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A GPU-based algorithm for fast node label learning in large and unbalanced biomolecular networks

Marco Frasca, Giuliano Grossi, Jessica Gliozzo, Marco Mesiti, Marco Notaro, Paolo Perlasca, Alessandro Petrini, Giorgio Valentini
2018 BMC Bioinformatics  
We propose a novel semi-supervised parallel enhancement of COSNET, an imbalance-aware algorithm build on Hopfield neural model recently suggested to solve the AFP problem.  ...  Connections represent functional or genetic similarity between entities, while the labellings often are highly unbalanced, that is one class is largely under-represented: for instance in the automated  ...  Also under the same programming paradigm, a parallel implementation of a Greedy Graph Coloring (GGC) algorithm has been developed for solving the graph coloring problem, as required by the PARCOSNET algorithm  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12859-018-2301-4 pmid:30367594 fatcat:gzrxnqd2r5deljttytqthe5oai

Towards Enhancing Coding Productivity for GPU Programming Using Static Graphs

Leonel Toledo, Pedro Valero-Lara, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Antonio J. Peña
2022 Electronics  
In the first test case (Conjugate Gradient) we focus on the integration of Static Graphs with CUDA.  ...  only, achieving accelerations of up to more than one order of magnitude.  ...  using CUDA Graph (in yellow color).  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11091307 fatcat:o3ci4jvekbee3op23hutttoenu

Parallelized solution to the asymmetric travelling salesman problem using central processing unit acceleration

Akschat Arya, Boominathan Perumal, Santhi Krishnan
2022 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
salesman problem (ATSP) can be accelerated with the help of modern CPUs.  ...  of multi-threading-based parallelization.  ...  Experiments by Saxena et al. in [8] show that parallelization tools like OpenMP and CUDA can significantly reduce the execution time for genetic algorithms used in solving the TSP.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v25.i3.pp1795-1802 fatcat:ub37ig2ytvebxelyr5njyhr3wa

GPU computing in discrete optimization. Part II: Survey focused on routing problems

Christian Schulz, Geir Hasle, André R. Brodtkorb, Trond R. Hagen
2013 EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics  
Part II gives a broad survey of the literature on parallel computing in discrete optimization targeted at modern PCs, with special focus on routing problems.  ...  Due to physical limits, hardware development no longer results in higher speed for sequential algorithms, but rather in increased parallelism.  ...  Katz and Kider [41] describe a shared memory cache efficient CUDA implementation to solve transitive closure and the all-pairs shortest-path problem on directed graphs for large datasets.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13676-013-0026-0 fatcat:zfalygsovfh5jauczny7wp2sga

GPU acceleration for statistical gene classification

Alfredo Benso, Stefano Di Carlo, Gianfranco Politano, Alessandro Savino
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics (AQTR)  
Unfortunately, the cost of parallel computing platforms is usually prohibitive for both public and small private medical practices.  ...  The results show that using open source CUDA programming libraries allows to obtain a significant increase in performances and therefore to shorten the gap between advanced bioinformatic tools and real  ...  Bioinformatic is the computer science discipline that strives to solve these problems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/aqtr.2010.5520794 fatcat:6fcuv7vzkbgizbf47fffjjw6m4

Solving the Examination Timetabling Problem in GPUs

Vasileios Kolonias, George Goulas, Christos Gogos, Panayiotis Alefragis, Efthymios Housos
2014 Algorithms  
In this paper, a hybrid evolutionary algorithm running on a GPU is employed to solve the examination timetabling problem.  ...  The hybrid evolutionary algorithm proposed has a genetic algorithm component and a greedy steepest descent component.  ...  [18] , the techniques used to solve the ETP problem can be categorized into graph based, constraint based, local search based, population based, multi-criteria techniques and hyper-heuristics.  ... 
doi:10.3390/a7030295 fatcat:ajwkkqjhjzdzvghdww2pac7squ

Mathematical modeling of nonlinear effects in dynamic of interacting plankton and fish populations of Azov Sea

A. I. Sukhinov, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, V. V. Sidoryakina, A. V. Nikitinа, A. E. Chistyakov, A. A. Filina, V. N. Litvinov, Taganrog institute named after A.P. Chekhov (branch) OF FSBIU «Rostov State University (RINH)», Taganrog, Russian Federation, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation, Supercomputers and Neurocomputers Research Center, Taganrog, Russian Federation, Azov-Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University, Zernograd, Russian Federation
Effective parallel algorithms were developed for numerical implementation of biological kinetics problem and oriented on NVIDIA Tesla K80 graphics accelerator with the data storage format modification.  ...  , taxis, catching, spatial distribution of biogenic matter and detritus based on a multispecies model of plankton and fish interaction.  ...  The developed algorithm for solving the problem uses a CSR1S modified data storage format with further conversion to CSR format to solve the resulting SLAE on a graphics accelerator using NVIDIA CUDA technology  ... 
doi:10.23947/2587-8999-2019-2-2-83-103 fatcat:krkqmlhmbfatxjnhr4qtninoge


