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24 Hits in 5.1 sec

Medical image processing on the GPU – Past, present and future

Anders Eklund, Paul Dufort, Daniel Forsberg, Stephen M. LaConte
2013 Medical Image Analysis  
Graphics processing units (GPUs) are used today in a wide range of applications, mainly because they can dramatically accelerate parallel computing, are affordable and energy efficient.  ...  The review covers GPU acceleration of basic image processing operations (filtering, interpolation, histogram estimation and distance transforms), the most commonly used algorithms in medical imaging (image  ...  Smith et al. (2012) instead used a Split Bregman solver and were able to reconstruct breast images of the size 4096 x 4096 in about 8 seconds.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.media.2013.05.008 pmid:23906631 fatcat:vsoek36pb5cuxdcmhlvfojwjuu

Compressed sensing MRI: a review from signal processing perspective

Jong Chul Ye
2019 BMC Biomedical Engineering  
This often limits the use of MRI, especially for high resolution or dynamic imaging. Accordingly, many investigators has developed various acceleration techniques to allow fast MR imaging.  ...  For the last two decades, one of the most important breakthroughs in this direction is the introduction of compressed sensing (CS) that allows accurate reconstruction from sparsely sampled k-space data  ...  For example, the popular op-timization methods such as forward-backward splitting (FBS) [29] , split Bregman iteration [30] , alternating directional method of multiplier (ADMM) [31] , Douglas-Rachford  ... 
doi:10.1186/s42490-019-0006-z pmid:32903346 pmcid:PMC7412677 fatcat:csxgccdfsndf5gqqstxdlejo44

Alternating Linearization for Structured Regularization Problems [article]

Xiaodong Lin, Minh Pham, Andrzej Ruszczynski
2014 arXiv   pre-print
We also discuss implementation for very large problems, with the use of specialized algorithms and sparse data structures.  ...  The method is related to two well-known operator splitting methods, the Douglas--Rachford and the Peaceman--Rachford method, but it has descent properties with respect to the objective function.  ...  Total variation based image reconstruction In image recovery literature, two classes of regularizers are well known.  ... 
arXiv:1201.0306v3 fatcat:lx3pld2vgnfpbnmvorptzxshdq

CPGD: Cadzow Plug-and-Play Gradient Descent for Generalised FRI [article]

Matthieu Simeoni, Adrien Besson, Paul Hurley, Martin Vetterli
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Finite rate of innovation (FRI) is a powerful reconstruction framework enabling the recovery of sparse Dirac streams from uniform low-pass filtered samples.  ...  The resulting optimisation problem is still non convex, but simpler since linear in the data and with less unknowns.  ...  Equation (25) provides us with a three-step recipe for computing the proximal operator (22) associated to a vector ∈ C : 1) Transform the input vector into a Toeplitz matrix via the Toeplitzification  ... 
arXiv:2006.06374v2 fatcat:7zpd7raun5dg3pq2gdrow3v2jy

Table of contents

2021 ICASSP 2021 - 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)  
and Technology of China, China SAM-6.6: FOCUSING-BASED WIDEBAND ADAPTIVE BEAMFORMING USING ........................................... 4395 COVARIANCE MATRIX RECONSTRUCTION Peng Chen, Wei Wang, Jingjie  ...  AUTHENTICATION IN CLOUD Mengdi Wang, Di Xiao, Jia Liang, Chongqing University, PRIVACY-PRESERVING NEAR NEIGHBOR SEARCH VIA SPARSE CODING ................................... 2635 WITH AMBIGUATION Behrooz  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp39728.2021.9414617 fatcat:m5ugnnuk7nacbd6jr6gv2lsfby

A combined local and global motion estimation and compensation method for cardiac CT

Qiulin Tang, Beshan Chiang, Akinola Akinyemi, Alexander Zamyatin, Bibo Shi, Satoru Nakanishi, Bruce R. Whiting, Christoph Hoeschen
2014 Medical Imaging 2014: Physics of Medical Imaging  
This inverse problem is solved using the Split Bregman method, which has been demonstrated to be an efficient tool to solve total variation norm minimization problems.  ...  variable splitting.  ...  This is a manual process and can be time consuming in cases where several sections using different stains are required.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2043492 fatcat:fyzpc5m6jbh7fjohqpdmtzkhte

Modelling the dynamic pattern of surface area in basketball and its effects on team performance

Rodolfo Metulini, Marica Manisera, Paola Zuccolotto
2018 Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports (JQAS)  
Using a time series of basketball players' coordinates, we focus on the dynamics of the surface area of the five players on the court with a two-fold purpose: (i) to give tools allowing a detailed description  ...  and analysis of a game with respect to surface areas dynamics and (ii) to investigate its influence on the points made by both the team and the opponent.  ...  It is called a mixed SPSB design, and in the complete (orthogonal) version it is a combination of split-plot and split-block orthogonal designs.  ... 
doi:10.1515/jqas-2018-0041 fatcat:b3qwsi7tqjg2vdo7gbjtiorv6m

