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Adaptive Semi-Supervised Intent Inferral to Control a Powered Hand Orthosis for Stroke [article]

Jingxi Xu, Cassie Meeker, Ava Chen, Lauren Winterbottom, Michaela Fraser, Sangwoo Park, Lynne M. Weber, Mitchell Miya, Dawn Nilsen, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we explore semi-supervised learning as a paradigm for controlling a powered hand orthosis for stroke subjects.  ...  We have previously introduced an intuitive, user-driven, EMG-based method to operate a robotic hand orthosis, but the process of training a control that is robust to concept drift (changes in the input  ...  To our knowledge, semi-supervised learning has never been applied to a control for a hand orthosis.  ... 
arXiv:2011.00034v3 fatcat:zhc56xxifvg55pbjczt56zgurq

Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation in Intent Inferral on a Robotic Hand Orthosis for Stroke [article]

Pedro Leandro La Rotta, Jingxi Xu, Ava Chen, Lauren Winterbottom, Wenxi Chen, Dawn Nilsen, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We propose MetaEMG, a meta-learning approach for fast adaptation in intent inferral on a robotic hand orthosis for stroke.  ...  To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to formulate intent inferral on stroke subjects as a meta-learning problem and demonstrate fast adaptation to a new session or subject for controlling a robotic  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (R01NS115652, F31HD111301) and a National GEM Consortium Fellowship.  ... 
arXiv:2403.13147v1 fatcat:ato4hosxfvdrjm7nbkfly7bc5m