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7,898 Hits in 8.7 sec

Analysis of the Influence of Political Polarization in the Vaccination Stance: The Brazilian COVID-19 Scenario

Régis Ebeling, Carlos Abel Córdova Saenz, Jéferson Campos Nobre, Karin Becker
2022 Proceedings of the ... International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media  
In this paper, we use a multi-dimensional analysis framework to understand if anti/pro-vaccination stances expressed by Brazilians in social media are influenced by political polarization.  ...  All groups display an "echo chamber" behavior, revealing they are not open to distinct views.  ...  In this paper, we use a multi-dimensional analysis framework to understand Twitter users' behavior with distinct stances on COVID-19 vaccination and their relationship with the political polarization in  ... 
doi:10.1609/icwsm.v16i1.19281 fatcat:grcedx3c6fbhjlvtku4atlaf6m

The effect of political polarization on social distance stances in the Brazilian COVID-19 scenario

Régis Ebeling, Carlos Abel Córdova Sáenz, Jeferson Nobre, Karin Becker
2021 Journal of Information and Data Management  
We analyzed these groups according to multiple dimensions: a) concerns expressed by each group and main arguments representing each stance; b) techniques to automatically infer from users political orientation  ...  , c) network analysis and community detection to characterize their behavior as a social network group and d) analysis of linguistic characteristics to identify psychological aspects.  ...  a multi-dimensional analysis framework to address each research question: -Concerns (Q1): We used topic modeling to identify the concerns of each group.  ... 
doi:10.5753/jidm.2021.1889 fatcat:2bs72eafx5glhmx5bdrabuya7y

Analysis of the influence of political polarization in the vaccination stance: the Brazilian COVID-19 scenario [article]

Régis Ebeling, Carlos Abel Córdova Sáenz, Jeferson Nobre, Karin Becker
2021 arXiv   pre-print
All groups display an "echo chamber behavior, revealing they are not open to distinct views.  ...  In this paper, we use a multidimensional analysis framework to understand if anti/pro-vaccination stances expressed by Brazilians in social media are influenced by political polarization.  ...  In this paper, we use a multi-dimensional analysis framework to understand Twitter users' behavior with distinct stances on COVID-19 vaccination and their relationship with the political polarization in  ... 
arXiv:2110.03382v1 fatcat:hnbg3nbdhbh3dcuwazt7ikcopu

Sentiment analysis of online news text: a case study of appraisal theory

Christopher Soo‐Guan Khoo, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Jin‐Cheon Na
2012 Online information review (Print)  
, lack of a typology of emotions, and need to identify different types of behaviors (political, verbal and material actions) that reflect sentiment.  ...  The appraisal theory is applied to the analysis of a sample of political news articles reporting on Iraq and economic policies of George W.  ...  As appraisal is multi-dimensional encompassing polarity, attitude, actors involved, graduation and engagement, it is sometimes difficult to identify the text span containing all these components.  ... 
doi:10.1108/14684521211287936 fatcat:jjhzywi7lzgu5goh6rov2iktoi

Othering and Polarization. Biden vs. Trump

Dr. Arshya Keyvanfar, Elham Shayegh
2022 Zenodo  
Considering the aim of this research, a most heard political discourse, the first presidential debate of the United States of America in 2020, between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, was analyzed based on  ...  To conclude, based on the findings in this corpus comparative study Joe Biden had a better performance in terms of othering in comparison with Donald Trump in all dimensions of this study, at the first  ...  Fairclough's model can analyze texts and discourses through a three-dimensional framework, Description, Interpretation, and Explanation.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7476784 fatcat:5iqfaosanze2dk77wf6ajyl5zy


2013 Advances in Complex Systems  
Our work serves as an example of how a complex systems approach allows to get a new perspective on a long-standing issue in political science.  ...  The article revives a theoretical definition of party coherence as being composed of two basic elements, cohesion and factionalism, to propose and apply a novel empirical measure based on spin physics.  ...  A fourth approach (method D) is to identify sub-groups within each party and then to apply the uni-dimensional Esteban-Ray polarization measure.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0219525913500112 fatcat:eck3a3vxo5aehjbfkhxzzh5slu

A Survey on Computational Politics

Ehsan ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Young D. Kwon, Pan Hui
2020 IEEE Access  
Computational Politics is the study of computational methods to analyze and moderate users' behaviors related to political activities such as election campaign persuasion, political affiliation, and opinion  ...  In this survey, we attempt to categorize main areas in computational politics and summarize the prominent studies in one place to better understand computational politics across different and multidimensional  ...  Bridging this gap would allow us to integrate and process information to draw a nuanced, multi-faceted, and multi-dimensional picture of political events.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3034983 fatcat:2bmalhdbwnfblbawqs2vylyeqm

Political Partisanship and Anti-Science Attitudes in Online Discussions about Covid-19 [article]

