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Non-ambiguity quantum teleportation protocol [article]

Mario Mastriani
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Teleportation is the most important and impactful tool in the arsenal of quantum communications with a particular projection on quantum internet.  ...  We propose a non-ambiguity alternative to the original teleportation protocol, which completely eliminates the classical-disambiguation-channel used by the original version.  ...  simultaneously protect the security and integrity of the data, and (ii) a much more robust protocol, i.e., of greater noise immunity.  ... 
arXiv:2001.05832v6 fatcat:e7psscjkundsbnjhiybrln5lzy

A Performance–Consumption Balanced Scheme of Multi-Hop Quantum Networks for Teleportation

Jin Xu, Xiaoguang Chen, Hanwei Xiao, Pingxun Wang, Mingzi Ma
2021 Applied Sciences  
Teleportation is an important protocol in quantum communication. Realizing teleportation between arbitrary nodes in multi-hop quantum networks is of great value.  ...  In this paper, a new quantum multi-hop network scheme is proposed to improve the interference immunity of the network and avoid large consumption at the same time.  ...  Realizing teleportation in a multi-hop quantum network is valuable.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app112210869 fatcat:trpps2fxmnhivclyazeknjacui

Unity gain and non-unity gain quantum teleportation [article]

W. P. Bowen, N. Treps, B. C. Buchler, R. Schnabel, T. C. Ralph, T. Symul, P. K. Lam
2004 arXiv   pre-print
We elaborate on our recent experimental continuous variable quantum teleportation results Bowen03, demonstrating success over a wide range of teleportation gains.  ...  We investigate continuous variable quantum teleportation.  ...  This work is a part of EU QIPC Project, No. IST-1999-13071 (QUICOV).  ... 
arXiv:quant-ph/0303179v2 fatcat:eldq67j3fzdd7gv2fbb7f3jmbe

Scrambling of quantum information validated by quantum teleportation

Jonathan Home
2019 Nature  
Aside from implementing a new protocol, this work extends such control to a larger system than one for which the same authors had demonstrated it previously 4 .  ...  This approach could be a powerful tool for characterizing future many-body quantum simulators -controllable quantum systems that can be used to model other quantum systems.  ... 
doi:10.1038/d41586-019-00743-4 pmid:30842635 fatcat:hanvls5vjvgutep7j4hm4hdc6m

Quantum Communication without Alignment using Multiple-Qubit Single-Photon States

L. Aolita, S. P. Walborn
2007 Physical Review Letters  
information schemes allows for alignment-free tests of Bell's inequalities, quantum dense coding and quantum teleportation.  ...  This encoding allows for quantum key distribution without the need of a shared reference frame.  ...  Quantum teleportation. Quantum teleportation [25] is perhaps the most important application of a BSM.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.98.100501 pmid:17358518 fatcat:ncn6kh5hzredvaby3bvzvm3cgm

The Parashar Framework for Quantum Teleportation: Integrating Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications

Shaurya Parashar
2024 figshare.com  
I introduce a novel approach to quantum state analysis, employing complex vector space models that significantly enhance the precision of state preparation and measurement in teleportation.  ...  These theoretical advancements are seamlessly integrated with practical quantum systems, showcasing their applicability in robust quantum communication networks and high-security quantum encryption protocols  ...  of quantum teleportation protocols.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.25062503.v1 fatcat:ifk2k64b2bapbjmjszzzv5wu7m

Enhancing teleportation of quantum Fisher information by partial measurements

Xing Xiao, Yao Yao, Wo-Jun Zhong, Yan-Ling Li, Ying-Mao Xie
2016 Physical Review A  
Due to the inevitable noise in environment, we propose two schemes to enhance quantum Fisher information (QFI) teleportation under amplitude damping noise with the technique of partial measurements.  ...  Our work extends the ability of partial measurements as a quantum technique to battle decoherence in quantum information processing.  ...  INTRODUCTION Quantum teleportation, one of the most fascinating protocols predicted by quantum mechanics [1] , is a critical ingredient for quantum communication and quantum computation networks [2,  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreva.93.012307 fatcat:uaeqmmiy4ff4lb7kuhw6kc3xay

Teleportation of qubit states through dissipative channels: Conditions for surpassing the no-cloning limit

Şahin Kaya Özdemir, Karol Bartkiewicz, Yu-xi Liu, Adam Miranowicz
2007 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We investigate quantum teleportation through dissipative channels and calculate teleportation fidelity as a function of damping rates.  ...  It is found that the average fidelity of teleportation and the range of states to be teleported depend on the type and rate of the damping in the channel.  ...  quantum state transfer and a secure quantum teleportation.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreva.76.042325 fatcat:g447jdu355aatplgzgctakkjqy

