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Ontological Semantics for Distributing Contextual Knowledge in Highly Distributed Autonomic Systems

John Keeney, David Lewis, Declan O'Sullivan
2007 Journal of Network and Systems Management  
This paper presents a model for the filtered dissemination of semantically enriched knowledge over a loosely coupled network of distributed heterogeneous autonomic agents.  ...  However, in a highly distributed system, just monitoring current operation and context is a complex and largely unsolved problem domain.  ...  Firstly, the loading of new ontologies into a reasoner embedded in a KBN node is computationally expensive due to load-time inference, so the frequency of additions to the ontological base of a given KBN  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10922-006-9054-5 fatcat:gnmfur2hj5hmjpy3qx3blyaeii

Knowledge based Recommendation System in Semantic Web - A Survey

Ayesha Ameen
2019 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Knowledge-based recommendations are not dependent on the rating, nor do they have to gather information about a particular user to give recommendations.  ...  Performance of knowledge based recommendations systems can be enhanced by exploiting ontology reasoning characteristics.  ...  Semantic properties are used in a new technique for collaborative filtering called property-based collaborative filtering (PBCF) in an approach proposed by López et al. [13] .  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2019918538 fatcat:4sjcikxbebdblcquhiysbte26u

Category-Based Filtering and User Stereotype Cases to Reduce the Latency Problem in Recommender Systems [chapter]

Mikael Sollenborn, Peter Funk
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, a combination of category-based filtering and user stereotype cases is proposed as a novel approach to reduce the latency problem.  ...  Characterized by the system's inability to select recently added items, the latency problem appears because new items in a collaborative filtering system must be reviewed before they can be recommended  ...  At the collective level, off-line clustering is used to find user stereotype cases, thus employing a Case-Based Reasoning view of information filtering.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-46119-1_29 fatcat:cobdy3nsbzgsbdpaa5pdcjxvba

Filtering With Logic Programs and Its Application to General Game Playing

Michael Thielscher
Motivated by the problem of building a basic reasoner for general game playing with imperfect information, we address the problem of filtering with logic programs, whereby an agent updates its incomplete  ...  We develop a filtering method by adapting an existing backward-chaining and abduction method for so-called open logic programs.  ...  A correct filter is one that satisfies 2 A Basic Legal Player for GDL-II In this section we present a method for constructing a reasoner for GDL-II based on a method for filtering that operates on a  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v27i1.8595 fatcat:z22lyt5zovdjxofsvr4ngp52qa

Detail-preserving smoothing with morphology and fuzzy reasoning

Yuang-cheh Hsueh
1996 Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)  
This study investigates a new approach to removing noise that preserves the fine details which are based on combination of mathematical morphology and fuzzy reasoning.  ...  We extract some features from an image using mathematical morphology, then input these features, and the image itself, into fuzzy-rule-based systems to produce a more graceful image. © 1996 SPIE and IS  ...  Then, these features will be processed using a rule-based system such that a new better quality image can be obtained by approximate reasoning.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.240712 fatcat:bd7yzr7vqzbt5lu6yjw2f5v27y

Fuzzy logic approach for removing noise

Yih-Gong Lee, Yuang-Cheh Hsueh
1995 Neurocomputing  
This paper shows how fuzzy reasoning techniques can be applied on smoothing filters design.  ...  It uses the fuzzy concept to decide whether a pixel in an image is a noise one or not in order to achieve maximum noise reduction in uniform areas and preserve details as well. 092%2312/95/$09.50 0 1995  ...  A new nonlinear smoothing method using fuzzy reasoning techniques is proposed.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0925-2312(95)00085-3 fatcat:eh7ifvyrqnau7fdp74iyul2mk4

Early design interference detection based on qualitative physics

Valentina D'Amelio, Magdalena K. Chmarra, Tetsuo Tomiyama
2011 Research in Engineering Design  
This paper describes a new software tool, a Design Interference Detector (DID), which based on qualitative reasoning infers possible problematic physical phenomena that may appear in a design.  ...  This is a burden to the designer and makes qualitative reasoning practically unusable.  ...  His method does not use qualitative physics-based reasoning that detects such behavioral changes. Davis makes a system diagnosis reasoning based on structure and behavior (Davis 1984) .  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00163-011-0108-7 fatcat:wrmjz3svybf65awgmn274flaii

Automated context dissemination for autonomic collaborative networks through semantic subscription filter generation

