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A Dynamic and Routine-based Perspective to Analyze IT Capability

Bing Bai, Zhiqiong Guo
2014 Open Cybernetics and Systemics Journal  
performance in the dynamic and complex business environment.  ...  According to the dynamic capability theory, IT capability can be mainly divided into two levels: IT operational capabilities and IT dynamic capabilities.  ...  Finally, we use agent-based simulation platform-Swarm to realize the simulation model.  ... 
doi:10.2174/1874110x01408010050 fatcat:dwhakdcxevbr3kggdvp3r2hkfa

Modeling and simulation for enterprise decision-making: Successful projects and approaches

Noha Ramadan, Racha Ajami, Nader Mohamed, Sanja Lazarova-Molnar
2015 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM)  
Decision-making in enterprises holds different possibilities for profits and risks.  ...  In this paper, we highlight the role of modeling and simulation in enhancing decision-making processes in enterprises.  ...  They have built a multi-agent simulation for the analysis of the evolution of enterprise IT capability based on Complex adaptive System (CAS) [9] and simulated by Swarm that provides a program framework  ... 
doi:10.1109/ieom.2015.7093873 fatcat:bmwndo5zlzdddhyfw5dp34sesu

Simulation Study on Dynamic Characteristics of VMI Supply Chain Inventory System Based on Multi-Agent System [chapter]

Wang Jirong, Li Jun, Li Qianying
2011 Supply Chain Management - New Perspectives  
Modeling and simulation method refers to a series of complex activities, such as setting up a model of real system and simulating on the computer.  ...  First a simulation model of real system is set up, then www.intechopen.com Supply Chain Management -New Perspectives Multi-agent system Agent technology was originated from the series studies on distributed  ...  Agent is an entity with higher autonomous capability, operated in dynamic environment.  ... 
doi:10.5772/24675 fatcat:2ztpe7exkzhirazekv4oaziiaa

MetaMorph: An adaptive agent-based architecture for intelligent manufacturing

F. Maturana, W. Shen, D.H. Norrie
1999 International Journal of Production Research  
This paper proposes an agent-based approach for dynamically creating and managing agent communities in such widely distributed and ever-changing manufacturing environments.  ...  The experimental results have shown the potential of the agent-based approach for advanced manufacturing systems.  ...  The experimental results from the MetaMorph simulation have shown the potential of the agent-based approach for advanced manufacturing systems.  ... 
doi:10.1080/002075499190699 fatcat:lwzprpjbybcyjnknuiqfrs54wq

Resiliency characteristics of a competitive and collaborative complex adaptive supply network

Selen Onel, Abe Zeid, Sagar Kamarthi
2015 International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise  
This paper investigates the topological and dynamic characteristics of computer manufacturing enterprises needing to operate competitively in a rapidly changing business environment.  ...  An agent-based model is built based on the self-organisation and adaptation concepts borrowed from biological ecosystems and agility and alignment concepts from manufacturing systems.  ...  under the dynamic environment.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijcent.2015.073166 fatcat:pe2a2f5ar5cmjfyvefvcrgtqbi

Market Dynamics and Innovation Management on Performance in SMEs: Multi-agent Simulation Approach

Young Wook Seo, Seong Wook Chae
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
Considering the SMEs as an agent, the study employed a multi-agent simulation method to understand the progress of performance improvement in SMEs, by observing the innovation activity of SMEs over certain  ...  Based on contingency perspectives, this study is focused on investigating effective ways to design Innovation management and maximize firm performance according to market dynamics levels.  ...  Agent-Based Simulation (ABS) is an important approach in the field of complex system analysis and simulation; its key idea is the complex adaptive system theory [48] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.07.060 fatcat:3tt65xxp5fbs3ff3rgas4bcyfq

Multi-agent Modeling of the Collaborative Operation of the Producer Service Supply Chain under the Intelligent Manufacturing Clusters in the Yangtze River Delta

Caihong Liu
2020 Journal Europeen des Systemes Automatises  
production operations, and proposes to integrate and supply the resources of multiple service agents in the region in a dynamic and collaborative manner.  ...  Then, the Multi-Agent model was constructed for the producer service supply chain, and the relevant factor libraries and decision libraries were designed.  ...  The Multi-Agent system is composed of a group of autonomous, goaloriented Agents that interact with each other (Agent-to-Agent) or with the simulation environment (Agent-to-environment).  ... 
doi:10.18280/jesa.530406 fatcat:q3l4wwhl25fhdc3mz22pzkniiq

Architecture of the agent-based model for the region's industrial complex digital transformation

