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1,093 Hits in 5.0 sec

An Exhaustive Review on Security Issues in Cloud Computing

2019 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
However, security, privacy and integrity of data is a major concern.  ...  The Cloud Computing is growing rapidly in the current IT industry. Cloud computing has become a buzzword in relation to Grid & Utility computing.  ...  In the given approach statistical analysis & cryptography is used in combination for better flexibility of medical data. It provides hybrid solution for privacy preserving technologies.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2019.06.025 fatcat:d2lidmgohvashh6vbqchkvekti

Security challenges and solutions using healthcare cloud computing

Mohammad Mehrtak, SeyedAhmad SeyedAlinaghi, Mehrzad MohsseniPour, Tayebeh Noori, Amirali Karimi, Ahmadreza Shamsabadi, Mohammad Heydari, Alireza Barzegary, Pegah Mirzapour, Mahdi Soleymanzadeh, Farzin Vahedi, Esmaeil Mehraeen (+1 others)
2021 Journal of Medicine and Life  
Data encryption could be applied to store and retrieve data from the cloud in order to provide secure communication.  ...  A systematic review was performed using Scopus, Pubmed, Science Direct, and Web of Science databases.  ...  Using linear network coding and re-encryption based on ElGamal cryptography in the form of a hybrid approach to secure healthcare information over the cloud; Linear network coding mechanism. 12 Kumar  ... 
doi:10.25122/jml-2021-0100 pmid:34621367 pmcid:PMC8485370 fatcat:k2ltpgsaurhffgkdmkjlwofwdy

Securing Big Data Scientific Workflows via Trusted Heterogeneous Environments

Saeid Mofrad, Ishtiaq Ahmed, Fengwei Zhang, Shiyong Lu, Ping Yang, Heming Cui
2021 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  
Big data workflow management systems (BDWMS)s have recently emerged as popular data analytics platforms to conduct largescale data analytics in the cloud.  ...  security challenges: (1) Reducing the TCB size of the big data workflow management system in the untrusted cloud by leveraging the hardware-assisted TEE and software attestation; (2) Supporting Java-written  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments that helped improve this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tdsc.2021.3123640 fatcat:tfhp6gtbejd65ka3yjlmva45qa

Enhancing Privacy for Big Data in Healthcare Domain based on Cryptographic and Decentralized Technology Methods

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
As such, in this paper, we present the opportunities and challenges of implementing cryptography and blockchain for privacy perseverance in Big Data, focusing in the healthcare domain.  ...  Most data are stored in a single location, which means the records it keeps are open and effortlessly irrefutable to third parties.  ...  Cryptography is the most known procedure for guaranteeing security and protection of the data by encryption [4] . It is important to propose an encryption procedure which is suitable for Big Data.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.c1023.1083s19 fatcat:ntydm3nzmjac7oaumyzd5p2yr4

A Survey on Security Challenges of Healthcare Analysis Over Cloud

Jaishree Jain, Dr. Ajit Singh
2017 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Various approaches have been used to preserve the security of the health information in the cloud environment.  ...  Introducing the cloud services in the health sector not only facilitates the exchange of electronic medical records among the hospitals and clinics, but also enables the cloud to act as a medical record  ...  Rathi 2015 [32] proposed to protect the healthcare data in the cloud. This system had a double layer protection in which the EHRs are stored in the cloud.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv6is040719 fatcat:56sqctq2lzgtdmxrfcx2kcvuee

A Secure and Privacy-Aware Framework for Future Smart Cities

Kahkashan Tabassum, Ahmed Ibrahim
2019 International Journal of Computing and Network Technology  
The proposed model of smart cities ensures the stakeholders' privacy and integrity of services such as avoiding misuse of public data malicious SPs.  ...  Therefore it is required to ensure data security and privacy preservation to the stored citizens' data.  ...  They show how most the algorithms to secure IoT come under cryptography and how cryptography can be used to secure IoT Data.  ... 
doi:10.12785/ijcnt/070103 fatcat:7zhiyssbxbaafpgskpnrtdwu5i

Cloud data security and various cryptographic algorithms

Yahia Alemami, Ali M. Al-Ghonmein, Khaldun G. Al-Moghrabi, Mohamad Afendee Mohamed
2023 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)  
Many researchers have contributed to reducing the problem of data security in cloud computing by developing a variety of technologies to secure cloud data, including encryption.  ...  (IDEA) was compared in terms of security, data encipherment capacity, memory usage, and encipherment time to determine the optimal algorithm for securing cloud information from hackers.  ...  are primarily responsible for the protection and integrity of their own information. − Data isolation: when using the cloud, data is often shared with those other clients.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v13i2.pp1867-1879 fatcat:kzjvko7sdjduhnzkg2b7l3spba

