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Haneen Ragheb Attaallah
2022 International Journal of Research In Commerce and Management Studies  
Studies suggest designating a percentage of the revenue to enhance the online presence.  ...  Moreover, data revealed that 97% of Fortune 500 companies depend on social media (Porteous, 2021) .  ...  Third, word-of-mouth (WOM) as consumers see WOM as reliable and more credible information than the published on the company's websites.  ... 
doi:10.38193/ijrcms.2022.4606 fatcat:hu63atwbdfgiddztncvnk3naii

A way with words: Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan (1832–1890) and the unexpected power of print

Barbara Metcalf
2023 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society  
First, his 'vernacular' included not only Urdu, but also Arabic and Persian.  ...  Finally, in the end, the potential of print turned on him as officials used his publications to allege seditious intent.  ...  say nothing of a love of words and word play.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s1356186322000670 fatcat:bq436gwgirb4dm75grgd6hplse

A Generalised Signature Method for Multivariate Time Series Feature Extraction [article]

James Morrill, Adeline Fermanian, Patrick Kidger, Terry Lyons
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We derive these choices as a result of an extensive empirical study on 26 datasets and go on to show competitive performance against current benchmarks for multivariate time series classification.  ...  On the one hand, this flexibility allows the method to be tailored to specific problems, but on the other hand, can make precise application challenging. This paper makes two contributions.  ...  A path signature approach to online arabic handwriting recognition. In 2018 IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Arabic and Derived Script Analysis and Recognition (ASAR), pp. 135-139. IEEE, 2018.  ... 
arXiv:2006.00873v2 fatcat:vva4h6eu7napxkwyo5bd4m5k3q

Remembering Africanization: two conversations among elderly science workers about the perpetually promissory

P. Wenzel Geissler, René Gerrets, Ann H. Kelly, Peter Mangesho, Branwyn Poleykett, Ferdinand Moyi Okwaro
2020 Africa - Journal of the International African Institute  
of Africa's foremost laboratories for research on malaria and other tropical diseases.  ...  reunions of Tanzanian and European science workers – in Amani in 2015 and in Cambridge in 2013 – who had worked together in the decades after Tanzania's independence at Amani Hill Research Station, then one  ...  UVA Universiteit van Amsterdam, on 15 Feb 2021 at 07:33:07, subject to the Cambridge Core  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0001972019000925 fatcat:myej4ltu6vc4hn3rw7b6mu4zbq

Transforming Hotel Supply Chain Using Intelligent Decision Support System: Prospects and Challenges

Mahmoud Abou Kamar
2021 Journal of Association of Arab Universities for Tourism and Hospitality  
Based on the feedback received from the Delphi survey, the wording of some items has been slightly altered to match the context of this study.  ...  -Asar, A. U., Zhou, M. C., Caudill, R. J., and Asar, S. U. (2006). Modeling risks in supply chains using Petri net approach.  ... 
doi:10.21608/jaauth.2021.63136.1136 fatcat:eiyzyb5ib5fgvjq3xbg6e4q76i

The Forest and the Twis

Ivor Wilks
2005 Journal des Africanistes  
Electronic reference Ivor Wilks , « The Forest and the Twis », Journal des africanistes [Online], 75-1 | 2005, Online since 15 September 2008, connection on 13 May 2021.  ...  In 1962 I suggested that the Twi sika might be a loan word ultimately from the Arabic, though from which root and by what route I did not guess176.  ... 
doi:10.4000/africanistes.188 fatcat:exfagrmu6jhpflglm7lnoao2o4


Analúcia Danilevicz Pereira
2021 Brazilian Journal of African Studies  
They said very little on the war-time economy and trade on both sides of the divide.  ...  Many works exist on the Nigeria-Biafra war (Achuzia 1986; Akpan 1976; Alabi-Isama 2013; Anwunah 2007; de St.  ...  /Dez. 2021 | p. 107-169 (Ameyaw and Li 2018;Asare and Shao 2018;Asare-Kyire et al. 2018;Boadi et al. 2018;Boadi et al. 2018a;Lartey and Li.2018;Dumor and Li 2019;five universities in Ghana: University  ... 
doi:10.22456/2448-3923.122359 fatcat:yrqo3iyab5g47bc4hu7tmrvemq

