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Table of Contents

2009 2009 First International Workshop on Database Technology and Applications  
A Systematic Study of the Work that Web Mining does in the Technology Opportunities Analysis ............................................................................................................  ...  Technology ...............................................................................................................312 Wenguang Chai Applying Research of Data Mining Technology on the Analysis  ... 
doi:10.1109/dbta.2009.8 fatcat:jmmixz2d5jf2bitecxblcl33mm

Improving the Professional Risk Management System for Methane and Coal Dust Explosions Using a Risk-based Approach

Tatiana Tyuleneva, Evgeny Kabanov, Marat Moldazhanov, Evgeny Plotnikov, S. Zhironkin, S. Vöth, M. Cehlár, J. Janocko, N. Demirel, D. Szurgacz, S. Spearing, L. Sobik
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
This article describes a methodology that will ensure the implementation of the requirements in the field of complex analysis and forecasting of occupational injury risk in methane and dust explosions  ...  The use of a retrospective analysis does not allow us to take into account dangerous factors that have not been detected by the accumulated experience, and this disadvantage can be eliminated by the principles  ...  The use of retrospective analysis does not make it possible to take into account dangerous factors that are not detected by the accumulated experience, which is of great importance for the safety of working  ... 
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202127801027 fatcat:w4cy5vg24zd6vozpafx4msgxii

The Study on the Business Development Prospects Analysis Using Big Data

Hwan-Seok Yang
2016 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering  
In case of Korea it has been estimated that there is a shortage of professional manpower and technology gap with the advanced counties.  ...  A lot of research has been progressed in business and government in order to create new business model using this. The application value of these big data is expanding in various fields.  ...  Related Works The Technology of Big Data The big data can be divided into a collection of data for data analysis, pre-processing and storage, and analysis processing and operating steps.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijmue.2016.11.3.36 fatcat:mccid5tp4bco5g7bzycfnyfsay

Basics of building a risk-management system at mining enterprises

Alena Chupryakova, Petr Kosinsky, Rimma Takhtayeva, S. Vöth, M. Cehlár, J. Janocko, N. Demirel, D. Szurgacz, L. Sobik, Y. Tan, A. Abay
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The results of the studies presented in this paper state that the main risks that the owners of mining enterprises are concerned about are financial risks and operational risks, legal risks, commercial  ...  risks and the risk of fraud, as well as natural, environmental and man-made risks, but a significant part of mining enterprises in the region does not have a well-developed risk management system, does  ...  It is also depressing that a significant part of mining enterprises does not have a welldeveloped risk management system, does not carry out systematic work to identify risks, assess risks and their possible  ... 
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202131504011 fatcat:oyifdxnzpfdbzddoniw6tnakpe

Personal learning environments: A Big Data perspective

Selami Bagriyanik, Adem Karahoca
2017 Global Journal of Computer Sciences Theory and Research  
continuously in this environment.Purpose of Study: Personal Learning Environments enhanced with Big Data analysis opportunities and emerging technologies seem a solution for the aforementioned problem  ...  Although the architecture is promising for the personal learning environments, it needs systematic validation with more data both technologically and andragogically.  ...  Threats: Ethical and privacy challenges, over-engineering, trust Ayala [36] 2014 Educational data mining : A survey and a data mining-based analysis of recent works The study analyses recent EDM studies  ... 
doi:10.18844/gjcs.v6i2.1474 fatcat:sqg3gisppnaznouekbjh4yqm5e

How to Glean Culture from an Evolving Internet: Richard Rogers, Digital Methods

William Thomas
2016 Technology and Culture  
That is beyond the scope of the book. Caveat emptor. Despite all the things that digital methods do not encompass, the concept does capture a diverse set of considerations.  ...  Digital methods are not about using computers and the Internet to analyze and present work; they are about mining the Internet for source material for social scientific and humanistic analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1353/tech.2016.0032 fatcat:kpswk7wkpfgyzjwsedmsu2ctdy

A Comprehensive Survey on Affinity Analysis, Bibliomining, and Technology Mining: Past, Present, and Future Research

Md. Rashadur Rahman, Mohammad Shamsul Arefin, Sanjida Rahman, Afsana Ahmed, Tahsina Islam, Pranab Kumar Dhar, Oh-Jin Kwon
2022 Applied Sciences  
We present a systematic review of the notable research articles in the fields of affinity analysis, bibliomining, and technology mining published between 2000 and December 2021.  ...  Affinity analysis provides data mining techniques to determine the similarity among objects; bibliomining is a combination of data mining, bibliometrics, and data warehousing; technology mining is a research  ...  [29] We selected 29 papers on affinity analysis, 16 papers on bibliomining, and 8 papers on technology mining from various publishers, including IEEE, ACM, ScienceDirect, Springer- Conflicts of Interest  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12105227 fatcat:xe5vqxyizvdc5obyeg4zuiocai

Forecasting Technology Trends through the Gap Between Science and Technology: The Case of Software as an E-Commerce Service

