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Implementation of the Spark technique in a matrix distributed computing algorithm

Ying Wang, Korhan Cengiz
2022 Journal of Intelligent Systems  
Two analyzes of Spark engine performance strategies to implement the Spark technique in a matrix distributed computational algorithm, the multiplication of a sparse multiplication operational test model  ...  with the relationship between the sparse matrix multiplication implementation in the single-machine sparse matrix test and the computational performance of the local native library.  ...  Results and analysis 4.1 Experimental design and result analysis of distributed sparse-sparse matrix multiplication operation First, fix the dimensions of the two input sparse matrices to be 30,000 × 30,000  ... 
doi:10.1515/jisys-2022-0051 fatcat:pagkmfd4ezbcdoqyomelkz7qu4

An Effective Compact Representation Model for Big Sparse Matrix Multiplication

G. Somasekhar, K. Karthikeyan
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Finally we established that the new algorithm performs well in sparse big data scenario compared to the existing techniques in big data processing.  ...  It applies compact representation techniques of sparse data and moulds the required data in the mapreducible format.  ...  Table 1 shows comparative analysis of Big-RANGEsparseMUL with existing matrix multiplication approaches in the big sparse data scenario.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i4.10.20827 fatcat:ws3trxwjyrfj3g27nhl2w6g6ai

Sparse Matrix Multiplication On An Associative Processor

L. Yavits, A. Morad, R. Ginosar
2015 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
Four sparse matrix multiplication algorithms are explored in this paper, combining AP and CPU processing to various levels. They are evaluated by simulation on a large set of sparse matrices.  ...  Sparse matrix multiplication is an important component of linear algebra computations.  ...  In this work, we present four different algorithms of sparse matrix-matrix multiplication on the AP.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2014.2370055 fatcat:2sp6aswv7ra3ff6vfp5i6wbyt4

Highly Parallel Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication [article]

Aydın Buluç, John R. Gilbert
2010 arXiv   pre-print
Generalized sparse matrix-matrix multiplication is a key primitive for many high performance graph algorithms as well as some linear solvers such as multigrid.  ...  Our algorithms are based on two-dimensional block distribution of sparse matrices where serial sections use a novel hypersparse kernel for scalability.  ...  Although they achieve reasonable performance on some classes of matrices, none of these algorithms outperforms the classical sparse matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm for general sparse matrices, which  ... 
arXiv:1006.2183v1 fatcat:ej4x646fvnatzjd5z2e2uodtau

Page 40 of Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology Vol. 27, Issue 2 [page]

1995 Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology  
Ss SPARSE MATRIX MULTIPLICATION ON A RECONFIGURABLE MES <A element on their north-south bus.  ...  With respect to the multiplication of arbitrary matrices A and B our algorithm will be superior to standard systolic matrix multiplication if the number of nonzero ele- ments per row and column of A and  ... 

Parallel Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication and Indexing: Implementation and Experiments

Aydin Buluç, John R. Gilbert
2012 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  
Generalized sparse matrix-matrix multiplication (or SpGEMM) is a key primitive for many high performance graph algorithms as well as for some linear solvers, such as algebraic multigrid.  ...  Here we show that SpGEMM also yields efficient algorithms for general sparse-matrix indexing in distributed memory, provided that the underlying SpGEMM implementation is sufficiently flexible and scalable  ...  Fig. 3 . 4 . 34 Matrix A in DCSC format. Fig. 3 . 5 . 35 Execution of the Sparse SUMMA algorithm for sparse matrix-matrix multiplication C = A · B.  ... 
doi:10.1137/110848244 fatcat:eedmnqz2tbcqfmbjqjmokp7i5e

Page 5299 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 82m [page]

1982 Mathematical Reviews  
Also the new techniques allow us to simplify the design of the fastest known APA-algorithms for matrix multiplication.”  ...  Finally, the multiplication methods for sparse Boolean matrices are extended to work with general sparse matrices with the same time complexity.” 65G_ Error analysis See also 65050, 68014.  ... 

