikcnqcgvh2vk7guhnkhmij6q

Research, Design, and Validation of a Normative Enterprise Architecture for Guiding End-to-End, Emergency Response Services

Michael J. Marich, Benjamin L. Schooley, Thomas A. Horan
2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
Normative architecture characteristics and symposium findings are integrated into a framework that offers an enterprise approach for delivering time-critical emergency response services.  ...  At a national symposium, academics and practitioners involved in promoting effective emergency response information systems provided validation for the architecture and next steps for enhancing emergency  ...  We would also like to thank the anonymous AMCIS reviewers for their thoughtful comments on our work. This research has been supported by the National Science Foundation (grant # 0535273).  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/MarichSH09 fatcat:jvdq6ge4snav7k6xwmajgqkija

SOA Adoption in Business Networks: Does SOA live up to High Expectations?

Jan Löhe, Christine Legner
2010 European Conference on Information Systems  
In addition, SOA concepts are not yet sufficiently linked to the mature stream of research on inter-organizational information systems (IOS).  ...  Second, we analyze 25 inter-organizational SOA cases to identify focus areas and patterns of SOA adoption in business networks.  ...  This approach differentiates three layers for describing the alignment of strategic and organizational capabilities with the IS/IT architecture, and has been widely used to analyze the design of IT-supported  ... 
dblp:conf/ecis/LoheL10 fatcat:efqtfzhts5hv7ny6lhhvn2ipdq

Inter-Sector Practices Reform for e-Government Integration Efficacy

Teta Stamati, Athanasios Karantjias
2011 Journal of Cases on Information Technology  
The study proposes a knowledge guide for approaching, analyzing and defining government-wide architectural practices when building large scale enterprise governmental frameworks.  ...  A set of fundamental design and implementation principles are specified for increasing government organizations' agility and ensuring that end-users perceive the quality of the provided services.  ...  The study proposes a knowledge guide for approaching, analyzing and defining government-wide architectural practices when building large scale enterprise governmental frameworks.  ... 
doi:10.4018/jcit.2011070104 fatcat:loimwy3qcbadfamuiidiubyqcu

Towards an information architecture oriented framework for emergency response system

Shuyan Xie, Markus Helfert
2011 International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management  
Based on the IT-Capability Maturity Framework (IT-CMF), we detailed some aspects of this model from an information architectural perspective to examine a country wide emergency service.  ...  We propose a framework to analyzing architectural aspects for information sharing that can help improve emergency response system. The framework is discussed and exemplified with a case study.  ...  , and inter-organizational information systems).  ... 
dblp:conf/iscram/XieH11 fatcat:fxcg732mhrehvmtsgtzgg534da

Networked Business Process Management

Paul Grefen
2013 International Journal of IT - Business Alignment and Governance  
The paper thereby provides an overview of developments in the area of inter-organizational business process management in the spectrum from simple, static business networks to complex, dynamic networks  ...  The author starts this paper with a treatment of intra-and inter-organizational business processes to provide a conceptual background for business process management in business networks.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT All colleague researchers and practitioners of the CrossFlow, CrossWork, XTC and CoPro-Find projects are thanked for their work and collaboration, which have provided valuable input for  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijitbag.2013070104 fatcat:qbcrq6d3hzg5bmq3jjkdcya2wq

Enterprise information security, a review of architectures and frameworks from interoperability perspective

Marzieh Shariati, Faezeh Bahmani, Fereidoon Shams
2011 Procedia Computer Science  
The Enterprise Information Security Architecture (EISA) offers a framework upon which business security requirements, the risks and the threats are analyzed and a portfolio of the best integrated enterprise  ...  In this regard, we survey the prominent holistic approaches namely Gartner, SABSA, RISE frameworks, AGM-based model and intelligent Service-Oriented EISA.  ...  Acknowledgements Authors would like to acknowledge the support provided by Education and Research Institure for ICT(ERICT), Iran.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2010.12.089 fatcat:b7lnxfefsraljhy4c5kjjasvby

Process portals - architecture and integration

T. Puschmann, R. Alt
2004 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the  
This article argues that the available approaches to architecture from the relevant literature and from practice do not adequately address process portal requirements, and develops an extended architecture  ...  Process portals support the inter-organizational networking of businesses.  ...  In future, this should make it easier for portal operators to reuse services for authentication, single sign-on, personalization, etc. • Inter-organizational Integration.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2004.1265552 dblp:conf/hicss/PuschmannA04 fatcat:fdvjdahchve6nbcjx4li23mq5q

