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A point calculus for interlevel set homology

Paul Bendich, Sergio Cabello, Herbert Edelsbrunner
2012 Pattern Recognition Letters  
We refer to this new angle at a classical subject within algebraic topology as a point calculus, which we present for the family of interlevel sets of a real-valued function.  ...  The theory of persistent homology opens up the possibility to reason about topological features of a space or a function quantitatively and in combinatorial terms.  ...  In particular, the persistence diagram of a function forms a comprehensive book-keeping tool on which we build our point calculus.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2011.10.007 fatcat:mrpoq4hixvfazfqebtbj44q6ne

Homology and Robustness of Level and Interlevel Sets [article]

Paul Bendich and Herbert Edelsbrunner and Dmitriy Morozov and Amit Patel
2011 arXiv   pre-print
Given a function f: → on a topological space, we consider the preimages of intervals and their homology groups and show how to read the ranks of these groups from the extended persistence diagram of f.  ...  In addition, we quantify the robustness of the homology classes under perturbations of f using well groups, and we show how to read the ranks of these groups from the same extended persistence diagram.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank Vin de Silva for many helpful technical discussions leading to a strengthening of this paper.  ... 
arXiv:1102.3389v1 fatcat:bynpnks7afaqtdref5v52lfifi

Homology and robustness of level and interlevel sets

Paul Bendich, Herbert Edelsbrunner, Dmitriy Morozov, Amit Patel
2013 Homology, Homotopy and Applications  
Given a continuous function f : X → R on a topological space, we consider the preimages of intervals and their homology groups and show how to read the ranks of these groups from the extended persistence  ...  In addition, we quantify the robustness of the homology classes under perturbations of f using well groups, and we show how to read the ranks of these groups from the same extended persistence diagram.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank Vin de Silva for many helpful technical discussions leading to a strengthening of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.4310/hha.2013.v15.n1.a3 fatcat:pmuum364krhtjfp3fvgnycjgoq

Climbing Brain Levels of Organisation from Genes to Consciousness

Jean-Pierre Changeux
2017 Trends in Cognitive Sciences  
Interlevel bridging mechanisms include intrinsic variation-selection mechanisms, which offer a community of bottom-up and top-down models linking genes to consciousness in a stepwise manner.  ...  for drug design.  ...  It is no more than a method of calculus.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.tics.2017.01.004 pmid:28161289 fatcat:o2yu6o3sjjdptiruymbmfhhxra

Theories, models, and equations in systems biology [chapter]

Kenneth F. Schaffner
2007 Systems Biology  
I disagree with that view, and describe an alternative framework for biological theories as collections of prototypical interlevel largely qualitative causal models that can be extrapolated by analogy  ...  I look at two cases in particular in this intersection area: the development of the Hodgkin-Huxley giant squid model for action potentials, and at a more recent model of Ferrée and Lockery for worm (Caenorhabditis  ...  On this point Hille writes: 'The Na, Ca, and K families of voltage-gated channels form a homologous gene superfamily, as may be expected from their broad apparent functional similarity.  ... 
doi:10.1016/b978-044452085-2/50009-7 fatcat:52hexbvjr5eddkoropinza47ti

Bigraded Betti numbers and Generalized Persistence Diagrams [article]

Woojin Kim, Samantha Moore
2024 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper we show that the bigraded Betti numbers of M, a classical algebraic invariant of M, are obtained by counting the corner points of these subsets Is.  ...  We also show that the aforementioned results are optimal in the sense that they cannot be extended to d-parameter persistence modules for d ≥ 3.  ...  By Int(P), we denote the set of all intervals of P. For example, any interval of a zigzag poset in (1) is a set of consecutive points in {• 1 , • 2 , . . . , • n }.  ... 
arXiv:2111.02551v4 fatcat:zmejbnbcdvb5remocmvhhmbvyy

A Lattice for Persistence [article]