Rigorous optimization recipes for sparse and low rank inverse problems with applications in data sciences

Anastasios Kyrillidis
First, in the proximal-Newton method, our analytical step-size procedures allow us to do away with any globalization strategy (e.g., line-search).  ...  Our analytical quadratic convergence characterization helps us adaptively switch from damped step-size to a full step-size.  ...  Moreover, we study acceleration schemes via memory-based techniques and randomized, -approximate matrix projections to decrease the computational costs in the recovery process.  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-6350 fatcat:ivqql7lxmveibox2ebwjoa5tg4

Alternating linearization for structured regularization problems

Minh Pham
We also discuss implementation for large problems, with the use of specialized algorithms and sparse data structures.  ...  The method is related to two well-known operator splitting methods, the Douglas-Rachford and the Peaceman-Rachford method, but it has descent properties with respect to the objective function.  ...  Total Variation Based Image Reconstruction In image recovery literature, two classes of regularizers are well known.  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3t72frz fatcat:3nhampbrxzaxdhsnxnusrbackq

2-D blind deconvolution by partitioning into coupled 1-D problems using discrete Radon transforms

H. Ahn, A.E. Yagle
Proceedings., International Conference on Image Processing  
Using Wilkinson-style perturbation analysis, we derive bounds on the effects of these perturbations. This is joint work with Michael J. O'Hara.  ...  Multiphase image segmentation via Modica-Mortola phase transition is essentially a different way from Mumford-Shah model. The original model assumes the image to be piecewise constant.  ...  sensing there has been much recent progress in sparse image recovery from sparse Fourier transform data, using L1-norm or total variation (TV) minimization of the estimated image.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icip.1995.537409 dblp:conf/icip/AhnY95 fatcat:ecos74jfmfgonkuk5gsq2essp4

ALTERNATING LINEARIZATION FOR STRUCTURED REGULARIZATION PROBLEMS Alternating linearization for structured regularization problems

Minh Pham, Minh Dissertation, Andrzej Ruszczy´, Ruszczy´nski -Xiaodong Lin
2014 unpublished
We also discuss implementation for large problems, with the use of specialized algorithms and sparse data structures.  ...  The method is related to two well-known operator splitting methods, the Douglas-Rachford and the Peaceman-Rachford method, but it has descent properties with respect to the objective function.  ...  Wavelet based and Total variation based image reconstruction In image recovery literature, two classes of regularizers are well known.  ... 

Mechanisms of Cognitive Development: Domain-General Learning or Domain-Specific Constraints?

Vladimir M. Sloutsky
2010 Cognitive Science  
To sample the schema assignments in z, we combined Gibbs updates with the split-merge scheme described by Jain and Neal (2004) .  ...  The second matrix specifies information about the siren sound, and the third matrix captures the perceptual features of the seven blocks.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1551-6709.2010.01132.x pmid:21564246 fatcat:onw6a66a5jgb3mvwu27isjvuxy

Learning with Sparcity: Structures, Optimization and Applications

Xi Chen
This thesis develops structured sparse learning methods along with scalable optimization algorithms to explore and predict high dimensional data with complex structures.  ...  When it is known that the underlying model is indeed sparse, sparse learning methods can provide us a more consistent model and much improved prediction performance.  ...  On the other hand, a too sparse A will miss some useful topic-word relationships which harms the reconstruction performance.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6720413.v1 fatcat:jnxcgqcsengk5azqtefvwxgdgm

The structural acoustic properties of stiffened shells

Yu Luan
2008 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Few studies have documented this effect, but recent work emphasizes mechanisms animals use to compensate for elevated noise.  ...  Accumulating evidence of atypical mass strandings of beaked whales coincident with naval sonar exercises suggest that injury or death may result from behavioral responses of some species at lower exposure  ...  Next, we explored brain activities correlated with the perceptual transitions using functional magnetic resonance imaging ͑fMRI͒.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.2932806 fatcat:zohbewf2k5h7fly2hoqzfdk42e

Trends in preference, programming and design of concert halls for symphonic music

Anders C. Gade
2008 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
Next, we explored brain activities correlated with the perceptual transitions using functional magnetic resonance imaging ͑fMRI͒.  ...  Results provide physiological evidence consistent with perceptual findings that envelope recovery is reduced as the number of analysis bands increases, but is not completely eliminated for 8-and 16band  ...  Soundscape source extraction using wavelet-based sparse representations.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.2932471 fatcat:hhka5ml2fvcszklkzau2lw3gka
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