Integrated Patient Health Information Systems to Improve Traffic Crash Emergency Response and Treatment

B. Schooley, T.A. Horan, M. Marich, B. Hilton, A. Noamani
2009 2009 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Analysis across these various methods provided a multi-layered understanding which led to a descriptive architecture for a crash trauma information system.  ...  We use a framework from prior research to consider, devise and examine emergency medical practitioner use of information systems for improving emergency response services and outcomes.  ...  Findings were then resolved into a set of architecture qualities for an integrated crash trauma information system (see section 5 below).  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2009.265 dblp:conf/hicss/SchooleyHMHN09 fatcat:3czkygwhsra3zcymkwtxg7wapy

Engineering Informatics: State of the Art and Future Trends

Li-da Xu
2014 Frontiers of Engineering Management  
It is an interdisciplinary scientific subject focusing on applying advanced information and communications technology (ICT) to a variety of engineering disciplines.  ...  These techniques include business process management (BPM), enterprise architecture (EA), enterprise application integration (EAI), service-oriented architecture (SOA), and others.  ...  Some approaches have been specifically proposed for modeling inter-organizational workflows, such as the routing approach and the interaction model.  ... 
doi:10.15302/j-fem-2014038 fatcat:3asanx55vrhlvhw4agsdw34fga

Governance Challenges of Inter-organizational Digital Public Services Provisioning: A Case Study on Digital Invoicing Services in Belgium [chapter]

Stijn Wouters, Marijn Janssen, Joep Crompvoets
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This evolution poses challenges concerning the governance of public services. The purpose of this paper is to identify governance challenges in inter-organizational digital public service delivery.  ...  The findings show seven groups of governance challenges that incorporate technical, organizational and inter-organizational factors.  ...  blocks, to exchange of information and to allow inter-organizational collaboration to form.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-57599-1_17 fatcat:rh6xj5gcc5guhlgrrdcncfzkze

Model Driven Security for Inter-organizational Workflows in e-Government [chapter]

Ruth Breu, Michael Hafner, Barbara Weber, Andrea Novak
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Model Driven Architecture is an approach to increase the quality of complex software systems by creating high-level system models and automatically generating system architectures and components out of  ...  We show how this paradigm can be applied to what we call Model Driven Security for inter-organizational workflows in e-government.  ...  In this paper we give an overview of our approach to the model driven realization of security-critical inter-organizational workflows in the context of web services and web service orchestration.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-32257-3_12 fatcat:t3h7hzqez5gaxni7arnu3je4q4

Information and data quality in business networking: a key concept for enterprises in its early stages of development

Boris Otto, Yang W. Lee, Ismael Caballero
2011 Electronic Markets  
regard to information and data quality in Business Networking.  ...  Information and data of high quality are critical for successful business performance in general and Business Networking in particular.  ...  The transfer of the information and data quality concepts from the intra-organizational to an inter-organizational context was inferred since both Business Networking and institutionalized information  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12525-011-0063-1 fatcat:5ornkv6j3jbf5j5xruwgse3rcy

Challenges of Testing Business Process Models in Intra- and Inter-Organizational Context

Stefan Mijatov, Tanja Mayerhofer
2014 Modellierung  
In this paper we provide an overview of existing approaches to validate business process models in both intra-and inter-organizational context and discuss arising challenges.  ...  However, today, business processes are usually carried out by several business partners, each providing its own services to accomplish more complex inter-organizational business processes.  ...  Van der Aalst [vdA98] presents an approach for analyzing and verifying inter-organizational workflows.  ... 
dblp:conf/modellierung/MijatovM14 fatcat:km6cyy7zbrgjvbryx5ehsbf7ma

Support of collaborative business process networks in AEC

Martin Keller, Raimar J. Scherer, Karsten Menzel, Thomas Theling, Dominik Vanderhaeghen, Peter Loos
2006 Journal of Information Technology in Construction  
For the adaptation of the architecture to the specific requirements of the AEC&FM-domain, a feasible Construction Network Scheme for the representation of strategic inter-organizational construction project  ...  Therefore, this article presents an architecture for dynamic cross-enterprise processes' planning, execution and controlling on a conceptual and application level.  ...  This work has been conducted within the scope of the project 'Architecture for Collaborative Systems' (ArKoSwww.arkos.info) funded by the German Ministry for Education & Research.  ... 
dblp:journals/itcon/KellerSMTVL06 fatcat:lykycwb7ojcxtisavt7pe32l5a
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