Steven Latré, Jeroen Famaey, John Strassner, Filip De Turck
2013 Journal of Network and Computer Applications  
We propose a context dissemination approach that automates the context exchange between elements. The approach enables the automated generation of semantic subscription filters.  ...  We present algorithms that intelligently filter the knowledge that is stored in the ontology.  ...  The context dissemination process, which will be described in Section 4 detects these new context requirements and will generate a new set of subscription filters.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2013.01.011 fatcat:yxgc7iafgfgr3fjoehzsw3c4fu

AI based Book Recommender System with Hybrid Approach

Mercy Milcah Y, Moorthi K, Jansons Institute of Technology
2020 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
By using filtering methods for pre-processing the data, recommendations are provided either through collaborative filtering or through content-based filtering.  ...  In this paper, we demonstrate a recommendation model that involves Matrix Factorization as a collaborative filtering solution used for providing recommendations.  ...  A content-based recommender system collects and learns the profile of a new user's interests based on the features present in objects the user has rated.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv9is020416 fatcat:csnwlajvurdsrko3jd27bda63y

XML Querying Using Ontological Information [chapter]

Hans Eric Svensson, Artur Wilk
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Additionally it allows to retrieve ontological information by sending semantic queries to a reasoner.  ...  The intention is then to combine syntactic querying techniques on XML documents with OWL ontology reasoning to filter out semantically irrelevant answers.  ...  In the work presented here the RacerPro Software was used under a free educational license from Racer Systems GmbH & Co. KG 5 for ontology reasoning.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11853107_14 fatcat:thwimiochngpvflg52gs7pktne

Movie Recommendation System by Using Collaborative Filtering

Rupal Verma
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Keywords: Collaborative-filtering, Content-based filtering, Clustering, Recommendation system searching technique, Movies  ...  It is based on a collaborative filtering approach that makes use of the information provided by the users, analyzes them and recommends movies according to the taste of users.  ...  George lekakos, petros caravelas used hybrid approach i.e collaborative filtering and content based filtering are the major methods in recommendation system that predict new items that users would find  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.38084 fatcat:7oahh7pi35g2veot3hc4qyyq2e

An intelligent knowledge sharing strategy featuring item-based collaborative filtering and case based reasoning

Z. Chedrawy, S.S.R. Abidi
2005 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'05)  
In this paper, we propose a new approach for combining item-based Collaborative Filtering (CF) with Case Based Reasoning (CBR) to pursue personalized information filtering in a knowledge sharing context  ...  We apply item-based similarity computation in a CF framework to retrieve N information objects based on the user's interests and recommended by peer.  ...  new intelligent information retrieval that is a hybrid of Collaborative Filtering and Case Based Reasoning schemes in order to ameliorate information personalization in a knowledge sharing context.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isda.2005.22 dblp:conf/isda/ChedrawyA05 fatcat:icp67bbm5zccbdpjvxxuoe52na

Page 504 of SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal Vol. 83, Issue 6 [page]

1974 SMPTE Motion Imaging Journal  
It now seems reasonable to predict that the techniques described here will be extended to make possible new time- base-correcting systems which will have not just a few microseconds or a few horizontal  ...  We expect that such advanced systems will be developed soon at a reasonable cost and that when developed they will be of a reasonable size. Bibliography 1. P. H.  ... 

CBR Proposal for Personalizing Educational Content [chapter]

Ana Gil, Sara Rodríguez, Fernando De la Prieta, Juan F. De Paz, Beatriz Martín
2012 International Workshop on Evidence-Based Technology Enhanced Learning  
This paper proposes a new approach to filter the educational content retrieved based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR).  ...  A major challenge in searching and retrieval digital content is to efficiently find the most suitable for the users.  ...  This paper proposes a new approach to filter the educational content retrieved based on Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) as a basic feature in the active search of educational content within the architecture  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28801-2_14 dblp:conf/mis4tel/GilRPPM12 fatcat:4ycwurfayjc2xcomw6ta2oth4i

Computing Pattern in Pervasive Healthcare

Sriram R, Madhusudanan J, Prasanna Venkatesan V, Geetha S
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this project, a framework using the architectural pattern such as pipe and filter pattern and model view controller pattern is proposed.  ...  General Terms Pipe and filter architectural pattern and Model View Controller architectural pattern.  ...  The description logic reasoner in the reasoning base provides the reason with the help of rule based reasoning.  ... 
doi:10.5120/20429-2758 fatcat:gjjoeuajyjcwpedx2sdbkvfrfu
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