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Panagiotis Antonopoulos, Naveen Prakash, Vijendra Purohit, Hugh Qu, Chaitanya Sreenivas Ravella, Krystyna Reisteter, Sheetal Shrotri, Dixin Tang, Vikram Wakade, Alex Budovski, Cristian Diaconu, Alejandro Hernandez Saenz (+5 others)
2019 Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Management of Data - SIGMOD '19  
It has become clear, however, that these expectations cannot be met in the cloud with the traditional, monolithic database architecture.  ...  Organizations adopt this paradigm because they expect higher security, higher availability, and lower and more flexible cost with high performance.  ...  Accelerated Database Recovery SQL Server capitalizes on the persistent version store with a new feature called Accelerated Database Recovery (ADR).  ... 
doi:10.1145/3299869.3314047 dblp:conf/sigmod/AntonopoulosBDS19 fatcat:7ignk2nuw5e6npmeclm6smckcq

F1 Lightning: HTAP as a Service

Jiacheng Yang, Ian Rae, Jun Xu, Jeff Shute, Zhan Yuan, Kelvin Lau, Qiang Zeng, Xi Zhao, Jun Ma, Ziyang Chen, Yuan Gao, Qilin Dong (+5 others)
2020 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
demand transparent fast queries and transactions from this combination.  ...  The ongoing and increasing interest in HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) systems documents the intense interest from data owners in simultaneously running transactional and analytical  ...  This means Lightning's change replication has to process a distributed change log and coordinate parallel and distributed log replication.  ... 
dblp:journals/pvldb/YangRXSYLZZMCGD20 fatcat:kb6eo3ehazh2dlzzlczdfi7f7m

Consus: Taming the Paxi [article]

Robert Escriva, Robbert van Renesse
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Consus is a strictly serializable geo-replicated transactional key-value store.  ...  The key contribution of Consus is a new commit protocol that reduces the cost of executing a transaction to three wide area message delays in the common case.  ...  Introduction Geo-replication is a common feature among distributed storage systems.  ... 
arXiv:1612.03457v1 fatcat:hbqq7ph775d6tayvej7wmlmm2i

Towards Improving the Performance of BFT Consensus For Future Permissioned Blockchains [article]

Manuel Bravo and Zsolt István and Man-Kit Sit
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Permissioned Blockchains are increasingly considered in enterprise use-cases, many of which do not require geo-distribution, or even disallow it due to legislation.  ...  Even though there is renewed interest in BFT consensus algorithms with various proposals targeting Permissioned Blockchains, related work does not optimize for fast networks and does not incorporate hardware  ...  Geo-replicated Systems with Local Optimizations. The recent work by Gupta et al.  ... 
arXiv:2007.12637v1 fatcat:ln2rmxjczffsjbbtx4hud5noqq

PNUTS to Sherpa

Brian F. Cooper, Ramana Yerneni, P. P. S. Narayan, Raghu Ramakrishnan, Utkarsh Srivastava, Adam Silberstein, Philip Bohannon, Hans-Arno Jacobsen, Nick Puz, Daniel Weaver
2019 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
with current operational cloud stores.  ...  s geo-replicated cloud data store from a research project called PNUTS to a globally deployed production system called Sherpa, share some of the lessons learned along the way, and finally, compare PNUTS  ...  Labs project, and quickly became a collaboration with the product team that led to the Sherpa production system.  ... 
doi:10.14778/3352063.3352146 fatcat:u6ysd7sza5fojo2trusnt2sfdy

Geo-distribution of actor-based services

Philip A. Bernstein, Adriana Szekeres, Jorgen Thelin, Sebastian Burckhardt, Sergey Bykov, Natacha Crooks, Jose M. Faleiro, Gabriel Kliot, Alok Kumbhare, Muntasir Raihan Rahman, Vivek Shah
2017 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages  
GEO supports both volatile and persistent actors, and supports updates with a choice of linearizable and eventual consistency.  ...  For example, replication can provide fast, always-available reads and updates globally, while batching of linearizable storage accesses at a single location can boost the throughput of an order processing  ...  Another interesting challenge is the design and implementation of a mechanism for geo-distributed transactions on actors.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3133931 dblp:journals/pacmpl/BernsteinBBCFKK17 fatcat:redqe536w5epvhkeisn5jcgpgy

StreamChain: Rethinking Blockchain for Datacenters [article]

Lucas Kuhring, Zsolt István, Alessandro Sorniotti, Marko Vukolić
2020 arXiv   pre-print
management and banking) require significantly fewer nodes, cheaper consensus, and are often deployed in datacenter-like environments with fast networking.  ...  In this work, we propose StreamChain, a permissioned blockchain design that eliminates blocks in favor of processing transactions in a streaming fashion.  ...  Even in cross-cloud enterprise blockchain deployments, geo-distribution is o en neither required nor bene cial.  ... 
arXiv:1808.08406v2 fatcat:qk4y3c7yeravffwhas2wabrkk4

Transactional Failure Recovery for a Distributed Key-Value Store [chapter]

Muhammad Yousuf Ahmad, Bettina Kemme, Ivan Brondino, Marta Patiño-Martínez, Ricardo Jiménez-Peris
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
To get the best of both worlds, one option is to integrate an independent transaction management component with a distributed key-value store.  ...  Importantly, the re covery process does not interrupt transaction processing on the available servers.  ...  In recent years, geo-replicated transactions have received attention in order to achieve consistency across geographically distributed data stores [6, 12, 18] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-45065-5_14 fatcat:6iqudxn6sjbbjelnqku6vslcce

