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Secure Remote User Authentication Scheme on Health Care, IoT and Cloud Applications: A Multilayer Systematic Survey

Vani Rajasekar, Premalatha Jayapaul, Sathya Krishnamoorthi, Muzafer Saračević
2021 Acta Polytechnica Hungarica  
Although intensive efforts were made in designing remote user authentication scheme for health care, IoT, Multi-server and cloud applications, the majority of these applications suffers either from security  ...  Cloud computing services and a Multi-server environment share data among different end-users through the internet which also needs security as its paramount concern.  ...  [50] identified a secure safe three-factor authentication scheme for a multi-server environment. Yao et al.  ... 
doi:10.12700/aph.18.3.2021.3.5 fatcat:z6m33sofgngg3e4xr2zwfxm5ta

Security Improvement on Biometric-based Three Factors User Authentication Scheme for Multi-Server Environments
멀티서버 환경을 위한 생체정보 기반 삼중 요소 사용자 인증 기법의 안전성 개선

Jongho Moon, Dongho Won
2016 The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers  
s three factors user authentication scheme for multi-server environment, and proposed an enhanced biometric-based remote user authentication scheme.  ...  In the multi-server environment, remote user authentication has a very critical issue because it provides the authorization that enables users to access their resource or services.  ...  s scheme In this section, we review the biometric-based three factors user authentication scheme for multi-server environments by Lin et al.  ... 
doi:10.5370/kiee.2016.65.12.2167 fatcat:nee55eap35gy5bif5fkuvw2ji4


Chintan Patel, Nishant Doshi
2020 figshare.com  
Level Dependent Authentication  ...  Each of the single and multi-server system is categorized either into two factors or three factor schemes.  ...  Lack of Level based Authentication The scheme of Barman et al. is not suitable for the environment where the Multi-level entities are involved.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12958346.v1 fatcat:7df3tffz2zdklljxpxui5ftc4a

A New Approach for Remote User Authentication in a Multi - Server Environment Based on DYNAMIC-ID using SMART-CARD

Shanu Gaharana, Darpan Anand
2016 International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security  
There are so many remote user authentication schemes using smart cards that operate in multi-server environment. But there are some authentication bottlenecks that these schemes suffer from.  ...  Internet and Communication Technologies operates widely in a multi-server environment. Authentication is one of a primary concern in multiserver environment.  ...  Liao & Wang proposed a dynamic Id based remote user authentication scheme for multi server environments [15] where the user's identity changes dynamically in each session and this scheme was claimed  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijcnis.2016.10.06 fatcat:itlcj25wyze4dhbvrvyikjmlty

MyMaster : A Multifactor Authentication Scheme for Smart Home Device

2021 Journal of IT in Asia  
We also incorporate multi factor authentication (MFA) into the model to ensure more security and preventing privacy leakage.  ...  For example, to address these issues and to develop a reciprocal tracking authentication system with a critical aspect of a deal, we recommend an Internet based Smart Home System (IFTTT) model.  ...  This work is carried out as a short-term research-based project.  ... 
doi:10.33736/jita.3856.2021 fatcat:erg452cupvbsrnr76bl7muek4y

Cryptanalysis to a Remote User Authentication Scheme Using Smart Cards for Multi-server Environment [chapter]

Youngsook Lee, Jeeyeon Kim, Dongho Won
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Recently, Hsiang et al. proposed a remote user authentication scheme suited for multi-server environment, in which users can be authenticated anonymously using a smart card.  ...  s scheme does not achieve its fundamental goal of not only any kind of authentication, either server-to-user authentication or user-to-server authentication but also password security.  ...  The authentication phase is carried out whenever a user wants to gain access to each server included in multi-server environment.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21793-7_36 fatcat:ek7k5fqztnhuzcrldddcegfeqa

An efficient dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme using self-certified public keys for multi-server environments

Shudong Li, Xiaobo Wu, Dawei Zhao, Aiping Li, Zhihong Tian, Xiaodong Yang, Hua Wang
2018 PLoS ONE  
Recently, Li et al. proposed a novel smart card and dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments.  ...  To compensate for these shortcomings, we propose a novel dynamic ID-based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments.  ...  scheme for multi-server environments using bilinear pairings.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0202657 fatcat:2pywnxh26fgntl772b4uc6cgeq

Fortification of Transport Layer Security Protocol by using Password and Fingerprint as Identity Authentication Parameters

Kuljeet Kaur, G. Geetha
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Research paper focuses on implementing Password and Fingerprints for mutual authentication in Multi Server environment which will generate an Ideal Password Authentication Scheme and will result in fortification  ...  Whenever there is communication between Client and Server over a public link and resources are to be accessed from remote systems, then proving an identity becomes quiet complex because there is need of  ...  authentication in a multi server environment.  ... 
doi:10.5120/5699-7751 fatcat:wk2vykrlzfhe5iypteetoeusfy