Tugrul Daim, Portland State University, Esraa Bukhari, Dana Bakry, James VanHuis, Haydar Yalcin, Xiaoli Wang, Portland State University, Portland State University, Portland State University, Ege University, Beijing University of Technology
2021 Foresight and STI Governance  
This paper uses text mining techniques along with expert judgment to detect and analyze the near-term technology evolution trends in a Software as a Service (SaaS) case study.  ...  The companies always work to plan for future products and services. For that, it is important to turn to methods that are used for technology forecasting.  ...  Some methods like text mining and patent analysis allow researchers to investigate technological documents and mine for useful information in a systematic way [Madani, Weber, 2016] .  ... 
doi:10.17323/2500-2597.2021.2.12.24 fatcat:raonep2qxzfgznezittvqg4zpm

Web Intelligence (WI) Research Challenges and Trends in the New Information Age [chapter]

Y. Y. Yao, Ning Zhong, Jiming Liu, Setsuo Ohsuga
2001 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We try to explain the needs for coining the term as a sub-discipline of computer science for systematic studies on advanced Web related theories and technologies, as well as the design and implementation  ...  Background information and related topics are discussed in an attempt to demonstrate why we consider WI to be a subject worthy of study and, at the same time, to establish a starting point for the further  ...  Their work shows that the regularities in the Web are interrelated and not artifacts of a particular surfing process.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45490-x_1 fatcat:tnsgpajttvguxgtj77yuqdi5d4

A systematic method for technology assessment: Illustrated for 'Big Data'

Jianhua Liu, Ying Guo, Alan Porter, Ying Huang
2016 2016 Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET)  
In this paper, we present a systematic method for technology assessment, as a part of the suite of tools for Forecasting Innovation Pathways (FIP).  ...  Big Data is studied as the case study. This is on-going research. We are currently on the 2 nd round of stage 2. Technology assessment is a necessary component of FIP.  ...  Acknowledgment: We acknowledge support from the US National Science Foundation (Award  ... 
doi:10.1109/picmet.2016.7806836 fatcat:gwwdhas45fhq5aeglbvz2qelhe

Extending the knowledge base of foresight: The contribution of text mining

Victoria Kayser, Knut Blind
2017 Technological forecasting & social change  
One attempt to access and systematically examine this data is text mining that processes textual data in a largely automated manner.  ...  Summarized, using text mining enhances the detection and examination of emerging topics and technologies by extending the knowledge base of foresight.  ...  My thesis profited a lot from the opportunity to present at conferences, the CiF Colloquium, and the Summer Schools I attended. Thanks for the feedback and comments I received.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2016.10.017 fatcat:mbhe3zr4wjcb7ina2oxav6xa7y

Opportunities for Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Evidence Based Medicine

Omar El-Gayar, Prem Timsina
2014 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Each year, a significant number of research studies (potentially serving as evidence) are reported in the literature at an ever-increasing rate outpacing the translation of research findings into practice  ...  Evidence based medicine (EBM) is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients.  ...  In that regard, IBM Watson [40] use proprietary DeepQA technology to generate evidence by retrospective analysis of existing data as well as data from perspective studies.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2014.100 dblp:conf/hicss/El-GayarT14 fatcat:mqakme23vvg4jd2or7rosjaqsu

Quantitative risk assessment and safety databases in Romanian coal mining: preliminary systematic approach

Gabriel - Victor Vasilescu, Roland Iosif Moraru, Gabriel Bujor Bǎbuţ, G.A. Găman
2022 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The block diagram describing the conceptual structure of a database on failures, safety of equipment and workers in the mining industry was developed.  ...  of quantitative risk analysis and the development of a realistic database could be considered as a resilience business strategy and conversion of available knowledge into management actions.  ...  Building a reliable database in the mining industry can also provide an opportunity to create a set of best practices, formalized document templates to facilitate faster adoption of quantitative risk analysis  ... 
doi:10.1051/matecconf/202235400002 fatcat:lziyrtbnknbknpxdoboyv4u6ra

A systematic review of association rules in project management: opportunities for hybrid models

Michael Jordan Bianchi, Daniel Capaldo Amaral
2020 Product Management & Development  
Through a systematic literature review, ten studies were found proposing the use of association rules in project management.  ...  This study identified the state of the art on the use of association rules in project management, identifying opportunities for research.  ...  Future research can study the use of data mining for each of the mentioned problems, opening up new research opportunities.  ... 
doi:10.4322/pmd.2020.033 fatcat:7hk2pz5nxjhyxjx77fumdmyy5a

Exploring Software Security Test Generation Techniques: Challenges and Opportunities

Mamdouh Alenezi, Mohammed Akour, Hamid Abdul Basit
2021 International Journal of Education and Information Technologies  
The techniques are summarized and presented briefly to covers all researches work that has been done in the targeted classification.  ...  Although the paper intends to provide a comprehensive view of the research in test case generation, there was a noticeable lack in the test case generation from the security perspectives  ...  The authors used test case generation to enhance dynamic specification mining. It is claimed that this work is the first work towards a combination of a systematic test case and typestate mining.  ... 
doi:10.46300/9109.2021.15.11 fatcat:jfrdf2fi4zdo7mv7jbz5hot3aa
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