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3,281 Hits in 2.9 sec

Friend Discovery Mechanism with Secure Communication and Accurate Recommendation for Social Web Networks

Prof. Neha Pharande, Sailen Raj, Ranoo Khatri, Krishna Sawalkar, Karan Mahesh
2017 IJARCCE  
, a novel semanticbased friend recommendation system for social networks,which recommends friends to users based on their life styles instead of social graphs.  ...  Novelsemantic approach measures the similarities of two members based on information containedin their profiles and recommends friends to users if their life styles have high similarity.  ...  IV.FRIEND RECOMMENDATION Friend recommendation phase is the friend of friend discovery with no loss of accuracy. Friend recommendation is achieved properly and automatically on user's friend side.  ... 
doi:10.17148/ijarcce.2017.63114 fatcat:sowfwdejqjff5kmmcxstfxrmvu

Trust Aware System for Social Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

Manasa S., Manjula S., Venugopal K.
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Social networking enables users to send friend requests, upload photos and tag their friends and even suggest them the web links based on the interest of the users.  ...  The friends recommended, the photos tagged and web links suggested may be a malware or an untrusted activity. Users on social networks are authorised by providing the personal data.  ...  The implemented method gives the accurate list of recommendable friends based on their behaviour.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017913307 fatcat:2xc5xryfcfewhnf7hjg5jhqjaa

Advancing the Social Internet of Things (SIoT): Challenges, Innovations, and Future Perspectives

Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Venus Mohammadi, Jan Lansky, Vladimir Nulicek
2024 Mathematics  
This paper not only sheds light on the current state of SIoT research but also charts a course for future exploration and development in this burgeoning field.  ...  We explore the architecture, trust management, relationship dynamics, and other crucial aspects of SIoT, with a particular focus on the relatively neglected areas of fault tolerance, cloud–fog computing  ...  Acknowledgments: Authors thank Michal Merta, and Zdeněk Truhlář for their help with the research connected with the topic of the article.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math12050715 fatcat:svoqw47sofg6bnvdxbymndlfg4


Mayil S, Vanitha M
2017 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
The data validity attracts many for discovery of new knowledge and multiple analysis based on the needs of the parties.  ...  Image sharing are used more in a user's social discoveries of groups, identifying new partners, understanding peers and social environment.  ...  Image Classification Content-based categorization is based on a method that is similar to an efficient and accurate image categorization.  ... 
doi:10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i5/170905321 fatcat:hia4vkgicrak5dsmw7k7jjh2vi

To Enhance Recommendation by Providing Location Privacy in GeoSocial Application

Charushila Kapde, Priyanka Kumbhar
2015 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering  
Now a days there are many geo social applications which are based on large extent, so people are more concern about the security of location and respective data stored at that location.  ...  User stores encrypted data on the server by using transformations. When user allows recommender then they can access the users location and data. LocX provides more privacy for today's mobile devices.  ...  Only friends having right keys are able to query and decrypt a user's data. LocX introduces several mechanisms to achieve both privacy and efficiency. It also analyzes their privacy properties.  ... 
doi:10.15680/ijircce.2015.0305023 fatcat:m3j6x44iejazfgpjo64ebdllri

P2PCF: A collaborative filtering based recommender system for peer to peer social networks

Lyes Badis, Mourad Amad, Djamil Aïssani, Sofiane Abbar
2021 Journal of High Speed Networks  
Our proposed approach assumes that the rating matrix is distributed within peers, in such a way that each peer only sees interactions made by her friends on her timeline.  ...  Our evaluations prove the effectiveness of our proposal compared to a centralized scheme in terms of recall and coverage.  ...  This includes for instance exchanging parts of the local ratings with trusted friends, which could lead to more accurate and personalized recommendations.  ... 
doi:10.3233/jhs-210649 fatcat:hlt26uuxsje3rmli5zwj7dpm4i

P2P Systems Meet Mobile Computing: A Community-Oriented Software Infrastructure for Mobile Social Applications

Cristian Borcea, Adriana Iamnitchi
2008 2008 Second IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems Workshops  
The widespread adoption of powerful mobile devices creates an unprecedented potential for innovative mobile applications that can enhance users' social interactions.  ...  In Mobius, a socially-aware peer-to-peer tier provides community-oriented data and persistent services for the mobile tier that runs the applications.  ...  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/sasow.2008.16 dblp:conf/saso/BorceaI08 fatcat:hv2j7ubnffb3tgyor73doexrki

A social recommender mechanism for location-based group commerce

Yung-Ming Li, Chia-Ling Chou, Lien-Fa Lin
2014 Information Sciences  
The results of experiments conducted on Facebook indicate that the proposed mechanism could accurately recommend products and satisfactorily provide a companion list of to customers, significantly increasing  ...  In this research, considering user preference, geographic convenience, and friends' influence, a group-coupon recommender system is proposed for promoting location-sensitive products.  ...  Therefore, the score of a friend's influence on a customer is computed as the average of the customer's trust values between him/her and each of his/her friends multiplied by the corresponding friend's  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2014.02.079 fatcat:ad2rlsgkcjgcreldgh2qrpkv2u