A New Fingerprint Authentication Scheme based on Secret-splitting for Cloud Computing Security [chapter]

Ping Wang, Chih-Chiang, Tzu Chia Wang
2011 Recent Application in Biometrics  
multi-factor authentication schemes.  ...  The scheme has the advantage that all three security factors (the password, the smart card and the biometric data) are examined at the remote server, i.e., the system is a truly three-factor remote authentication  ... 
doi:10.5772/18135 fatcat:wbb4tquj7bbd7eusfw4qplpr7a

Cryptanalysis of Multi-Server Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme Based on Trust Computing Using Smart Cards and Biometrics [article]

Dheerendra Mishra
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Although multi-server authentication schemes introduced a scalable platform such that a user can interact with any server using single registration.  ...  Most of the authentication schemes support single server environment where the user has to register with each server.  ...  The password based authentication schemes provide two-factor remote user authentication while biometrics based user authentication schemes provide three-factor authentication.  ... 
arXiv:1401.4790v1 fatcat:s3zj5ud3brhvnf7vn6aixvkmre

An efficient dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme using self-certified public keys for multi-server environment [article]

Dawei Zhao, Haipeng Peng, Shudong Li, Yixian Yang
2013 arXiv   pre-print
s multi-server authentication scheme and proposed a novel smart card and dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments.  ...  s multi-server authentication scheme which is based on pairing and self-certified public keys, and propose a novel dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments.  ...  s multi-server authentication scheme [27] which is based on pairing and self-certified public keys, and propose a novel dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environments  ... 
arXiv:1305.6350v1 fatcat:mrchtkxbrrc43k5wpkgjzzy6aq

Secure Remote Multi-factor Authentication Scheme Based on Chaotic Map Zero-knowledge proof for Crowdsourcing Internet of Things

Wenzheng Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Wei Peng
2019 IEEE Access  
In this paper, we propose a new secure remote multi-factor authentication scheme that includes three factors: 1) user identity; 2) password; and 3) user biometrics, which are authenticated by the remote  ...  Hence, there are a large number of multi-factor remote authentication and key agreement schemes designed for the application of crowdsourcing IoT.  ...  In this paper, we aim to design a new secure lightweight remote multi-factor authentication scheme for crowdsourcing IoT application, which all authentication factors are authenticated by the remote server  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2962912 fatcat:3xeskbpu7nahlkcn3fprnwfhhm

A biometrics-based multi-server key agreement scheme on chaotic maps cryptosystem

Hongfeng Zhu, Xin Hao, Yifeng Zhang, Man Jiang
2015 Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing  
For a single server environment, if a remote user feels like using a number of network services, it is so complicated and boring to repeatedly register a new identity and password.  ...  To address this problem, numerous multi-server authentication schemes have been proposed.  ...  For a communication, each remote user must perform authentication procedure to login servers. Fig. 1 shows the multi-server environment. 2.2. Chebyshev chaotic maps.  ... 
dblp:journals/jihmsp/ZhuHZJ15 fatcat:u7zj5spyxvcejizgbk4jkvbkze

A Novel Multi-factor Authenticated Key Exchange Scheme With Privacy Preserving

Dexin Yang, Bo Yang
2011 Journal of Internet Services and Information Security  
In this paper, a new multi-factor authenticated key exchange scheme, which combines with biometrics, password and the smart card, is proposed.  ...  This scheme has advantages as multi-factor authentication, privacy preserving and lower communication complexity etc.  ...  The authentication scheme, which combines this three factors, has become a new direction in authentication because these three-factor authentication schemes can overcome some drawbacks compared with traditional  ... 
doi:10.22667/jisis.2011.08.31.044 dblp:journals/jisis/YangY11 fatcat:rklfh2qxkzee7c3q6koqnvbym4

A biometric password-based multi-server authentication scheme with smart card

Dexin Yang, Bo Yang
2010 2010 International Conference On Computer Design and Applications  
In this paper, we point out that 'a novel smart card and dynamic ID based remote user authentication scheme for multi-server environment' is vulnerable to user impersonation attack, server masquerade attack  ...  Therefore, by introducing biometrics as the third authentication factor, we devise an enhanced three-factor based remote authentication with key agreement scheme for multiserver environment.  ...  The authors are grateful to the anonymous referee for a careful checking of the details and for helpful comments that improved this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccda.2010.5541128 fatcat:l6n7bujurzbtbhovgjlz366gya
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