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2,791 Hits in 5.3 sec

A Transmission Prediction Mechanism Exploiting Comprehensive Node Forwarding Capability in Opportunistic Networks

Peng Zheng, Hongxiao Fei, Jia Wu, Yeqing Yan
2019 IEEE Access  
In this regard, this paper establishes a transmission prediction mechanism exploiting comprehensive node forwarding capability (TPMEC) in opportunistic networks.  ...  Opportunistic network enables users to form an instant network for data sharing, which is a type of Ad-hoc network in nature, thus depends on cooperation between nodes to complete message transmission.  ...  To solve these problems, this work proposes a transmission prediction mechanism exploiting forwarding capability of nodes in opportunistic networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2922350 fatcat:4jd6asqlzjalbi5woizvc3zgwy

FCNS: A Fuzzy Routing-Forwarding Algorithm Exploiting Comprehensive Node Similarity in Opportunistic Social Networks

Kanghuai Liu, Zhigang Chen, Jia Wu, Leilei Wang
2018 Symmetry  
To improve the transmission environment, this study establishes a fuzzy routing-forwarding algorithm (FCNS) exploiting comprehensive node similarity (the mobile and social similarities) in opportunistic  ...  However, when evaluating the similarity degree between a pair of nodes, most existing algorithms in opportunistic social networks pay attention to only a few similar factors, and even ignore the importance  ...  Complexity Analysis of this Algorithm In summary, we proposed a fuzzy routing-forwarding algorithm exploiting comprehensive node similarity in opportunistic social networks.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym10080338 fatcat:l32xp6f2erg6zkqe4j347ievxi

Data Offloading Techniques in Cellular Networks: A Survey

Filippo Rebecchi, Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Vania Conan, Andrea Passarella, Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti
2015 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
A number of strategies can be used to disseminate the content among mobile nodes. In principle, any forwarding or data dissemination scheme proposed for opportunistic networks can be used.  ...  In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of data offloading techniques in cellular networks and extract the main requirements needed to integrate data offloading capabilities into today's mobile  ... 
doi:10.1109/comst.2014.2369742 fatcat:h6hguvdelrerna75ysrbsxm3yy

An Effective Transmission Strategy Exploiting Node Preference and Social Relations in Opportunistic Social Networks

Yeqing Yan, Zhigang Chen, Jia Wu, Leilei Wang, Kanghuai Liu, Peng Zheng
2019 IEEE Access  
To improve the transmission efficiency, this paper establishes an effective data transmission strategy (ENPSR) exploiting node preference and social relations in opportunistic social networks.  ...  However, existing data transmission methods in opportunistic social networks mainly focus on the influence of a few social attributes on the similarity between nodes but ignore the transmission preference  ...  The ''storage-carry-forward'' mechanism in opportunistic network is a perfect work structure for this new way of transmission.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2914505 fatcat:mt4q6ihpjrckvkf45mdzcklasm

Enhancing Marine Data Transmission with Socially-Aware Resilient Vessel Networks [article]

Ruobing Jiang, Chao Liu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, Resilient Vessel Network (RVN) is proposed to fundamentally enhance BMD transmission.  ...  RVNs with widespread self-organized vessels and opportunistic connections reveal advantages of ubiquity, resilience, low cost and cross-domain transmission.  ...  Finally, a social community based routing (CBR) mechanism is proposed to enhance BMD transmission. A.  ... 
arXiv:2204.11654v1 fatcat:t7xphe6u7naxllphfm52x5uq6a

An overview of opportunistic ad hoc communication in urban scenarios

Claudio E. Palazzi, Armir Bujari, Gustavo Marfia, Marco Roccetti
2014 2014 13th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop (MED-HOC-NET)  
communication networks, and devise efficient solutions for use in real applicative contexts.  ...  In the era of the Internet of Everything, users with handheld or wearable devices equipped with sensing capability have become producers as well as consumers of information and services.  ...  Nodes in an AoI, exchange information in opportunistic fashion if they are in transmission range of each other. When leaving the AoI, nodes can discard the acquired messages.  ... 
doi:10.1109/medhocnet.2014.6849117 dblp:conf/medhocnet/PalazziBMR14 fatcat:acwcquuclzcchpmp2wkscagciu

An Adaptive Routing-Forwarding Control Scheme Based on an Intelligent Fuzzy Decision-Making System for Opportunistic Social Networks

Yian Zhu, Lin Zhang, Haobin Shi, Kao-Shing Hwang, Xianchen Shi, Shuyan Luo
2019 Symmetry  
Routing selection in opportunistic social networks is a complex and challenging issue due to intermittent communication connections among mobile devices and dynamic network topologies.  ...  The structural characteristics of opportunistic social networks indicate that the social attributes of mobile nodes play a significant role on data dissemination.  ...  [2] , ICMT (information cache management and data transmission algorithm exploiting comprehensive node similarity) [9] , and FCNS (a fuzzy routing-forwarding algorithm exploiting comprehensive node  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym11091095 fatcat:jrah4ccilzb3hewc2jwmjfyhmu

