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COCOA: tracking in aerial imagery

Saad Ali, Mubarak Shah, Daniel J. Henry
2006 Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance (ISR) Systems and Applications III  
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming a core intelligence asset for reconnaissance, surveillance and target tracking in urban and battlefield settings.  ...  The system is implemented in Matlab and works in a batch mode.  ...  Roth 6 proposed another approach for organizing and searching the UAV video database by Components of our aerial video tracking system.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.667266 fatcat:qvsaqkcvyzdwlmahtwiwhogahi

Aerial surveillance vehicles augment security at shipping ports

Robert C. Huck, Muhammad K. Al Akkoumi, Samuel Cheng, James J. Sluss, Jr., Thomas L. Landers, Edward M. Carapezza
2008 Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks V  
To augment these measures, the authors propose the use of aerial surveillance vehicles equipped with video cameras and wireless video downlinks to provide a birds-eye view of port facilities to security  ...  The initial investigation described in this paper demonstrates the use of unmanned aerial surveillance vehicles as a viable method for providing video surveillance of container storage yards.  ...  [16] defined an integrated aerial video surveillance system as one utilizing an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and would require sensors and processing components onboard the UAV and additional processing  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.799752 fatcat:pfysqtbfnnehja4dge3knrnrfm


2016 Review of the Air Force Academy  
In this article the author's intention is to review some achievements of missiles and artillery air defense weapon system, at a hundred years of existence, as a specialized entity in planning fire fights  ...  Keywords: modern war vertical dimension; air defense artillery; air defense missile; air defense weapon system; fighting against aerial enemy.  ...  combat forces, directly engage enemy' surveillance, attack and transport aircrafts, conducting within this process, airspace research, aerial targets discovery, recognition, tracking, control and destruction  ... 
doi:10.19062/1842-9238.2016.14.1.1 fatcat:rt4r57zlardnjlqsyzgmxpzh3u


Vasile Șarpe, Anna Cornatovscaia
2021 InterConf  
and aerial surveillance missions of police structures.  ...  Forensic medical examination and aerial operational surveillance using modern means of flight, such as drones with an effective component of about 80% Contemporary forensic institutes operate state-of-the-art  ... 
doi:10.51582/interconf.7-8.05.2021.026 fatcat:m2koxhphjjcu3kqszkqs7yasji

Tracking (Im)mobilities at Sea: Ships, Boats and Surveillance Strategies

Kimberley Peters
2014 Mobilities  
Thinking seriously about the issues that arise when surveillance of mobilities is taken to sea, can help work towards better understandings for why security at sea proves so problematic and how those issues  ...  at sea in view of forms of governance in this space.  ...  Communications with land; the use smaller inflatable craft which can move through the water at speed; and the deployment of aerial surveillance track suspect vessels when the shipboard horizontal view  ... 
doi:10.1080/17450101.2014.946775 fatcat:6d477cjodfbb5jrsigiwiajxq4

A cooperative multi-robot team for the surveillance of shipwreck survivors at sea

Ricardo Mendonca, Mario Monteiro Marques, Francisco Marques, Andre Lourenco, Eduardo Pinto, Pedro Santana, Fernando Coito, Victor Lobo, Jose Barata
2016 OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey  
Composed of an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) piggybacking a watertight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities, the proposed cooperative system is capable of search  ...  To reduce the involved financial costs, unmanned robotic systems could be used instead as background surveillance teams patrolling the seas.  ...  and Paulo Rodrigues.  ... 
doi:10.1109/oceans.2016.7761074 fatcat:ficyx5l6xbhsldbe6tzvjsroee

Aerospace Systems "Aerial Launch" at the Modern Stage

Pavel Penev, Nikolay Zagorski
2022 Aerospace Research in Bulgaria  
The need for the emergence and use of aerospace systems (ASS) "Aerial launch" by the leading countries has been formulated.  ...  The functioning and perspective ASS "Aerial launch" with civil and military applications is analyzed.  ...  center and surveillance equipment, forms an ASS "Aerial launch".  ... 
doi:10.3897/arb.v34.e07 fatcat:rtgoasf4frharchphqzyf4ybk4

Surrogate Safety Analysis of Pedestrian-Vehicle Conflict at Intersections Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Videos

Peng Chen, Weiliang Zeng, Guizhen Yu, Yunpeng Wang
2017 Journal of Advanced Transportation  
Aerial video sequences for a period of one hour were analyzed. The detection and tracking systems for vehicle and pedestrian trajectory data extraction were developed, respectively.  ...  Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), known for easy maneuvering, outstanding flexibility, and low costs, are considered to be a novel aerial sensor.  ...  Yongzheng Xu and Mr. Yalong Ma for their efforts in the UAV data analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2017/5202150 fatcat:6p5oaja7vrf6vics2p6fjxxoee

Why not look at animals?

