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Asian Social Science, Vol. 4, No. 1, January, 2008

Editor ASS
2007 Asian Social Science  
This kind of image has been lasted for a long time and is discovered both in Dunhuang mural and Xinjiang mural.  ...  Male donor's hairstyle in front wall of platform can be only found in Uighur and other minorities of Xinjiang mural, but not in Dunhuang mural.  ...  In ancient times, Hainan Island was teemed with rivers and forests and had a lot of wild animals and plants resources. The ancient Run Li people wore bark cloth and hats.  ... 
doi:10.5539/ass.v4n1p0 fatcat:ilprqqfrg5gdpbztyg452jhku4

Asian Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 2009

Editor ASS
2009 Asian Social Science  
This kind of image has been lasted for a long time and is discovered both in Dunhuang mural and Xinjiang mural.  ...  Male donor's hairstyle in front wall of platform can be only found in Uighur and other minorities of Xinjiang mural, but not in Dunhuang mural.  ...  In ancient times, Hainan Island was teemed with rivers and forests and had a lot of wild animals and plants resources. The ancient Run Li people wore bark cloth and hats.  ... 
doi:10.5539/ass.v5n1p0 fatcat:krcv2lqolvekve3nbkpj2kfsem

ROBERT E. HERZSTEIN: Henry R. Luce, Time, and the American Crusade in Asia. xviii, 346 pp. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. £25

2006 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies  
The present volume provides a full edition of the bullae bearing seal impressions of princes and officials, while the edition of the royal sealings is reserved for a future volume by the same authors in  ...  In three basement rooms and on the slope downhill from the building more than 3,400 sealed clay bullae and 29 cuneiform clay tablets inscribed with royal land grants were recovered in the years 1990 and  ...  It builds on A. I.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0041977x0647021x fatcat:qzwphzqmvfa57pnxcndoxcg7lm

Bodies in balance: the art of Tibetan medicine

2014 ChoiceReviews  
General rights This document is made available in accordance with publisher policies. Please cite only the published version using the reference above. Full terms of use are available:  ...  Through accounts of her work with contemporary Tibetan medical doctors in India, we learn how a medical consultation unfolds.  ...  I realize Dr.  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.186236 fatcat:mjslenswfzdtxjr6pqarlth5iq

Go east, young man: imagining the American West as the Orient

2012 ChoiceReviews  
However, it is also related to the United States' rise as a giant in entertainment technology, such as film, that facilitated and yet complicated the transmission of cultural image building.  ...  Only a few such ornate buildings-for example, the Santa Fe Railway's huge, Turkish-style San Bernardino Station-remain in the twenty-first century, but those that do are now appreciated for their elaborate  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.49-5246 fatcat:2fypme5uobctzpu6yss7tfbooe

Translating Visual Language: Artistic Experimentations by European-trained Chinese Artists, 1920s-1950s

Hua Wang
Chinese intellectual history in Modern Art for a Modern China: The Chinese Intellectual Debate, 1900-1930.  ...  between China and other cultures.  ...  , reinforcing and constructing the French holistic view of civilization by equating national cultural heritage with world cultural heritage. 750 This chronological display from ancient Egypt, ancient Greece  ... 
doi:10.11588/heidok.00034339 fatcat:ukayyzcr6vds7nmwu6ujtv7veu

Cultural heritage preservation in regional China: tourism, culture and the Shaxi Model [article]

Silvia Schriver
It takes a new approach as it analyses cultural heritage protection and preservation in China through the lens of the phenomenon of the 'new ancient towns' by using the framework of 'modernization' in  ...  The possible realization of the projections of the above tourism and economic development plans, however, seem to still lie in a distant future for Shaxi.  ...  APPENDIX 1 World Heritage Sites in China (50) 2016 Cultural (35) Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains (1994) Ancient City of Ping Yao (1997) Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui -Xidi and  ... 
doi:10.4225/23/597fe0adeba7a fatcat:gh5rmsp6srghlpexeelxia44v4

Personhood [chapter]

2017 Buddhism and Jainism  
However, in some polygamous Buddhist populations, the practice is based on a cultural foundation.  ...  Some grammarians have suggested Takṣaśilā (modern Taxila), a great place for learning in ancient times, and Ujjayini (modern Ujjain) to be the places where Pāli initially developed as a language.  ...  philosophy" ( [3] , Pūrṅ a Kāśyapa Mangala Ramchandra Chinchore Department of Philosophy, Centre for Studies in Classical Indian Buddhist Philosophy and Culture, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-024-0852-2_100649 fatcat:ib3qcp2ipjdllc46tlx2c3stay