The Social Web of Things (SWoT)- Structuring an Integrated Social Network for Human, Things and Services

Cheng Cheng, Chunhong Zhang, Xiaofeng Qiu, Yang Ji
2014 Journal of Computers  
In parallel with that trend, people rely more on context-aware service and devices in many aspects, such as health care and elderly home care.  ...  Through the supernetwork approach, we discussed the service discovery in the SWoT system with heterogeneous social relations. At last, we introduced the MagicHome prototype of SWoT.  ...  In such ecosystem, the issues like sharing, discovery, trustworthiness and interaction could be achieved on application layer by using social network techniques.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jcp.9.2.345-352 fatcat:qabchdpvyvcbjjo2vxahsfgjw4

User Vulnerability and Its Reduction on a Social Networking Site

Pritam Gundecha, Geoffrey Barbier, Jiliang Tang, Huan Liu
2014 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  
We compare performance of different unfriending strategies and discuss the security risk of new friend request.  ...  Privacy and security are major concerns for many users of social media.  ...  This research was, in part, supported by grants of ARO (025071), ONR (N000141010091, N000141010095) and AFOSR (FA95500810132).  ... 
doi:10.1145/2630421 fatcat:c3hv6xym4nf73enjzgbh2n3y4y

Understanding the Trustworthiness Management in the Social Internet of Things: A Survey [article]

Subhash Sagar and Adnan Mahmood and Quan Z. Sheng and Jitander Kumar Pabani and Wei Emma Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Trust plays a significant role to achieve the common goal of trustworthy collaboration and cooperation among the objects and provide systems' credibility and reliability.  ...  These social objects are capable of establishing social relationships with the other objects in the network and can utilize these relationships for service discovery.  ...  Friendship Selection Friendship selection is an important factor since the service discovery in the SIoT paradigm is based on the relationship of an object with its friends in a bid to explore the friends  ... 
arXiv:2202.03624v2 fatcat:g64bzqgjrzfxfbjcrous7qn4ue

Mitigating Reward Hacking via Information-Theoretic Reward Modeling [article]

Yuchun Miao, Sen Zhang, Liang Ding, Rong Bao, Lefei Zhang, Dacheng Tao
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Extensive experiments on a wide range of settings and model scales (70M, 440M, 1.4B, and 7B) support the effectiveness of InfoRM.  ...  , which primarily stems from limitations in reward modeling, i.e., generalizability of the reward model and inconsistency in the preference dataset.  ...  Recommend seeking support: Your friend may benefit from seeking support from a mental health professional or a pet loss support group.  ... 
arXiv:2402.09345v3 fatcat:y6gxb4ejubbhvdlbrek3mw2vwm

An Empirical Study on Android for Saving Non-shared Data on Public Storage [article]

Xiangyu Liu, Zhe Zhou, Wenrui Diao, Zhou Li, Kehuan Zhang
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Although our empirical studies are based on a limited set of apps, the identified problems are never isolated or accidental bugs of those apps being investigated.  ...  In this paper, we will demonstrate that this is an invalid assumption with a thorough survey on information leaks of those apps that had followed Android's recommended storage model for non-sensitive data  ...  In recent years, location-based social discovery (LBSD) is becoming popular and is widely adopted by mobile apps. The locations of users are updated and viewable by friends or even strangers.  ... 
arXiv:1407.5410v3 fatcat:tewhqcshtfgubarylevhitnqcu

How Visibility and Divided Attention Constrain Social Contagion

Nathan Oken Hodas, Kristina Lerman
2012 2012 International Conference on Privacy, Security, Risk and Trust and 2012 International Confernece on Social Computing  
to, and how they respond to friends' recommendations.  ...  Using URLs as markers of information, we carry out a detailed study of retweeting, the primary mechanism by which information spreads on the Twitter follower graph.  ...  retweeting as claimed -not chance independent discovery of the same URL elsewhere on the internet by two friends [30] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/socialcom-passat.2012.129 dblp:conf/socialcom/HodasL12 fatcat:ehu7hcq5evhyrprgeghekhjs2u

Trustworthiness Management Through Social Relationships in Internet of Medical Things

Marisangela Pacheco Brittes, Bertoldo Schneider Jr., Emilio C. G. Wille
2017 Journal of Communication and Information Systems  
Our model is based on a trust recommendation index, computed using the proposed trustworthiness management protocol.  ...  We propose a model to manage trustworthiness for IoMT networks based on social network concepts and priority criteria.  ...  According to the relationship type (strong or weak), people can recommend each other to new friends or not, depending on the past knowledge and number of common friends.  ... 
doi:10.14209/jcis.2017.1 fatcat:hmzzm2dyxjar7cs3xme46paxlu
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