An efficient classification approach for large-scale mobile ubiquitous computing

Feilong Tang, Ilsun You, Can Tang, Minyi Guo
2013 Information Sciences  
Firstly, we propose a semi-sparse algorithm to speed up vector/matrix multiplication which lies at the core of the SVMTorch-based classification approaches.  ...  by inefficient matrix multiplication, and (2) the inability to classify multi-label data.  ...  Based on this analysis, we propose a new semi-sparse algorithm to speed up the matrix multiplication.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2012.09.050 fatcat:guz4kscvkbekbdxczqetlsmwvy

A note on the multiplication of sparse matrices

Keivan Borna, Sohrab Fard
2014 Open Computer Science  
AbstractWe present a practical algorithm for multiplication of two sparse matrices.  ...  Finally a comparison of number of required multiplications in the naïve matrix multiplication, Strassen's method and our algorithm is given.  ...  The first author is also thankful to the National Elite Foundation of Iran for partial financial support.  ... 
doi:10.2478/s13537-014-0201-x fatcat:pxjukuavuzf2zbppdyrxfrhouq

Reducing Inter-Process Communication Overhead in Parallel Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication

Md Salman Ahmed, Jennifer Houser, Mohammad A. Hoque, Rezaul Raju, Phil Pfeiffer
2017 International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing  
Parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication algorithms (PSpGEMM) spend most of their running time on interprocess communication.  ...  This overhead can be reduced with a one dimensional distributed algorithm for parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication that uses a novel accumulation pattern based on logarithmic complexity of the  ...  A very few classical algorithms describe the communication cost of sparse matrix-matrix multiplication.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijghpc.2017070104 fatcat:ko6pzpcnofbihftoy7cf2ztkmi

Graphs, Matrices, and the GraphBLAS: Seven Good Reasons

Jeremy Kepner, David Bader, Aydın Buluç, John Gilbert, Timothy Mattson, Henning Meyerhenke
2015 Procedia Computer Science  
Implementing graph algorithms using matrix-based approaches provides a number of promising solutions to these challenges.  ...  The GraphBLAS mathematically defines a core set of matrix-based graph operations that can be used to implement a wide class of graph algorithms in a wide range of programming environments.  ...  Theoretical Analysis While matrix-based graph approaches have been around since the inception of graph theory, these approaches were less widely used for graph algorithm analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.353 fatcat:kys7obcdqbdqbaoiffiuqlqzry

Split: a flexible and efficient algorithm to vector-descriptor product

Ricardo M. Czekster, Paulo Fernandes, Jean-Marc Vincent, Thais Webber
2007 Proceedings of the 2nd International ICST Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools  
of a traditional sparse matrix.  ...  One of the most efficient algorithms used to compute iterative solutions of descriptors is the Shuffle algorithm which is used to perform the multiplication by a probability vector.  ...  Such variant demands the smaller number of floating point multiplications (Equation 3 ), but demands the storage of a sparse matrix with Q N i=1 nzi nonzero elements.  ... 
doi:10.4108/smctools.2007.1982 dblp:conf/valuetools/CzeksterFVW07 fatcat:jii475x5evg6hakor4d6arczqa

Semi-External Memory Sparse Matrix Multiplication for Billion-Node Graphs

Da Zheng, Disa Mhembere, Vince Lyzinski, Joshua T. Vogelstein, Carey E. Priebe, Randal Burns
2017 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
Sparse matrix multiplication is traditionally performed in memory and scales to large matrices using the distributed memory of multiple nodes.  ...  In contrast, we scale sparse matrix multiplication beyond memory capacity by implementing sparse matrix dense matrix multiplication (SpMM) in a semi-external memory (SEM) fashion; i.e., we keep the sparse  ...  Graph analysis algorithms such as PageRank [8] can be formulated as sparse matrix multiplication or generalized sparse matrix multiplication [24] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2016.2618791 fatcat:n7fc34xn4rbmfgoqhuz5tiedjy

Fast Matrix Multiplication with Big Sparse Data

G. Somasekhar, K. Karthikeyan
2017 Cybernetics and Information Technologies  
Big Data becameabuzz word nowadays due to the evolution of huge volumes of data beyond peta bytes. This article focuses on matrix multiplication with big sparse data.  ...  The proposed FASTsparse MULalgorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art big matrix multiplication approaches in sparse data scenario.  ...  sparse matrices  Pre-processing overhead  Mainly intended for sparse matrices multiplication  Application of the algorithm to dense matrices is yet to be studied Table 1 shows comparative analysis  ... 
doi:10.1515/cait-2017-0002 fatcat:7dvcgtkghzbf5b2lgrhcd322sq

Efficient Sparse-Dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on GPUs Using the Customized Sparse Storage Format [article]

Shaohuai Shi, Qiang Wang, Xiaowen Chu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Multiplication of a sparse matrix to a dense matrix (SpDM) is widely used in many areas like scientific computing and machine learning.  ...  The storage data structures help sparse matrices store in a memory-saving format, but they bring difficulties in optimizing the performance of SpDM on modern GPUs due to irregular data access of the sparse  ...  calculation to finish the matrix multiplication using the sparse algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:2005.14469v1 fatcat:42n64i7olvh33lcpgx2z6j4rvu
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