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A Geometric Analysis of Phase Retrieval

Ju Sun, Qing Qu, John Wright
2017 Foundations of Computational Mathematics  
This **generalized phase retrieval** (GPR) problem is a fundamental task in various disciplines, and has been the subject of much recent investigation.  ...  for GPR has the following benign geometric structure: (1) there are no spurious local minimizers, and all global minimizers are equal to the target signal x, up to a global phase; and (2) the objective  ...  INTRODUCTION Generalized phase retrieval (GPR) concerns the recovery of an unknown complex signal x ∈ C n from a set of m measurements: y k = | a k , x | for k = 1, . . . , m.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10208-017-9365-9 fatcat:bu3vvmtyevfz7ccflk5mmcuu7i

Visualising Image Data through Image Retrieval Concept using a Hybrid Technique: Songket Motif's

Nadiah Yusof, Amirah Ismail, Nazatul Aini
2019 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
First, the analysis and design phase, secondly is a development phase, and lastly is the testing and evaluation phase.  ...  This paper employs the use of a qualitative experimental design model that involves three phases of activities.  ...  METHOD This section focuses on three main phase's iteration; first, is the analysis and design phase, secondly is a development phase, and lastly is the testing and evaluation phase.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2019.0101248 fatcat:jk2ixkg7ezatnavueocck6plyq

Spinning in the scanner: Neural correlates of virtual reorientation

Jennifer E. Sutton, Marc F. Joanisse, Nora S. Newcombe
2010 Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition  
In contrast, reliance on geometric cues significantly activated a number of non-MTL structures, including the prefrontal cortex and inferior temporal gyrus.  ...  Multiple areas within the medial temporal lobe (MTL) showed increased activation when a feature was present compared with when reorientation was based only on geometric cues.  ...  There were no significant activation differences in the ROI analysis for either encoding or retrieval phases.  ... 
doi:10.1037/a0019938 pmid:20804287 fatcat:l6wttdyfivazxlfrzyp3mclbs4

Terrestrial Planet Optical Phase Curves. I. Direct Measurements of the Earth

Roderick De Cock, Timothy A. Livengood, Daphne M. Stam, Carey M. Lisse, Tilak Hewagama, L. Drake Deming
2021 Astronomical Journal  
The disk-integrated, 24 hr averaged signal is used in a phase angle analysis.  ...  A Lambertian-reflecting, spherical planet model is used to estimate geometric albedo for every observation and wavelength.  ...  The zero phase angle model is the correct geometric albedo and the difference with the other model lines shows the effect of using a Lambertian phase function to retrieve the geometric albedo.  ... 
doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ac3234 fatcat:cj4wphemj5hebi34tm35ndeium

ALEPH: a new software for structural analysis and generation of fragment libraries for molecular replacement

Ana Medina, Josep Triviño, Claudia Lucía Millán Nebot, Rafael J. Borges, Isabel Usón, Massimo Sammito
2019 Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances  
ALEPH [4] is a program for retrieving structural properties of proteins from the PDB [5], based solely on geometrical descriptors, Characteristic Vectors (CVs) [6], computed as centroid C -O vectors on  ...  ALEPH implements four different tasks: Annotation: a customizable secondary and tertiary structure analysis to map general or local properties controlling the strictness of the annotation.  ...  ALEPH [4] is a program for retrieving structural properties of proteins from the PDB [5] , based solely on geometrical descriptors, Characteristic Vectors (CVs) [6] , computed as centroid C -O vectors  ... 
doi:10.1107/s2053273319093720 fatcat:qsxwfgnrvfgkjnd74kznifspna

Sample phase gradient and fringe phase shift in dual phase grating X-ray interferometry

Aimin Yan, Xizeng Wu, Hong Liu
2019 Optics Express  
One of the key tasks in grating based x-ray phase contrast imaging is to accurately retrieve local phase gradients of a sample from measured intensity fringe shifts.  ...  In this work, using intuitive analysis of the sample-generated fringe shifts based on the beat pattern formation mechanism, the authors derived the formulas relating sample phase gradients to fringe phase  ...  We employed the Fourier fringe analysis method derived in [22] for retrieval of the fringe phase shift ∆φ(x, y) and attenuation map A 2 (x, y).  ... 
doi:10.1364/oe.27.035437 pmid:31878715 pmcid:PMC7046035 fatcat:mkhbuvdmirh73fpa2luisjqcpq

Integration of Explicit Geometric Constraints in the Comparison of 3D CAD Models for Part Design Reuse [chapter]

Antoine Brière-Côté, Louis Rivest, Roland Maranzana
2012 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
We have developed a 3D CAD model comparison method focused on the representation of shape differences between similar models with respect to the reference's geometric constraints.  ...  The proposed method comprises the explicit representation of CAD data, the mapping and differentiation of B-Rep model elements and the re-evaluation of geometric constraints according to shape differences  ...  the information from the calculation phase to construct a difference model (∆) designed for subsequent analysis and manipulation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35758-9_40 fatcat:ni7oumsem5evvn6jvl5nkohclm


Naveen Kumar C.G .
2017 International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology  
Reachability is one of the issues faced between cloud users and LBS companies. A novel and lightweight scheme, named, Geometric  ...  The overall theme of the cloud data resides at the distant server is to be managed with minimal computation by data owner and data users.  ...  We designed a novel and lightweight scheme, Geometric Range Search Model (GRSM) that retrieves the data in reduced search space complexity.  ... 
doi:10.15623/ijret.2017.0601022 fatcat:usku52qo7vfyvimfx2yyzgtoji