A Critical Review of the Routing Protocols in Opportunistic Networks

John Panneerselvam, Anthony Atojoko, Kim Smith, Lu Liu, Nick Antonopoulos
2014 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems  
The goal of Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) is to enable message transmission in an infrastructure less environment where a reliable end-to-end connection between the hosts in not possible at all times  ...  Every node in the network has the opportunity to forward the message to the destination.  ...  Acknowledgment The work reported in this paper has been supported by  ... 
doi:10.4108/inis.1.1.e6 fatcat:udqa63b3pzc7tedf4xu6j3rtpq

Wireless Multi-hop Ad-hoc Networks: A Review

Chander Prabha, Dr. Surender Kumar, Dr. Ravinder Khanna
2014 IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  
So the communication is multi-hop with intermediate nodes acting as routers that forward the messages addressed to other nodes.  ...  The concept of multi-hop ad-hoc networking was successfully applied in several classes of networks.  ...  In such a network, each mobile node operates not only as a host but also as a router, forwarding packets for other mobile nodes in the network that may not be within direct wireless transmission range  ... 
doi:10.9790/0661-16265462 fatcat:ysyf7t7yerdqpf3veasrt2jz3y

Rendezvous Cost-aware Opportunistic Routing in Heterogeneous Duty-cycled Wireless Sensor Network Systems

Ngoc-Thanh Dinh, Tao Gu, Younghan Kim
2019 IEEE Access  
This paper analyzes the packet transmission cost in asynchronous heterogeneous duty-cycled wireless sensor network systems (WSNs).  ...  We then design an efficient ETC-based opportunistic routing protocol (EoR) which selects the best forwarding candidates with the least packet transmission cost to reduce the actual energy consumption of  ...  This is because the opportunistic routing protocols exploit more forwarding candidates to forward packets quickly.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2937252 fatcat:72piy62kefhsvgihv6ycqtdoii

A Cooperative-Routing Mechanism Based on Node Classification and Task Allocation for Opportunistic Social Networks

wenyu zheng, Zhigang Chen, Jia WU, kanghuai liu
2019 IET Communications  
In this study, they construct a cooperative-routing mechanism based on node classification and task allocation for opportunistic social networks.  ...  Therefore, opportunistic social networks proposed that message applications should choose relay nodes to perform effective data transmission processes.  ...  Zhao and Yang. [20] presented a novel mechanism for opportunistic forwarding of data packages, in which the algorithm estimates the expected transmission cost based on forwarding candidate and priority  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-com.2019.0756 fatcat:u25j6vehivd77mxm4sgnpzjdte

Channel MAC Protocol for Opportunistic Communication in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

Manzur Ashraf, Aruna Jayasuriya, Sylvie Perreau
2008 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
We also show that the severe resource starvation problem (unfairness) of IEEE 802.11 in some network scenarios is reduced by the Channel MAC mechanism.  ...  In this protocol, nodes access the channel when the channel quality increases beyond a threshold, while neighbouring nodes are deemed to be silent.  ...  The source of a chain injects more packets than the forwarding capability of internal nodes.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2009/368209 fatcat:gnrytqr5izcdxfijytt5fa5wuy

A Survey on Routing and Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks [article]

Behrouz Jedari, Feng Xia
2014 arXiv   pre-print
In this setting, humans are the carriers of mobile devices, hence their social features such as movement patterns, similarities, and interests can be exploited to design efficient data forwarding algorithms  ...  Opportunistic mobile social networks (MSNs) are modern paradigms of delay tolerant networks that consist of mobile users with social characteristics.  ...  In TFT mechanisms, every node forwards as much traffic for a neighbor as the neighbor forwards for it.  ... 
arXiv:1311.0347v4 fatcat:kdyyz4ibwjfp3f4y7rougndyei

A Survey of Message Diffusion Protocols in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Ahmad Al Hanbali, Mouhamad Ibrahim, Vilmos Simon, Endre Varga, Iacopo Carreras
2008 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools  
On the other hand, the nodes mobility in these networks has introduced new challenges for the routing protocols, especially when the mobility induces multiple disconnections in the network.  ...  In this survey, we present an overview of this issue and a detailed discussion of the major factors involved.  ...  A solution for this problem is to exploit the mobility of nodes present in the network.  ... 
doi:10.4108/icst.valuetools2008.4510 dblp:conf/valuetools/HanbaliISVC08 fatcat:xa34gk5zhfap3iuin64qarqwz4

A Performance based Routing Classification in Cognitive Radio Networks

Sunita S.Barve, Parag Kulkarni
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
A representative selection of these strategies is discussed in detail in this paper together with services given to unique challenges of CRN.  ...  In this paper, we address the problem of routing in CRN which concerns about identification and maintenance of the optimal path from source to destination through intermediate relay nodes and spectrum  ...  Prediction based cognitive topology control PCTC in [10] captures the network topology dynamically based on link prediction to provide efficient and opportunistic link management and routing.  ... 
doi:10.5120/6370-8762 fatcat:i3hnucj4kbeghkjwcamhddjl5m
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