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A low-level hybridization between memetic algorithm and VNS for the max-cut problem

Abraham Duarte, Ángel Sánchez, Felipe Fernández, Raúl Cabido
2005 Proceedings of the 2005 conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation - GECCO '05  
This paper proposes an evolutionary hybrid algorithm based on low-level hybridization between Memetic Algorithms and Variable Neighborhood Search.  ...  The Max-Cut problem consists of finding a partition of the graph nodes into two subsets, such that the sum of the edge weights having endpoints in different subsets is maximized.  ...  [17] proposes a hybrid genetic algorithm (memetic algorithm) for the Max-Cut problem.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1068009.1068178 dblp:conf/gecco/DuarteSFC05 fatcat:6eczil7zf5bavdtvzgwemejvoy

A Hierarchical Social Metaheuristic for the Max-Cut Problem [chapter]

Abraham Duarte, Felipe Fernández, Ángel Sánchez, Antonio Sanz
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
an hybrid memetic heuristic that combines a genetic algorithm (GA) and a local search.  ...  This paper introduces a new social metaheuristic for the Max-Cut problem applied to a weighted undirected graph.  ...  In [11, 18] is described the semidefinite relaxation of the Max-Cut problem.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24652-7_9 fatcat:klgtezh6jfgrfecaxhy3bbade4

Combining Clustered Adaptive Multistart and Discrete Dynamic Convexized Method for the Max-Cut Problem

Geng Lin, Wenxing Zhu
2014 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China  
Given an undirected graph with edge weights, the max-cut problem is to find a partition of the vertices into two subsets, such that the sum of the weights of the edges crossing different subsets is maximized  ...  Heuristics based on auxiliary function can obtain high-quality solutions of the max-cut problem, but suffer high solution cost when instances grow large.  ...  Acknowledgments We are grateful to the anonymous referees for valuable suggestions and comments which have helped us to improve the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s40305-014-0045-z fatcat:dl3lczr2bjge7bj6qd6rvzz7b4

The unconstrained binary quadratic programming problem: a survey

Gary Kochenberger, Jin-Kao Hao, Fred Glover, Mark Lewis, Zhipeng Lü, Haibo Wang, Yang Wang
2014 Journal of combinatorial optimization  
Research on UBQP has generated a wide range of solution techniques for this basic model that encompasses a rich collection of problem types.  ...  In this paper we survey the literature on this important model, providing an overview of the applications and solution methods.  ...  Helmberg and Rendl (1998) describe a branch-and-bound algorithm for solving UBQP based on semidefinite relaxations and cutting planes to enhance the quality of the bounds produced.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10878-014-9734-0 fatcat:327tskcshbdz3bzt6j4ijkgx7e

Exact and heuristic approaches for a new circular layout problem

Philipp Hungerländer, Kerstin Maier, Veronika Pachatz, Christian Truden
2020 SN Applied Sciences  
Hence, it can be solved efficiently by using exact and heuristic approaches for the LOP. First, we apply a Semidefinite Programming as well as an Integer Linear Programming approach.  ...  Several real-world applications, like for example the optimal arrangement of a set of cutting tools on a tool turret, can be modeled as a DCFLP.  ...  Computing lower bounds Currently available exact algorithms for the LOP are for example a Branch-and-Bound algorithm by Kaas [44] , a Branch-and-Cut algorithm developed by Grötschel et al.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s42452-020-2734-z fatcat:pbkxyvzr45hr3l223mrj5vfixq

Global optimization advances in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming, MINLP, and Constrained Derivative-Free Optimization, CDFO

Fani Boukouvala, Ruth Misener, Christodoulos A. Floudas
2016 European Journal of Operational Research  
This work provides a comprehensive and detailed literature review in terms of significant theoretical contributions, algorithmic developments, software implementations and applications for both MINLP and  ...  Finally, an inclusive and complete test suite is provided for both MINLP and CDFO algorithms, which is useful for future benchmarking.  ...  Semidefinite relaxations for polynomials Henrion and Lasserre (2003) ; Parrilo (2003) Convex hull Tsoukalas and Mitsos (2014) max(x 1 , x 2 ) Step Function π(x 1 ) McCormick relaxation Exponential  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.12.018 fatcat:jwe7b7ivrzhrjbttdl74eff2pe

QC [chapter]

2013 Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science  
Hybridizing algorithms for the QAP appears to be a useful and popular technique.  ...  For formulations of many additional SDP relaxations, theoretical relationships between them and a general approach of devising strong SDP relaxations for the QAP and other CO problems using a Lagrangian  ...  Other optimization problems that have been studied include joining rules for heterogeneous customers, server on-off policies, and scheduling rules.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1153-7_200667 fatcat:ifdkwyxvbrhxld4v6xsjsilzbm