G. B. Korovin
2020 Journal of New Economy  
The paper aims at developing an agent-based model of digital transformation of the regional industrial complex.  ...  The results of the study can offer support for the practical implementation of the simulation model within a specific computer environment and lay the foundations for the control system of a region's industry  ...  For this type of systems, agent-based modelling is a universal tool capable of accommodating complex structures and rules of agent behaviour.  ... 
doi:10.29141/2658-5081-2020-21-3-8 fatcat:hcnmtyn3breltilfzdgxllmhtq

Risk Assessment of Financial Market under the Restriction of Market Incentive Mechanism

Lin Zhu
2016 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology  
Meanwhile, the improved genetic algorithm is adopted for the task solution of the negotiation issues involving in enterprise environment, and the improved contract net protocol is adopted for the task  ...  Finally, the example for a certain production enterprise supply chain is adopted for the detailed design of the negotiation model.  ...  Zhang Haijun, Shi Zhongzhi [2] (2004), et al. have proposed a dynamic contract net protocol adaptive to the dynamic change of the environment and the agent capability according to the swarm intelligence  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijunesst.2016.9.11.17 fatcat:vc2o4semhzekdahrhpxd3xfxaa

Transformation of high-tech manufacturing business processes based on digital models

R. V. Susov, A. N. Samoldin
2023 AIP Conference Proceedings  
There are considered the principles of constructing digital counterparts of manufacturing enterprises based on analytical and simulation modeling, including discrete-event modeling, agent-based modeling  ...  , and system dynamics.  ...  Agent-based modeling often complements analytical modeling, which allows you to find out the conditions under which the equilibrium of the system can be achieved, while agent-based modeling allows you  ... 
doi:10.1063/5.0108896 fatcat:ke2i2mnjhba6ddsza4qc3sgukq

Ecosystem-inspired enterprise modelling framework for collaborative and networked manufacturing systems

Amjad Fayoumi
2016 Computers in industry (Print)  
This has exponentially increased both complexity and uncertainty in the manufacturing landscape, creating serious challenges for competitive enterprises.  ...  For enterprises to remain competitive, analysing manufacturing activities and designing systems to address emergent needs, in a timely and efficient manner, is understood to be crucial.  ...  Agent-based Simulation Quantitative Uses computational modelling for simulating the behaviour and interactions of autonomous agentswhich can be individuals or collective groups or organisationswith an  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compind.2016.04.003 fatcat:zgoi4hhdtrhzpnlmsayl65fcyi

Evolution of a Technology Standard Alliance Based on an Echo Model Developed through Complex Adaptive System Theory

Hong Jiang, Chen Chen, Shukuan Zhao, Yuhao Wu, Yi Su
2020 Complexity  
The results of simulation show the evolution of the TSA in relation to the two aspects of agent adhesion aggregation and agent resource interaction, and they demonstrate the dynamic and complex hierarchical  ...  Taking TSA as a dynamic CAS, an echo model is constructed to depict the mechanism of its evolution, and a model is simulated on the NetLogo platform.  ...  behavioral phenomena under the environment and set rules.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2020/8877424 fatcat:vm45cfhvavhqtm254mhcr5cg4u

Innovation in African-American high-tech enterprises: a multi-agent approach

Jeffrey O'Neal London, Nasir Jamil Sheikh
2020 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues  
Agent-based modeling (ABM) emerges as one of the popular approaches to the study of complex sociotechnological systems.  ...  Various complex and intertwined socio-economic factors hinder the innovation capability of African-Americanowned high-tech enterprises leading to underrepresentation of these businesses.  ...  The proposed innovation-based model consists of five autonomous agents in a dynamic, complex innovation system that employs an agent-based modeling approach.  ... 
doi:10.9770/jesi.2020.7.4(35) fatcat:otarraswb5cubnrv6nx6ieuq5y

Hypercompetitive Environments: An Agent-based model approach [chapter]

Manuel Dias, Tanya Araújo
2010 Unifying Themes in Complex Systems  
An agent-based model of business strategies -the features Enterprise and Environment Characteristics The model comprises a set of N agents witch are randomly placed in the two dimensional space (with  ...  Our model is, therefore, a contribution to interweave two lines of research that have progressed in a separated way: business strategies models to complex environments and the agents based economic literature  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85081-6_53 fatcat:hnxdofvnczbwvalnfohwderbuq

Application of simulation methods to optimize the composition of technological complexes of machines

Anton Novichenko, Aleksandr Kononenko, S. Bratan
2019 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The technique is based on simulation modeling of various options for the implementation of the process using a multi-agent approach  ...  The paper proposes a method for determining the optimal parameters of technological systems in environmental management, based on the principles of automated support for organizational decision-making  ...  For this reason, agent-based modeling can be considered the most realistic method of studying complex systems, allowing to recreate the most likely scenarios of their behavior.  ... 
doi:10.1051/matecconf/201929800054 fatcat:v27maeidijfvxigg3hnnqrgvaq
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