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A consensus model for large scale using hesitant information

R.M. Rodríguez, L. Martínez, G. De Tré
2018 Data Science and Knowledge Engineering for Sensing Decision Support  
For more than twenty years FLINS has been extended to a well-established worldwide and multidisciplinary research forum to advance the foundations and applications of computational intelligence for applied  ...  research in general and for complex engineering and decision support systems.  ...  and Hui Wang 674 A rough set based hybrid approach for classification Ahmed Saad Hussein, Tianrui Li, Noora Sabah Jaber and Chubato Wondaferaw Yohannese 683 A Fuzzy Gamma Naive Bayes classifier  ... 
doi:10.1142/9789813273238_0027 fatcat:jpdsghdayfehdmwuuzpgh7vu44

A scalable sparse Cholesky based approach for learning high-dimensional covariance matrices in ordered data

Kshitij Khare, Sang-Yun Oh, Syed Rahman, Bala Rajaratnam
2019 Machine Learning  
Modeling normality and abnormality for outlier detection is best suited for online classification in which the classifier learns from a portion of the data and classifies new records as outliers.  ...  Apart from providing a means to understand numerous medically important and genetically complex human diseases, the HGP is also focused on delivering (1) genetic tests, (2) a better understanding of  ...  Due to these limitations, it is advisable to use the naïve Bayes classifier as a baseline model.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10994-019-05810-5 fatcat:nulmjvxvwjgojfoe2ywv3pjrpu

Computer-Assisted Analysis of Biomedical Images [article]

Leonardo Rundo
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Therefore, the computational analysis of medical and biological images plays a key role in radiology and laboratory applications.  ...  Nowadays, the amount of heterogeneous biomedical data is increasing more and more thanks to novel sensing techniques and high-throughput technologies.  ...  efficient scheme for classifying a hyper-intense lesion from the healthy part of the brain.  ... 
arXiv:2106.04381v1 fatcat:osqiyd3sbja3zgrby7bf4eljfm

Functional Representation of Prototypes in LVQ and Relevance Learning [chapter]

Friedrich Melchert, Udo Seiffert, Michael Biehl
2016 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
However, it does not exclude contributions from countries outside the Benelux.  ...  The overall acceptance rate was 88% (63% for regular papers, 100% for compressed contributions and demonstration abstracts, and 91% for thesis abstracts).  ...  This work was realized with the support from CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development -Brazil, through a scholarship which reference number is 235134/2014-7.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-28518-4_28 fatcat:uwxvq6txmrba3ajulmblafgh2a

Cognitive Constructivism and the Epistemic Significance of Sharp Statistical Hypotheses in Natural Sciences [article]

J.M. Stern
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The basic metaphor presented in this text, as a foundation for cognitive constructivism, is that of an eigen-solution, and the verification of its objective epistemic status.  ...  This book presents our case in defense of a constructivist epistemological framework and the use of compatible statistical theory and inference tools.  ...  For example, the statistical study could be concerned with the reaction of human patients affected by a given disease to alternative medical treatments, whereas a "good" randomization device could be a  ... 
arXiv:1006.5471v8 fatcat:v375ybolz5bkbe6ordmjnnulhi

Digital Objects, Digital Subjects: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Capitalism, Labour and Politics in the Age of Big Data

Antal Wozniak
2019 European Journal of Communication  
Acknowledgement This chapter benefited from Hong Kong's General Research Fund project 'Working-Class Public Spheres: Media and Activism since the Foxconn Suicide Express' (project ID: 14612715).  ...  Both the schools and the factory benefit handsomely from this transfer of enslaved bodies. What happens if a worker gets sick due to vocational diseases, like leukaemia?  ...  . ' (Beck 2009, 53) 7 For the critics of the principle, which has been taken up in a number of ways in international policy documents, the problem was the paralysing aspects of 'possibilistic' thinking  ... 
doi:10.1177/0267323119873743 fatcat:aofc4pbkljckfc6i52jecqv5pi

Natural language processing for word sense disambiguation and information extraction [article]

K. R. Chowdhary
2020 arXiv   pre-print
A question-answering system describes the operation of information extraction from the retrieved text documents.  ...  The thesis presents a new approach for Word Sense Disambiguation using thesaurus. The illustrative examples supports the effectiveness of this approach for speedy and effective disambiguation.  ...  The water from well is good but they are open. Due to this water gets dirty. This causes germs and diseases. Hand pumps are also used to get the water from ground.  ... 
arXiv:2004.02256v1 fatcat:svbzrfogh5dt7a4edsghwfhxfy

Education and Big Data [chapter]

