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AES: Autonomous Excavator System for Real-World and Hazardous Environments [article]

Jinxin Zhao, Pinxin Long, Liyang Wang, Lingfeng Qian, Feixiang Lu, Xibin Song, Dinesh Manocha, Liangjun Zhang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Operating excavators in a real-world environment can be challenging due to extreme conditions and rock sliding, ground collapse, or exceeding dust.  ...  An autonomous excavator that can substitute human operators in these hazardous environments would substantially lower the number of injuries and can improve the overall productivity.  ...  Our autonomous excavator (AES) is the first unmanned excavator system that has been deployed in real world scenarios and used by manufacturers of heavy machinery and the construction industry.  ... 
arXiv:2011.04848v1 fatcat:oehyp2ni2rf6fhtk5tcygx5mfi

TNS: Terrain Traversability Mapping and Navigation System for Autonomous Excavators [article]

Tianrui Guan, Zhenpeng He, Ruitao Song, Dinesh Manocha, Liangjun Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We present a terrain traversability mapping and navigation system (TNS) for autonomous excavator applications in an unstructured environment.  ...  Our system can adapt to changing environments and update the terrain information in real-time.  ...  . • Safety: In deploying the autonomous excavator system to the real world, safety is always the most critical consideration.  ... 
arXiv:2109.06250v4 fatcat:7wmpulk2endbdf6hkszhgalf6q

Construction Site Safety Monitoring and Excavator Activity Analysis System [article]

Sibo Zhang, Liangjun Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The proposed real-time safety monitoring system is not only designed for our Autonomous Excavator System (AES) in solid waste scenes, it can also be applied to general construction scenarios.  ...  Our perception system could detect multi-class construction machines and humans in real-time while estimating the poses and actions of the excavator.  ...  Introduction Operating excavators in a real-world environment can be challenging due to extreme conditions, such as multiple fatalities and injuries occur each year during excavations.  ... 
arXiv:2110.03083v3 fatcat:k34iwyy2j5hube7w47vqy43vrm

Sensing and Artificial Perception for Robots in Precision Forestry: A Survey

João Filipe Ferreira, David Portugal, Maria Eduarda Andrada, Pedro Machado, Rui P. Rocha, Paulo Peixoto
2023 Robotics  
Artificial perception for robots operating in outdoor natural environments, including forest scenarios, has been the object of a substantial amount of research for decades.  ...  open software frameworks, robust solutions for multi-robot teams, end-user involvement, use case scenarios, computational resource planning, management solutions to satisfy real-time operation constraints  ...  autonomy and allow for real-time performance of mission-critical sub-systems.  ... 
doi:10.3390/robotics12050139 fatcat:gezkon2ivvgalkybgvenmf2emu

Preliminary engineering application of microseismic monitoring technique to rockburst prediction in tunneling of Jinping II project

Chun'an Tang, Jimin Wang, Jingjian Zhang
2010 Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering  
It is found that precursory microcracking exists prior to most rockbursts, which could be captured by the microseismic monitoring system.  ...  The authors think the feasibility of rockburst prediction can be understood in three aspects: (1) the heterogeneity of rock is the main reason for the existence of rockburst precursors; (2) deformation  ...  Yang Juying, Huang Manbin, Xu Nuwen, Yang Tao, Tang Shibin and Lu Pin took part in the research work.  ... 
doi:10.3724/sp.j.1235.2010.00193 fatcat:plgl75fpkna5hiw2cjjzgzujla

Survey of Wireless Communications Applications in the Railway Industry

G.M. Shafiullah, A. Gyasi-Agyei, P. Wolfs
2007 The 2nd International Conference on Wireless Broadband and Ultra Wideband Communications (AusWireless 2007)  
Wireless communications and distributed computing have promoted the development of vehiclemonitoring systems to reduce the maintenance and inspection requirements of railway systems while maintaining safety  ...  This paper surveys existing wireless techniques used in the railway industry for both communications and signalling purposes.  ...  One working group investigated a new suitable communication system and introduced GSM-R for internal voice and data communication in the railway environment.  ... 
doi:10.1109/auswireless.2007.74 fatcat:kctk6tpdwrcuhkdgyzzczztvxi

A Method Of Drilling A Ground Using A Robotic Arm

Lotfi Beji, Laredj Benchikh
2017 Zenodo  
It is one of the first sectors of economic activity in the world.  ...  CTM is the only alternative for the renovation of existing tunnels and creating emergency exit.  ...  The importance of deployment of this type of reinforcement varies according to the nature of the soil and the excavation method. Fig. 5 5 The real and reference trajectories at the top x = 0.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1314496 fatcat:ie5tq5utxza6dpxossizspcybq

