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A Transition-based Model for Joint Segmentation, POS-tagging and Normalization

Tao Qian, Yue Zhang, Meishan Zhang, Yafeng Ren, Donghong Ji
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
We propose a transition-based model for joint word segmentation, POS tagging and text normalization.  ...  Experimental results show that our joint model can help improve the performance of word segmentation on microblogs, giving an error reduction in segmentation accuracy of 12.02%, compared to the traditional  ...  Acknowledgments We thank all reviewers for the insightful comments.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/d15-1211 dblp:conf/emnlp/QianZZRJ15 fatcat:hezuh25mdferpdw3hrbgggb6da

Neural Network-based Chinese Joint Syntactic Analysis

Shuhei Kurita, Daisuke Kawahara, Sadao Kurohashi
2019 Journal of Natural Language Processing  
In this study, we propose a neural network-based joint word-segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing model in addition to a joint word-segmentation and POS tagging model.  ...  In such cases, parsing models do not work well because of word segmentation and POS tagging errors. This can be solved by joint models of word segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing.  ...  ,Weiss, D., Coppola, G., and Petrov, S. (2015). "Improved Transition-Based Parsingand Tagging with Neural Networks."  ... 
doi:10.5715/jnlp.26.231 fatcat:uhdulwaubnhspmipjzhm3erocq

A Graph-based Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Dependency Parsing

Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
2020 Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics  
In this paper, we propose a graph-based model to integrate Chinese word segmentation and dependency parsing.  ...  Our graph-based joint model achieves better performance than previous joint models and state-of-the-art results in both Chinese word segmentation and dependency parsing.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the action editor and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1162/tacl_a_00301 fatcat:x5h42hmpfjftnp2ghzqstixbz4

Uyghur morphological analysis using joint conditional random fields: Based on small scaled corpus

Ghalip Abdukerim, Eziz Tursun, Yating Yang, Xiao Li
2019 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S  
As a fundamental research in the field of natural language processing, the Uyghur morphological analysis is used mainly to determine the part of speech (POS) and segmental morphemes (stem and affix) of  ...  In order to increase the morphological analysis efficiency, this paper puts forward a hybrid approach to create a statistical model for Uyghur morphological tagging through a small-scale corpus.  ...  The transition model for morphological tagging puts forward in [14] based on the stem and affix dictionaries, which are used to obtain all possible segmentation candidates of each Uyghur word in a training  ... 
doi:10.3934/dcdss.2019055 fatcat:3p4cc6dukzfhlj4uqupo3q7w5i

Syntactic Processing Using the Generalized Perceptron and Beam Search

Yue Zhang, Stephen Clark
2011 Computational Linguistics  
We apply the framework to word segmentation, joint segmentation and POStagging, dependency parsing, and phrase-structure parsing.  ...  We argue that the conceptual and computational simplicity of the framework, together with its language-independent nature, make it a competitive choice for a range of syntactic processing tasks and one  ...  Acknowledgments This work was largely carried out while Yue Zhang was a DPhil student at the Oxford University Computing Laboratory, where he was supported by an ORS Scholarship and the Clarendon Fund.  ... 
doi:10.1162/coli_a_00037 fatcat:2n7lttgt4jgahcue6nxc7xg7iq

A Graph-based Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and Dependency Parsing [article]

Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu, Xuanjing Huang
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose a graph-based model to integrate Chinese word segmentation and dependency parsing.  ...  Our graph-based joint model achieves better performance than previous joint models and state-of-the-art results in both Chinese word segmentation and dependency parsing.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank the action editor and the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.  ... 
arXiv:1904.04697v2 fatcat:d53adfzpg5huzlvz26dflvy3km

Randomized Greedy Inference for Joint Segmentation, POS Tagging and Dependency Parsing

Yuan Zhang, Chengtao Li, Regina Barzilay, Kareem Darwish
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies  
In this paper, we introduce a new approach for joint segmentation, POS tagging and dependency parsing.  ...  Specifically, we employ a randomized greedy algorithm that jointly predicts segmentations, POS tags and dependency trees.  ...  We also thank the MIT NLP group and the ACL reviewers for their comments.  ... 
doi:10.3115/v1/n15-1005 dblp:conf/naacl/ZhangLBD15 fatcat:oioxj4sel5g47pacmdiijlum7e

Improving accuracy of Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging using hidden markov model and morphological analysis for Myanmar Language