«World Scientific Reports» (October 12-13, 2023). Paris, France, 2023

2023 Zenodo  
Online Collabora on Tools Online Collabora on Tools have become indispensable in today's interconnected world.  ...  The evolving policy landscape, marked by significant changes in 2020 and 2021, reflects a growing recognition of the invaluable role played by women entrepreneurs in driving social and economic initiatives  ...  The man who created the images on the cave walls (an artist in the words of our time) used animal fats, vegetable juices and milk.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10005490 fatcat:ttr7ccrkknfh7d3wcbeyygomee

«Theoretical Hypotheses and Empirical results» (February 02-03, 2023). Oslo, Norway

2023 Zenodo  
Supporting Digitalization: Key Goal for National Competitiveness in Digital Global Economy. Economia Aziendale Online. 11 (2), 191-198. Sepashvili, E. (2020b).  ...  On September 1, 1967, a conference of Arab countries was held in the city of Khartoum (Sudan), where the principle of "three nos" was announced, no -to the recognition of Israel, no -to negotiations with  ...  Physical and Mathematical Sciences Key words: thermoelectric SixGe1-x , effective mass, mobility of charge carriers.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7607867 fatcat:ff54we2lwbbxbmz5oqcx535xha

Euro Asian Conference on Analytical Research (Germany)

2021 Zenodo  
Although against the background of Covid-19, the conference may change to an online conference, while sharing the experience and excellence of the academic world.  ...  This conference is planned to be held in Germany on 7th October, a city with marvelous sceneries and profound cultural heritage.  ...  It should be noted that the competitiveness of the MFC directly depends on its image, brand and reputation.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5573530 fatcat:7ahdw5zze5dgvmxg3baedkhrva

Un travagliato spazio urbano a Istanbul: il Simkeşhane come caso di studio

Mesut Dinler
2021 ArcHistoR Architettura Storia Restauro - Architecture History Restoration  
The Council was formed in 1917 in the last decade of the Ottoman Empire with the name Muhafaza-ı Asar-ı Atika Encümeni (the same name with Ottoman words).  ...  In 1928, an international urban planning competition was launched for Ankara. German urbanist Hermann Jansen won the competition. For Jansen's plan, see Tankut 1990.  ... 
doi:10.14633/ahr314 doaj:c724917d2e66488aaed90d47e34e27b7 fatcat:owqsyi4vzbgwdmg7uszoronfci

Usability research for interpreter-centred technology: The case study of SmarTerp [article]

Francesca Maria Frittella
2023 Zenodo  
be displayed as a word or an Arabic numeral?  ...  Currently, item extraction is based on word recognition or may take place through a syntactic analysis of the speech.  ...  Rene N'Guettia Kouassi, Director of the African Union, at the African Union Conference, on 21 January 2021, on-site and remote. A.2 Reading instructions 1.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7376350 fatcat:7xw4ccs34jedzaf2yomdo2fxha

Conference «Foundations and Trends in Modern Learning» (November 23-24, 2023). Berlin, Germany

2023 Zenodo  
easily, and puts the logical emphasis on the desired word in the sentence. reaches the listener more precisely and clearly.  ...  In oral speech, it is possible to return to the same issue many times, repeat the necessary word, expression, sentence, omit the word, expression when necessary, replace it with a stronger one, change  ...  When you look at somebody's opinion and don' t understand one or two words, you immediately look the unknown words up in the offline or online dictionaries and learn the meaning of those words.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10207922 fatcat:fxj3xejsubh7vfa6stvnanam3a


Umid Malikov
2024 Zenodo  
The poet based his nickname on the word "bahra".  ...  ); 4) abbreviations -the creation of new words based on another word or words that are reduced only to its or their initial letters: a) acronym -an abbreviated word is pronounced as a whole new word, and  ...  Key words: Injectivity, sphere, growing, monosemantic.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10651781 fatcat:xb5i4g5pzze3xnwkwycurkb7z4


2023 Zenodo  
On competition of a scientific degree, doctor of technical Sciences Tashkent; pp 248. [5].  ...  Key words: digital economy, education system, saving, creating, opportunities, development, differentiated education, competition, corruption. Кириш.  ...  (Tashkent Medical Academy) Key words: chronic pesticide poisoning, "mother-offspring", ovary, uterus, tissue and blood vessels.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7656713 fatcat:k6gbghm6d5ad7hs4vidukwop2m
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