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A bibliographic review of production line design and balancing under uncertainty

Mohand Lounes Bentaha, Alexandre Dolgui, Olga Battaïa
2015 IFAC-PapersOnLine  
This bibliography reviews the solution methods developed for the design and balancing problems of production lines such as assembly and disassembly lines.  ...  Abstract: This bibliography reviews the solution methods developed for the design and balancing problems of production lines such as assembly and disassembly lines.  ...  For the same problem, a simulated annealing metaheuristic has been proposed in Kalayci et al. (2012) .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.060 fatcat:y2l7lmu6mzd23mnijtodydxy5u

A Robust Robotic Disassembly Sequence Design Using Orthogonal Arrays and Task Allocation

Mohammad Alshibli, Ahmed ElSayed, Elif Kongar, Tarek Sobh, Surendra Gupta
2019 Robotics  
DSP aims at creating efficient algorithms for deriving the optimum or near-optimum disassembly sequence for a given product or a product family.  ...  To achieve this goal, this paper utilizes Taguchi's orthogonal arrays to test the robustness of a previously-proposed Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm.  ...  To achieve this, McGovern and Gupta [2] presented a genetic algorithm to obtain optimal or near-optimal solutions for disassembly line balancing problems. Duta et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/robotics8010020 fatcat:ftcfjmv5nrdnxjbesvkisqj6u4

Optimizing Disassembly Line Balancing Problem Using Multi-objective ADAM Optimizer Algorithm

Nadir Siddig, Abdallah Mokhtar, Ahmed Abualnor, Zeqiang Zhang
2021 Journal of Karary University for Engineering and Science  
To optimize these problems in the disassembly line, we proposed a multi-objective ADAM optimizer algorithm to optimize and balance the objectives.  ...  The mathematical model embedded in the proposed algorithm simulated in default disassembly line, a Pareto set used to detect for non-inferior solutions in the algorithms, and the results indicated to improve  ...  There are many suggestions were studies the disassembly plans to enhance disassembly line works such as a parallel model of balancing a partial disassembly line with stochastic disassembly time, disassembly  ... 
doi:10.54388/jkues.v1i1.15 fatcat:66vces2dprg6thhsim7jqsiwyq

A Review of Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Reverse Logistics and Remanufacturing for End-of-Life Products

Yaping Ren, Xinyu Lu, Hongfei Guo, Zhaokang Xie, Haoyang Zhang, Chaoyong Zhang
2023 Mathematics  
for the first time.  ...  During the end-of-life (EOL) product recovery process, there are a series of combinatorial optimization problems (COPs) that should be efficiently solved.  ...  [149] proposed a simulated annealing genetic algorithm to solve the assembly deviation degree on-line optimization model.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math11020298 fatcat:fe47gojv4rhedihlor64t7xgnu

Mathematical formulation and an improved moth-flame optimization algorithm for parallel two-sided disassembly line balancing based on fixed common stations

Yu Zhang, Zeqiang Zhang, Tao Yin, Wei Liang
2022 Journal of Computational Design and Engineering  
Finally, the algorithm solved extensive disassembly line balancing problems with different layouts including the straight-line, two-sided, and parallel two-sided, and case studies demonstrated the reliability  ...  Therefore, this research introduced the parallel two-sided disassembly lines balancing problem (PTDLBP) with fixed common stations.  ...  Zhu, Zhang, & Guan, (2020) studied the parallel partial disassembly line balancing problem (PPDLBP) with hazardous and demand parts.  ... 
doi:10.1093/jcde/qwac134 fatcat:njnqdbqpbnd43mgazuqugogpce

Energy-Efficient Optimization of Two-Sided Disassembly Line Balance Considering Parallel Operation and Uncertain Using Multiobjective Flatworm Algorithm

Junyong Liang, Shunsheng Guo, Yunfei Zhang, Wenfang Liu, Shengwen Zhou
2021 Sustainability  
This paper constructs a fuzzy multiobjective two-sided disassembly line balance problem model based on parallel operation constraint, which aims to reduce the balance loss rate, smoothness index, and energy  ...  The two-sided disassembly line is popular for its high-efficiency disassembly of large-volume end-of-life products.  ...  The authors thank the editors and anonymous commentators for their valuable comments, which have improved the quality of this paper, and the experimental institutions that provide financial support for  ... 
doi:10.3390/su13063358 fatcat:3msgpo3uw5ba7ey2sv57jkz534

Balancing Disassembly Line in Product Recovery to Promote the Coordinated Development of Economy and Environment

Jia Liu, Shuwei Wang
2017 Sustainability  
Prakash et al. presented a constraint-based simulated annealing (CBSA) algorithm, which used the constraint-based genetic operators integrated with the SA approach to determine the ordering and disassembly  ...  sequence-dependent disassembly line balancing problem (SDDLBP).  ...  , including ant colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony (ABC), particle swarm optimization (PSO), genetic algorithm (GA), river formation dynamics (RFD), tabu search (TS), simulated annealing  ... 
doi:10.3390/su9020309 fatcat:oamqechfmzesdkbuhkex2zmcbm

Balancing Stochastic Mixed-Model Two-Sided Disassembly Line Using Multiobjective Genetic Flatworm Algorithm