Security and privacy issues in federated healthcare – An overview

Jansi Rani Amalraj, Robert Lourdusamy
2022 Open Computer Science  
Securing medical records is a significant task in Healthcare communication.  ...  The innovation in technology and improvisation in the medical field has given numerous advancements in transferring the medical data with foolproof security.  ...  The medical community must use a secure authentication system to access patient records. Biometric-based access models are used effectively in many applications.  ... 
doi:10.1515/comp-2022-0230 fatcat:kti7ycisfzf55oegk3s6ke6mr4

Secure Computation for Cloud data Storage [article]

Davood Rezaeipour
2019 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive  
One of the main goals of securing data transmission is focused on the security of cloud data storage.  ...  In this paper, we describe several cryptographic techniques which can be used to address the relevant threats and security goals for analyzing cloud computing security.  ...  Cloud computing is not just a third party data storage, but the need to entrust data protection to a third party cloud provider directs to the protections offered by cryptography in cloud.  ... 
dblp:journals/iacr/Rezaeipour19 fatcat:ky7l7ndezvgmvomdrhsfmbcvni

Machine-Learning-Based IoT–Edge Computing Healthcare Solutions

Abdulrahman K. Alnaim, Ahmed M. Alwakeel
2023 Electronics  
The idea is to use machine learning in the backend servers to find data signatures of interest. We intend to use the following ideas in the medical field as a case study.  ...  An algorithm for a body sensor network is needed for the purpose of spotting outliers in the collected data. Methods of machine learning and statistical sampling can be used in the research process.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics12041027 fatcat:cqnvkglmvffttnups3zuu5eite

Research gaps based virtualization in mobile cloud computing

Boubakeur Annane, Adel Alti, Osman Ghazali
2020 International Journal of Advanced Computer Research  
In virtualization, various investigations showed that malicious users are able to break down the cloud security methods by spreading their VMs in order to alter or violate the user sensitive data that  ...  We found out that no approach protects the data from being stolen while distributed VMs that deployed on different cloud servers exchanging data.  ...  Conflicts of interest The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.  ... 
doi:10.19101/ijacr.2020.1048101 fatcat:tyqsmtqf5zdftb5pt4juhatxw4

Protecting Privacy in the Cloud: Current Practices, Future Directions

Mahmoud Barhamgi, Arosha K. Bandara, Yijun Yu, Khalid Belhajjame, Bashar Nuseibeh
2016 Computer  
This article concerns the first dimension in a cloud computing setting; to ensure that the additional actors introduced by the use of the cloud, do not abuse cloud users' data.  ...  Cloud Privacy Concerns Understanding privacy concerns in a cloud computing model requires understanding the key stakeholders involved in its data lifecycle:  ...  This work is supported, in part, by SFI grant 13/RC/2094, ERC Advanced Grant 291652 (ASAP), and QNRF grant NPRP 05-079-1-018.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2016.59 fatcat:g2lvhgvp4bg6ri32ss2neeil64

Secure Token–Key Implications in an Enterprise Multi-Tenancy Environment Using BGV–EHC Hybrid Homomorphic Encryption

Pooja Dhiman, Santosh Kumar Henge, Rajakumar Ramalingam, Ankur Dumka, Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot, Mamoon Rashid, Sultan S. Alshamrani, Ahmed Saeed AlGhamdi, Abdullah Alshehri
2022 Electronics  
The proposed blended model was efficient in preventing data from ciphertext attacks and achieved a high success rate for transmitting data between the multi-tenants, based on the user-role-user type of  ...  The research integrated 32-bit plain text in the proposed hybrid approach by taking into consideration the encryption time, decryption time, and key generation time of data transmission via cloud servers  ...  The scheme was used to process medical data in hospitals securely and privately.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11131942 fatcat:zk4vqxiqtreepj5w63z4uw6fbm

Internet As A Application For Secured Data Transmission In Digital World

Sanjali S. Doshi
2016 Zenodo  
system data. computer privacy is concerned with the moral and legal requirements to protect data from unauthorized access and dissemination. the issues involved in computer privacy are therefore political  ...  desire for military secrecy,industrial security,and information sharing. based on national and state laws,it is possible to establish some form of operational security,which allows the management of a  ...  .  Hybrid Cloud solutions that replicate both on-site and to off-site data centers.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1466307 fatcat:eqel7dflajhcfas2v3dzyd5yey

Cloud Computing: Characteristics, Issues and Possible Security Solutions - A Review

M. Julie Emerald Jiju, E Arun
2015 DJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering  
With the advent of technology the security concerns and issues related to cloud computing are on the rise and thus they require a serious attention.  ...  The types of cloud computing can be classified as public, private and hybrid cloud computing.  ...  The main areas of concern include network security, virtualization, data protection and isolation of resources.  ... 
doi:10.18831/djece.org/2015021002 fatcat:aueudskxjjdtxppyptcq2bq624
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