Pañca-Sīla [chapter]

2017 Buddhism and Jainism  
However, in some polygamous Buddhist populations, the practice is based on a cultural foundation.  ...  Some grammarians have suggested Takṣaśilā (modern Taxila), a great place for learning in ancient times, and Ujjayini (modern Ujjain) to be the places where Pāli initially developed as a language.  ...  philosophy" ( [3] , Pūrṅ a Kāśyapa Mangala Ramchandra Chinchore Department of Philosophy, Centre for Studies in Classical Indian Buddhist Philosophy and Culture, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-94-024-0852-2_100619 fatcat:ogg37o3ucjc7dp255mbunrgxmy

Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines numéro quarante-et-un-Septembre 2017 Comité de rédaction

Alice Travers, Charles Ramble, Jean-Luc
Acknowledgements My participation in the Oxford Conference as well as the fieldtrips 13 The Sakya monastery of sTeng rgyud at Gog mig is considered the only Sakya complex in the Spiti Valley. dKyid monastery  ...  Only few cases of Himalayan murals conservation projects with a similar soot-related problem have been published.  ...  This will inspire the locals, especially the school children to learn about rock art and the cultural heritage of their area.  ... 

Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Comité de lecture

Ester Bianchi
They consist of a cluster of small ancient buildings set in the middle of ancient terraced fields. The buildings are in an advanced state of decay.  ...  the Dunhuang finds, "one of only two full-length, complete Ancient Tantra scriptures recovered form Dunhuang" (p. 2).  ...  Cathy Cantwell & Rob Mayer Enduring myths: smrang, rabs and ritual in the Dunhuang texts on Padmasambhava, pp. 289-312.  ... 

Making "Chinese Art": Knowledge and Authority in the Transpacific Progressive Era

Kin-Yee Ian Shin
This project thus explains not only the evolution of a field of knowledge, but also the transformation of the United States into an international power at the intersection of geopolitics and culture in  ...  First, the creation of knowledge about Chinese art advanced informal imperialism over China through a more disciplined apprehension of its culture.  ...  Seen in this light, many of the characters in my study were remarkably ahead of their time for the degree of cultural relativism they espoused through an appreciation of China's artistic heritage.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8057g23 fatcat:st6ppoxsozeubkltepmfn2qiki

Not afraid of ghosts : stories of the spectral in modern Chines fiction

Jessica Elizabeth Imbach
Not Afraid of Ghosts: Stories of the Spectral in Modern Chinese  ...  gifts her "beautiful, because it is dead." 500 This is partly a reflection of Jia Pingwa's personal interests in China's ancient cultural heritage. 501 However, the possibilities for taking this knowledge  ...  Jia started his city novel project abroad and it is thus driven significantly by the question of the role that China's heritage plays in a globalized cultural economy.  ... 
doi:10.5167/uzh-144209 fatcat:wue3cbzi2nhuhmjjmhtev5ylfe

Intersecting Nations, Diverging Discourses: The Fraught Encounter of Chinese and Tibetan Literatures in the Modern Era

Christopher Peacock
Setting out from the contention that the study of minority literatures in China must be fundamentally multilingual in its approach, this dissertation investigates how Tibetans were written into Chinese  ...  This is a two-pronged study of how the Chinese and Tibetan literary traditions have become intertwined in the modern era.  ...  Fortunately, since I am not a Yao and I live in the foreign concession, I can avoid  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8-m4ej-pe03 fatcat:cfelqbbarjaezovgswvgmimc3e

Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines Comité de rédaction

Anne Chayet, Alice Travers, Jean-Luc
I would also like to express my appreciation to Ms. Dawn Collins (Ph.D. candidate, Cardiff University) for her critical proofreading of this article, and to Professor Geoffrey Samuel, Dr.  ...  Dixon Wong (University of Hong Kong), who warmly invited me to present an earlier draft of the present article at the workshop 'Playing Games in East Asia -Gaming & Gambling', held at the University of  ...  order to re-appreciate that gambling is not only a unique cultural repository, but a distinctive culture in itself. 49 Tulku 49 Thondup, The Origin of Buddhism in Tibet, p. 153.  ... 
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