Scheduling in sports: An annotated bibliography

Graham Kendall, Sigrid Knust, Celso C. Ribeiro, Sebastián Urrutia
2010 Computers & Operations Research  
The break minimization problem for a given opponent schedule is formulated as the MAX RES CUT and MAX 2SAT problems.  ...  A technique is also presented to transform the home-away assignment problem to MIN RES CUT, to which Goemans and Williamson's algorithm for MAX RES CUT is applied.  ...  TTP benchmark instances and real-life instances are in- The hardness of optimization problems in sports scheduling is also driving research on new algorithmic directions for clusters and computational  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cor.2009.05.013 fatcat:dznvxw2ulvhk3gdvpybw324spa

Using Shape Constraints for Improving Symbolic Regression Models [article]

Christian Haider, Fabricio Olivetti de França, Bogdan Burlacu, Gabriel Kronberger
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We describe and analyze algorithms for shape-constrained symbolic regression, which allows the inclusion of prior knowledge about the shape of the regression function.  ...  We use a set of models from physics textbooks to test the algorithms and compare against earlier results with single-objective algorithms.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge support by the Christian Doppler Research Association and the Federal Ministry of Digital and Economic Affairs within the Josef Ressel Centre for Symbolic  ... 
arXiv:2107.09458v1 fatcat:emdunq6phng7lc2dhoujse3fpm

Algorithm Engineering for Cut Problems [article]

Alexander Noe
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This work develops highly-efficient algorithms for the (global) minimum cut problem, the balanced graph partitioning problem and the multiterminal cut problem.  ...  There is a multitude of cut or partitioning problems that have been the focus of research for multiple decades.  ...  “Branch-and-Cut for a Semidefinite Relaxation of Large- Scale Minimum Bisection Problems”. PhD thesis. 2007. [14] M. Armbruster, M. Fügenschuh, C. Helmberg, and A. Martin.  ... 
arXiv:2108.04566v1 fatcat:4tpyybkhsvg6toiuxkvdvychqu

Towards combinatorial clustering: preliminary research survey [article]

Mark Sh. Levin
2015 arXiv   pre-print
and (d) a tutorial.  ...  The material can be used as follows: (a) a research survey, (b) a fundamental for designing the structure/architecture of composite modular clustering software, (c) a bibliography reference collection,  ...  Proximity D(x, Y ) between object x and cluster Y can be considered, for example, as the following: (1) D min (x, Y ) = min ∀y ζ ∈Y D(x, y ζ ); (2) D max (x, Y ) = max ∀y ζ ∈Y D(x, y ζ ); (3) D av (x,  ... 
arXiv:1505.07872v1 fatcat:ih4b72afjrcrbmp5yrgtnnwga4

Certifying Unstability of Switched Systems Using Sum of Squares Programming

Benoît Legat, Pablo Parrilo, Raphaël Jungers
2020 SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization  
In a similar manner as for the linear case, we can compute a balanced realization from these two empirical Gramians.  ...  The scientific responsibility rests with the authors. Acknowledgement The authors thank the FNRS, the Belgium National Fund for Scientific Research, for its financial support.  ...  To approach this problem, we develop a hybrid algorithm (also known as Memetic Algorithm (MA) in evolutionary literature), based on Genetic Programming (GP) and Evolutionary Strategies (ES), with each  ... 
doi:10.1137/18m1173460 fatcat:ytlzbwk7vbampbuyo6snenz33m

A morphological cellular automata based on morphological independence

J. Gallego, C. Hernandez, M. Grana
2011 Logic Journal of the IGPL  
We propose a Morphological Cellular Automata (MCA) with assured convergence to a state characterized by morphological dependences and independences between neighbouring cell states.  ...  The 10-fold cross-validation results of several statistical and neural network based classification algorithms trained and tested on these features show high specificity and moderate sensitivity of the  ...  Acknowledgements Thanks to the National Alliance for Medical Image Computing and the Brigham & Women's Hospital for making the database used for this study publicly available.  ... 
doi:10.1093/jigpal/jzr003 fatcat:vqwhng2vrzd2vhynshjul3okty

Modeling Correlation in Vehicle Routing Problems with Makespan Objectives and Stochastic Travel Times

Iurii Bakach, Melissa Ann Cambell, Jan Fabian Ehmke, Timothy L. Urban
We examine a vehicle routing problem with a makespan objective incorporating both stochastic and correlated travel times.  ...  We develop an approach based on extreme-value theory to estimate the expected makespan (and standard deviation) and embed this within a routing heuristic.  ...  Salman (2017) propose a heuristic for this problem based on an MIP-relaxation and a local-search algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.24352/ub.ovgu-2018-581 fatcat:6adgzbbnhnenxnlvk3o5wryary

Scalable Graph Algorithms using Practically Efficient Data Reductions

Sebastian Emanuel Lamm, Peter Sanders, Jin-Kao Hao
We evaluated all our algorithms on a large set of instances stemming from multiple domains and applications for the corresponding problems.  ...  This dissertation presents both heuristic and exact approaches for the NP-hard optimization problems of finding maximum cardinality and weight independent sets, as well as finding maximum cardinality cuts  ...  Furthermore, the authors present their own bounding procedure, which uses the semidefinite relaxation for WeightedMaxCut.  ... 
doi:10.5445/ir/1000149655 fatcat:sn4vxbavlzegbg3vlejdyq54uu
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