TESS Phase Curve of the Hot Jupiter WASP-19b

Ian Wong, Björn Benneke, Avi Shporer, Tara Fetherolf, Stephen R. Kane, George R. Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, Karen A. Collins, Ismael Mireles, Robert Morris (+4 others)
2020 Astronomical Journal  
The retrieval analysis indicates that WASP-19b has a dayside atmosphere consistent with an isotherm at T=2240±40 K and a visible geometric albedo of 0.16±0.04, indicating significant contribution  ...  We measure a secondary eclipse depth of -+ 470 110 130 ppm and detect a strong atmospheric brightness modulation signal with a semiamplitude of 319±51 ppm.  ...  Winn https:/ /orcid.org/0000-0002-4265-047X Karen A. Collins https:/ /orcid.org/0000-0001-6588-9574 Ismael Mireles https:/ /orcid.org/0000-0002-4510-2268 Eric B.  ... 
doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab6d6e fatcat:tszo2jfvwbfpteoonvebvaa35i

TESS Phase Curve of the Hot Jupiter WASP-19b [article]

Ian Wong, Björn Benneke, Avi Shporer, Tara Fetherolf, Stephen R. Kane, George R. Ricker, Roland Vanderspek, Sara Seager, Joshua N. Winn, Karen A. Collins, Ismael Mireles, Robert Morris (+3 others)
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The retrieval analysis indicates that WASP-19b has a dayside atmosphere consistent with an isotherm at T=2240±40 K and a visible geometric albedo of 0.16±0.04, indicating significant contribution from  ...  We measure a secondary eclipse depth of 470^+130_-110 ppm and detect a strong atmospheric brightness modulation signal with a semi-amplitude of 319±51 ppm.  ...  From the free chemical retrieval, we obtained a geometric albedo of 0.20 ± 0.07.  ... 
arXiv:1912.06773v1 fatcat:t5ei6blav5cpvoycxt5oowv5cu

Optical vortex phase determination for nanoscale imaging

B Sokolenko, N Shostka, O Karakchieva, D Poletaev, V Voytitsky, S Halilov, A Prisyazhniuk, A Ilyasova, E Kolosenko
2018 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
In this research we develop a principle of optical vortex phase analysis and its application to surface imaging with high accuracy measurements in nanoscale range.  ...  Twocoordinate scanning of the sample allow to retrieve an information about shape and roughness for optically transparent and reflecting surfaces exceeding optical diffraction limit.  ...  Non-interferometric analyzers recorded a series of intensity images measured at different axial positions, from which a quantitative phase image is reconstructed with interactive phase retrieval process  ... 
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1062/1/012004 fatcat:vf3upkklnzgwjowoltwotha7dy

Impact of Polarization Distortions on Geometrical Structure Retrieval of Moving Man-Made Targets in ISAR Images

Qiaoling Liu, Chen Pang, Yongzhen Li, Xuesong Wang
2019 Electronics  
To evaluate the impact of these distortions on geometrical structure retrieval, we use the numerical results and real data of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) called Frontier to perform error analysis  ...  For non-stationary targets, a residual phase error exists between two columns of the scattering matrix in the alternate transmission and simultaneous reception (ATSR) mode, especially when the radar frequency  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics8040373 fatcat:g3qnyxvwengyjjf47ngcuwznpy

Geometrical phase image encryption obtained with space-variant subwavelength gratings

Gabriel Biener, Avi Niv, Vladimir Kleiner, Erez Hasman
2005 Optics Letters  
An optical encryption method based on a geometrical phase produced by space-variant polarization manipulation is presented.  ...  The decrypted picture is retrieved either by a polarization measurement of the beam emerging from the encrypted element or by a single intensity measurement of the beam transmitted through the encrypted  ...  To retrieve the primary image's geometrical phase we need to measure the Stokes parameters of the beam emerging from the encrypted element.  ... 
doi:10.1364/ol.30.001096 pmid:15943278 fatcat:xded7tnznnbz7dnd32ssv4usru

Theoretical analysis for best defocus measurement plane for robust phase retrieval

Alessandro Polo, Silvania F. Pereira, Paul H. Urbach
2013 Optics Letters  
We study the phase retrieval (PR) technique using through-focus intensity measurements and explain the dependence of PR on the defocus distance.  ...  Experimental results confirm the theoretical predictions and are in good agreement with an independent phase measurement.  ...  Phase retrieval (PR) concerns all the types of nonlinear algorithms for recovering phase information when only the intensity of a complex field is known [1] [2] [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1364/ol.38.000812 pmid:23503224 fatcat:y7zljbc2ajbehlvxwytldm4lfa

Designing Medical CBIR System with Edge Density Criterion

Kulwinder Singh Mann, Er. Jagbir Singh Gill
2015 International Journal of Future Computer and Communication  
These features when modified or enhanced under certain geometrical functions, it improves the resultant retrieval by the increase of 94% in the performance with the Comparison of 85% in the case of the  ...  The Result acquired for the proposed system comprises of edge density concepts. Index Terms-Medical images, edge density, geometric feature vector, content based image retrieval.  ...  The system shown in Fig. 1 has been designed to retrieve the image most relevant to the query image. Its working can be elaborated into two phases as: A.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijfcc.2015.v4.368 fatcat:535r7rt7xfh53f37vukb4aekmi
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