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Adaptive technological substitution models

Stuart I. Bretschneider, Vijay Mahajan
1980 Technological forecasting & social change  
This article demonstrates the use of feedback estimation approaches to develop self-adaptive innovation diffusion models for forecasting technological substitution.  ...  In the view of the above, it is clear that in developing an innovation diffusion model, the task of the model builder is to develop a model that adapts to variability in the environment.  ...  The design of the experiment consists of forecasting one period into the future using the OLS model and the adaptive model for each product.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0040-1625(80)90013-x fatcat:l3u7julphrh6no3pqxe4qsckw4

Adaptive modeling, adaptive data assimilation and adaptive sampling

Pierre F.J. Lermusiaux
2007 Physica D : Non-linear phenomena  
Novel adaptive modeling approaches based on simplified maximum likelihood principles are developed and applied to physical and physical-biogeochemical dynamics.  ...  New adaptive sampling approaches and schemes are outlined. Illustrations suggest that these adaptive schemes can be used in real time with the potential for most efficient sampling.  ...  This is an approach often followed today in oceanic studies.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.physd.2007.02.014 fatcat:4ppdxmizzrfs3eidx3tbz6em5q

Formal approach to model complex adaptive computing systems

Abdessamad Jarrar, Abderrahim Ait Wakrime, Youssef Balouki
2020 Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling  
Authors' contributions All authors contribute in collecting information, writing, modeling, and reviewing. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.  ...  Acknowledgements This research work is supported by Computing, Imaging and Modeling of Complex Systems Laboratory, Settat, Morocco.  ...  In order to illustrate the proposed approach, we present a case study of modeling an air traffic control system as a complex adaptive system.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40294-020-0069-7 fatcat:e3sqoxucb5ae3h73vj5rrwkjma

Formal modeling of a complex adaptive air traffic control system

Abdessamad Jarrar, Youssef Balouki
2018 Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling  
Our approach provides a standard model to start with in order to model any airport control system, which allows engineers to focus on more typical requirements that are not developed here. which permits  ...  In order to help engineers to develop such complex system we propose a predefined model that includes the essence of air traffic control and the standard requirements.  ...  Availability of data and materials No dataset was used in this work. This work is based on international recommendation. Funding The study was not funded.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40294-018-0056-4 fatcat:mv6dca5upfc3ndygcg5wi56yte

Adapting virtual camera behaviour through player modelling

Paolo Burelli, Georgios N. Yannakakis
2015 User modeling and user-adapted interaction  
In this article, we propose a novel approach to virtual camera control, which builds upon camera control and player modelling to provide the user with an adaptive point-of-view.  ...  Research in virtual camera control has focused primarily on finding methods to allow designers to place cameras effectively and efficiently in dynamic and unpredictable environments, and to generate complex  ...  This model is designed to be employed to drive an automatic camera controller (as introduced by Burelli and Yannakakis 2010) and provide a personalized camera experience.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11257-015-9156-4 fatcat:vyvq3btey5bchdpz3oks26hrmq

Adaptive Precision Geolocation Algorithm with Multiple Model Uncertainties [chapter]

Wookjin Sung, Kwanho You
2009 Adaptive Control  
Hence, the compensation of model uncertainties is an important task in the navigation filter design.  ...  In modeling or formulating the mathematical equations, the possible prediction errors are approximated or assumed as a model uncertainty.  ...  Adaptive Control Adaptive control has been a remarkable field for industrial and academic research since 1950s.  ... 
doi:10.5772/6513 fatcat:467wz5wtgnffjg3we2msri5y5e

Empirical model-based adaptive control of MANETs

Abdelhamid Moursy, Ikhlas Ajbar, Dmitri Perkins, Magdy Bayoumi
2008 IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops  
In this work, however, we are investigating the feasibility of an adaptive model-based selfcontroller that can manage the values of controllable factors in MANETs.  ...  The model-based controller adapts or reconfigures system-wide parameters or protocol operation as a function of the dynamically changing network state.  ...  As shown in Fig. 1 , our proposed approach includes the design of a feedback-based controller that uses empirical models to autonomously control and manage system performance [3, 4] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/infocom.2008.4544616 fatcat:kd5ogx4h6reo5cbiituqb6nerq

Runtime Adaptability through Automated Model Evolution

Adina Mosincat, Walter Binder, Mehdi Jazayeri
2010 2010 14th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference  
Dynamically adaptive systems propose adaptation by means of variants that are specified in the system model at design time and allow for a fixed set of different runtime configurations.  ...  To illustrate our approach we present a BPEL based framework using a service composition model to represent the system functional requirements.  ...  In [29] , the authors use an architecture-based approach to support dynamic adaptation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/edoc.2010.22 dblp:conf/edoc/MosincatBJ10 fatcat:y2fdfien4nar5lsigtkiufuwnm