Laurent Turpin, Thierry Gautier, Jonathan Rouzaud-Cornabas
2021 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion  
We implement our new algorithms with CUDA programming language and test them on a representative benchmark of Aevol workloads.  ...  X-Aevol is the GPU port of the Aevol model, a bio-inspired genetic algorithm designed to study the evolution of micro-organisms and its effects on their genome structure.  ...  In fact, all these models are genetic algorithms. However, an important difference has to be emphasised. Classical genetic algorithms [1, 12, 24, 25] are designed to solve a given useful problem.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3449726.3463195 fatcat:lzio7akvdfebrpudrvbehrrcoi

Automatic discovery of algorithms for multi-agent systems

Sjors van Berkel, Daniel Turi, Andrei Pruteanu, Stefan Dulman
2012 Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation conference companion - GECCO Companion '12  
Automatic algorithm generation for large-scale distributed systems is one of the holy grails of artificial intelligence and agent-based modeling.  ...  NetLogo has been extensively used as a teaching and research tool by computer scientists, for example for exploring distributed algorithms.  ...  Our approach to solve the problem at hand is to use Genetic Programming in order to discover algorithms that fulfill the search goal.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2330784.2330833 dblp:conf/gecco/BerkelTPD12 fatcat:ydknfmxbvfahjlafybajdvv6ue

GPU-accelerated parallel gene-pool optimal mixing in a gray-box optimization setting

Anton Bouter, Peter A. N. Bosman
2022 Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference  
We test the performance of a CUDA implementation of parallel GOM on a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for the Max-Cut problem, a well-known problem for which the dependency structure can be controlled.  ...  For large GBO problems, parallelizing GOM-based variation holds greater speed-up potential, regardless of population size.  ...  Therefore, we use the greedy Welsh-Powell algorithm [30] to find a graph coloring.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3512290.3528797 fatcat:jb57s42bivf57ju5ewdscdunhq

Parallel and Serial Graph Coloring Implementations with Tabu Search Method

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
We explore both parallel and serial Tabu search algorithm for graph coloring with arbitrary number of nodes.  ...  One of the well-known property of graph is graph coloring. Any two vertices of a graph are different colors such that they are adjacent to each other.  ...  [2] introduced a new parallel genetic algorithm to take care of the Graph coloring problem (GCP) in view of Computer Unified Device Architecture (CUDA).  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1840.078219 fatcat:nhjz6liwjvg2fn7zkpkusizvyi

Parallel Implementations of Candidate Solution Evaluation Algorithm for N-Queens Problem

Jianli Cao, Zhikui Chen, Yuxin Wang, He Guo, Leo Y. Zhang
2021 Complexity  
The N-Queens problem plays an important role in academic research and practical application. Heuristic algorithm is often used to solve variant 2 of the N-Queens problem.  ...  In this paper, three parallel schemes based on CPU and four parallel schemes based on GPU are proposed, and a serial scheme is implemented at the baseline.  ...  In this paper, we focus on how to improve the speed of the heuristic algorithms for solving variant 2 by accelerating the evaluation function.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6694944 fatcat:aamswkg5efgvbio2k5yse6be2a

A Systematic Survey of General Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication [article]

Jianhua Gao, Weixing Ji, Fangli Chang, Shiyu Han, Bingxin Wei, Zeming Liu, Yizhuo Wang
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Existing researches have been grouped into different categories based on target architectures and design choices.  ...  Many optimization techniques have been developed for different applications and computing architectures over the past decades.  ...  In addition, SpGEMM is also one of the most important components for graph contraction [38] , graph matching [39] , graph coloring [13] [14] , all pairs shortest path [12] , sub-graph [15] [  ... 
arXiv:2002.11273v2 fatcat:2vuftf7tvnbnhduoexofwuxizi

Population-based Gradient Descent Weight Learning for Graph Coloring Problems [article]

Olivier Goudet, Béatrice Duval, Jin-Kao Hao
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, a general population-based weight learning framework for solving graph coloring problems is presented.  ...  The usefulness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by applying it to solve two typical graph coloring problems and performing large computational studies on popular benchmarks.  ...  Acknowledgments We are grateful to the reviewers for their useful comments and suggestions which helped us to significantly improve the paper.  ... 
arXiv:1909.02261v4 fatcat:cnss2fruu5dl3pdkhmdh7adkt4

Accelerating exact and approximate inference for (distributed) discrete optimization with GPUs

Ferdinando Fioretto, Enrico Pontelli, William Yeoh, Rina Dechter
2017 Constraints  
Inference-based algorithms are powerful techniques for solving discrete optimization problems, which can be used independently or in combination with other techniques.  ...  to speed up the resolution of exact and approximated inference-based algorithms for discrete optimization.  ...  Conclusions and Discussions Inference-based algorithms are powerful tools for solving discrete optimization problems.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10601-017-9274-1 fatcat:twvcfyzgajcilbd57lbqmxupda
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