Teleporting digital images [article]

Mario Mastriani
2019 arXiv   pre-print
For this purpose, a couple of interfaces: classical-to-quantum (Cl2Qu) and quantum-to-classical (Qu2Cl) are presented with two versions of the teleportation protocol: standard and simplified.  ...  During the last 25 years the scientific community has coexisted with the most fascinating protocol due to Quantum Physics: quantum teleportation (QTele), which would have been impossible if quantum entanglement  ...  This clearly indicates that the new protocol is much more robust (immune to noise) than the standard, for generic qubits as well as for CBS.  ... 
arXiv:1904.02066v7 fatcat:46wglty7brfqdjwc7m7afhgmze

A quantum repeater based on decoherence free subspaces [article]

Uwe Dorner, Alexander Klein, Dieter Jaksch
2007 arXiv   pre-print
We study a quantum repeater which is based on decoherence free quantum gates recently proposed by Klein et al. [Phys. Rev. A 73, 012332 (2006)].  ...  Thus, a quantum repeater based on decoherence free subspaces is a possibility to greatly improve quantum communication over long or even intercontinental distances.  ...  Acknowledgements This research was supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship within the 6th European Community Framework Programme ('RAQUIN').  ... 
arXiv:0711.1831v1 fatcat:v7y27ca2qneyviyqcyaybx5fx4

Tripartite Entanglement: Foundations and Applications

Márcio M. Cunha, Alejandro Fonseca, Edilberto O. Silva
2019 Universe  
We discuss the possibility of using it as a resource to execute quantum protocols and present some examples in detail.  ...  It also allows for implementing several applications in the fields of quantum information processing and quantum computing.  ...  In [227] , schemes based on GHZ states are presented to make quantum secret sharing protocols immune to some kinds of collective noise.  ... 
doi:10.3390/universe5100209 fatcat:km2hvdmwxrg6hhuxbyaajpcd6u

Quantum-Secure Signalling Model for L1/L2 Next-Gen Interconnect and Roaming Networks Over IPX for NB-IoT Traffic: A Review

Themba Ngobeni, Boniface Kabaso
2024 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICIW)  
The SLR found that quantum key distribution (QKD) combined with quantum teleportation (QT) can protect and mitigate threats and attacks on signalling networks when protocols interact and interoperate in  ...  This study concludes that further studies are needed to integrate different techniques and protocols for L1/L2 signalling networks to create a robust quantum-secure signalling model for global interconnect  ...  Additionally, a noteworthy development is the "Quantum noise-assisted coherent radio-over-fiber cipher system" that employs quantum noise to encrypt radio signals, providing protection for signalling messages  ... 
doi:10.34190/iccws.19.1.2248 fatcat:7dxrhuqafjdshmdojtzrtop5py

Resonant adiabatic passage with three qubits

Sangchul Oh, Yun-Pil Shim, Jianjia Fei, Mark Friesen, Xuedong Hu
2013 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We investigate the non-adiabatic implementation of an adiabatic quantum teleportation protocol, finding that perfect fidelity can be achieved through resonance.  ...  Our results establish a fast and robust method for transferring quantum states, and suggest an alternative route toward high precision quantum gates.  ...  The adiabatic quantum teleportation protocol is illustrated in Fig. 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreva.87.022332 fatcat:knfohg2vn5gexddulokdwfieqi

Multiplexed Processing of Quantum Information Across an Ultra-wide Optical Bandwidth [article]

Alon Eldan, Ofek Gilon, Asher Lagemi, Elai Fishman Furman, Avi Pe'er
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Protocols of quantum information processing are the foundation of quantum technology, allowing to share secrets at a distance for secure communication (quantum key distribution), to teleport quantum states  ...  We exemplify the concept through two basic protocols: Multiplexed Continuous-Variable Quantum Key Distribution (CV-QKD) and multiplexed continuous-variable quantum teleportation.  ...  Here, these tools helped us to develop a multiplexed quantum teleportation protocol, which can teleport multiple quantum states simultaneously, as well as a multiplexed QKD protocol (BB84-like), which  ... 
arXiv:2310.17819v3 fatcat:kein3xwvpfczxnapg2brxlmwmy

Anyonic quantum multipartite maskers in the Kitaev model

Yao Shen, Wei-Min Shang, Chi-Chun Zhou, Fu-Lin Zhang
2024 Physical Review A  
We also realize quantum information masking in a teleportation way in the Kitaev Ising anyon model.  ...  The structure of quantum mechanics forbids a bipartite scenario for masking quantum information, however, it allows multipartite maskers.  ...  This protocol demonstrates the teleportation process using a masking mapping. IV.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreva.109.032421 fatcat:5wqid2ob45fwfkm5uunjaxdda4
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