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A statistical framework for genomic data fusion

G. R. G. Lanckriet, T. De Bie, N. Cristianini, M. I. Jordan, W. S. Noble
2004 Bioinformatics  
Results: This paper describes a computational framework for integrating and drawing inferences from a collection of genome-wide measurements.  ...  Motivation: During the past decade, the new focus on genomics has highlighted a particular challenge: to integrate the different views of the genome that are provided by various types of experimental data  ...  This paper presents a computational and statistical framework for integrating heterogeneous descriptions of the same set of genes.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bth294 pmid:15130933 fatcat:5si35euhezfo7h4pbudpq7d73u

eMAGMA: An eQTL-informed method to identify risk genes using genome-wide association study summary statistics [article]

Zachary F Gerring, Angela Mina-Vargas, Eske M Derks
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
To address this challenge, we developed a methodological framework, eQTL-MAGMA (eMAGMA), that converts SNP-level summary statistics into gene-level association statistics by assigning non-coding SNPs to  ...  We compared eMAGMA to three eQTL informed gene-based approaches—S-PrediXcan, FUSION, and SMR—using simulated phenotype data.  ...  In conclusion, we present a modified MAGMA framework, eMAGMA that aggregates eQTL summary statistics into gene level association statistics for gene-level analyses.  ... 
doi:10.1101/854315 fatcat:ruiuaju4mnb5llkf74coqa3xh4

Translational systems genomics: ontology and imaging

Su-Shing Chen, Yu-Ping Wang
2009 Summit on translational bioinformatics  
In developing an integrated framework for translational bioinformatics, we consider bioimaging in the NIH Roadmap that exploits high-resolution genomic imaging for clinical applications to the diagnosis  ...  Foundational Model of Anatomy (FMA) and Microarry Gene Expression Data Ontology (MGED) in this framework.  ...  CONCLUSIONS This paper develops an integrated framework for translational bioinformatics in the area of bioimaging that exploits high-resolution genomic imaging for the clinical applications to the diagnosis  ... 
pmid:21347165 pmcid:PMC3041582 fatcat:y23hfrpykjae5phxfpknde2o3i

Transcriptome wide association studies: general framework and methods

Yuhan Xie, Nayang Shan, Hongyu Zhao, Lin Hou
2021 Quantitative Biology  
With the recent progress in expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) studies, transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) provide a framework to test for gene-trait associations by integrating information  ...  by limited statistical power and difficulties in biological interpretation.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Zhaolong Yu for suggestions and Michael Farruggia for English language polishing. L. H. acknowledges the following fundings: the  ... 
doi:10.15302/j-qb-020-0228 fatcat:tp34rkvrmzempevsqq37lh67gq

RadioPathomics: Multimodal Learning in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer for Adaptive Radiotherapy [article]

Matteo Tortora, Ermanno Cordelli, Rosa Sicilia, Lorenzo Nibid, Edy Ippolito, Giuseppe Perrone, Sara Ramella, Paolo Soda
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Nevertheless, how to combine them into a single multimodal framework is still an open issue.  ...  The current cancer treatment practice collects multimodal data, such as radiology images, histopathology slides, genomics and clinical data.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was partially founded by Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma under the programme "University Strategic Projects", within the project "a CoLlAborative multi-sources Radiopathomics  ... 
arXiv:2204.12423v1 fatcat:6c375e3sfvetzmev4bwxqnqggq

Pathomic Fusion: An Integrated Framework for Fusing Histopathology and Genomic Features for Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis [article]

Richard J. Chen, Ming Y. Lu, Jingwen Wang, Drew F. K. Williamson, Scott J. Rodig, Neal I. Lindeman, Faisal Mahmood
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we propose Pathomic Fusion, an interpretable strategy for end-to-end multimodal fusion of histology image and genomic (mutations, CNV, RNA-Seq) features for survival outcome prediction.  ...  deep networks trained on histology and genomic data alone.  ...  across modalities. omic Fusion, a novel framework for multimodal fusion of histology and genomic features (Fig. 1 ).  ... 
arXiv:1912.08937v3 fatcat:uruvdqhve5fu3e3amoce5pykmy

Heterogeneous data fusion for brain tumor classification

2012 Oncology Reports  
In this report, we present a novel machine learning framework for brain tumor classification based on heterogeneous data fusion of metabolic and molecular datasets, including state-of-the-art high-resolution  ...  Our experimental results show that our novel framework outperforms any analysis using individual dataset.  ...  The authors would like to thank Dr Peter Black for providing us with the biopsies and Dr Dionyssios Mintzopoulos for organizing the MRS data.  ... 
doi:10.3892/or.2012.1931 pmid:22842996 fatcat:sjh4yt6nfzeitihyrafv4uxokm

Variant interpretation through Bayesian fusion of frequency and genomic knowledge

Chad A Shaw, Ian M Campbell
2015 Genome Medicine  
Variant interpretation is a central challenge in genomic medicine.  ...  A recent study demonstrates the power of Bayesian statistical approaches to improve interpretation of variants in the context of specific genes and syndromes.  ...  Acknowledgements IMC is a fellow of the Baylor College of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program (T32 GM007330) and was supported by a fellowship from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13073-015-0129-3 pmid:25632303 pmcid:PMC4308929 fatcat:gakudogjfvcmnebumuqpfbza3m