Maggi Savin-Baden
2017 Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory  
Acknowledgements This research arises from the project A Service-Dominant Logic for Education Over the last decade, a new, and significant, paradigm of/for business has emergeda Service-Dominant Logic  ...  (see Bettencourt et al. 2014 and Lusch 2016 for further discussion).  ...  In the medical surgery, a cut from the surgeon's scalpel may be associated with putting something right, curing an illnessthe skillful and incisive crafting to put right injured/ diseased organs in order  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-287-588-4_128 fatcat:mwvnoe4hazcm5amh55hse4zose

Embodiment [chapter]

2017 Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory  
Acknowledgements This research arises from the project A Service-Dominant Logic for Education Over the last decade, a new, and significant, paradigm of/for business has emergeda Service-Dominant Logic  ...  (see Bettencourt et al. 2014 and Lusch 2016 for further discussion).  ...  In the medical surgery, a cut from the surgeon's scalpel may be associated with putting something right, curing an illnessthe skillful and incisive crafting to put right injured/ diseased organs in order  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-287-588-4_100335 fatcat:jmp7imwrbbak5iwwkd4rak5gra

Special Issue: Advances in Secure Data Streaming Systems

Fatos Xhafa, Jin Li, Vladi Kolici, Anton Železnikar, Matjaž Gams, Jožef Stefan, Drago Torkar, Jožef Stefan, Juan Carlos, Augusto, Argentina, Vladimir Batagelj (+18 others)
2015 unpublished
Acknowledgment The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for helpful comments and suggestions. This work was funded in part by the U.S. Army under grant #W911NF-11-1-0124.  ...  Recently a framework for multimedia data processing over the heterogeneous network was proposed [33] .  ...  From economic perspective, knowledge obtained from classified data can be applied directly for business application and services.  ... 

Αναγνώριση ανθρωπίνων δράσεων και συμπεριφορών με αξιοποίηση δεδομένων φορητών αισθητήρων [article]

Alexandra Vioni, National Technological University Of Athens
This way, the collected data might better reflect real-life activities and contexts, but also a lot of challenges arise regarding using them for HAR systems.  ...  Regarding the GPS and audio sensors, we use only processed data, for privacy reasons.  ...  Kernel Density Estimation for Feature Visualization In order to delve deeper in the heterogeneity of the data, we adopt a feature visualization technique proposed in [She+23a] , using a Kernel Density  ... 
doi:10.26240/heal.ntua.26641 fatcat:pdjog247g5bmhhwnkm7zeyu43e

The Protestant Ethic in the Russian Context: Peter Struve and Sergey Bulgakov Read Max Weber (1907–1909)

Andrei Teslya
2019 Sociologičeskoe Obozrenie  
Aims • To provide a forum for fundamental issues of social sciences. • To foster developments in social sciences by enriching theoretical language and vocabulary of social science and encourage a cross-disciplinary  ...  Scope and Topics The Russian Sociological Review invites scholars from all the social scientific disciplines to submit papers which address the fundamental issues of social sciences from various conceptual  ...  The Soviet Version of Modernity: Weberian and Post-Weberian Perspectives The Soviet Model from the Multiple Modernities Perspective The multiple modernities perspective in sociological theory was originally  ... 
doi:10.17323/1728-192x-2019-2-107-119 fatcat:nxqn3axol5gu3gceulympeoad4

RockSinger_columbia_0054D_14467.pdf [article]

In this study of transnational Jewish theopolitics and biopolitics, I show how women enlist their reproductive bodies to develop new forms of spiritual leadership, medical expertise, and religious knowledge  ...  Most people brought rocks, some soil, some wheat or corn harvested, some feathers, pinecones, water from the Jordan River, some branches from a tree.  ...  It's good and bad, I miss her and there's time for me. She said the birth ritual she planned for me would need to be  ... 
doi:10.7916/d83v0vpw fatcat:ck2kbrsfpjc2bpq4antl62cwm4

Sustainable Societies: Transition from theories to practice [article]

Mahendra Sethi, Technische Universität Berlin
For instance, is the issue of managing natural resources for industry & business operations within a country an economic problem? Or is it an ecological one? Or rather a social one?  ...  In the process, the research comprehensively reviews about a hundred environmental, social and economic theories to deliberate on the w [...]  ...  Acknowledgements I owe gratitude to the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for the gracious research fellowship.  ... 
doi:10.14279/depositonce-12283 fatcat:twoiv2yfavbgtd5pnwn3hdtsti

Exit and voice: papers from a revisionist public choice perspective [article]

Brad Taylor, University, The Australian National, University, The Australian National
Though I cover a range of diverse topics in this thesis, I generally argue for a strongly revisionist approach to political analysis which sees significant behavioural differences between individual and  ...  By taking a revisionist approach, I am able to steer a path between the excessive abstraction of much public choice theory and the insufficient rigour of much normative political theory.  ...  This is naïve, as investors want to see concrete business plans.  ... 
doi:10.25911/5d73928bdbc2f fatcat:y7uauyrisnavxinhmuyo7hbsum
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