Junyong Liang, Shunsheng Guo, Wenxiang Xu
2021 IEEE Access  
OBJECTIVES AND CONSTRAINTS A mathematical model for the stochastic two-sided partial disassembly line balancing problem was given by Chiang et al. [39] and Tang et al. [40] .  ...  Typical methods include genetic algorithm [7] , ant colony optimization [26] , particle swarm optimization [27] , [28] , simulated annealing algorithm [29] , [30] , artificial bee colony [31] ,  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3117070 fatcat:p35m5n32vnf3xbzeeblm5ze4au

Research Trends and Outlooks in Assembly Line Balancing Problems

Parames Chutima
2020 Engineering Journal  
This paper presents the findings from the survey of articles published on the assembly line balancing problems (ALBPs) during 2014-2018.  ...  The challenges in the ALBPs are also pinpointed as a technical guideline for future research works.  ...  A simulated annealing (SA) algorithm working on Gantt representations of problem solutions was developed for large-size problems.  ... 
doi:10.4186/ej.2020.24.5.93 fatcat:6orjxdvionbapjhifvogdzp36y

A Survey on Cost and Profit Oriented Assembly Line Balancing

Öncü Hazır, Xavier Delorme, Alexandre Dolgui
2014 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
Problems, approaches and analytical models on assembly line balancing that deal explicitly with cost and profit oriented objectives are analysed.  ...  This survey paper serves to identify and work on open problems that have wide practical applications.  ...  Recently, Roshani et al. [2012] have extended Amen's approach to two-sided assembly lines and solved the problem using simulated annealing.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20140824-6-za-1003.00866 fatcat:7gbwt4w5fbauxnd3fbt5vgqiqu

An Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on a Multi-Objective Framework for Supplier Integration

Muhammad Farooq, Qazi Salman, Muhammad Arshad, Imran Khan, Rehman Akhtar, Sunghwan Kim
2019 Applied Sciences  
Routines for the modeled framework were coded by using the proposed algorithms which were implemented for a real-world problem from a manufacturing small and medium enterprise (SME) in Pakistan.  ...  The methodologically calculated results, obtained from simulation of a mathematically reinforced optimization framework, are highly beneficial for the industry, as well as local and international suppliers  ...  For multi-product mixed-flow assembly on parallel assembly lines, Akpinar et al. [46] established a parallel hybrid SDALBP mathematical model and proposed a hybrid ant colony-genetic algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app9030588 fatcat:7milpkhma5cyhawljn7dkrtbqy

Disassembly sequence planning: Recent developments and future trends

Zude Zhou, Jiayi Liu, Duc Truong Pham, Wenjun Xu, F Javier Ramirez, Chunqian Ji, Quan Liu
2018 Proceedings of the Institution of mechanical engineers. Part B, journal of engineering manufacture  
A genetic algorithm for product disassembly sequence planning. Neurocomputing 2008; 71(13): 2720-2726.  ...  The branch-and-bound algorithm (BAB) was also used to solve linear programming problems. 117 Stochastic Simulation SSI is an efficient method of finding the optimal disassembly sequence of a stochastic  ... 
doi:10.1177/0954405418789975 fatcat:o3oefmyptzdenb3izstbrjfdry

A Review of Nature-Based Algorithms Applications in Green Supply Chain Problems

A. Sadrnia, H. R. Soltani, N. Zulkifli, N. Ismail, M. K. A. Ariffin
2014 International Journal of Engineering and Technology  
Hence, complicated green problems call for development of modern optimization methods and algorithms to solve optimization models by efficient techniques.  ...  Some of the algorithms have been inspired from natural generation, some of them inspired from swarm behavior, and others simulate natural processes.  ...  balancing in a disassembly line.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijet.2014.v6.697 fatcat:oavbvabsuvcdjoqloisotg3s4m

Profit-oriented partial disassembly line design: dealing with hazardous parts and task processing times uncertainty

Mohand Lounes Bentaha, Alexandre Dolgui, Olga Battaïa, Robert J. Riggs, Jack Hu
2018 International Journal of Production Research  
This paper addresses the problem of profit-oriented disassembly line design and balancing considering partial disassembly, presence of hazardous parts and uncertainty of task processing times.  ...  Few papers have studied the stochastic disassembly line balancing problem and existing approaches have focused on heuristic and metaheuristic methods.  ...  The presented study opens numerous further research directions for problem modelling and algorithmic enhancements.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1418987 fatcat:eew5dr5rgjf2nailbftkdb2zfm

Industry 4.0 and Prospects of Circular Economy: A Survey of Robotic Assembly and Disassembly [article]

Morteza Daneshmand, Fatemeh Noroozi, Ciprian Corneanu, Fereshteh Mafakheri, Paolo Fiorini
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We consider and review various aspects of manufacturing and remanufacturing frameworks while particularly focusing on their desirability for supporting a circular economy.  ...  For example, the types of robots involved in implementing the sequence plans, which should ideally be taken into account throughout the whole chain consisting of design, assembly, disassembly and reassembly  ...  Disassembly Sequence Planning is treated in [102] , while a survey of studies on Disassembly Line Balancing Problem has been provided in [103] , [104] . A.  ... 
arXiv:2106.07270v1 fatcat:xlp232rvsvgitgpsvn64y6oh6i
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