Adapting a Formal Model Theory to Applications in Augmented Personalized Medicine [article]

Plamen L. Simeonov, Andrée C. Ehresmann
2017 arXiv   pre-print
That effort identified the need for a robust core model of organisms as dynamic wholes, using advanced and adequately computable mathematics.  ...  The goal of this paper is to advance an extensible theory of living systems using an approach to biomathematics and biocomputation that suitably addresses self-organized, self-referential and anticipatory  ...  Marijuán for the reference material and the critical remarks in Section 5.1. Our special thanks goes to Peter Hufnagl for the exciting discussion that led to the design of Fig. 8 .  ... 
arXiv:1710.03571v4 fatcat:5v4dymci4rgsfo3k4qcyqq3vae

Model Reference Adaptive Control for Robotic Manipulation with Kalman Active Observers [chapter]

Rui Cortesao
2009 Frontiers in Adaptive Control  
Model reference adaptive control (MRAC) schemes can have an important role, imposing a desired closed loop behavior to the real plant in spite of modeling errors.  ...  A major problem of force control design is the robustness to disturbances present in the robotic setup.  ...  The AOB provides a methodology to achieve model-reference adaptive control through extra states and stochastic design in the framework of Kalman filters.  ... 
doi:10.5772/6428 fatcat:l3udnbq4mzd6blnoydnnf6fyzy

A Model of Adaptation in Collaborative Multi-Agent Systems

Kristina Lerman
2004 Adaptive Behavior  
We derive a mathematical model that describes the collective behavior of such adaptive systems. The model, consisting of coupled Rate Equations, governs how the collective behavior changes in time.  ...  The system we study is an adaptive version of the collaborative stick pulling in a group of robots examined in detail in earlier works Lerman, 2001) .  ...  Ackowledgements The research reported here was supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) under contract number F30602-00-2-0573.  ... 
doi:10.1177/105971230401200305 fatcat:mcs7jqgdrzh57drem45crek7ky

Taming model uncertainty in self-adaptive systems using bayesian model averaging

Matteo Camilli, Raffaela Mirandola, Patrizia Scandurra
2022 Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems  
Our empirical evaluation demonstrates the cost-effectiveness of our approach using an exemplar case study in the robotics domain.  ...  In particular, we propose to enhance the classical feedback loop of a self-adaptive system with the ability to tame the model uncertainty using Bayesian Model Averaging.  ...  THE TUNE APPROACH In this section we describe an overview of TUNE (Sec. 4.1) and its integration into the analyze (Sec. 4.2) and plan (Sec. 4.3) components of a MAPE-K adaptation control loop.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3524844.3528056 fatcat:ozyqrvfhlrfhnevyqhkqhnzt2a

ActivFORMS: A Formally-Founded Model-Based Approach to Engineer Self-Adaptive Systems [article]

Danny Weyns, M. Usman Iftikhar
2022 arXiv   pre-print
ActivFORMS contributes an end-to-end approach for engineering self-adaptive systems, spanning four main stages of the life cycle of a feedback loop: design, deployment, runtime adaptation, and evolution  ...  We also present ActivFORMS-ta, a tool-supported instance of ActivFORMS that leverages timed automata models and statistical model checking at runtime.  ...  Danny Hughes and his team at DistriNet for their continuous support in our research. We also appreciate the feedback we received from Axel Legay.  ... 
arXiv:1908.11179v3 fatcat:2erkrwordnaljgaxrrg3trlbxa

MultiScale Modeling of Physical Phenomena: Adaptive Control of Models

J. Tinsley Oden, Serge Prudhomme, Albert Romkes, Paul T. Bauman
2006 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing  
In this work, it is shown that the idea of comparing models and controlling model error can be used to develop a general approach for multiscale modeling, a subject of growing importance in computational  ...  Perhaps less appreciated is the notion that the error due to modeling can be defined, estimated, and used adaptively to control modeling error, provided one accepts the existence of a base model that can  ...  In the present exposition, we develop a general approach to multiscale modeling based on the notion of a posteriori estimation of modeling error and on adaptive modeling using so-called Goals algorithms  ... 
doi:10.1137/050632488 fatcat:cljxqrhx3ngphgzyk6i7cnycbq

Probabilistic Models for Computerized Adaptive Testing [article]

Martin Plajner
2017 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper we follow our previous research in the area of Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT). We present three different methods for CAT.  ...  One of them, the item response theory, is a well established method, while the other two, Bayesian and neural networks, are new in the area of educational testing.  ...  These examinees have to be tested without the adaptive approach to obtain a basis for the model creation.  ... 
arXiv:1703.09794v1 fatcat:4xr6lgvjdvcfdf7e6ezclr3nly
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