Statistical algorithms improve accuracy of gene fusion detection

Gillian Hsieh, Rob Bierman, Linda Szabo, Alex Gia Lee, Donald E. Freeman, Nathaniel Watson, E. Alejandro Sweet-Cordero, Julia Salzman
2017 Nucleic Acids Research  
In this paper, we present a new statistical algorithm, MACHETE (Mismatched Alignment CHimEra Tracking Engine), which achieves highly sensitive and specific detection of gene fusions from RNA-Seq data,  ...  These results highlight the gains in accuracy achieved by introducing statistical models into fusion detection, and pave the way for unbiased discovery of potentially driving and druggable gene fusions  ...  We would like to acknowledge the support of the Stanford Center for Computational, Evolutionary and Human Genomics. FUNDING  ... 
doi:10.1093/nar/gkx453 pmid:28541529 pmcid:PMC5737606 fatcat:ajg25lfodrajzd63kvvja2jsqq

Heterogeneous Data Fusion to Type Brain Tumor Biopsies [chapter]

Vangelis Metsis, Heng Huang, Fillia Makedon, Aria Tzika
2009 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
In this paper, we use machine learning algorithms to create a novel framework to perform the heterogeneous data fusion on both metabolic and molecular datasets, including state-of-the-art high-resolution  ...  Our experimental results show our novel framework outperforms any analysis using individual dataset.  ...  Since our framework is a general method, it can also be applied to any other biomedical and biological data fusion for sample classification and biomarker detection.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-0221-4_28 fatcat:i5yhlkv5prejtd5np5sdjduhli

MGCT: Mutual-Guided Cross-Modality Transformer for Survival Outcome Prediction using Integrative Histopathology-Genomic Features [article]

Mingxin Liu, Yunzan Liu, Hui Cui, Chunquan Li, Jiquan Ma
2023 arXiv   pre-print
of a spatially corresponding relationship between histopathology images and genomic molecular data; and (3) the existing early, late, and intermediate multimodal feature fusion strategies struggle to capture  ...  To ameliorate these issues, we propose the Mutual-Guided Cross-Modality Transformer (MGCT), a weakly-supervised, attention-based multimodal learning framework that can combine histology features and genomic  ...  We started with a basic model (Model A) based on the simple concatenation of WSI and genomic data. Deep Fusion Strategy.  ... 
arXiv:2311.11659v1 fatcat:huujd7dwbvezpmvqxelzqnorfi

Findings from the Section on Bioinformatics and Translational Informatics

H. Dauchel, T. Lecroq
2017 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics  
for cancer genomics and non-cancer complex diseases.  ...  Methods: We provide a synopsis of the articles selected for the IMIA Yearbook 2017, from which we attempt to derive a synthetic overview of current and future activities in the field.  ...  residues using a Bayes inference statistical framework.  ... 
doi:10.15265/iy-2016-050 pmid:27830252 pmcid:PMC5171571 fatcat:yf2ehgjj6bfwjm2ooniyr6a4pu

Findings from the Section on Bioinformatics and Translational Informatics

H. Dauchel, T. Lecroq
2017 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics  
for cancer genomics and non-cancer complex diseases.  ...  Methods: We provide a synopsis of the articles selected for the IMIA Yearbook 2017, from which we attempt to derive a synthetic overview of current and future activities in the field.  ...  residues using a Bayes inference statistical framework.  ... 
doi:10.1055/s-0037-1606501 fatcat:fdjdngr3jnhxvnf7pr6z4k73ay

Improved detection of gene fusions by applying statistical methods reveals oncogenic RNA cancer drivers

Roozbeh Dehghannasiri, Donald E. Freeman, Milos Jordanski, Gillian L. Hsieh, Ana Damljanovic, Erik Lehnert, Julia Salzman
2019 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
The statistical algorithms, population-level analytic framework, and the biological conclusions of DEEPEST call for increased attention to gene fusions as drivers of cancer and for future research into  ...  Here, we introduce Data-Enriched Efficient PrEcise STatistical fusion detection (DEEPEST), an algorithm that uses statistical modeling to minimize false-positives while increasing the sensitivity of fusion  ...  We thank Steven Artandi for useful discussions, and members of J.S.'s laboratory for feedback on the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.1900391116 pmid:31308241 pmcid:PMC6681709 fatcat:mxzz5q3ihzbhtghuqnkeqjd3su

Inferring Personalized and Race-Specific Causal Effects of Genomic Aberrations on Gleason Scores: A Deep Latent Variable Model

Zhong Chen, Andrea Edwards, Chindo Hicks, Kun Zhang
2020 Frontiers in Oncology  
The core of the proposed model is a deep variational autoencoder (VAE) framework, which follows the causal structure of inference with proxies.  ...  a genomic aberration may exert on the Gleason Score (GS) of each individual PCa patient.  ...  For example, we find that for low-grade PCa, both AICEs and GRSs of AAs are statistically significantly higher than those of EAs over most of the studied genomic aberrations (i.e., ERG fusions, somatic  ... 
doi:10.3389/fonc.2020.00272 pmid:32231997 pmcid:PMC7082760 fatcat:t7yq5x75szcgxicubrot5l7hmy
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