PrimožŠkraba, João Pita Costa
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Its algorithmic construction leads to two operations on homology groups which describe a diagram of spaces as a complete Heyting algebra, which is a generalization of a Boolean algebra.  ...  The intrinsic connection between lattice theory and topology is fairly well established, For instance, the collection of open subsets of a topological subspace always forms a distributive lattice.  ...  A point calculus for interlevel set homology. Pattern Recognition 572 Letters, 33(11):1436{1444, 2012. 573 [30] A. Polishchuk and L. Positselski.  ... 
arXiv:1307.4192v4 fatcat:2b5sg7isbjf5rduy5prob73x44

Analysis of meeting protocols by formalisation, simulation, and verification

Catholijn M. Jonker, Martijn C. Schut, Jan Treur, Pınar Yolum
2006 Computational and mathematical organization theory  
This generic protocol is used as a starting point to study real-life meetings. Next, an example meeting is simulated using the generic meeting protocol.  ...  When carried out successfully, meetings offer a common medium for participants to exchange ideas and make decisions. However, many meetings suffer from unfocused discussions or irrelevant dialogues.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to the editor and anonymous reviewers who gave a number of constructive suggestions on how to improve the paper and its readabilty, and to the participants in the  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10588-006-9001-8 fatcat:vnkxs5bpvnearb3l4hdgv65plq

Co-evolution in Epistemic Networks -- Reconstructing Social Complex Systems

Camille Roth
2005 Structure and Dynamics : e-Journal of Anthropological and Related Sciences  
; for instance Lane (1993) proposed λ-calculus as a way to generate truly novel objects, generally thanks to a chaotic process -such generative processes however could hardly be considered realistic,  ...  This yields a generic method for producing a comprehensive taxonomy of any field where categories can be described as a set of items sharing equivalently some property set.  ...  The second point alone, because it assumes the existence of cultural attractors for mankind, lacks credibility: here, cultural diversity confronts cultural similarity.  ... 
doi:10.5070/sd913003280 fatcat:wgj4moto5fdktjarp2v7idpucu

Can the East Help the West to Value Nature?

Holmes Rolston
1987 Philosophy East & West  
At this point a nondual, inarticulate mystic union has got to go further.  ...  either policy regulations or the moral calculus, nothing comes of it.  ... 
doi:10.2307/1398737 fatcat:mho2jhbsevbgzorfmsrg7i6vhu

On the representation theory of persistence modules

Jan-Paul Lerch
Both of this is complemented by a discussion of the representation theoretic foundations of persistence modules in terms of functor categories, reviewing their calculus, decomposition theory and homological  ...  The first subject is an investigation of the spectrum of the category of vector space representations of a totally ordered set $T$: We show the existence of and determine the spectrum of this category  ...  Then for different choices of I and C one can obtain all pairs which are involved in the relative interlevel set persistent (co)homology, confer [CSM09; BBF22] .  ... 
doi:10.4119/unibi/2985257 fatcat:2lihzo5yorddtdm35veqnttjcq

Diachronic metaphysical building relations: towards the metaphysics of extended cognition

Michael David Kirchhoff
First, that a metaphysical building relation - such as composition, constitution, realization, supervenience or emergence - is a relation of ontological dependence, because if a metaphysical building relation  ...  To my knowledge there has been no attempt to establish a robust diachronic account of metaphysical building (or, dependence) relations such as, e.g., composition and constitution.  ...  In doing so, I will argue for two points.  ... 
doi:10.25949/19437911.v1 fatcat:gmaicmd4sfgsdlj4mev2hsfa3u

UC Irvine Structure and Dynamics Title Co-evolution in Epistemic Networks-Reconstructing Social Complex Systems Publication Date

Camille Roth
2005 unpublished
; for instance Lane (1993) proposed λ-calculus as a way to generate truly novel objects, generally thanks to a chaotic process -such generative processes however could hardly be considered realistic,  ...  This yields a generic method for producing a comprehensive taxonomy of any field where categories can be described as a set of items sharing equivalently some property set.  ...  The second point alone, because it assumes the existence of cultural attractors for mankind, lacks credibility: here, cultural diversity confronts cultural similarity.  ... 