Anat Pick, Mediarep.Org
2018 NECSUS : European journal of media studies  
(1980), this essay inverts Berger's title in order to explore instances where the visibility of animals is at stake and where seeing is linked to forms of surveillance and control.  ...  In the context of advanced optical and tracking technologies that render animals permanently visible, the possibility of not-seeing emerges as a progressive modality of relation to animals that takes seriously  ...  Originating around 1960, at the unlikely intersection of wildlife management and military surveillance technologies, the use of miniaturised radio tags and collars to keep track of individual animals became  ... 
doi:10.25969/mediarep/15175 fatcat:lrjdu2iiyjf5tpjtgqopbyc6fm

Developing Rapid Environmental Assessment at NURC

Tuncay Akal
2008 Oceanography  
scenarios at low and high frequencies.  ...  Although AUVs with longer autonomy and accurate navigation have been developed, there is still a need for new payload sensors and systems, especially using micro electro mechanical systems technology.  ... 
doi:10.5670/oceanog.2008.52 fatcat:idagg5jovndobnxpvg3lm2xjge

Autonomous Flying Vehicle Research at the University of Southern California [chapter]

Srikanth Saripalli, David J. Naffin, Gaurav S. Sukhatme
2002 Multi-Robot Systems: From Swarms to Intelligent Automata  
This paper outlines research on Autonomous Flying Vehicles at the University of Southern California(USC).  ...  We use vision for precise target detection and recognition as well as combination of vision and GPS for navigation.  ...  The AVATAR(Autonomous Vehicle Aerial Tracking And Reconnaissance) project has been an ongoing research project at USC for the past ten years.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-017-2376-3_8 fatcat:hifnelgajnbkhfpoqrtdwsixz4

Accounting for real meteorological conditions at the time of UAV flight mission planning

P. Tkachyck, O. Kotcemyr, S. Sokolovskyi, D. Bilous
2021 Military Technical Collection  
Unmanned aerial system(UAS) A1-CM Furia has been developed and manufactured by LLC SPC Athlon Avia since 2014.  ...  The main criteria that this UAS meets are the detection and tracking of enemy objectives, equipment maintenance and target reconnaissance.  ...  Unmanned aerial system(UAS) A1-CM Furia has been developed and manufactured by LLC SPC Athlon Avia since 2014.  ... 
doi:10.33577/2312-4458.25.2021.54-60 fatcat:xs7wdftneja2nev4ocp4bxbjye

ISME research trends: Marine robotics for emergencies at sea

Giuseppe Casalino, Benedetto Allotta, Gianluca Antonelli, Andrea Caiti, Giuseppe Conte, Giovanni Indiveri, Claudio Melchiorri, Enrico Simetti
2016 OCEANS 2016 - Shanghai  
the fields of security, prevention and management of emergencies at sea.  ...  Within such a dramatic context, the use of robots could certainly provide helpful for the execution of patrolling and detection, identification and classification of interesting elements, such as people  ...  For example, ISME and Selex-ES, Italy, one of the leading players for providing large systems aimed at security and surveillance, have collaborated on different projects focusing on the critical infrastructure  ... 
doi:10.1109/oceansap.2016.7485616 fatcat:2bhyar2kwjfgtdqqmvfvfmbmii

Tracking Light Aircraft with Smartphones at Low Altitudes

Benjamin Lilly, Deniz Cetinkaya, Umut Durak
2021 Information  
Most aircraft in the world are tracked by various surveillance radar systems.  ...  (3) a backend that bridges the mobile and the desktop application.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank John Aidan Lynch and Isle of Wight airport for their support during the flight tests.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info12030105 doaj:42792016299040409adeea8e93a78aa3 fatcat:m2vhgtvs4javzgp236saqcs6ii

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Wildlife Detection and Observation Technologies at a Solar Power Tower Facility

Robert H. Diehl, Ernest W. Valdez, Todd M. Preston, Michael J. Wellik, Paul M. Cryan, Tim A. Mousseau
2016 PLoS ONE  
In this observational pilot study at the world's largest solar tower facility, we assessed the efficacy of using radar, surveillance video, and insect trapping to detect and observe animals flying near  ...  Some of the methods we tested (e.g., video surveillance) could be further assessed and potentially used to automatically detect and observe flying animals in the vicinity of solar towers to advance understanding  ...  Acknowledgments We thank NRG staff and supporting biologists and USGS biologist Rachel Bolus for advice, assistance in the field, and access to local environmental data.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0158115 pmid:27462989 pmcid:PMC4963080 fatcat:nhbbwqn5z5a4tkm55hio7vcqtm
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