Impact of Blockchain Technology: Benefits and Security Risk and Threats

Vlad-Andrei ROTUNDU
2022 Informatică economică  
The accelerated dynamics of technological evolution has led to a reconfiguration of the security environment by addressing new vulnerabilities, risks and threats generated by the migration of risk-generating  ...  Every transaction gets logged in a distributed ledger and this entry is permanent, thus removing the need for reliance on trustworthiness of stakeholders involved [25] .  ...  Blockchain technology, especially by its association with cryptocurrencies, has seen the most significant increase of the use among threat actors, with money laundering, distribution, management and monetization  ... 
doi:10.24818/issn14531305/26.2.2022.04 fatcat:iwkutz3hmna5liowq7b6l7hs2q

Data Consistency in Distributed Systems: Algorithms, Programs, and Databases (Dagstuhl Seminar 18091)

Annette Bieniusa, Alexey Gotsman, Bettina Kemme, Marc Shapiro, Michael Wagner
2018 Dagstuhl Reports  
Distributed systems and database technologies: With the growing number of replicated data stores, the two fields of distributed systems and databases are moving closer together.  ...  Typically, this type of application is data-centric: it retrieves, stores, modifies, forwards, and processes data from different sources.  ...  This makes our protocol especially appropriate for geo-distribution.  ... 
doi:10.4230/dagrep.8.2.101 dblp:journals/dagstuhl-reports/BieniusaGKS18 fatcat:pdcbulwarbgdhc76ms3s563ebq

Helios: Hyperscale Indexing for the Cloud & Edge

Rahul Potharaju, Terry Kim, Wentao Wu, Vidip Acharya, Steve Suh, Andrew Fogarty, Apoorve Dave, Sinduja Ramanujam, Tomas Talius, Lev Novik, Raghu Ramakrishnan
2020 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Helios is a distributed, highly-scalable system used at Microsoft for flexible ingestion, indexing, and aggregation of large streams of real-time data that is designed to plug into relational engines.  ...  As a consequence, the log is much more compact, and is blazingly fast to maintain, even in a large-scale distributed environment.  ...  Tree-structured indexes are ubiquitous in database management systems for accelerating query processing.  ... 
dblp:journals/pvldb/PotharajuK0ASFD20 fatcat:bno2dsofizdf3dtfv75feefrei

Effective Scaling of Blockchain Beyond Consensus Innovations and Moore's Law [article]

Yinqiu Liu, Kai Qian, Jianli Chen, Kun Wang, Lei He
2020 arXiv   pre-print
However, a long-standing bottleneck hindering its further development is the massive resource consumption attributed to the distributed storage and computation methods.  ...  In detail, our autonomous organization possesses 10 geo-distributed servers with fixed resources (2core Intel Xeon CPU, 8GB RAM, 40GB hard drive, and 5Mbps bandwidth).  ...  With respect to the standard of latency, Karame et al. [25] stressed that the validity of each pending transaction would better be determined within 30s, termed as fast payments.  ... 
arXiv:2001.01865v2 fatcat:yhjx2yxtdnaapgj7xleuyqjeri

VGEs as a New Platform for Urban Modeling and Simulation

Hui Lin, Bingli Xu, Yuting Chen, Wenhang Li, Lan You, Jie He
2022 Sustainability  
The complexity of interrelationships between urban natural environments and human environments is increasing with rapid urbanization.  ...  , which include geo-data, geo-processes, and geo-knowledge.  ...  Geographic simulation and visualization in VGEs are facilitated by the development of data environments using massive spatiotemporal data scheduling, data acceleration, distribution mechanisms, and sharing  ... 
doi:10.3390/su14137980 fatcat:bb6jrl67y5ashj3nkeeo6ckfsy

Concurrent Computing in the Many-core Era (Dagstuhl Seminar 15021)

Michael Philippsen, Pascal Felber, Michael L. Scott, J. Eliot B. Moss, Marc Herbstritt
2015 Dagstuhl Reports  
This seminar is a successor to Dagstuhl Seminars 08241 "Transactional memory: From implementation to application" and 12161 "Abstractions for scalable multicore computing", respectively held in June 2008  ...  The current seminar built on the previous seminars by notably (1) broadening the scope to concurrency beyond transactional memory and shared-memory multicores abstractions, (2) focusing on the new challenges  ...  Reduction = a process of reducing the prefix of a log to a small state; Transactions = explicit push, pull, and confirmed property. Q: Why not using transactions?  ... 
doi:10.4230/dagrep.5.1.1 dblp:journals/dagstuhl-reports/PhilippsenFSM15 fatcat:owcmta65hzb5vmglwq3dwzbehy

Lakehouse: A New Generation of Open Platforms that Unify Data Warehousing and Advanced Analytics

Matei Zaharia, Ali Ghodsi, Reynold Xin, Michael Armbrust
2021 Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research  
We also report results from a Lakehouse system using Parquet that is competitive with popular cloud data warehouses on TPC-DS.  ...  Lakehouses can help address several major challenges with data warehouses, including data staleness, reliability, total cost of ownership, data lock-in, and limited use-case support.  ...  just by adding a transaction log that starts with an entry that references all the existing files.  ... 
dblp:conf/cidr/Zaharia0XA21 fatcat:afjhkrvgtvg4jmjs7nkk7i6maa
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