Ashwin Rao, Fred Morstatter, Minda Hu, Emily Chen, Keith Burghardt, Emilio Ferrara, Kristina Lerman
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our findings shed light on the multi-dimensional nature of polarization, and the feasibility of tracking polarized opinions about the pandemic across time and space through social media data.  ...  We analyze a large dataset of tweets related to the pandemic collected between January and May of 2020, and develop methods to classify the ideological alignment of users along the moderacy (hardline vs  ...  Inspired by this idea, we capture some of the complexity of polarization by projecting opinions in a multi-dimensional space, with different axes corresponding to different semantic dimensions.  ... 
arXiv:2011.08498v1 fatcat:2dhfgkm3cfdsnkkjkxyysip2ky

Quantification of echo Chambers: a Methodological Framework considering Multi-Party Systems

Moritz Markgraf, Manfred Schoch
2019 European Conference on Information Systems  
We further propose a new way to measure homophily in multi-party systems based on the cosine similarity between users.  ...  Previous research endeavors to identify echo chambers in OSNs have scarcely investigated the community structures of a network on a fine granular level, specifically in the context of multi-party systems  ...  Discussion As a theoretical contribution, in this study we propose a four-step framework to analyze the phenomenon of echo chambers in the political context of multi-party systems and tackle three aspects  ... 
dblp:conf/ecis/MarkgrafS19 fatcat:ph54xqf5ivagba2edwbwutep2e

A Survey on Computational Politics [article]

Ehsan ul Haq, Tristan Braud, Young D. Kwon, Pan Hui
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Computational Politics is the study of computational methods to analyze and moderate users' behaviors related to political activities such as election campaign persuasion, political affiliation, and opinion  ...  In this survey, we attempt to categorize main areas in computational politics and summarize the prominent studies in one place to better understand computational politics across different and multidimensional  ...  Bridging this gap would allow us to integrate and process information to draw a nuanced, multi-faceted, and multi-dimensional picture of political events.  ... 
arXiv:1908.06069v2 fatcat:pddftf5k25errpzrpgavkbs32m

Why Are U.S. Parties So Polarized? A "Satisficing" Dynamical Model

Vicky Chuqiao Yang, Daniel M. Abrams, Georgia Kernell, Adilson E. Motter
2020 SIAM Review  
We explain this apparent contradiction by developing a dynamical model that predicts ideological positions of political parties.  ...  In particular, the model explains how polarization between the Democrats and Republicans since the 1960s could be a consequence of increasing ideological homogeneity within the parties.  ...  All authors analyzed the results and contributed to the writing of the manuscript, which was led by V.C.Y. and D.M.A. Funding This work was supported by the James S.  ... 
doi:10.1137/19m1254246 fatcat:jbpqwyh2ujdaxnvt543g2hns6u

Tea Party in the House: A Hierarchical Ideal Point Topic Model and Its Application to Republican Legislators in the 112th Congress

Viet-An Nguyen, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Philip Resnik, Kristina Miler
2015 Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)  
We introduce the Hierarchical Ideal Point Topic Model, which provides a rich picture of policy issues, framing, and voting behavior using a joint model of votes, bill text, and the language that legislators  ...  We use this model to look at the relationship between Tea Party Republicans and "establishment" Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives during the 112 th Congress.  ...  In future work, we plan to pursue the new framework suggested by our analyses, investigating the interaction of issue polarization and framing-based polarization.  ... 
doi:10.3115/v1/p15-1139 dblp:conf/acl/NguyenBRM15 fatcat:3tvgk6nwgradlmgki3ylaogwji

A complex network approach to political analysis: application to the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies [article]

Ana C. M. Brito and Filipi N. Silva and Diego R. Amancio
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The Brazilian Chamber of deputies is characterized by a multi-party political system. Thus, we would expect a broad spectrum of ideas to be represented.  ...  In this paper, we introduce a network-based methodology to study how clusters represented by political entities evolve over time.  ...  In this paper, we propose a framework based on complex networks to study the evolution of the Brazilian political system in terms of how politicians vote in proposals along time.  ... 
arXiv:1909.02346v2 fatcat:obde7ffo7rcshiy33xh55ebhcu

Coordinated Behavior on Social Media in 2019 UK General Election

Leonardo Nizzoli, Serena Tardelli, Marco Avvenuti, Stefano Cresci, Maurizio Tesconi
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Here, we propose a new network-based framework for uncovering and studying coordinated behaviors on social media.  ...  We apply our framework to a dataset collected during the 2019 UK General Election, detecting and characterizing coordinated communities that participated in the electoral debate.  ...  In (Fazil and Abulaish 2020) is proposed a multi-attributed graph-based approach for detecting CIB in Twitter.  ... 
arXiv:2008.08370v2 fatcat:xxxno5agenecpb47vd4nvfueri

An Argument Communication Model of Polarization and Ideological Alignment [article]

Sven Banisch, Eckehard Olbrich
2019 arXiv   pre-print
If agents preferentially interact with other agents that hold similar attitudes on one or several issues, this leads to biased argument pools and polarization in the sense that groups of agents selectively  ...  A multi-level model of opinion formation is presented which takes into account that attitudes on different issues are usually not independent.  ...  An Example with Three Issues One of the objectives of the model presented throughout this paper is to work towards a framework that allows to connect opinion dynamics modeling to real data on political  ... 
arXiv:1809.06134v2 fatcat:4g7kpwwuuvh7zipm7ogkbtyuua
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