Dim Lam Cing, Khin Mar Soe
2020 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)  
This paper presented the comparison of separate word segmentation and POS tagging with joint word segmentation and POS tagging.  ...  For Myanmar Language, there are also separate word segmentors and POS taggers based on statistical approaches such as Neural Network (NN) and Hidden Markov Models (HMMs).  ...  In our experiments, we compare the separate word segmentation and POS tagging using HMM , joint word segmentation and POS tagging using HMM and joint word segmentataion and POS tagging using HMM with morphological  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v10i2.pp2023-2030 fatcat:gctwsuxfcvbntamylvf2jy4hee

End-to-End Chinese Parsing Exploiting Lexicons [article]

Yuan Zhang, Zhiyang Teng, Yue Zhang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose an end-to-end Chinese parsing model based on character inputs which jointly learns to output word segmentation, part-of-speech tags and dependency structures.  ...  Chinese parsing has traditionally been solved by three pipeline systems including word-segmentation, part-of-speech tagging and dependency parsing modules.  ...  Hatori et al. (2012) pioneer research on the joint model of word segmentation, POS tagging, and dependency parsing for Chinese using transition-based methods.  ... 
arXiv:2012.04395v1 fatcat:ps3lyosizve2rjrjhv7vff5k3i

A Hierarchical LSTM Model for Joint Tasks [chapter]

Qianrong Zhou, Liyun Wen, Xiaojie Wang, Long Ma, Yue Wang
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Lots of task-specific joint models are proposed. This paper proposes a Hierarchical Long Short-Term Memory (HLSTM) model and some its variants for modeling two tasks jointly.  ...  Previous work has shown that joint modeling of two Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks are effective for achieving better performances for both tasks.  ...  This paper is partially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (No 61273365), discipline building plan in 111 base (No.B08004) and Engineering Research Center of Information Networks  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-47674-2_27 fatcat:wd4krhmnmrhlpff6zntyvtp73e

Painless Unsupervised Learning with Features

Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Alexandre Bouchard-Côté, John DeNero, Dan Klein
2010 North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics  
We apply this technique to part-of-speech induction, grammar induction, word alignment, and word segmentation, incorporating a few linguistically-motivated features into the standard generative model for  ...  These feature-enhanced models each outperform their basic counterparts by a substantial margin, and even compete with and surpass more complex state-of-the-art models.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Percy Liang for making his word segmentation code available to us, and the anonymous reviewers for their comments.  ... 
dblp:conf/naacl/Berg-KirkpatrickBDK10 fatcat:kcuymthvmffd7lwuah6l5losbe

Joint Training and Decoding Using Virtual Nodes for Cascaded Segmentation and Tagging Tasks

Xian Qian, Qi Zhang, Yaqian Zhou, Xuanjing Huang, Lide Wu
2010 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing  
Many sequence labeling tasks in NLP require solving a cascade of segmentation and tagging subtasks, such as Chinese POS tagging, named entity recognition, and so on.  ...  In this paper, we present a novel method which integrates graph structures of two subtasks into one using virtual nodes, and performs joint training and decoding in the factorized state space.  ...  Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments.  ... 
dblp:conf/emnlp/QianZZHW10 fatcat:lxnheqwnlrgrdaoqtoaqmk62u4

Joint PoS Tagging and Stemming for Agglutinative Languages [article]

Necva Bölücü, Burcu Can
2017 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we present an unsupervised Bayesian model using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) for joint PoS tagging and stemming for agglutinative languages.  ...  Our results show that joint POS tagging and stemming improves PoS tagging scores. We present results for Turkish and Finnish as agglutinative languages and English as a morphologically poor language.  ...  Acknowledgments This research is supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) with the project number EEEAG-E .  ... 
arXiv:1705.08942v1 fatcat:hauvrqaoobfgbly32rkw6ukuza

Jointly or Separately: Which is Better for Parsing Heterogeneous Dependencies?

Meishan Zhang, Wanxiang Che, Yanqiu Shao, Ting Liu
2014 International Conference on Computational Linguistics  
In this paper, we study how these correlations influence final dependency parsing performances, by proposing a joint model which can make full use of the correlations between heterogeneous dependencies  ...  improved performances for both schemes over the individual models.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Yue Zhang and the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments, and gratefully acknowledge the support of the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China via  ... 
dblp:conf/coling/ZhangCSL14 fatcat:u34k2encfzfuhof4uz4gotsreu

Joint POS Tagging and Transition-based Constituent Parsing in Chinese with Non-local Features

Zhiguo Wang, Nianwen Xue
2014 Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)  
We propose three improvements to address the drawbacks of state-of-the-art transition-based constituent parsers.  ...  First, to resolve the error propagation problem of the traditional pipeline approach, we incorporate POS tagging into the syntactic parsing process.  ...  All opinions expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DARPA.  ... 
doi:10.3115/v1/p14-1069 dblp:conf/acl/WangX14 fatcat:5baqxggkojg4bazfhbrtswj73m
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