A Method Of Drilling A Ground Using A Robotic Arm

Lotfi Beji, Laredj Benchikh
2017 Zenodo  
It is one of the first sectors of economic activity in the world.  ...  CTM is the only alternative for the renovation of existing tunnels and creating emergency exit.  ...  The importance of deployment of this type of reinforcement varies according to the nature of the soil and the excavation method. Fig. 5 5 The real and reference trajectories at the top x = 0.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1132822 fatcat:nnvi56gz7nbhfjqgt4r3ttapsi

Contracting practices for the underground construction of the superconducting super collider☆

1990 Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology  
As mentioned earlier, the existence of several parties a t different tiers of responsibility-the DOE, M&O, AE/CM, and construction contractors-make the legal and regulatory environment a complex one.  ...  0 to coordinate loss prevention and loss control activities to produce a safe working environment.  ...  , (4) liability assumed under contract by such additional insured, and (5) the products-completed operations hazard.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0886-7798(90)90136-8 fatcat:xauroh7itnbsriavcaecd6tbpq

Teaching multidisciplinary engineering using concepts and technology of WSN

Zenon Chaczko, Jan Szymanski
2012 2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET)  
The theory of WSN is applied as a driver of system development for the group projects that students undertake in the subject.  ...  This includes shared experiences, observations and common problems experienced in teaching new concepts and paradigms, standards, protocols and algorithms, embedded systems and sensor technologies.  ...  o Autonomics and knowledge discovery t .  ... 
doi:10.1109/ithet.2012.6246055 dblp:conf/ithet/ChaczkoS12 fatcat:rz6xh6i4crc4fl43qdtd3gtygq

TNS: Terrain Traversability Mapping and Navigation System for Autonomous Excavators

Tianrui Guan, Zhenpeng He, Ruitao Song, Dinesh Manocha, Liangjun Zhang
2022 Robotics: Science and Systems XVIII   unpublished
We present a terrain traversability mapping and navigation system (TNS) for autonomous excavator applications in an unstructured environment.  ...  Our system can adapt to changing environments and update the terrain information in real-time.  ...  We appreciate the discussion and support from Baidu RAL team.  ... 
doi:10.15607/rss.2022.xviii.049 fatcat:dvia2rqimjbu3olsgwmcrppdai

Structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure

J. M. W. Brownjohn
2007 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences  
It ends with a discussion of the present state of the art and future developments in terms of instrumentation, data acquisition, communication systems and data mining and presentation procedures for diagnosis  ...  Arguably, forms of SHM have been employed in civil infrastructure for at least half a century, but it is only in the last decade or two that computer-based systems are being designed for the purpose of  ...  particular, Suresh Bhalla, David Blockley, Wendy Daniell, John Dunnicliff, Roger Evans, Alan Jeary, Allan Larsen, Tony McNulty, Akira Mita, Pilate Moyo, Piotr Omenzetter, Tan Guan Hong, Colin Taylor and  ... 
doi:10.1098/rsta.2006.1925 pmid:17255053 fatcat:p2ctfm5jlrexlooo2ttxpjsrbm

A Review on the Research of Computer-assisted Language Learning in Language Teaching, Social Attitudes and Some Other Academic Circles

Chenliang Deng
2022 Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences  
However, for present purposes, few studies have systematically commented on how much it has changed social life and research fields other than education, what benefits or defects it has caused to learners  ...  Last but not the least, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the future development of CALL.  ...  I also thank all my family, classmates and friends for their support and help. Journal of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences  ... 
doi:10.54097/ehss.v5i.2882 fatcat:x5i2aeyqrvalnoeuiyt525m2l4

A GIS Software Module for Environmental Impact Assessment of the Open Pit Mining Projects for Small Mining Operators in Kazakhstan

Mikhail Zarubin, Larissa Statsenko, Pavel Spiridonov, Venera Zarubina, Noune Melkoumian, Olga Salykova
2021 Sustainability  
The proposed methodology and software module allows for optimised EIA calculations of open pit mines, aiming to minimise the negative impacts on the environment.  ...  The study presents an original methodology laid out as a basis for a software module for environmental impact assessment on atmosphere, water basins, soil and subsoil, tailored to the context of mining  ...  A higher level of production control is achieved by integrating GIS/GPS systems with hardware and Internet of Things (IoT) devices used to control production in near real-time.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su13126971 fatcat:54qke5frejdhxpo5tm7vvwtzva

Conference Digest

2020 2020 IEEE Aerospace Conference  
of measuring Martian air temperature, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, and local magnetic fields.  ...  The Auxiliary Payload Sensor Suite (APSS), a collection of environmental sensors carried by the Interior exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy, and Heat Transport (InSight) lander, is capable  ...  This paper presents ARIEL (Autonomous Ranking and Interrogation of Excavation Location), an autonomy system for selecting an excavation site on-board for NASA's Europa Lander Mission Concept.  ... 
doi:10.1109/aero47225.2020.9172613 fatcat:ioqf5ijrx5gvffu3ls34aa2nsq
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